Ideological Bigotry Part VII–Liberals acting like liberals

For those of you who are either in denial, or are simply uneducated, there was a real evil committed in 1940s Germany. It is known as the Holocaust. Nobody anywhere on this Earth at any time has ever come close to experiencing what the Jewish people who went through the Holocaust experienced. Nobody.

Slavery does not compare. The American Indians have no idea. Gay people wanting to get married? Absolutely not. Animals in labs? Are you kidding me? Trees? Get out of the room. There is nothing that any people on Earth anywhere have experienced in terms of brutality, length, and pure hatred.

Yet despite this undisputed fact from anybody who views history honestly, there are those that want to compare Americans who are not German, have never been to Germany, and who have never had a conflict with a Jewish individual, to the Germans in the 1940s that supported Adolf Hitler. It is bad enough that they are infecting society. Now they are infecting the blogosphere.

I have tried to convince the Jewish community to stop being liberal, because at some point they have to realize that most people that despise republicans also despise Jews. I found several websites comparing republicans and conservatives to Nazis. I have deactivated the links so that they do not get any more attention.

For rabid antisemitism, the website “Dandelion Salad” knows no bounds. Below is one sample of rancid filth.

“These Bush supporters have morphed the Republican Party into the Brownshirt Party.

Elsewhere on earth and especially among Muslims, the suspicion is rife that the reason the war against Iraq cannot end, and the reason Iran and Syria must be attacked, is that the US must destroy all Muslim opposition to Israel’s theft of Palestine, turning an entire people into refugees driven from their homes and from the lands on which they have lived for many centuries. Americans might think that they are merely grabbing control over oil, keeping it out of the hands of terrorists, but that is not the way the rest of the world views the conflict.”

The brownshirt party? Are you kidding me? Outside of Al Gore, I do not know anybody that would dare compare republicans to Nazis with such brazenness. Israel stole Palestine? If a Palestinian strapped a bomb to this blogger and detonated it in Israel, this blogger would blame the Jews for angering the Palestinian that supplied the dynamite.

Dandelion Salad spreads viciousness and blood libel, but at least does not try to infect my blog. Southern Voice began visiting my blog until I banned them.


August 15th, 2007 southernvoice . wordpress

(This is the most frightening article) I have yet read about the precarious situation the United States finds itself in. The Zionists who have taken over our White House and the financial elites that control our government are dismantling America step by step.”

If Zionists truly controlled this world, this blogger would cease to exist. They would be under the 17th hole that is the 50,000 hole golf course known as Syria. The fact that such venom and evil is allowed to be spread on a daily basis is proof that Jews do not control anything. The Zionists have taken over the White House. So I guess that means that President Bush is hated simply for objecting to the murder of innocent Jews by homicidal Palestinian lunatics. How awful of him.

The third one is a person I am having trouble trying to figure out. I think they are less evil than misguided. Their website is grrace.wordpress.

“GREAT – just what Texas needed: Karl “Bush’s Brain/Turd Blossom” Rove is leaving DC and “moving on down the road” (more like sliding down the slippery slope in eel-like fashion) to Texas. Couldn’t he just join Tom “The Hammer” DeLay in whatever conservative concentration camp he disappeared to?”

Conservative concentration camp? Tom Delay and Karl Rove never tried to murder my flesh and blood. I wrote an email to the author and explained to them that I detested such an awful phrasing. They then replied as follows.

That’s funny you should be offended by “conservative concentration camp” – I got the concept from a friend of mine who’s also a descendant of Holocaust victims/survivors, who served in the Israeli army (as did the rest of his family, who are still there), and who’s a social justice lawyer. Since he’s ok with it, I’m ok with it.

That is the “some of my best friends are Jews” argument. More importantly, the person cites a social justice lawyer as their source. Folks, social justice lawyers are liberal Jews. These are the people that Palestinians hire to defend them in American courtrooms. These people will defend anybody. They are self-hating, self-loathing weaklings who think that if they love everybody, then they will escape the hatred directed towards them. It did not work in 1940, and it will not work today. As long as you despise President Bush, these people will love you. Then this excuse monger continued.

“as an American of Filipino heritage whose family suffered under the Axis powers in the Philippines during WWII (and whose friends suffered in internment camps in the U.S.), as well as being a member/volunteer for many social justice advocacy groups, including the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center,”

The ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center would never approve of such horrible language, and they are hypertolerant. Heck, using this logic, I should have the right to commit domestic violence and sexual assault provided that I then volunteer at a rape crisis center. I can run over animals with my car for sport provided I then take them to the appropriate shelter or veterinarian.

“*sigh* Dear Eric, you seem to have a good sense of humor. I like to think I have one, too. So why don’t we just lighten up and celebrate our Right to Free Speech by letting each other blog whatever the hell we want? And you can continue being a cheeky Libertarian and I can continue being a cheeky Progressive – and we can peacefully coexist in the true democracy of the World Wide Web – without getting crushed into “Politically Correct” road kill. At least, that’s my American dream. Thanks.”

M y American dream is that those that are ignorant learn to change their ways, and those that refuse to change are bloodied to death violently. My other American dream is that liberal Jews have that cranial-glutial extraction surgery that I keep talking about, and stop embracing those that hate their guts.

Underboss.wordpress offers more delightful hatred.

Take Action: Oppose $30 Billion in Military Aid Package to Israel

End Occupation

“Military power is required for Israel to maintain its occupation of the Palestinian territories, implemented through a system of expanding settlements, checkpoints and closure. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that the US is funding and supplying the Israeli government’s occupation of the Palestinian territories, as without financial subsidies from the US, the Israeli government would have found it considerably more difficult to sustain its military occupation of the Palestinian territories for the past thirty-four years.”

I would like to thank Holocaust denying, suicide bombing loving people everywhere to enjoy their right to free hate speech. The Palestinians have a rich 50 year history of genocidal lunacy, and their protesting of the Bush administration is a direct result of the President’s stubborn refusal to support animal barbarism over civilized humanity. 

Conservatives are from perfect, but we do not compare President Bush to Adolf Hitler. I personal have seen some conservative bloggers refer to Hillary as “Hitlery.” I told them that this was inappropriate, and beneath conservatives.

Some liberals get angry (so what, they are always angry) that I try to lump all liberals in with this ideological bigotry and filth. They don’t say it, but they condone it. They do not stop it. They do not speak up. As long as somebody hates republicans, conservatives, and George W. Bush in particular, the antisemitism gets a free pass.

Never again. I will crush every ideological bigot, and I will shame those that tacitly support them through a wink and a nod. Those that do not heed my words will understand that when they come for the liberal Jews, there will be nobody willing to speak up.

Maybe they just cannot stop. Maybe it is in their blood. Maybe I should just give up, throw my hand sin the air, and say, “These are liberals. This is what they do. This is how they behave. They cannot and will not ever change.”

I am a fighter. I remain emboldened. I will not give up or give in. Liberals need to simply stop acting like liberals. Be somebody else…anybody else. Despise the Islamofacists who murder us, not the politicians trying to save decent lives.



No Responses to “Ideological Bigotry Part VII–Liberals acting like liberals”

  1. spree says:

    Voted on RCP. Well done and so comprehensive!

  2. underboss says:

    Great – but why delete my comments?

  3. micky2 says:

    Blacktygrrrr said;
    “They don’t say it, but they condone it. They do not stop it. They do not speak up.”

    And I agree with you 100%.

    This is very similar to lying by omission of the truth. Just not saying it or ignoring it is a passive aggressive act.
    The liberals are always pounding the free speech drum.
    But when Arclightzero and I went to liberal site and said that the ideal enviroment for a child was to be raised by mother and father instead of two gays, we were called bigots about 7 times. Even though we praised gays for providing excellent loving homes for kids that would otherwise be in orphanages.

  4. Peewee says:

    My grandfather got on a boat and illegally immigrated to America while those who stayed behind died in concentration camps. He was not Jewish. Can you guess what ethnicity he was?

  5. Peewee says:

    The point I’m trying to make is … not to minimize the Holocaust at all, but just to tell you that there are a lot of possible correct answers to my question, because a lot of people other than Jews have had their own Holocausts in recent history. I’m not meaning to sound insensitive, any more than you were in your main post.

  6. viciemonkey says:

    With regards to the Holocaust, nothing should be compared to that because there is nothing that can or could be compared to that. It was and continues to be one example of pure evil and blind rightousness in the history of humanity.

  7. micky2 says:

    One more thing said,

    We can do that in this country, so dont waste your time and go post over at the daily kaos where they’ll post garbage.

  8. micky2 says:


    Was your grandfather Cuban ? Really it doesnt matter and its good to hear from you again.
    But I gotta tell you. It’s not so much the word”Holocaust” as it is the reasons it happened and the manner in which it was carried out.
    There have been atrocities across the globe for centuries, but they all pale to the fallout from WWII.

  9. marcel says:

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    I post your letter for you!

  10. No man can be a patriot on an empty stomach. — W. C. Brann

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