Republicans and Race

The Jayson Blair Times has an article today by Paul Krugman entitled “Republicans and Race.” I will not be providing the link because nothing positive has ever been gleamed from anything written by any of the race baiting left wing bullies that work at the JBT. Krugman tries to show why Ronald Reagan is a racist, and then concludes his monstrosity of an article by saying that “we should be able to discuss the role of race in American politics honestly.”

Forget that Paul Krugman and honesty are contradictory. Let’s have a real honest conversation about race.

Oh, and referring to that scourge of a left wing rag as the Jayson Blair Times is not racist. Pinch Sulzberger and Howell Raines promoting this incompetent man over better qualified coworkers because he is black is racist. Using a newspaper to poison race relations by describing every effective member of an entire political party as racist is what is racist.

We are not equal yet. Racism still exists. There are places where a black man will be discriminated against because of the color of his skin. This does happen.

Now let’s tell another side of the story. Many black wounds are self inflicted.

Black on black crime is out of control. 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. Some segments of the black community glorify violence, whether it be gunfights or dogfights. Successful black doctors, bankers and attorneys are seen as “acting white.” Being “authentically black” means looking slovenly.

Race is about pigmentation. Period. There is nothing inherent in any person’s race that makes that person obey or break the law. I listen to rap music, and happen to like Snoop Doggy Dogg. Just because he writes about lawbreaking does not mean I have to listen to him. I can like his beats and rhymes without committing crimes.

The most dangerous part of this race equation, one of the main reasons things do not get better as quickly as most people would like, is because too many people benefit from exacerbating divisions. In short, race hustlers exist.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are criminals. They belong in jail. I have provided many examples in the past, and will not repeat them here. They are poison, and no positive progress can be made as long as anybody decides that progress must go through them.

I want to make it crystal clear that I despise racism. It corrodes society, and can turn American against American. However, I refuse to engage in meaningless gestures that do nothing to solve today’s societal ills. I also will not feel guilty for being politically conservative.

I will not consider reparations for slavery. I am not having my tax dollars pay for somebody else to get compensation for acts that happened long before I was born. I am the son of a Holocaust survivor, and my father never received reparations. My great grandparents had their possessions confiscated. Giving me a check will not bring them back or change the fact that they were murdered.

I will not accept the fact that all problems between black people and police officers is because of racial profiling. As Dr. Thomas Sowell has brilliantly expressed, the few times he was pulled over as a young black man driving a nice car were uneventful because he was polite to the police officers. A little politeness goes a long way. Most police officers are good people trying to save lives, regardless of color.

Some people see racism in in the fact that powder cocaine, seen as a rich white drug, leads to shorter prison sentences than crack cocaine offenses, which are seen primarily as poor, black drug offenses. America can have an honest conversation about our drug laws in general, and whether or not the war on drugs is worth fighting. We can argue about whether mandatory minimum sentences should occur, or whether we should end the disparity through shorter sentences for crack or longer sentences for powder cocaine. What we must not do is automatically prescribe racism to every problem. In 1986, Crack cocaine swept so powerfully through America that get tough measures were vital. It was simply a more powerful epidemic in terms of leading to crime.

Also, the idea that Ronald Reagan deliberately introduced crack to the inner city neighborhoods is insane. The idea that AIDS was a deliberate plan to kill black families is nuts. The problem is that some people automatically accept the worst without questioning things. Here are some examples.

Jesse Jackson has a pending lawsuit against the World Chess Federation because chess is a racist game created by colonial occupiers. The white pieces get to move first.

White hog farmers in middle America are being sued because they are deliberately trying to kill black men through heart disease. Because Jews are forbidden from eating pork, this issue is also exacerbating Jewish-Black tensions. Jews are pork merchants.

February used to have 31 days. Black America wanted to have a month dedicated to them, so the republican leadership in the 1980s met with the Congressional Black Caucus and reached a back room deal. Black History Month would come into existence, but February would be reduced to 28 days.

Professor Leonard Jeffries, in an attempt to be 100% black, has demanded that his white blood cells be replaced with black blood cells. He is funding hospitals that perform blood color transfusion surgery, and is recommending that black men get purified as quickly as possible.

Why do the above examples never get reported in the media? Is there a conspiracy? No. It is because I made them up. I have also convinced many educated black men (and some uneducated ones) that the above examples were truthful. What could cause bright people to believe such utter nonsense? Because they are predisposed towards bad news.

Talk about black home ownership being at an all time high, and this is dismissed. Talk about black billionaires such as Charlotte Hornet’s owner Robert Johnson, and this is seen as an aberration. Oprah Winfrey is treated like a God in this country, yet supposedly things have never been worse.

No, things are not as good as they could be. Yes, things are much better than they are made out to be.

Others point to nooses on college campuses as an example that nothing has changed. The students who hang nooses are punished severely. They are not celebrated. So yes, things have changed. There is nationwide disgust at such actions, which was not always the case.

As a republican, I can tell you that many black Americans simply despise republicans. They hate their guts. While I have repeatedly stated that republicans must go into black neighborhoods, and that the southern strategy was wrong, some black “leaders” such as Jackson and Sharpton simply decide that on every single issue between a black person and a white person, that the black person is right. If a republican is involved, that person is automatically disqualified. For one example, The Jena 6 are thugs, and now they are being celebrated as fighting back against an unjust society.

For any honest conversation, all people who do not have a proven track record of racism have to be invited into the debate.

I have heard some black men say that black republicans are “not authentically black.” They are referred to as “Uncle Toms,” and on occasion have Oreo Cookies tossed at their feet. Bill Clinton is supposedly black, while Clarence Thomas is supposedly white. It is not white America that has skewered Dr. Condoleeza Rice, or dismissed the hiring of Colin Powell. Bill Clinton was automatically good, despite failing to stand by Lani Guinier. President Bush is automatically bad. Openmindedness is a fantasy.

I have heard some black men who would go insane with rage if they heard the n-word (justifiably so) have zero problems using anti-gay slurs, with the word that rhymes with “maggot” being a popular choice. As Ann Coulter and Dog the Bounty Hunter found out, outsiders cannot decide how terms are used. If black people can decide that the n-word is a slur, then gay people have every right to decide that their f-word is also a slur. I find both of these words disgusting, but the idea that one is ok and the other is not is insane.

I have heard some black men say that George W. Bush “does not care about black people.” In fact, white liberal Paul Begala tried to link President Bush to the dragging death of James Byrd because they were both from Texas. Nobody blamed Lady Bird Johnson, even though her last name was pronounced the same as the victim.

Hurricane Katrina was tragic, but the black Mayor and white liberal governor of Louisiana were both incompetents, and democrats. Republican Governor Haley Barbour was brilliant in the aftermath, and he was overwhelmingly reelected.

David Dinkins was a good decent man, but he was not tough enough for the job of Mayor of New York City. He was a nice, thoughtful man, who failed. When Jewish-Black riots broke out, he yelled “increase the peace,” at which point a black man in the crowd threw a bottle at him. He also attended a funeral for a Jewish victim and wore the religious Jewish skullcap. Again, he was a kind man that failed at a tough job. Rudy Giuliani succeeded. Many black Americans hate Mayor Giuliani because of the Amado Diallo incident, but give the Mayor no credit for reducing crime drastically, which resulted in less black people being murdered.

So what is the good news? Is there any good news at all? Yes. The good news is that contrary to what many people think, including some black people, black America is not monolithic. 70-80% of Jews are liberals, and they do not speak for me. I am an individual thinker. Black people, like any other people, have many thinkers who are tired of swallowing the company line about victimhood and getting nothing in terms of noticeable progress. Working within the system is not seen as selling out.

Chris Rock talks about it in his comedy routines, but that is comedy. When Bill Cosby speaks out, people listen. Liberal columnist and NPR host Juan Williams, despite being slandered as an Uncle Tom, is refusing to back down. People who deeply care about black America have had enough. They understand racism exists, and they know they cannot stop it. They also know that what is within their control, they must fight to improve.

What the republican party needs to do is to talk to reasonable people who are willing to listen. It also means that kissing up to people who have a sinister agenda only feeds their bad behavior.

When the NAACP referred to President Bush as a racist, they marginalized themselves. He was right to boycott their conventions. Improving relations only works when both sides want to honestly do so. One example of this is U.S.-French relations. Jacques Chirac went out of his way to act like he hated America, so we hated the French. Yet when Nicolas Sarkozy replaced him, he went out of his way to say how much he liked America. We instantly warmed up to him. This is not complex.

Yes, in the past republicans were awful towards black America. Yet having black America continue to despise republicans does nothing to improve society. Some will say it is the responsibility of the republicans to reach out. This is garbage. It is the responsibility of everybody to reach out. Once a person decides that they will not reach out, there is no possibility for dialogue with them. However, when people do reach out, positive changes can happen, sometimes rapidly.

So to the overwhelming majority of black Americans who are not permanent victims who are closeminded and hateful of all republicans, I absolutely look forward to working with you to try and solve the many problems America still faces. Some of these problems are racial, and some are not. I believe you will listen to and respect my feedback, and offer me your own invaluable input. All of these issues are solvable because when good people, regardless of background, roll up their sleeves, amazing things can happen. That is what America is about.


43 Responses to “Republicans and Race”

  1. micky2 says:

    Black Tygrrrr wrote;

    “What we must not do is automatically prescribe racism to every problem. In 1986, Crack cocaine swept so powerfully through America that get tough measures were vital. It was simply a more powerful epidemic in terms of leading to crime.”

    I liked Reagan , but he was wrong on this one as much as “just say no” was.
    The problem is that you need the powder to make the rock.
    Some guy gets popped with an ounce of powder and does a few years.Some guy gets popped with 2 or 3 rocks and he does a few years.
    An ounce can make a whole lotta rocks. And no matter what the method of ingestion is, its just as addictive.
    The scourge actually began with the onslaught of Disco and the glorification of coke.
    There’s an instantaneous rush with crack, powder graduates.
    But its no different than sipping cognac for 4 hours and getting plowed or guzzling a fifth of vodka in 5 minutes and falling down.
    As far as race goes , I’m sick to death of it constantly being an issue.
    Lenny Bruce had it right, but I cant repeat his take on race here on this blog.
    The cleaned up version would be that if we were allowed to speak without constantly being monitored, these words that offend every one would be as common as saying “is”
    Just about anything you say can be construed as insulting if your always running around with a bug up your butt. And that attitude will always enable you to cry injustice every time you need a little leeway in a situation.
    Nobody wants to appear racist so they bend over and do whatever Yessy Yackson or
    Al Charlatan prescribes them to do.
    Its no different than some disgruntled secretary claiming sexual harassment and saying her boss’s pinched her ass. First thing that usually happens is she gets hauled in the office and offered a raise.

    There’s people in other countries that dream of being homeless in America and laugh at those here who claim to be oppressed.
    I saw an interview with a homeless guy in the Sudan. He said that if you cant make something out of yourself in America you have some really serious problems.

  2. jerseymcjones says:

    I remember back in the early ’80’s , I think it was. It was the only time I ever heard Bill Cosby use profanity. The stand-up bit went something like this:

    ‘I’m sitting next to a guy at a bar and he’s been doing cocaine. (Funny face, sniffle/backwash noises, twitching, etc) So I ask the guy, “Why do you do that stuff?” And the guy said, “Because cocaine amplifies one’s personality.” To which I asked, “What if you’re an a$$hole?”‘

    I always loved that joke.

    Just the same, the drug laws really do amount to a race/class war and should be seriously changed.

    To the point of the post.

    The GOP is in a rather untenable situation when it comes to race. In order to gather a truly national party, and national preeminance, the Southern Strategy was employed to absorb the old Dixiecratic South that had been abandoned by the Democrats slowly but surely after the war (WWII). And once the GOP picked up on gerrymandering, the effect was to permanently entrench them in this position in the South. When combined with the White Flight exurban and suburban blocks, the GOP was stuck in this position almost throughout the nation. I don’t know how they can change that without becoming once again a rather small minority of elite industrialists – or as they’re known today, “Big Investors.” The divide in the post-civil rights churches only further exaserbates this position. But what can the GOP do? They have to carry the “Flyover” country, and to do so they must embrace the churches, and to do so they must embrace “pro-family issues” (which usually amount to anti-urban doctrinaires) and to hold onto all that they must hold gerrymandered flyover districts. It’s an unending circle. Though I don’t like it, one thing they can do, and it has worked to some extent in the past, is to play on issues that the black and hispanic churches embrace (anti-homosexual, anti-abortion, pro-school prayer and public religious displays) – but this will only take them so far. In the ’08 election, for example, these issues are not expected to play well up against big issues like war, the retiring babyboomers, and the economy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the GOP sold it’s soul when it took the South. It may well destroy the party, as we know it today, in the long run.


  3. micky2 says:

    If the left stop crying foul and making race a issue every chance they get it would help alot more.
    The left is the one thats always driving the issue.
    Eric did a post on Evan Sayet a few months back. Evan got it just right.

    “How modern liberals think”

    By supposedly doing everything it can to some how eliminate discrimination the left actually only promotes it more and more as an issue by always throwing it up front.
    Democrats and the politically correct crowd will never let us get past what should really be assimilated to society as just another part of it.

    I could run around and claim that as an alcoholic I am minority that is discriminated against, and trust me ! Its happened alot. My resume` has huge gaps that I have to fill in by only being creative.
    Instead of bringing attention to all the alkies who have to put up with societys ignorance I just move on and do without the extra attention that most pathetic entatlists would use to gain special favor .
    And then theres the ones who depend on others completley and blame their screwed up life on everything but their own lack of ambition to do nothing but suck off of societys pity

  4. jerseymcjones says:

    The “Left” isn’t going to stop makeing issue out of race problems. So, you can forget about that. It’s a fact of life. If I see someone disparaged or harmed because of their race, you can be sure I’ll “make an issue” of it. To my mind, it is not I making the issue anyway. I’m just pointing it out.

    The GOP will never get ahead of the race issue by pointing to the Democrats and Left and saying, “See! They’re pointing out something about the race issue!” The GOP must seem benign, and if it can’t then nuetral. That’s what the classic Republican Party did for generations, until the whole “Southern Strategy” thing.

    The shooting-the-messenger strategy does work sometimes, but not always with race. It worked great when the Latin American protesters in Los Angeles were raising foreign flags + / – It fell flat on it’s face when a church stepped in to support a foreign mom in Chicago with an American seven-year-old son. It worked great with Dinkins, as Eric pointed out above, when Crown Heights fell to pieces + / – It’s gone nowhere with two border patrolmen who shot a Mexican pot smuggler in the rear. The GOP has to pick and choose it’s fights a little better. We on the Left won’t let you forget that.

    We won’t let the Dems either. The Dems do take advantage when they can. Cheap Labor cons disguised as Empathetic Liberals do not a believable Democrat make. I’m all for helping my fellow man, but private corporations and contractors are on their own as far as I’m concerned. As a person, I support you. What you do is another thing. When the Dems simply support the Cheap Con status quo in the name of “compassion” (as Bush oddly managed to do as a Republican), they only open themselves up to that sort of doubt. I do not trust the Dems on immigration and race. But I trust them more than the GOP. And that’s the crux.

    The racists of course prefer the GOP, to the undeserved regret of Eric and Micky I’m quite sure, but that’s the way it is. Unfortunately, isolationists and racists oft mix in the middle (I admit this as a bit of an isolationist but certainly no racist), and so the GOP is walking a wire between rehtorical isolationism and real racism. That’s a tough line. They’ve tried to manage that walk by pitting cheap labor latin immigrants against the blacks the way they tried to use abortion as a race issue, but so far it hasn’t gotten much traction. Yeah, there’s a few loud patronizers, but overall, other bigger issues seem to be more on the forefront of African American political thought. If you want to know what they’re really thinking, look at their enlistment numbers these days. Black Americns do not trust the GOP. Battle fodder, cheap labor, gerrymandered racial separation = African Americans don’t trust the GOP.


  5. micky2 says:

    Its all about votes and money, the left doesnt give a crap about anybody suffering.
    I’ll jump in as quick as the next guy if someone is being singled out for whatever reasons, or treated lesser than because of bigotry.
    But dont even ever try to tell me that its all about equality.
    That the biggest line of crap in the world. And I mean it.

    The only reason the left pushes it agendas is because they have to keep their base happy PERIOD !
    And as lond as they run around conving whatever minority that they are screwed , they will be.’
    The left has to keep their base down and trap them in an paradox of entitlement programs and slightly above desparation so as to keep um comong back.

    I had to open my own business with 250.00 ten years ago.( MY 250.00 ! )
    I grossed about 80,000.00 my first year
    Getting a small busniess loan in the beggining from uncle sam was impossible. So I improvised and hustled my tail off.
    I live in Hawaii, and its very ethnically diverse here.
    Why is it that some refugee or immigrant whos only been here a couple of months can get a grant upwards of 50,000.00 and has never done a thing for this country yet or paid any taxes ?

    Yea, I guess I should of mentioned that I am the classic pic of a white American male.
    A few weeks ago the cashier at the store did something that raised my eyebrows. She sent a guy in a wheelchair to the front of the line. Ahead of about 6 people.
    I thought to myself ” gosh, all he’s doing is sitting down ” But naturally I didnt say anything or else I probably would been stoned at the town square.

    You want equallity ? Get in line right behind me holmes, and you’ll be just like the rest of us.

    I should of mentiond also that here in Hawaii, I am the minority. The other ethnicities perform a lot of preferential treatment for each other in the job market.
    But hey, I dont want to work someplace where I’m just placed there out of sympathy for what I am, screw that.
    Nothing worse than always having to look over your shoulder all the time.
    I went through something like that in L.A.

    I needed a job, anything. So I took a job at a furn. warehouse that shipped across the country.
    The whole warehouse staff was Mexican, and they spoke very little english.
    Some of these guys had been there a year or two in the same position. I was there 4 or 5 months and progressed to management. Talk about resentment !
    Documents I filled out determening shipping destinations with my signatures on them had been alterd. Freeking Colorado was going to N.Y.
    I think we all get the idea.

    Its gotten to the point where I am the minority that could use some of this attention and hand outs. When you start that crfap you get trapped.
    Thats exactly what the left wants to do..


  6. Brian says:

    A thoughtful article indeed…though, I wish you could have spent some more time on it, cut out some fat, went over it a few more times and really perfected it…perhaps it’s time to cut your articles to three or four a week as opposed to writing one everyday…you and the subject matter deserve more time…just a thought.

  7. jerseymcjones says:

    Micky, if you want to get minorities into the GOP fold, it’s probably not wise to insinuate that they are just boobs or lazy pawns in the Dems hands.


  8. David M says:

    The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 11/20/2007 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…

  9. Craig says:

    Great post.. An echo of me on numerous occasions.

  10. micky2 says:

    They need to feel empowered. It is the left that always put forth the idea that they are doomed or being shorted.
    I insinuated no such thing. Don’t try to impose something as happening that really isn’t. As a matter of fact I am saying that the left is constantly putting subliminal messages to minorities that they are disadvantaged. When nothing could be further from the truth.
    And for the ones that are boobs or lazy pawns, they are that way as a result of the left putting them there.
    Its similar to enabling an addict. Give them what they need so they can continue their lifestyle without any hope of ever breaking free from the grips of govt. entitlement programs.
    I do not want anybody with a struggle in life to have to adhere to one party or the other.
    I just want them to attain self esteem and personal pride and private ownership of property. And part of that property is called accountability for your actions in all areas.

    Unlike most people, be it politicians or the public. I don’t want minorities to have to enter any fold at all. Because that premise that you brought up is exactly what the problem is and how it is continuously propagated.
    But it is the left that tirelessly and endlessly tells minorities that they are of a downward plight and are owed this and that and that the left will support them if they’ll only vote for them.
    The left plays the race card at every opportunity available just to recruit, plain and simple. They pander to the misconception and propaganda that these people are some how lesser than.
    Its disgusting.

  11. jerseymcjones says:

    “The only reason the left pushes it agendas is because they have to keep their base happy PERIOD !… And as lond as they run around conving whatever minority that they are screwed , they will be.’… The left has to keep their base down and trap them in an paradox of entitlement programs and slightly above desparation so as to keep um comong back. …other ethnicities perform a lot of preferential treatment for each other in the job market… Its gotten to the point where I am the minority that could use some of this attention and hand outs. …”

    Micky, I’m telling you right now that when you say things like this, people are hearing “minorities are lazy dupes with their hands out to the Democratic party. That’s what I hear. That’s what my minority friends hear, and that’s exactly the same kind of “mistake” that Eric refers to in his admonition of the GOP when it comes to this issue, if I may be so bold. You’d better find another way of expressing your sentiment or you will only continue the the belief among many folks that the GOP is the party of rich white guys, and their low-brow white sycophants.

    And the example of the guy in a wheelchair is going to get you nowhere with anyone. It’s like that ol’ Beatles song, “If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anyone any-how.”


  12. micky2 says:

    Ahhh, the truth hurts and what does the left do ?
    They start calling us bad people and saying that we said these people were dupes (dopes)
    Or as you said ; “people are hearing “minorities are lazy dupes with their hands out to the Democratic party. ”


    Look ! I’m borderline profanity here. You are an incredible piece of ****.
    The reason I’m so pissed is because I made very clear that I want these people to get away from what the left has convinced them they need.
    You better wise up to the facts and stop turning it around on good honest people who want to give these people a fightin chance, like me !

    They need to be picked and shown that they dont need entitlements or pity to make it.
    You and your stinking party are leading these people to believe that they need your crap.
    Always thinking you need a crutch creates a lot of despair. And when people feel despair and hopelesness they dont function very well. Its depressing.And when its applied by systems that keep you down its called opression.
    I know a hell of a lot more about the mind of someone who is dependant than you do.
    And its a hard cycle to break unless you stop enabling that person..And show them how they are great and actually have all it takes to be successful. The left feeds this mindset to people by telling them and selling them on the idea that they are somehow not able to make it without big government.
    What a cheep freaking pathetic shot that was JERSEY !
    I never ever said any such thing !

    But thats what you snakes do. Once we offer a little tough love you creeps demonize us. And say were cold and racist and host of other things.
    By saying what you just said you make my point 100% abundantly clear and true ! It came right out of your mouth !

    And I suggest for your minority friends sake that they all get the hell away from you.
    Because you are the disengenuous piece of crap thay puts it to them other than the way I was saying it.

    On SCHIPS we didnt care about kids
    On the border we are racist.
    On equal opportunity we are bigots.

    When in reality you and your party are a bunch of reprehensible scum bags for saying and calling people these things just because they differ with you.

    JMJ said;
    “And the example of the guy in a wheelchair is going to get you nowhere with anyone. It’s like that ol’ Beatles song, “If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anyone any-how.”

    Awww BS !
    There was a time when women libbers didnt want men to open doors for them because they wanted to be equal and treated no differently.

    Who cares what the beatles say or think, they were a bunch of commies and there music was incredibly over rated.

  13. jerseymcjones says:

    Micky, follow me here, all I’m saying is that other people are hearing something you don’t want them to hear. Try to get this: not everyone is going to get from you what you believe you are conferring (Lord knows I go through that with you all the time). I’m telling you that I hear condescension and derision from your take on the relationship between minorities and the Democrats. Meanwhile, you’re denying that you meant that. It doesn’t matter what you want other people to think about what you say, Micky. It only matters what they think you’ve said.

    Get with the program, man.


  14. micky2 says:

    JMJ said;
    ” Micky. It only matters what they think you’ve said.”

    No ! absolutly not !
    I speak english !
    You and your buddies had better learn to understand it !

    What really matters is what people REALLY SAY!

    What you and your buddies” think” and what I really said are by no doubt int he real world what really matters.

    How dare you think that anyone is so stupid as to take your interpretation over the words that really came out of my mouth.
    Stop back peddling and trying to justify your actions by applying your concepts in place of mine.


    Now I know you need your head examined.

    The program is called” ENGLISH” “REAL SPEECH”

    JMJ said;
    “Meanwhile, you’re denying that you meant that. ”

    OH, oh here we go again with the grand poopa of all knowledge ! Hes going to tell the world for me what I meant.
    Your opinion is one thing, but how freaking dare you speak for my opinions and emotions ?
    just who the hell do you think you are that your interpretation rises above what I actually said , HUH ?

    You’re up doo doo creek here. And so your last line of defense is to tell me to “get with the program ?

    Which government program would that be jersey ? Thed PC left program that tells you to interpret everything into completely unrealistic terms ?
    Or all the programs the left has shoved down peoples throats as a means to convince them that they cant make decisions for themselves ? Or that they cant control their own lives , so they need to live in a nanny state ?

    If I said I wanted to screw a chick up against the wall , it means that I want to make love to her , standing up with a wall behind her.
    You, on the other hand will tell the world that I want to bust out my Makita drill and a box of drywall screws and afix her to the wall with steel screws using a drill.

    The only reason you would say this is because you are loosing the arguement and have to make me look bad.

    I spoke righteously of helping people be self sufficient and get out from under the stranlehold of entitlement programs and the subliminal message always put to minorities by the left that they are lesser than and need more than is deserved by the average man. Because the left is convincing these people that they are “lesser than”

    Yessey Yackson and Al Sharlaton are the prime example of how the left keeps it base intact.

    Dont you ever ever distort or apply such a nasty distortive meaning to my words again.
    And if you had one ounce of class in you , you would apologize for even assuming or imply that I would say such a thing.
    Once again, I cannot be held accountable if your friends and you are listening to one thing and by agenda are driven to say I said something else.
    That is just about as cheap and sleazy as it gets.

  15. micky2 says:

    I was listening to The Best of Prager today when he said he did not understand why the right thinks the left are wrong, yet the left thinks the right are bad people. It seems to me the left are miserable, because they, like alcoholics, do not accept responsibility for anything, except controlling others(which is impossible, so frustrating), so their lives never improve, except from the generosity of others(possibly- usually from the right). Obviously a person could never feel good about them self, with that belief system. So , in an attempt to rationalize their misery, the left tries to say everyone else is as bad as they are. This includes decision making. With such a faulty belief system, naturally, the lefter’s make one poor decision after another. To rationalize that being something they do not have to do anything about, they want to say the right is worse than they are at choices. However, when following true conservative principles, which parallel the Word Of God…I do not have to say one’s choices will be pretty choice(but I did anyway). Anyway, it is hard to find fault in true conservative choices, so it is hard to point out particular instances of bad choices, so the left has to just say conservatives are bad people, in an attempt to pull the right down to the level the left believes they, themselves, are(which is, yet another bad choice, as it makes more sense to learn to swim, than to pretend everyone else is drowning). This is not to say anyone is perfect, and, I suppose a person, who is generally conservative, could get confused and make a worse decision than a lefty on a particular point. However, a person who only criticizes others, cannot feel good about himself, which is why, after all this criticizing, I gotta go throw up

  16. micky2 says:

    You go and put words in my mouth saying that I said your friends were lazy dopes.
    I never evn came close to saying that but just in the last couple of days you have said worse things about the whole of Americas people. These are just a few examples from a couple of days. When in the last couple of months you have done this on a regular basis.
    You’re a hypocrite and a piece of work that never stops giving. A moral inventory should be athe top of your list

    November 17, 2007 at 9:31 am

    JMJ said;
    ” many Americans are so stupid and illiterate, that they can’t even understand such ballot initiatives whatever language they’re in. I’d be more conserned about that then whether or not somebody else speaks my language.”

    Once again the smartest guy in the world is calling Americans stupid and illiterate as he spells concerned with an ” S ”

    November 15, 2007 at 8:10 am

    (you know, like “I was before it before I was against it” – retarded voters really ate that one up) that has kept any senator from standing a chance since the 60’s.

    Jersey McJones said,
    November 16, 2007 at 7:58 am

    Anyone who thinks otherwise isn’t too bright. Again, I stand by my statement.

    November 16, 2007 at 9:30 am

    Hillary is no socialist. You’d really have to be an idiot to think otherwise

    Jersey McJones said,
    November 16, 2007 at 11:28 am

    That is just stupid and ridiculous demagogy.

    I am not going to debate this stupidity further with you. It is copmic-book level childishness.

    The liberal must create an atmosphere of crisis and fear to justify collectivist oppression. MUNCHOUSEN SYNDROME ON A MASSIVE SCALE)

    The liberal fears any hint of individualism in any part of the world, and is obsessed with the centralized control of all human activity and thought.

    “Multi-culturalism” is the code world for a single, oppressive, collectivist culture.

    Liberals speak often of tolerance, but only tolerate liberals.

    The liberal seeks to criminalize any speech which promotes morality or individualism as “hate speech”.

    The liberal’s only method of debate is to insult and discredit anyone who dares to disagree.

    When possible, liberals opress anyone who questions their beliefs.

    Private property and individual wealth is integral to individualism, and the enemy of the liberal.

    The liberal typically chooses a career which produces nothing of value – lawyer, bureaucrat, “activist”, etc. – and uses government to extract the wealth of others.

    . Liberal programs enrich liberals and do little to help the poor.
    . Liberal programs enrich liberals and do little to help the poor.
    . Liberal programs enrich liberals and do little to help the poor.
    . Liberal programs enrich liberals and do little to help the poor.
    . Liberal programs enrich liberals and do little to help the poor.
    . Liberal programs enrich liberals and do little to help the poor.

    Liberal activities are all about ego – to demonstrate “I care more than you do” without really helping anyone.
    Liberal activities are all about ego – to demonstrate “I care more than you do” without really helping anyone.
    Liberal activities are all about ego – to demonstrate “I care more than you do” without really helping anyone.
    Liberal activities are all about ego – to demonstrate “I care more than you do” without really helping anyone.
    Liberal activities are all about ego – to demonstrate “I care more than you do” without really helping anyone.
    Liberal activities are all about ego – to demonstrate “I care more than you do” without really helping anyone.

  17. jerseymcjones says:

    Micky, what I am hearing from you here is that you think minorities are lazy, greedy dupes in the palms of the Democrats. Keep it up – the GOP won’t ever get a majority of the minority vote anywhere ever.

    As for what you think about “liberals” (a very small voting block in America) – you really do live in a comic book universe. “Liberals” have very little political power in America, Micky. Anyone who thinks otherwise simply has no clue what a liberal is.


  18. micky2 says:

    And that of course agin is just your weak lonely opinion.
    When the facts backed up by history show otherwise.
    You can go on and on about what it sounds like or what you hear.
    But the plain fact disclosed by what you say only makes my point for me.
    Just because we point out that the left has convinced these minoroties that they are only worthy of the life the left dictates they are doomed to, has them believing so.
    For you to say that I am calling them lazy or otherwise only shows your inability to further the debate without throwing false accusations at me.
    Every man has the potential to be great. But anyone who adheres to the principles of the left would never be able to find out.

    Your fight and arguement is all so plainly weak.
    Welfare Liberals think that citizens should have far more welfare guarantees; indeed, some have suggested that everyone should have a guaranteed income. For example, two Yale Law School professors, Bruce Ackermann and Ann Alstott, have advocated that every U.S. citizen with a high school diploma should receive a bounty of $80,000 on his or her twenty-first birthday.
    Welfare Liberals tend to favor paternalistic actions by government to protect people, and they are less worried about the ethics and practicalities of social engineering by government. They give more weight to social obligations, instead of basic rights, and when they talk about rights and obligations, they have in mind the idea that those who are fortunate have an obligation to serve the community as a whole.
    To accomplish their aims, Welfare Liberals are strong proponents of public or state education. They use this as a means of shaping people for the so-called responsibilities and duties of citizenship, much of which could be rightly called “state propaganda.”

    How can liberals claim to be helping people in need when they support social welfare programs that make people dependent on the government and limit their initiative?

    How can liberals claim to be for equality of opportunity, when they promote racial, ethnic, and sexual favoritism by supporting affirmative action?

    Anyone who thinks we should not fear terrorism or should treat them like unruly children is the one living in a comic book universe.
    Anyone who thinks he has slept with more women than someone he knows nothing about, lives in a comic book universe.

    Heres alittle more of my “comic book universe for ya, its called knowledge, investigation and facts that back up my view of how you libs sucker in minorities and hold them down.
    Why Dems Need Blacks

    What if ninety percent of the white electorate had turned out last Tuesday to vote for Republican candidates in virtually every electoral district across the country?

    What if Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott had spent the last weeks before the election visiting all-white churches and making not-so-covert appeals to the congregations alleged racial interest in expanding the Republican majority?

    What if Carol Moseley-Braun had been defeated because 93% of whites voted against her?

    What if a Republican representing a white suburban district had received 94% of the vote against his opponent the way Charles Rangel actually did in his Harlem district? (This, mind you, was only 1% less than the widow of the Tennessee candidate murdered by his opponent received in defeating her husbands killer.)

    What if Colin Powell was President and Tom Wolfe wrote a piece imitating Toni Morrisons fatuous New Yorker article, hailing him as the first white African American president because he did not come from a dysfunctional family, spoke the Kings English, played the violin, and favored cuisine like quiche Lorraine?

    The morning after the election I received the following phone message from a black family member, as recorded on my answering machine: “Well, I just had to call to chuckle over the election results. Black people finally got heard. I guess O.J. and Bill Clinton do have something in common.” (Well, she got that last point right, though not in the way she undoubtedly meant it.) I didnt respond in kind, but suppose the circumstances had been reversed, and the Democrats had lost big time, and I had called my black relative and said “I just had to chuckle because white people were finally heard.”

    Of course, the double standard by which we have come to judge the behaviors of white and black Americans has gone so far that a significant portion of the public has been persuaded that the lock-step political choices of the African American community are motivated by a justifiable racial solidarity. In other words, they have nothing remotely in common with the counter-examples I have suggested, which they would rightly regard as the expressions of a deplorable racial prejudice.

    But are these racial reflexes of the African American community so obviously appropriate to African American interests, as liberals claim? Larry Elder, a black libertarian talk-show host in Los Angeles, thinks they are not. Recently, Elder published the following list of “15 Reasons Why Blacks Shouldnt Support Clinton”:

    1. Tax hikes. Elder reminds us that during the Reagan years black teenage and adult unemployment fell dramatically because lower taxes stimulated business formation and expansion, creating employment opportunities for unskilled labor.

    2. Affirmative action, which promotes the fallacious idea of the “Big Bang Theory of the Black Middle Class”that the black middle class owes its existence and success to government preferences rather than its own achievement. In fact, the growth of the black middle class was more rapid before affirmative action programs were put in place.

    3. Minimum-wage increases. Elder cites Milton Friedmans observation that the minimum wage is “one of the most . . . anti-black laws on the statute books” because it destroys entry-level jobs for second paycheck earners, teens, and other unskilled workers.

    4. Welfare. Clinton vigorously opposed welfare reform until Republicans forced him to sign on to it, and he threatens to undo the reforms in place. Yet welfare reform has liberated thousands of black Americans from the prospect of lifetime dependence on government handouts, at minimal levels of existence.

    5. Gun control. Clinton and the Democrats oppose concealed-weapons permits, yet inner-city blacks remain the most vulnerable to violent crime. Meanwhile, studies show that in states that allow concealed weapons, murder rates have fallen.

    6. Opposition to school choice. Threats of Clinton vetoes and Democratic opposition to voucher programs deny poor blacks the same options Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, and other Democratic leaders take to rescue their own kids from the traps of dangerous and failing public schools by sending them to the private schools of their choice.

    7. Opposition to the privatization of Social Security. Blacks have shorter life expectancies than whites and thus stand to gain less from Social Security benefits they are forced to fund, and would gain enormously by being able to control their own retirement funds.

    8. Expansion of government in health care. Government-mandated health-insurance programs have vastly increased the costs of health care and decreased the chances that small businesses can afford ample benefit programs for their employees. “As usual, the least skilled and most vulnerable get whacked the most.”

    9. Abuse of black friends like Vernon Jordan and Betty Currie, whom Clinton lured into positions of legal jeopardy through self-serving lies.

    10. Expansion of the war on drugs. In this area, black leaders have employed a double standard, opposing drug laws that penalize urban blacks disproportionately while remaining silent over Clintons responsibility for these measures.

    11. The Race Advisory Board, which promoted the tired liberal red herring that what ails black America is a “lack of understanding” on the part of whites instead of welfare dependency, bad schools, illegitimacy and criminal behavior.

    12. The reopening of the inquiry into the assassination of Martin Luther King. The original investigation headed by black liberal congressman Louis Stokes (D-Ohio) closed the case years ago, after proving that James Earl Ray was the assassin. “Re-opening the case keeps the blacks-are-victims cottage industry pumping.”

    13. The White House defense of lying under oath, which puts blacks who are more likely to suffer from the perjuries of law-enforcement officers at greater risk.

    14. Expansion of hate crime legislation, which exaggerates the frequency of such crimes, while depreciating the significance of the same race crimes from which blacks suffer most.

    15. The war on cigarettes, whose tax penalties will fall disproportionately on lower-income people who smoke more and can afford the taxes less.

    You and your bleeding heart libs are actually a minorities worst enemy.

    Bill Cosby is a very intelligent man and holds the same philosophy I do.
    But I guess since we dont see it your way we are calling people lazy and dupes ?
    Theres a difference between being dupped and being oppessed.

    Heres another example of what I am saying ( remember its what I’m saying , not what you think you are hearing)

    Not so long ago, America’s central cities seemed stuck in a terminal decline. Welfare rolls and crime rates had risen sharply from the mid-sixties on, and seemed likely to rise even more—as indeed they did well into the eighties. Central-city public schools suffered falling enrollments, embarrassingly low test scores, and sky-high dropout rates.

    American liberals proposed only one solution to these festering problems: spend more money on the same programs and in furtherance of the same policies. But then, they were responsible for those policies in the first place. The liberals of the 1960s believed that America was an unjust, racist country, and argued that voters owed recompense to the black and to the poor and to the governments of the central cities where poor minorities increasingly tended to live. They successfully pushed for generous welfare payments and gentle police tactics and schools that instilled self-esteem rather than learning; public payrolls ballooned.

    These liberal nostrums failed to make things better; in fact, they were making America’s central cities unfit places to live. Most Americans could avoid daily contact with urban problems. They could move to the suburbs and, as time went by, could work in the suburbs too. A few very affluent Americans could maintain gracious high-income urban neighborhoods. But such neighborhoods had become what Theodore H. White called perfumed stockades—places where peaceful citizens felt ever more beleaguered by violent criminals and crazed homeless persons. In truth, the great American cities were dying. Over the preceding century, Americans had made huge investments in grand urban cultural institutions, in brilliant works of city architecture, and wondrous metropolitan parks. Now the value of this investment, this rich historical heritage, faced ruin.

    These people will never get the carrot, your party depletes moral and will by tiring minorities to the point that they give up and just decide to remain in the paradox of the life and system you offer them.

  19. jerseymcjones says:

    “And that of course agin is just your weak lonely opinion.
    When the facts backed up by history show otherwise.”

    The facts show that minorities do not trust the GOP, Micky. That’s the whole point of the post, genius. I’m trying to show you why. When you say that blacks, for example, are just lazy dupes with their hands out to a Democratic party out to keep them that way, you sound like a mean racist. I’m not saying that you are – but you, and the rest of the rightwingers who speak inthose terms, really, really, really sound that way. I’m trying to give you some good advice here man, but you simply refuse to acknowledge.

    Now, let’s get off that subject, which you obviously just aren’t getting, and take your points:

    “1. Tax hikes. Elder reminds us that during the Reagan years black teenage and adult unemployment fell dramatically because lower taxes stimulated business formation and expansion, creating employment opportunities for unskilled labor.”

    Okay. Now here’s something you could sell to black people. Of course, it isn’t true, but at least it doesn’t sound racist…

    “In the scramble for jobs in 1994, blacks were winners for the first time in many years,” said Andrew Brimmer, a former Federal Reserve Bank governor who now runs a consulting concern in Washington.

    Indeed, officials say the unemployment rate for black adults dropped faster in 1994 than it did for white adults and that black employment prospects appear better now than they were during the upswing of the late 1980’s.

    Even during the robust economic recovery of the late 1980’s when the white unemployment rate was — as it is now — under 5 percent, black unemployment never dipped below 10 percent, and sometimes topped 12 percent.

    “2. Affirmative action, which promotes the fallacious idea of the “Big Bang Theory of the Black Middle Class”that the black middle class owes its existence and success to government preferences rather than its own achievement. In fact, the growth of the black middle class was more rapid before affirmative action programs were put in place.”

    This is a serious debate among blacks, whites, and everyone else. It’s hard to argue that the legacy of “a 375-year history on this continent: 245 involving slavery, 100 involving legalized discrimination, and only 30 involving anything else,” does not require some kind of remediation for Black Americans. And “the facts” do not show that the Blcak middle class grew faster pre-AA ( You do have to be careful with this argument, though. Affirmatuive action is not all about “quotas” and “reverse discrimination.” You have to actually show taht AA is actually holding black people back, not just that you don’t personally like it.
    3. Minimum-wage increases. Elder cites Milton Friedmans observation that the minimum wage is “one of the most . . . anti-black laws on the statute books” because it destroys entry-level jobs for second paycheck earners, teens, and other unskilled workers.

    “4. Welfare. Clinton vigorously opposed welfare reform until Republicans forced him to sign on to it, and he threatens to undo the reforms in place. Yet welfare reform has liberated thousands of black Americans from the prospect of lifetime dependence on government handouts, at minimal levels of existence.”

    Again, you can argue this, but I wouldn’t bash Clinton in doing so. The bill he signed was much more to his liking than the original bill, and remains so to this day.

    “5. Gun control. Clinton and the Democrats oppose concealed-weapons permits, yet inner-city blacks remain the most vulnerable to violent crime. Meanwhile, studies show that in states that allow concealed weapons, murder rates have fallen.”

    Firstly, crime rates dropped everywhere in the 90’s, regardless of gun laws. Secondly, illegal guns in black urban areas come from the very states you are claiming dropped their crime rates, and finally, their rates did not drop. It’s a lie. You ain’t going anywhere on this issue in black America.

    “6. Opposition to school choice. Threats of Clinton vetoes and Democratic opposition to voucher programs deny poor blacks the same options Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, and other Democratic leaders take to rescue their own kids from the traps of dangerous and failing public schools by sending them to the private schools of their choice.”

    Urban black families have liitle problem with “school choice.” Vouchers, on the other hand, are pretty much useless as they don’t add up to enough money to help working and middle class families. For rural and exurban families, both “choice” and vouchers are logisically useless. So, choice will play well in the cities, but vouchers won’t play well anywhere except in wealthy communities.

    “7. Opposition to the privatization of Social Security. Blacks have shorter life expectancies than whites and thus stand to gain less from Social Security benefits they are forced to fund, and would gain enormously by being able to control their own retirement funds.”

    You’ll get nowhere with this issue. Working and middleclass Americans are not that stupid. They know that the private sector is untrustworthy, they don’t have the cash to make this worthwhile, they want stability and not risk, SS is for much more than just retirement, and so on. If you want to win them over – raise the payroll tax cap so the rich pay their fair share.

    “8. Expansion of government in health care. Government-mandated health-insurance programs have vastly increased the costs of health care and decreased the chances that small businesses can afford ample benefit programs for their employees. “As usual, the least skilled and most vulnerable get whacked the most.””

    This just makes no sense. How the hell is forcing employers and employees to buy private health insurance and “expansion of government?” I think most African Americans want universal healthcare and the end of private insurance just like a majority of Americans. Unfortunately, the government has been throoughly bribed to want otherwise.

    “9. Abuse of black friends like Vernon Jordan and Betty Currie, whom Clinton lured into positions of legal jeopardy through self-serving lies.”

    Colin Powell come to mind? Nothing new, or partisan, to see here.

    “10. Expansion of the war on drugs. In this area, black leaders have employed a double standard, opposing drug laws that penalize urban blacks disproportionately while remaining silent over Clintons responsibility for these measures.”

    Again, nothing partisan here. If anything, the House Dems have been pushing to fix this while the GOP stands in the way. You’ll get NOWHERE blaming the racewar(re: war on drugs) on the Clintons. Just goofy.

    “11. The Race Advisory Board, which promoted the tired liberal red herring that what ails black America is a “lack of understanding” on the part of whites instead of welfare dependency, bad schools, illegitimacy and criminal behavior.”

    How about 400 years of abuse? Does that count. Again, you’ll get little sympathy for this argument.

    “12. The reopening of the inquiry into the assassination of Martin Luther King. The original investigation headed by black liberal congressman Louis Stokes (D-Ohio) closed the case years ago, after proving that James Earl Ray was the assassin. “Re-opening the case keeps the blacks-are-victims cottage industry pumping.””

    Well, that’s a little creepy. I’d keep that opinion to yourself. People really do want to know more about that assassination. I know I do.

    “13. The White House defense of lying under oath, which puts blacks who are more likely to suffer from the perjuries of law-enforcement officers at greater risk.”

    That’s just stupid. Pl-ease. After all the crap the GOP pulled in recent years, you’d get laughed out of the room for that little jibe.

    “14. Expansion of hate crime legislation, which exaggerates the frequency of such crimes, while depreciating the significance of the same race crimes from which blacks suffer most.”

    Exaggerates? Again, you’ll get nowhere on this one. Black America has not forgotten what white America did to them for almost 400 years.

    “15. The war on cigarettes, whose tax penalties will fall disproportionately on lower-income people who smoke more and can afford the taxes less.”

    This is another silly one. Most reasonable people agree with sin taxes.

    You guys are going to have a long wait before black voters finally trust you.


  20. jerseymcjones says:

    Oh, I forgot:

    “3. Minimum-wage increases. Elder cites Milton Friedmans observation that the minimum wage is “one of the most . . . anti-black laws on the statute books” because it destroys entry-level jobs for second paycheck earners, teens, and other unskilled workers.”

    This is just sick. If you want to win this point – then point to immigration, not the minimum wage.


  21. micky2 says:

    I already won it.
    Because your only counter action is to apply different meaning to what I said.
    If you actually take what I say in its REAL context you would be dumbfounded for an answer.
    Another point of proof is that now you want to escape by changing it to immigration.
    What a weasel.

  22. jerseymcjones says:

    Micky, try to just once understand what I’m sayng – the reasons many minorities, especially Black America, distrust the GOP are twofold: One, what they’re hearing from you is not what you think you’re saying, and Two, a lot of what you want is bad for minorities in America.

    You haven’t “won” anything, Micky – THAT’S WHY BLACKS DON’T VOTE GOP.

    Jesus Christ.


  23. micky2 says:

    JMJ wroye;
    “One, what they’re hearing from you is not what you think you’re saying,”

    Oh my God ! the man who thinks we should treat terrorists like unruly children and somehow magically knows how much sex I’ve had is now telling me I dont know what I said.

    O.K Jersey, whatever you say, it must be true.

    I once again provided logical explanations and documebts pertaining to my position and all you do is try to cram your opinion down peoples throats as fact.
    That just doesnt and never will hold water.

    The only reason blacks dont vote GOP is because they are trapped by system and beliefs the left has imposed on them.
    They cant afford to make the switch. The gap in entitlements would not let them change lifestyles. The left holds them back from progressing past the doctrine of am entitlement lifestyle. The left put them in a rut and the system keeps them there.
    Which is exactly what the left wants.
    And all the references above prove this.
    Your only point of reference is your mouth.
    Why is it that the majority of welfare recipients are minorities and stay that way ?
    If all your programs were so great and helpful why has the status quo remained the same for 50 years plus ? As the records prove ?
    Welfare reform has put people to work and gave them more fruitful and profitable lives.
    All the left does is keep feeding the junkies they have created.
    That right there is a losing situation that is on you and your buddies.

    When an athiest uses Jesus Christ as term of frustration , he is truly frustrated.
    But if you sincerly ask him for help , you’ll get it.

    When I say black, you cant tell the world I said white.
    It makes you look like an idiot.

    No one is going to believe you just because you insist that they do so.

  24. jerseymcjones says:

    “The only reason blacks dont vote GOP is because they are trapped by system and beliefs the left has imposed on them.”

    Okay. now, let’s say you’re an African American and some shmuck tells you that you “are trapped by system and beliefs the left has imposed on you.” How does that make you feel? What if I said to you, a white Republican, “The only reason whites dont vote Democrat is because they are trapped by system and beliefs the Right has imposed on them.” How does that make you feel? A normal person would be offended by that. It’s like telling them that they are dupes of some political machine. You will NEVER win black voters over with that sort of rhetoric, Micky. I can’t believe you don’t get that. And I won’t even get into the deep, deep insult you proffer with your argument about “entitlements.”

    Does anybody else around here understand the very simple point that I am making?


  25. micky2 says:

    Being stupid and being victimized are two different things jersey.
    The options that the left are giving minorities is what is truly insulting to them, that is what I am saying.
    If you want to make me out to be something else because thats all your small mind can come up with, nothing can stop you

    JMJ wrote;
    “Okay. now, let’s say you’re an African American and some shmuck tells you that you “are trapped by system and beliefs the left has imposed on you.” How does that make you feel? ”
    It would make me feel like asking him to give me proof and an example and if he were right I would vote republican.

    You on the other hand would do your best ( as you have been trying to do) to convince him its all a vast right wing racist conspiracy.

  26. jerseymcjones says:

    Micky, if the GOP was truly a viable alternative for more minorities, wouldn’t they vote for them? It seems completely clear to me that you these minorities are stupid victims.


  27. micky2 says:

    What it “seems” and ” is ” are two things completly different from one another.

    And frankly I dont care what is clear to you.
    Propoganda from the left has convinced these people that they are suppose to be coddled and and given entitlements because the leftist propoganda has made them out to be victims.
    The left is constanlt driving this emotion home and then taking advantage of the emotions they instill in these people.
    The ones who break free of the “victim” mentallity are the ones who move forward and away from a perpetual state of welfare.
    But when they are constantly being told by the left that they are victims its really hard for them establish a sense of pride and esteem and pull themselves up.
    Your party has brainwashed and convinced them that they cant make it without entitlements and social programs. Your party does not teach them individualism, but that they must remain a part of the mob or collective to succeed.

    I am not the one guilty of comtempt prior to investigation. Quite frankly your statements in the past reflect this mindset on you especially.
    You have knowledge and answers that only an individual or god could know of.
    And you present opinions and statements as fact with no proof and say things that cannot be proven. You attack otherwise good people and say things they said that they never said.
    That is called contempt ! Judging without merit or credible evidence is what you do constantly.
    It is because you say it is just doesnt float Jersey.

  28. micky2 says:

    By the way, there are stupid minorities, just as there are stupid whites.
    And it is my personal belief that those who choose to make entitlments and welfare a lifestyle are less than intelligent . Some out of ignorance , someout of gentic defects. And some are too lazy to learn.
    But lets put this in its proper context so you dont run wild with it across the country and tell everyone I’m an evil bigot racist.
    This opinion of mine applies to all backgrounds.
    There are just as many white trash rednecks living in trailer parks as their are minorities. Some break free of the monotony that the left subjects and imposes in them, and some dont. Some believe its their right to have what belongs to the people that earned it.
    But as far as you’re concerned Jersey , just about everyone in this country is an idiot, right ? Youve said so on numerous occassions. Would it be safe to say that the minorities you think I’m insulting would fit into the bracket you call “mostly idiots “?I can dig it up if you like and show everyone.
    You constantly question and insult the intelligence of just about everyone unless they stand to make a point for you or share your beliefs.
    Pretty right on the mark, wouldnt you say so ?

  29. Jersey McJones says:

    “By the way, there are stupid minorities, just as there are stupid whites.”

    Micky. Think about that statement. Go eat some turkey. ;)

    What you meant to say, I hope, is, “There are stupid people.” You didn’t need two clauses there.

    I like debating minds of different perspectives. (I know, that’s redundant too…)

    I’m trying to give some liberal perspective to Eric’s post – that the way conservatives approach some minorities is only exaserbating the partisan divide. I’m only trying to help you guys with this conundrum. I prefer to debate people who at least can acknowledge that we do have the best interests of us all in mind. I hope you do too. I’d rather debate the nuances of politics than the bull-squat of literary personage.


  30. micky2 says:

    Well thats what you libbers do.
    Gotta make sure everyone is included, right ?
    Excuse my lack of poltical correctness for not including everyone. But you were the one making issue if minorities being targeted by me.
    But its not half as bad as your generalization that the majority of the countrys citizens are idiots.
    And just for the record, I’m a minority in my state.
    But the real way I feel is that if race was not always brought to the top as an issue it wouldnt be half the time.
    Not that I or anybody else wants to hate anybody, but as Hank Hill said; “What the hell kind of country is this if I can only hate a man if he’s white?”
    As soon as you speak in any cotroversial terms of anyone who isnt white the left goes off on you as if you were a bigot or a racist. Always playing the race card is what you guys do. And as soon as I mention any particular sect I’m discriminating aginst them alone because I didnt include the whole world. Thats freaking petty and plain ridiculous. You guys wont even let cops describe a suspect by skin color because you say its racist.

    JMJ wrote;
    ” I prefer to debate people who at least can acknowledge that we do have the best interests of us all in mind.

    You should let the individual decide what is in his best interest. If you want to debate people who have the best interest of us all in mind you need to go to a liberal blog and you’ll get in touch with a lot of people who think they know what is in the best interest of everyone else, thats what you guys do.
    We and no one else knows how to think for themselves or run their own lives , so we need your big ass government to do it for us. Right ?

    Trying to give a liberal perspective to Erics blog is like trying to give a communist perspective to freedom. Its kind of an oxymoron, “Jumbo shrimp” or “Liberal intelligence”
    But hey whatever cooks your bird I dont care, just shut up and eat it.
    Whishing you a happy thanksgiving, honestly and with sincerity.
    You sound like you could be a little happier

  31. micky2 says:

    Whishing you all a great Thanksgiving.
    Say a prayer for those on the street.
    Before you leave wherever you’re at tommorrow make a plate and find someone who needs it, and give it to them. Its the best feeling in the world.

  32. Jersey McJones says:

    “If you want to debate people who have the best interest of us all in mind you need to go to a liberal blog…”

    Fortunately, I’m also allowed here.

    Ya’ know, Micky, this is all you really have had to say. You guys wonder why minorities don’t trust you, but you can’t see that by your own very ideology you shouldn’t trust anyone else. It is in the interest of every human that humanity does well. Both the philosophy of neo-Smithian Capitalism and social democracy have the same goals in mind, but different approaches to them. On balance, both have worked well in the Western World, and each of the Westeren nation have various mixes of the two philosophies.

    All I’m trying to tell you is that the biggest obstacle in the popular GOP rehtoric regarding minorities is terribly phrased and often obviously wrong. There’s a better way of approaching the minority vote. All of us in this together, as you point out when you complain about complaint. Your argument seems either a little ridiculous, or suspicious when you complain about those who complain. People usually complain for a reason – they’re sick, their career was outsourced, they’re abused by the government, they’re abused by corporate America… If you say to a person who is simply unlucky that it is their fault and it is their fault because they are complaining about it you you are provably wrong and offensive. Really, try another tack.


  33. micky2 says:

    JMJ said;
    “Both the philosophy of neo-Smithian Capitalism and social democracy have the same goals in mind, but different approaches to them”

    Different approachs alright, one shoves it down your throat dictated by government, the other allows the free market to decide the course.

    JMJ said;
    “Fortunately, I’m also allowed here.”
    No one said you werent allowed anywhere, does your but hurt from pulling that one out ?

    JMJ said;
    “Ya’ know, Micky, this is all you really have had to say. You guys wonder why minorities don’t trust

    I dont wonder, never did. They dont trust us because were not kiss asses.

    JMJ said;
    “but you can’t see that by your own very ideology you shouldn’t trust anyone else.”

    Trust and acting like lemmings with your hair on fire is a different story.

    JMJ said;
    ” It is in the interest of every human that humanity does well.”

    The applys what they think is in everyones best interest by force.
    Gerbil warming, smoking bans etc…

    JMJ said;
    “On balance, both have worked well in the Western World, and each of the Westeren nation have various mixes of the two philosophies.”

    Who said they didnt ? Unfortunatly theres only a hand ful of communist countries left.
    Socialism, Marxism ( never really even took off), communism and collectivism have miserable success rates.

    JMJ said;
    ” you are provably wrong and offensive. Really, try another tack.”

    Probably but not likely.

    You provide once again nothing but your mouth, no examples in text or documented fact.
    Just an emotional arguement based on a whiney attitude.

    The botton line is this.
    You dont like what I said and the way I said it. TOO BAD !

    You are going to bust a nut trying to shove you phlosophies of wealth redistrbution, how its right for the government to take my money and give to your lazy friends who run around crying like babies because they have some percieved disadvantage.
    And your party will always let these people believe that they have these disadvantages and blame it on anyone whos doing better than them.

    I have no sympathy for able bodied people who use every excuse in the world not to work.
    If an illegal alien can come up here and be working within a week what the hell is everyone elses excuse ?

    JMJ said;
    “they’re sick, their career was outsourced, they’re abused by the government, they’re abused by corporate America.

    See ! you’re still complaing ! If it werent for corporate America, America wouldnt be here. Unemplyment is the lowest its ever been in history (fact).
    They’re abused by the government ? So lets make them more vulnerable to the government by putting them on welfare ?

    My track is just fine ! You may not agree with it but accountability and sustaining ones self is hardly a bad track.

    Stupid poor people get to vote also, and thats who the left pander to by offering them my money as a means to get votes. It doesnt get any simpler than that !

    Did you check your mail ?

  34. micky2 says:


    JMJ said;
    ” It is in the interest of every human that humanity does well.”

    The left applys what they think is in everyones best interest by force.
    Gerbil warming, socialized medicine, environmentalism, smoking bans etc educational mandates, aclu etc…

  35. micky2 says:

    Your efforts to paint me as a monster, insensitive, uncaring, racist , bigot , judgemental, concieded, pompous, whatever it is you would like me to be wont work.
    I’m hip to the game the left plays, and you will lose and end up looking like a fool looking for something thats not there.
    You and the moonbats will not make me the scapegoat for lazy thieves.
    I have just as much sympathy for unlucky, underprivledged , uneducated people as the next guy. I feed about 100 people a week with money I get from recycling cans, remember ?
    I dont give homeless people money. I give them the tools to progress, food, clothes, bus passes etc.The left just wants to hand out money that doesnt belong to them.
    Hillary flat out said that she was going to “TAKE ” money from profitable corporations and giveit to deserving people.

    It wont work on me Holmes ! I know a hustle when I see one.
    So just give up trying to convince me that I’m mean.
    And give up trying to convince me that your way is right, and mine is wrong.
    Why would I ever believe anything you say ?
    You never ever have anything to back it up.

    You’re party is not interested in helping anyone past the polling booth.
    And if these slobs want to sell themselves out so cheaply then they are truly idiots !

    Now if you’ll excuse me I have to cook for 40 people, 1 is portugese, hawaiian, and scottish, another is hawaiian, chinese and filippino, anther one is danish and german, another is pure chinese, another is pakistani and french, another one is japanese filippino, another one is mexican and polish and two samoans.

    And they all have jobs.

  36. Jersey McJones says:

    “Your efforts to paint me as a monster, insensitive, uncaring, racist , bigot , judgemental, concieded, pompous, whatever it is you would like me to be wont work.”

    I’m not painting anything on you, Micky. I’ll telling you that you do it to yourself.


  37. micky2 says:

    Oh O.K. jersey if you say so.
    Lets see, just because I happen to describe minorities by race or gender or religion I’m wrong ?

    JMJ said;
    ““By the way, there are stupid minorities, just as there are stupid whites.”

    Micky. Think about that statement. Go eat some turkey.

    What you meant to say, I hope, is, “There are stupid people.” You didn’t need two clauses there.

    What about that statement, huh ? What about it ?
    Now the all knowing grand poopaa of all knowledge is going to tell me what “I MEANT TO SAY?”

    If I want to say that there are just many stupid Mexicans , Blacks , Chinese or whatever I will . And should be held to some ridiculous holier than thou PC BS standard by you or anyone else.
    Where the hell do you get off dictating what people can or cant say and then critisize them as bigots or racist because we dont speak to your dumb standards ?

    Yea I do need two and actually more clauses than that because I am sick and tired of you and your moonbat friends running around wanting special considerations because of every little thing thats different about them in reference to mainsteram majorities.
    If the left really want equality for all then they would stop looking for every little nuance in everyone individuality and claiming it or them as a minority.

    JMJ said;
    “I’m not painting anything on you, Micky. I’ll telling you that you do it to yourself.”

    What you think I do to myself is as irrelevant as anything you think about me.
    I have survived in the most culturally diversive spot in our country for 45 years without ever once being accused or refferd to as anything but a guy who treats everyone fairly.
    We dont get hung up on all this stupid crap like over here like you guys.
    Hawaiians and all other brown folks here always tell me ” Eh Haole boy ! Come ! Whatchu doing ?” And I tell them ” What Kanaka? You gotta know everything?
    We describe alot of folks here by race and color with no one taking offense.
    We get along and realize that there are so many racial and minority variations here that we just dont have the concern or time to worry about it.
    Blacks are ” Popolos ” Chinese are called “Pake`s” Whites are called “Haoles”
    Portugese are the equivalent of what Polish are on the mainland. When we tell Portugese jokes its the same as when mainlanders tell Polish jokes.
    You all need to lighten up and realize that you can desctibe someone by race , creed or etnicity without it always being construed as discriminatory or bigoted or racist.

    You moonbats seem to think you have the market cornerd on ethics and morals by always being as PC as possible.
    So far you’ve gone as far as to try and get rapsits to not be described by etnicity because its discriminating.

    This is exactly how you sound Jersey. Completely out of touch !

    If a person of Hispanic origin rapes a woman and, in an attempt to catch this violent criminal, police publish a description identifying the suspect’s general racial makeup, is that a “racist” thing to do? Apparently the folks at KMYL (1190 AM) in the metro Phoenix, Arizona area think it is. It appears that we cannot even discuss the basic appearance of a wanted criminal now without being “racist” about it all.

    The story comes to us from The East Valley Tribune, where the paper quotes the vice president for programming at KMYL as saying that calling a criminal an Hispanic is “racial profiling.” And what is her reasoning?

    (Mayra) Nieves said Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race — and many Hispanics are white or black. She said ethnicity should not be used when describing an attacker. Instead she said she would describe the Chandler Rapist as having “dark skin.”
    Even her “explanation” contradicts itself. If a “Hispanic” can be white or black, why should the rapist be called “dark skinned”? After all, what is the definition of “dark”? To an albino, even a white person is dark skinned… or can I say albino without somehow being a racist?

    Its called ‘ GET A LIFE ! “

  38. micky2 says:

    Correction, forgot the word ” NOT”

    If I want to say that there are just many stupid Mexicans , Blacks , Chinese or whatever I will . And should ” NOT “be held to some ridiculous holier than thou PC BS standard by you or anyone else.

  39. Jersey McJones says:

    Well, Micky, that’s why Republicans have a problem with the race issue. I guess you’re one Republican that’s just never going to understand why.


  40. micky2 says:

    O.K jersey if you say so.
    That last post shows that you are clearly out of intelligent things to counter my arguement.
    Once again it all boils down to you not having one example or document to back up your claims.
    Its just all about your opinion being Gods word.I guess that really makes you out to be “THE MAN” You even went as far as to tell me what I meant to say instead of what I really said.
    I’ve never met anyone untill now who can read my mind and tell me what I meant to say.
    You could be like some kind of secret weapon ?

    But of course you and your moonbats buddies will always make it a point to point out any politically incorrect statement you can find in order to keep making race an issue.
    Conservatives dont have a problem with race. We have a problem with those like you who will always use it as tool to obtain special treatment cause your too freaking lazy to get of your rump and actually do something without having some kind of assistance.
    Your the kind of people who would suck at doing something and instead of admitting it you would blame it on everyone else.
    Its like the idiot secretary who cant get a raise and then starts crying sexual harrasment because someone said she looked nice today.
    Bunch pathetic losers.
    There are people in other countries who are brown and black or whatever that are homeless.
    And they DREAM of being homeless in America. Being homeless in America is paradise compared to being homeless where there at.
    If you cant make it America then you need your head examined and truly are in need of assistance.
    When any old body can walk across our border and not be a citizen and get a job, medical, foodstamps and financial assistance, then you and your cry baby minority friends shouild really all shut the hell up.

    Just because I dont bend over like you doesnt mean I dont understand
    And I really could give a rats ass about having to worry about what some judgemental freak thinks is wrong with me.
    I thought you and your party were all abbout anti- discrimination ?
    And yet you discriminate against my right to discriminate on the basis of common sense, go figure.

    If some smelly not so wholsome guy with a stain in his crotch is standing next to my daughter, I’m not going to go thru all the PC moves and processes of elimination that these leftist idiots recommend. I will deal with the problem as my discriminatory instincts tell me to.

    This crap goes back to the debate we had over these hypersensative freaks who got all upset over Teri Hatchers remark about Filippino Medical certificates in Desparate housewives.
    You all need to get out more often.

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