Jesse Jackson lies, Bill O’Reilly cries

Jesse Jackson threw punches at Bill O’Reilly, and O’Reilly thanked him for it and asked for more. A steel crowbar was needed to pry O’Reilly’s lips from Jackson’s rump.

I am disappointed because I like Bill O’Reilly. I find him tough, but fair. Some say he is off-putting, but being gracious does not work in trying to corner people trying to obfuscate issues. The “No Spin Zone” is about him being a b.s. detector and cutting through it.

Yet something happened that turned the bulldog into a puppy. Bill O’Reilly was accused of racism. Because he is, contrary to what democrats running for president preach, an actual human being with feelings and emotions, he was stung by these charges. He was right not to ignore them. Silence is acquiescence, and charges of racism, if they are false, must be swiftly and sharply rebutted.

Bill O’Reilly started out well, and had a dialogue with Juan Williams that should be the gold standard for improved racial dialogue and healing. Yet because Juan Williams is reasonable, meaning he does not despise conservatives for existing, he is seen as an Uncle Tom. Bill O’Reilly then made the disastrous decision to have Jesse Jackson on his show.

Bill O’Reilly is not a guilty white liberal, but he blinked. I will not. So let me say what nobody besides Bernie Goldberg has the guts to say.

The reason why there are episodes of racial tension in America today is because there are powerful people in this country that do not want racial healing. They want divisions, because division is the heart of their economic and political power bases. They are parasites feeding off the misery and suffering of others. Two main racial parasites in America are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

I have done more to help black America than these two thugs, and I have done virtually nothing. A lack of a positive contribution is neutral, while detracting from the process and making things worse is…well, Jackson and Sharpton.

People turn to rabble rousers when they feel they have no hope, and that the system is rigged against them. The rabble rousers then reinforce this fallacy, entrenching their own power. After all, tire and battery companies have products that could last forever, but they do not wish to put themselves out of business. The same is true with racial hustlers. If black America were to see a positive vision of overall America, Jackson and Sharpton would be finished. True, they would have successful careers selling stocks, encyclopedias or vacuums, but they would be finished as racial demagogues.

Let me do what Bill O’Reilly failed to do. I will dispel some myths.

The first racial myth is that white America, especially white conservatives, have no right to comment on black America. For those who feel this way, screw you, I can, and I will. There. That was easy. Some people consider white conservatives and racists to be exactly the same thing. The people who express this are the true racists. It is not possible to have a dialogue when people do not acknowledge that others have a right to be in the debate.

True, there are people that are not entitled to be part of the debate. David Duke is not entitled to debate racial issues. He lost his credibility when he joined the Ku Klux Klan. Al Sharpton should not be part of the debate, due to his falsely accusing white cop Steven Pagones of raping Tawana Brawley, having been convicted of this falsehood, and refusing to apologize for it and pay the money Pagones won in the defamation suit. Jesse Jackson is disqualified from the debate due to his hostility over the years towards other communities, mainly Jews and Koreans. Al Sharpton also is guilty of this discrimination as well. So if they are disqualified, what happens next?

After isolating racists such as Jesse, Duke and the Sharptongue (I think my parents bought their album back in 1957), both sides agree to only let decent people speak. Yes that is subjective, but otherwise we let everyone speak, and that brings us back to Duke. This may fly at poison ivy league universities, but in the real world is counterproductive.

Black America could listen to black conservatives such as Armstrong Williams, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly, etc. Many blacks see these people as not being “authentically black.” This is nuts. Is it wrong to judge a man’s race by the color of his skin? No. Race is skin color. It is different shades of pigmentation.

Some blacks argue that since blacks vote with democrats 90% of the time, even acknowledging that black conservatives are actually black does not give them speaking rights because they do not represent how most blacks feel on issues. I can understand that. However, when reasonable black liberals such as Juan Williams dare to treat conservatives as legitimate voices of opposition, rather than hatemongers, Williams is then treated like a “white lapdog.” Juan Williams is a bona fide liberal who respects conservatives. That is the whole point to dialogue and understanding through respect.

More importantly than who speaks is what is spoken. In this case, everything serious has to be on the table, unless it is something that is either disproved by evidence or beyond reasonable discussion. Denying the Holocaust or favoring lynching are beyond debate.

Here is my opinion, which is just as valid as any other opinion, since I am part of the 90+% of Americans that are not Duke, Sharpton or Jackson.

70% of black children are born into homes without the mother being married to the father. This is not due to poverty, or white racism. It was not conservatives that started this problem. Guilty white liberals, always happy to engage in the soft bigotry of low expectations, promoted a welfare system that trapped blacks in a cycle of dependency and despair. Guilty white liberals call this despair compassion.

I am not for getting rid of welfare. It is necessary. Yet people need hope. Welfare reform in 1996 was a success. Those who fought welfare reform did not attack it based on policy. They simply called the proponents racists.

In a debate on affirmative action, Armstrong Williams told Bob Beckel, “I don’t need your help. I am not inferior.” Unlike many conservatives, I am not sure we should get rid of affirmative action because I believe racism still exists. However, it should be noted that three areas in life where black America has thrived are professional sports, sales and the military. These careers are based on merit. Yet even the NFL, which is normally on the cutting edge socially, needed an affirmative action program to force teams to interview minority coaching prospects. The league has absolutely benefited from this.

Some white Americans are so afraid of being called racist that in some cases they refuse to criticize any minority for doing a bad job at work. David Dinkins is a kind, decent, thoughtful man. He also did a lousy job as mayor of New York City. He lost his reelection bid. Ray Rhodes did not do a good job as head coach of the Green Bay Packers. He was fired. Spike Lee makes terrible movies. He is beyond overrated, and “Do the Right Thing” was boring. Nothing happened until the last five minutes.

Now many Americans black and white disagree with my opinions, but I have the right to express them without being seen as a racist. Others can then ask me to defend my opinions, and I would be prepared to do so. I think Dennis Green is an excellent coach, and of course Tony Dungy is fabulous. Tom Bradley successfully brought the 1984 Olympics to Los Angeles. Morgan Freeman is an outstanding actor. That is not a defense of my criticism of the others, but it is an inoculation that I think no blacks at all are up to snuff. If I did feel that way, I would be racist.

Keeping with the football theme, I think Tyrone Willingham got screwed at Notre Dame, and Charlie Weis has not earned a 10 year contract extension. Norv Turner has repeatedly lost, and there are plenty of black assistant coaches that would have been a better choice than him to be a head coach again.

The main problem is that I am on the verge of making the same mistake Bill O’Reilly and others make. I am trying to prove I am not a racist. This brings me to the key issue.

I do not have to prove I am not a racist. The accusers have to prove that I am. I am automatically, unless my history shows otherwise, given the benefit of the doubt.

Television cartoon South Park did what Bill O’Reilly did not. South Park dealt with the issue of a white person accidentally using the n-word. In order to apologize, he meets Jesse Jackson and literally kisses his rump. The boy’s son then goes to his black friend, and announces that they are ok. The black boy says, “You don’t get it.” Yes, this is a cartoon, but it is brilliantly expressed. To think that a seal of approval from Jesse Jackson means anything is nonsense. In the end, the white kid basically says to the black kid, “I don’t get it. I don’t get how using that word hurts you. I have not walked in your shoes, and cannot understand how you feel about this.” The black kid smiles and says, “Now you get it.” They resume their friendship.

Children do not know how to hate. They have to be taught. They learn from people like Duke, Sharpton and Jackson.

The solution is to learn from sensible people. Another South Park episode had a white kid hitting a back kid with a rock, giving the black kid a bump on his forehead. Yes, he needed to be punished, but he was arrested and accused of a hate crime. It took the black kid’s father to explain that he did not think it was a hate crime, and that grounding the white kid would be sufficient.

This does not mean we let violence continue unabated. Far from it. However, if we do not apply common sense to the law for all people, everyone gets resentful.

Dialogue means upsetting people. O.J. Simpson was acquitted. I respect the rule of law. However, it was idiotic that black America celebrated and white America complained. The jury rendered a verdict, and that was it.

Now before black America starts embracing me, Rodney King was a criminal. He led the police on a high speed chased while hopped up on illegal drugs. Of the four police officers, I felt that Theo Briseno absolutely should have been acquitted, Timothy Wind was borderline, and that Koon and Powell crossed the line. In the second trial, the jury got it right. I felt two of the cops were wrong, and the other two were not wrong.

Again, people will not know this if they just judge me as a white conservative and discount me off the bat.

So how do I avoid getting rolled like Bill O’Reilly? I simply forcefully reject accusations of racism, which he initially did. Then I refuse to engage criminals in dialogue. O’Reilly was so tough when he was venting to Bernie Goldberg against Jane Hull. Yet he was a church mouse against Jesse Jackson.

One thing Jesse Jackson said that was accurate was that Bill Cosby gets away with speaking because he is universally loved. No sane person would accuse him of being a front man for the KKK. He has credibility with white and back America. He was for a long time “America’s Father.”

White America needs to debate men like Juan Williams and Bill Cosby, and ignore the racial hustlers. To maintain credibility, white America must loudly and swiftly condemn actual white racism. White America must demand that black America condemn black racism. Establishing credibility is the key to trust. Trust leads to amazing breakthroughs.

Rumpus kissing does not. I understand that Bill O’Reilly was hurt. However, he had nothing to apologize for. His remarks on race were taken out of context. He was right to condemn those who questioned what was in his heart. He should then have refused to sit down with those who wish him harm.

Jesse Jackson lied, and Bill O’Reilly cried. He begged and pleaded for Jesse Jackson to come to his defense, and Jesse would not do it. Bill O’Reilly has referred to many people as “pinheads.” He should have used that term with Jesse Jackson, and been done with it.

I hope Bill O’Reilly learns that trying to appease your sworn enemies is like trying to appease terrorists. Jesse Jackson is a verbal bombthrower, and Bill O’Reilly proved that diplomacy with those who want war against you is as effective as Neville Chamberlain appeasing 1930s Germany.

Jackson is a shark, and he smelled blood in the form of weakness. O’Reilly surrendered.

The solution is for me to reaffirm Bernie Goldberg’s battering ram approach in my own tough as nails words.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are wastes of space. They are black racists. I want racial healing in America, and will never consider them a legitimate source for dialogue until they renounce everything that makes them the disgusting filth that they are. I will continue to condemn them and David Duke.

I will say what I think is wrong with black and white America, and I will never allow malice to enter my heart. If somebody calls me a racist, I will skewer them, and if a true racist crosses the line, I will skewer them even more.

I will go to my grave knowing I did everything I could to love all the good people in this world. I will also never give in to a smear against my good name.

Buck up Mr. O’Reilly. With regards to Sharpton and Jackson, stop kissing their hides and start royally kicking their hides.

The solution to combatting racism is not dialogue with racists. The solution is honest, open, and unlimited dialogue between people who disagree on solutions but agree that they despise all racism, anti-semitism and group hatred in any shape or form.


34 Responses to “Jesse Jackson lies, Bill O’Reilly cries”

  1. Todd Anthony says:

    Eric: GREAT ARTICLE!!!!

    Very well said…I just voted for your article.


  2. […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptHe was fired. Spike Lee makes terrible movies. He is beyond overrated, and “Do the Right Thing” was boring. Nothing happened until the last five minutes. Now many Americans black and white disagree with my opinions, but I have the right … […]

  3. Nelson says:

    “I am disappointed because I like Bill O’Reilly. I find him tough, but fair. Some say he is off-putting, but being gracious does not work in trying to corner people trying to obfuscate issues. The “No Spin Zone” is about him being a b.s. detector and cutting through it.”

    You lost me right about here.

    There is nothing and I mean nothing “fair” about him. I’m even a conservative but I don’t like people putting on a fake front like he does. I don’t believe him and all I hear is spin from him.

    I wish there truly was one analyst who has a neutral mind. It’s the only thing that’s going to put this country back together. I can’t stand how the country is divided now.

    O’Reilly and believe it or not Limbaugh too don’t help matters.

    Time to get together.

    I await the hate.

  4. Thank You very much for your opinions on this fantastic subject. I agree 100%. What if we had a “White Miss America Pagent” or college funds for “Whites” only, they would be throwing in that racial card. The thing of it is, no one talks about how some blacks are prejudice against their own race because of lighter or darker pigment, or how they seem to be prejudice against whites that did nothing what so ever to them, it was ancestors, and a way of life at that time in history….history being the key word. They still throw that racial card at every turn. Sharptongue, and Jackson just ride on the backs of turmoil and greif, you are right on the money with that. Sharptongue carries a collapsible podium with him at all times. It is really a pity that people as these are given coverage at all. Dr. Phil had a whole show with Sharpton and others from Jena, parents, clergy etc. Dr. Phil asked Sharpton why he had not posted bail for the one in jail, Sharpton was at a loss for words, this aired 9-28-07 well worth the attention. Again, thank you for not side stepping and viewoing your opinion. It should not be “White Power” or “Black Power” it should be “RED WHITE AND BLUE POWER”

  5. hueguenot says:

    Excellent, and the last paragraph was a great summation.

  6. mike volpe says:

    I have to disagree. I watched the same segment and O’Reilly challenged him on every piece. O’Reilly pointed out that the problems in the black community come down to 70% out of wed lock babies. Jackson countered with his usual blame the white person rhetoric but I don’t believe that O’Reilly backed down. He was respectful so what. What did want him to do, scream at the top of his lungs you are wrong. He made his point. Jackson made his point, and as O’Reilly says, let the audience decide.

  7. Jersey McJones says:

    Eric said, “Yet because Juan Williams is reasonable, meaning he does not despise conservatives for existing, he is seen as an Uncle Tom.”

    Maybe to some, but I would imagine very few. Juan Williams also happens to be a respected, veteran political correspondent for NPR. He was on with Brian Lamb this morning, and the this topic came up, and he mentioned that it really wasn’t a problem for him. He also said that while Fox is a blatantly and unabashedly Rightwing network, NPR was in fact neither liberal nor conservative.

    Like I told someone today, “Fox is junk news. NPR is real news.”

    Eric said, “Two main racial parasites in America are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.”

    I know what you meant by this, but I would put it another way – you believe that if we simply ignore something, or talk it up, so to speak, that somehow that something will simply go away, or improve. This is a common belief among conservatives. It’s the “negative naybob” agrument.

    Conservatives believe that if simply speak well of the war, we will win it. If we simply speak well of the economy, it will not recede. If we simply speak well of race relations, they will somehow improve. Meanwhile, history demonstrates exactly and completely the opposite. History shows us that if we fail address real problems for what they are, they will get worse. We ignored the S&L’s, they collapsed. We ignored the Sub-Prime lending, it’s collapsed. We ignored the “iraational exuberance” of the Tech bubble, it burst. We talked up the war in Iraq, it’s failed. We talked up the war on drugs, it’s failed. We talked up the privatization of services, they’ve all failed. Just shutting up or talking up accomplishes nothing. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are not parasites – they are motivators. Parasites leech. Motivators create.

    Bill O’Rielly brings this on himself. He’s a windbag and a bully and a liar. His education and experience only serve to show that all he does is “spin.” He panders to cranky old coots, and kicks people when they’re down. He may not be a racist, but when people get the chance to kick the bully, they take it. It’s fun to kick a bully, even if he really doesn’t deserve it for any particular thing, he does deserve it in general.


  8. micky2 says:

    Bill O’Reilly kicks ass.
    In one show he pulls in more viewers than all others in and out of the same time slot combined. FOR A DECADE. AS much as these moonbats dont like him, it really doesnt matter one bit. The Garafolos, Frankens and other potty mouth idiots will come and go. ( or have)
    Success is in the eyes of the beholders.

  9. Jersey McJones says:

    MTV, American Idol, rap music and Howard Stern pull in big audiences too, Micky. Porn constitutes more than half of all internet profits, last I looked. Movies that feature cannibalistic perverts make a fortune. I was watching the congressional hearings on the hip hop record industry today, and one of the congressmen asked a particular rapper “It all boils down to the almighty dollar, right?,” and the rapper recoiled. If success is making a fortune from the lowest common denominator, then God bless the Snake Oil Salesman.


  10. illa morales says:

    Hey Jersey,
    Have you checked out “the real news” on you tube.

    I love it, just as much as NPR, and thought you might too!!

    “He may not be a racist, but when people get the chance to kick the bully, they take it. It’s fun to kick a bully, even if he really doesn’t deserve it for any particular thing, he does deserve it in general.”

    totally agree and if he could speak to people in a more calm manner without the abusive, condescending, name calling and labeling perhaps I could listen for more than 5 minutes. i have nothing against either side and feel everyone is entitled to their opinions, and not trying to change anyone’s thoughts. Unfortunately some, on both sides, have terrible delivery skills.

    I find O’Reilly thinks he’s winning, if he’s louder and dominates the conversation. The immature name calling, shuts me down in particular. I believe non-hatred civility is not in his game plan. He sounds to me like he needs to get out more and experience life. Never had a dinner at a ethnic restaurant in his life, poor thing hasn’t lived and is in shock of the new and different. Expansion of his horizons will only lead to growth. Differences were meant to enrich not separate.

    “The solution is honest, open, and unlimited dialogue between people who disagree on solutions but agree that they despise all racism, anti-semitism and group hatred in any shape or form. I will go to my grave knowing I did everything I could to love all the good people in this world. I will also never give in to a smear against my good name.”

    Totally agree on these points Eric, but no one can smear your good name. People are entitled to their opinions but this doesn’t change who you are, as a person. You have integrity even though I disagree on most points, i still enjoy your thoughts and creative deliveries very much. Keep going Sir….

  11. micky2 says:

    Thats not Bills competition JMJ. Hands down no arguement about it.
    You’re entitled not to like him.
    Weak comparison, way off the mark.
    Besides that I really wasnt talking to you, you’re too predictable already

  12. GunnyG says:


    GREAT point on how Bill appeals to the FREE market and scumbags like garafalo, franken, and other mooks on Err America could not compete, even AFTER they looted 850K from a child’s charity fund.


    You are a wordsmith!

    One, Frank Zappa made fun of Jesse in a song, called “rhyming man.”

    Two, Jesse and Al are nothing but race pimps and we’ll be better off when they’re gone. As you state, they prey on other people’s suffering and misery…like a maggot.

  13. micky2 says:

    Since yesterday I’ve been combing over every article I could find on this supposed racist remark that O’Reilly made. He was eating at Sylvias with Sharpton and was making a statement to contradict most peoples stereotyping of blacks and their business institutions.
    All the critics of Bill in this matter are known leftys from Media Matters all the way to NBC.
    Bill is upset because so much of the left media has turned this into a witch hunt based on a couple of sentences that were actually complimenting the success of a black owned and operated restaurant.
    Does anyone in their right mind actually think that for two seconds O’Reilly would sit in a black owned and operated soul food restaurant in the middle of Harlem full of black people and with Sharpton at his side and then go off and make a racially charged statement ?
    O.Reilly may be crazy at times , but he’s not stupid.
    Media matters put this out there in a distorted context and all the left wing media took it and ran with it.
    And if its not bad enough that CNN aired this distorted story also. Yesterday some jerk on CNN was saying that O’Reilly should just apologize whether he meant what he said or not.
    First of all, its CNN that should apologize for airing a story that was B.S..
    Second , the whole point on the radio show and the discussion with Sharpton was about mending race relatioins.
    The whole freaking world needs to just shut up and take a couple steps backwards and take a full viewed look and what really happened instead of just running with hyped headlines and making something out of nothing.
    Anyone who takes the statement in full context can plainly hear it was just a compliment>
    This is not some Imus moment that everyone is thinking or hoping happened.

    Go ahead, take a listen and then tell me that the left is not running a smear campaign. If I were Bill I would be just a much if not even more pissed.

  14. illa morales says:

    Micky 2,
    it is in his delivery, why does he have to define black in relation to white. If he just would state that he had a great time without comparing how “white folk don’t know this” about black folk. What year is this man living in. Come out of your cave Mr. O and join us in the year 2007, where we do not have to define how good a restaurant is, based on the owner’s skin color. He just hasn’t experienced different things and thank God he is stepping out and educating himself on something new and different. He doesn’t have to say something blatant because his choice of backward words are enough.

  15. micky2 says:

    Your missing the whole point illa.
    Black and white WAS the topic of discussion.
    Do you understand that this is the topic and matter that Sharpton and O’Reilly always discuss ?
    If you are looking to help this country deal with and understand its racial divides it is going to take a conversation full of statements that can be taken out of context.
    We have Bush derangement syndrome as much as we have O’Reilly derangement syndrome. It amazing how people who are anti hate are usually the first ones to do the hating.
    I suggest that you come out of your cave and realize that race is an issue that will always be there.
    In a kumbaya world it would be nice if we simply did not ever have to utter the words black or white again.
    Its folks like you that take hypersensativaty over race to a level that keeps the race issue alive on a scale way more than it should be.
    You are at fault for taking something so small and making it huge which is why no body can say the slightest thing these days regarding ones ethnicity without seeming like a closet racist.
    Once again you are hung up on a soundbite, and like most dont even want to look at the big picture and take it all in.
    Besides that the real issue at stake is honesty in the media. They too are as guilty as Sharpton and Jackson of feeding Americas blame trip when it comes to race.
    At the same time that CNN is blasting O’Reilly for a “supposedly racially charged statement” they allow this clown( Boyce Watkins) to call Juan Williams a ” Happy Negro” in reference to Uncle Tom ,and let him slide with no confrontation. Where’s the outrage over that one huh ?
    Heres what he said on CNN

    Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins appeared on the CNN program, and compared O’Reilly to a murderous movie villain and to Iranian President Ahmadinejad:
    Watkins blasted NPR host and Fox News contributor Juan Williams for coming to O’Reilly’s defense. O’Reilly’s race comments had come from an hour of his radio program that involved a segment with Williams. “Juan Williams sitting there, is sort of the ‘Happy Negro’

    This is just one small exaple of a HUGE double standard illa.
    So please find out what is really going on instead of wishing that all the evil you percieve is really there.

  16. Jersey McJones says:

    Illa, I hear ya’. First, Eric was right in the sense that O’Reilly, this time, did not deserve the MM attack. It was out of context. And Williams certainly deserves no such treatment. He’s a great journalist. Second, O’Reilly is a blowhard bully and that seems to appeal to Americans. We are pretty much a lowbrow culture, after all. We always have been. That’s why we’re so violent. Americans are the castaways of the world, lucky enough to have landed on a big empty continent – lucky enough to have been born on third base yet thinking we hit a triple. Fox appeals to ALL of that – the good (the Simpsons, Am’s Most Wanted), the bad (American Idol, The OC) and the ugly (Bill O’Reilly, Hannity, et al). Rupy may be Australian, but he sure knows America. I guess a country populated by the descendents of criminals can relate to America.


  17. illa morales says:

    “You are at fault for taking something so small and making it huge which is why no body can say the slightest thing these days regarding ones ethnicity without seeming like a closet racist. So please find out what is really going on instead of wishing that all the evil you percieve is really there.”
    i believe you misunderstand my post, I do not see evil in what’s happening between the races. I am merely stating that a person can be polite, and was not commenting on Sharpton but merely echoing jersey Mcjones in that people do jump on the impolite bully any chance they get. So sorry, but if you are constantly looking for a fight you will find it, but not with me.

  18. illa morales says:

    Thanks Jersey couldn’t agree with you more.

  19. micky2 says:

    illa said;
    “I am merely stating that a person can be polite”

    I have no idea what you are talking about, what staement made was impolite ?

    illa said;
    ” but merely echoing jersey Mcjones in that people do jump on the impolite bully any chance they get. ”

    Thats exactly what the two of you have been doing.

    illa said;
    “I do not see evil in what’s happening between the races. ”


  20. illa morales says:

    “Thats exactly what the two of you have been doing.”

    I do not see evil in Bill O, just a socially inept man who is not very wordly. Where is the hate in that, it is merely statement of fact. I too agree that most of media is just as inept. I come from a long lines of conservatives, but you have confined me in an area by your judgements, “kumbuya.” By your statements you think being a kind human being is considered leftist. Bill O is a public figure and therefore has to be quite aware of what he does and says, but if you read above I agreed with Jersey that this time, harlem restaurant incident, the media is picking on something that is ridiculous. His intent is not to harm, it is just not worldly as I stated above I’m glad to see that this lonely Bill O is experiencing more than usual. So no hatred just observation.

    “I have no idea what you are talking about, what staement made was impolite ?”

    It’s impolite to point out the terribly obvious in any situation. Again he needs social skills. He would get more flies with honey than vinegar. So again this is not a race issue for me it is a social issue. What’s wrong with liking when people get along, being kind and wanting the best for all people? I think you might be confusing observant, with leftist and I’m neither that or conservative.

  21. micky2 says:

    Impolite to state the terribly obviuos in any situation ?

    Since when?

    Okay, I’m sorry on the kumbaya thing, I’ll replace it with unrealistic.

    illa said;
    “lonely Bill O is experiencing more than usual. So no hatred just observation. ”

    You say no hatred, but you’re definatly venomous. Do really know that he is lonly or uinexperienced ? I’ll take a wild shot here and bet he has more experiences under his belt in his life than you have in your life.

  22. Third Rail says:

    To view the rebuttal of Juan Williams and Bill O’Reilly in regards to comments made by CNN, go to

  23. illa morales says:

    Venomous is quite interesting….How can one who studies a persons actions, words and body language be reptilian. So you find my insight to be cold blooded and I apologize. For I’ve insulted something in you, that feels connected with Bill O. This is not my intent. But alas, why haven’t I been offended by the things you’ve said about people I support, because you are entitled to your opinions and name calling and rants just like all folks. Perhaps if we could just discuss things without people wearing an suit of buttons, we could get somewhere. My intent is not to push buttons, but to understand supporters of this type of man(O’reilly, Hannity, etc). I find this sight very intriguing and I’m not here to hurt or condemn, just to understand differing viewpoints. So please share with me how I can make you more comfortable in my study of viewpoints from all angles. I have already learned that Bill O is not to be critiqued but the media and myself are safe bets. You are a very interesting Person Micky2 and I still find the definition venomous to be quite funny. The Venomous Pacifist, My WWII veteran father would be very proud of the Venomous part, so thanks.

  24. illa morales says:

    P.S. Reality is in the eyes of the beholder…

  25. illa morales says:

    P.S.S. Do you call fat people, fat? Do you show paraylized veterans that their limbs don’t work? Do you point out to the blind that they have a dog attached to their sides?

  26. micky2 says:

    Do you call handsom men handsom ?
    Do you say a rose smells wonderful ?

    Oreilly was being complementary in his remarks illa, give it up already.

    illa said;
    P.S. Reality is in the eyes of the beholder…

    Reality is a factual basis, not a concept. It only happens one way !
    Just because you see something in your own way does not make it a reality,
    Really , please.

    By the way illa, I came into this no going after anyone in particular. I did with facts and not opinion, you asked me a question , remember ?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder might be the term you are looking for because beauty can be a concept based on preference or opinion.

    illa said;
    P.S.S. Do you call fat people, fat? Do you show paraylized veterans that their limbs don’t work? Do you point out to the blind that they have a dog attached to their sides

    If I stated that it was obviuos that you think Bill had bad manners would that be rude of me ? Hardly not !

    The whole issue was the hypersensitivity of the media and people like you that dont let anyone of the hook for the slightest flaw in their statements.
    Waaa, couldnt you of just said it this way or nothing at all and bla bla waa.
    And then you turn around and agree 100% with someone who has only used this post as a means to bash Oreilly and FOX.
    Give me break already.,
    I came into this with documents and facts in order to get a few things straight.
    Your only arguement is that your opinion is greater than common knowledge or facts , or that you have somehow cornerd the market on manners and morals.
    The bottom line is that if you study the facts with a common sense of logic you will find out no offense was made to anyone, the media painted it that way.
    And by the way if you dont like Bill that is understandable. But I watch him everyday for about ten years now and he has a hell of a lot more class than any other talk show host Ive seen, and I’m 50 trs old,
    He has also made clear that he is not in this business to make friends.
    If Bill offends you so much , watch Larry King.

    The venomous pacifist falls in with the passive aggressive.

  27. illa morales says:

    So sorry, didn’t mean to offend, you just don’t see that I’m coming from a place of curiosity. But I can see my questions just irritate and cause you discomfort. So come to any conclusion you like.

  28. micky2 says:

    My post wont take all at one time so sorry for the sections

    My conclusion is and has been the whole time that the media plays to a hypersensative crowd. Racism is sexy, it sells.
    On top of the fact that the majority of print and televised media are liberal makes it only worse in a case such as O’Reilly.
    Untill liberals get into office they will be on offense, they are not carrying the ball and want it back, As it stands liberals have been pulling most of the stunts in the political landscape due to their position and this sets them up to be attacked , but as far as talk show host go , O’Reilly is the only one exposes them, and this takes abrasive teqniques. so consequently he gets slammed and slimed by the large left media constantly.
    This lunch with Sharpton and a few words on his radio show are clear evidence that the media thought they found some red meat. They threw it out there and sure enough, the feeding frenzy started.
    I do not agree with Bill always, he has pissed me off in a few areas. I think he is prudish, he has little insight in matters of addicts and alcoholics( I am 15 years recoverd) and some times he needs to loosen up a little.
    But overall I believe he is a good man, and that there are far worse things to worry about if one is over sensitive to what is going on in black and white America.
    We need honesty in media, as a result of the dishonesty just look at how much time already has been spent on this story while we could be applying our efforts to something that is really important.
    Bill is honest media, you may not like him as many people dont, but he’s honest media. And he asks the hard questions.

  29. micky2 says:

    This was your question; (s)
    “why does he have to define black in relation to white. If he just would state that he had a great time without comparing how “white folk don’t know this” about black folk. What year is this man living in.”

    Had you actually heard the comments and knew what the conversation was in context to , you never would of asked any of these questions. Instead you asked your questions in relation to what the media told you.
    The conversation was about white Americas generalization and stereotyping of blacks, and that if all those ignorant white folk could see this and get out more often they would not be so ignorant.
    So how may I ask you, is it possible to make this statement condeming ignorance without using the word black or white?

    Didnt mean for it to get heated illa, and I apologize if you feel I came after you, these things happen sometimes, especially with me.
    You have a good sunday.

  30. Jersey McJones says:

    “illa morales said,
    September 29, 2007 at 7:21 pm

    P.S.S. Do you call fat people, fat? Do you show paraylized veterans that their limbs don’t work? Do you point out to the blind that they have a dog attached to their sides?

    micky2 said,
    September 29, 2007 at 10:27 pm

    Do you call handsom men handsom ?
    Do you say a rose smells wonderful ?

    O’reilly was being complementary in his remarks illa, give it up already.

    If I compared you to a street thug, Micky, with the notation of your civility, would you consider that a compliment? I would call that a cheap shot. I’m not mad at O’Cryly. I just think he’s a ….


  31. micky2 says:

    If it were true, at least I wouldnt cry a river of tears.
    I’ve read your blog JMJ and if anyone on this earth should not even be able to use the word civil it should be you.
    Butt out of my conversation , It appears that you want the last word even when no one is talking to you.
    Also , my last statement to illa was an apology for my temperment, so go see if you can piss someone else off.
    These days I brush you off like dandruff

  32. Jersey McJones says:

    Micky, civility is for the civil, no? Isn’t that what you believe?

    I don’t always practice it, so for that I apologize


  33. illa morales says:

    I thank you Micky2 for explaining what you meant, I too feel the media is hypersensitive. Unfortunately I do not watch TV, and must apologize for my internet, newspapers, periodical, hunt and peck type of study. Bill O has definitely been “overkilled” on this one. His intent was not to harm. I still will find him to be too much for my taste, a large majority of the time. And I do get choked when he acts superior and reaches decibels that could wake the dead. Or perhaps I’m just too old and too weak for all this junk. So Jersey I’m giving it all up already, you know it’s hard to keep an old horse down, oops sorry that’s Can’t keep an old mare down. But it’s pasture time for me..

    I just find it frustrating when I can’t seem to express that I’m Truly Interested and not trying to start a fight, perhaps my mental faculties are waning, YEESH!! I believe in my short blogging experience that this just isn’t my cup of tea. So God Bless and Keep You All and Be Well and Happy.

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