The troops should support congress by sending them home

They may not know anything about war or the military (or much else for that matter), but give congress credit. They are second to none when it comes to spouting nonsensical gibberish. For those on the anti-war left, their gibberish might be an exception to this rule, only because venomous malicious gibberish is more pernicious than uninformed insincere pandering gibberish. The latest bout of this idiocy comes in the form of those who want to support the troops by bringing them home.

Scared to death of repeating the Vietnam mistake of being seen as anti-military, which they are, they have decided to support the troops without actually listening to what the troops say is support.

Imagine if parents today said “Our children are away at college. I worry for their safety. Let’s have them drop out of school so they can be safe at home.”

We just tragically lost 9 South Carolina Firefighters. Imagine if their heroism was tarnished by people saying “These jobs are too dangerous. Bring all the firefighters, police and emergency medical technicians home so they will be safe. It is too dangerous saving lives, they need to retire and work desk jobs.”

Imagine if we told astronauts after the Space Shuttle Tragedy in 1986 that space exploration was dangerous, and that we should just cancel space exploration altogether.

Yet some claim to want to support the troops by undermining the mission that they believe in. War is hell, but anyone who thinks violence does not solve problems should remember that War made America independent, ended slavery, defeated Hitler, and kicked Saddam’s @ss all the way to his deserved hanging.

Instead of those projecting their fears onto the troops, how about asking the troops what they want? Although most of them repeatedly emphasize that they believe in what they are doing, those on the far left insist that these men are scared to speak freely do to military code. Folks, people who are willing to crawl in a foxhole, and storm an enemy compound, and risk death every moment they are alive, are not scared of speaking their mind. They exercise politeness, which their critics could learn about.

There is a solution. Congress has an approval rating of approximately negative 5%. If it is acceptable to the soldiers who are tired of civilians micromanaging the war and trying to slow bleed the troops they claim to support, why don’t we just send congress home?

Think about it. These individuals work 32 weeks a year, 3 days a week. It is not even a full 3 days, more like late Tuesday through early Thursday. Assuming they work a long Wednesday, I will be overwhelmingly generous and call it 3 days. This means they work 96 days a year. Some would say that their meetings with their home constituents is real work, but I sometimes sit in meetings all day, and most people who sit in meetings are not actually getting things done. Besides, so many in congress have safe seats, so are they really listening? Fundraising is not listening.

Why should the troops have to put up with nonsense from overglorified panhandlers? The rubber chicken circuit may not be glamorous, but let’s see these prima donnas survive on the chipped beef in a shingle my dad says they used to serve, which the soldiers ate without complaint.

How do we know the soldiers do not support the anti-war left? Simple. The 2004 election was a referendum on the Iraq War, and 75% of soldiers voted with the President. Sure, some of them simply did not want to change horses in midstream, but for many, it was a choice between someone who supported the troops, and another, despite being in the military and serving, who accused soldiers of cutting off ears and limbs, and razing the country side in a manner reminiscent of Ghengis Khan (Or Jengis Khan, for those of you who speak Brahmin Elitist). Maybe they could have defeated Saddam with spitballs, but I would not want to chance that.

The troops may not be conservative republicans, and yes, they have frustrations with the current administration, but make no mistake about it. They have a job to do. They do it well. They believe in what they are doing. All they ask of us is to support them. This means no wobbling, no wavering, no weakening.

If the troops tell me the war is lost and that they want to come home, I will be the first one  to support them. They miss their families. They are human beings. They want to sleep in late, watch television, have sex, and have fun like the rest of us. The difference is they have discipline. They will win this war because they are too disciplined to fail. The only way they could lose is if Harry Reid and his pathetic ilk lose this war.

When Harry Reid criticizes General Petraeus and says the war is lost, while admitting he is not over there and the General is, he can be dismissed as an ignoramus. However, if they actually take actions to lose this war, such as denying the troops funding, they will be considered something bordering on treasonous.

It would be like trying to repossess a car while the driver is making a left turn. Thugs may do that, but civilized individuals are more deliberate, if not in thought, then in action.

I have not seen a more useless bunch of people. By spending much of their difficult 20 hour work week passing non-binding resolutions about nothing, they have not talked so much and accomplished so little since baseball players went on strike in 1994. Congress should just go on strike, cancel the legislative session, and go home. You don’t deserve an office or a desk unless you plan to actually do real work.

Dissent is vital to the health of our nation. Many people are against this war, and want it ended now. All I ask of them is one simple thing. Talk to the troops. More importantly, listen to them. People with boots on the ground are too busy fighting terrorists (not insurgents, terrorists) to deal with anti-war clowns. Therefore, supporters of the war effort need to verbally take the steel toes on their own boots and stick them up the hides of these anti-war protesters and explain to them that they are uninformed. Military supporters are large in numbers, but the anti-war protesters scream louder.

Protesters claim to support the troops, while blaming the entire military for isolated aberrations at Abu Gharaib and Haditha.  These events were summer camp fraternity pranks compared to the routine beheadings that our enemies engage in, perhaps because they did not get the polite memos the protesters left them about the Geneva Convention and love trains. That would be like me blaming every leftist protester for being a hateful wack job only because 95% of them are. I confess, a tad unfair to the other 5%.

I support the troops, and I support their mission. It was right then, it is right now, and the history books will show that the world will be a better place because of what these brave military personnel are doing today.

Congress will fully fund and support the troops for as long as necessary. If the leadership, and the presidential candidates dare to deviate from this, they will be sent home, hopefully never to return.

Perhaps we can send them to Guantanamo Bay. Then they will see why the soldiers keep fighting until the job is done.

May God Bless Military personnel and their families everywhere. When you are ready, I will be happy to welcome you home.


6 Responses to “The troops should support congress by sending them home”

  1. Jhondie says:

    Nice blog. We are like minds, except for the whole disbanding congress thing. I have to tell you though, I don’t think that Abu Ghraib thing is gonna fly over too well with Iraqis. Its a very sencitive subject. These people are big on honor and revenge. Even people in the military are ashamed of what happened there. We have many new rules because of that incident. We ( the troops) do want to go home, but only after our job is done, it actually is discouraging to think that the people back home would have us abandon the Iraqis.

    check out this site:
    my favorite blogs would have to be Days of my life, 24 steps to liberty, and you already found chikitatita’s blog.

  2. deaconblue says:

    If only it were so. The problem here is that just like “experts,” you can find someone who will spout off exactly what you want them to. Our service men and women are not immune to this phenomena. If only we could get the thoughts and opinions of those not ideologically or politically motivated out there, I think that they would sway a lot of public opinion about the war. They could tell of all the non-horrific things that have been done in Iraq since the ousting of So-damn Insane. The problem here is that so much of it is intangible. How do you make a good 30 second sound byte about giving people control of their own lives? Or how do you show people learning a whole new political system in a single image? You don’t, so it never appears on TV or in print, because it won;t grab your attention, it won’t draw in viewers or readers.

  3. […] at Tygrrrr Express has a thoughts on that “civilian control” along with a novel idea: There is a solution. […]

  4. David M says:

    Trackbacked by The Thunder Run – Web Reconnaissance for 06/21/2007
    A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  5. […] that the troops should support Congress with a swift kick to the end of the unemployment line. (The Tygrrr Express) Scared to death of repeating the Vietnam mistake of being seen as anti-military, which they are, […]

  6. FIAR says:

    Great post!

    OUTSTANDING headline.

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