The Jayson Blair Times Descends Into Madness

The Jayson Blair Times is descending into madness. It is now officially the equivalent of a drug addict unable to come clean. It is in a downward spiral, and it is determined to drag everybody down until there is nothing good in America left. We can argue over whether it takes a village to raise a child, but it seems that it only takes a newspaper to burn the village.

For the sake of full disclosure, for those who truly do need to be hit upside the head with a bar towel to know they are in a bar, I find the paper formerly known as the New York Times to be a contemptible piece of trash run by disgusting individuals that long ago gave up on concepts such as honor and integrity.

I want to make it crystal clear that my objection to this paper is not political. I disagree with liberals. I detest the JBT. I detest the fact that they will allow blind partisan hatred to get in the way of making America happier, healthier, and safer.

I am a conservative blogger. Yet if you are a liberal, you will be welcome on my blog. You will not be castigated. I will treat you politely. We will disagree, but you will be welcome as would any guest in my home. When watching football on Sundays, I know some of the guys sitting on my couch are liberals. They know they have a place to watch the game. I want my blog to be equally welcoming.

The JBT would rather destroy than reach out. They are sinking in readership because they have taken so many repugnant actions that only their most ardent ideological warriors will read them.

Some people will bemoan the state of politics today. They will say it has gotten coarser. We were better off before Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and the blogosphere lit up society. Things were so much more peaceful “back then.”

No, society was not more peaceful. There was not harmony. Debate was merely stifled. When a liberal says, “Be bipartisan,” what they really mean is, “Shut up and agree with me.” The New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, and NPR ruled with iron fists…iron liberal fists. Conservatives were simply not allowed to speak. The debate is coarser today because liberals have not been able to silence and bully the conservatives back underground.

Yes, there are plenty of strident conservatives out there. They will argue that they were bullied, so therefore they have every right to get down and dirty. This is wrong. This is how entire groups of people who have been victimized in the past seek vengeance rather than justice. Some people run for President fueled by this vengeance. What conservatives should do is what most of them are already doing. Do not get in the gutter, but be a worldwide group of ombudsmen that expose every liberal lie. This is a full time job when it comes to the JBT, but here are some examples of how they have sunk.

They became the JBT by promoting Jayson Blair himself. He was unqualified, and incompetent. He continued to rise in the ranks, passing over better qualified and longer tenured caucasian employees.

Affirmative action is a sensitive issue. I have enraged many conservatives myself by not being rabidly against it. Yet at the same time, promoting Jayson Blair hurt everybody. The critics of affirmative action made him the poster boy in an attempt to destroy an entire structure meant to help people. Where the JBT went wrong is that they sacrificed quality in favor of ideology. There are plenty of capable black people in America, a majority of them liberals. Instead of picking somebody who happened to be black, they picked somebody because he was black.

Yet the Jayson Blair imbroglio was a molehill. Other scandals have been mountains.

In 2004, Mary Mapes and Dan Rather used their powerful positions at CBS to try and bring down President Bush. In conjunction with the JBT, memos that were “fake but accurate” made it on the air. If the new media did not exist, John Kerry would have won the election. That in itself is not the tragedy, since many people wanted him to win. The real horror would have been when the scandal erupted after he was sworn in. His Presidency would have been paralyzed. It would have made Monicagate seem like child’s play. America would have been irreparably harmed.

Yet just because President Bush was reelected does not mean we can all say, “no harm, no foul.” Attempted murder is not murder, but it is still awful. Whether or not President Bush shirked his military duties would have been a legitimate story if there was hard evidence. CBS and the JBT let ideology trump quality, and let emotion override facts. They continued to hasten the destruction of their own brands.

If trying to rig an election was sinister, then trying to get innocent Americans killed was bordering, if not crossing over, the line of good and evil.

The JBT has gone beyond reporting the war in Iraq and the War on Terror. They have openly cheered for America to lose. This is treason. It is sedition.

Some may ask how an inanimate object can hurt or harm anything. This inanimate object has a flesh and blood owner. His name is Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger, Jr. Pinch Sulzberger has a long history of despising his own nation. Like all rich children of guilty white liberals, he managed to join the counterculture. Unlike others who took part in that wretched movement of drug loving hippie excess, he never grew up. While his father, Arthur “Punch” Sulzberger Sr., was a liberal, even he had his limits. He asked his son who he would want to die in a conflict between an American soldier and a Vietnamese soldier. Pinch replied, “The American soldier should die because we invaded his country. The Vietnamese soldier is just defending himself.”

One does not have to support a war to wish that our soldiers come home safely. Pinch has continued his warped thinking to this very day. On the day that Iraqis voted in their third democratic election, The JBT chose to break the wiretapping story involving the Bush White House. Reasonable minds can disagree on whether this was a story to begin with. Yet the story could have been reported one day earlier or one day later. It was not time sensitive. The day of the Iraqi election was historic. To give it short shrift was horrifying.

Yet even more horrifying was the JBT giving away secret troop movements, endangering the lives of American soldiers. This is not about right vs left. It is about right vs wrong. Our troops may overwhelmingly vote republican, but they conduct their missions with honor, regardless of who at any moment in history is their Commander in Chief. Those who say they “support the troops” cannot condone this activity. These young men and women should not be blown to kingdom come because one man is against war in principle and American victory in practice. Ideology has blinded him. There is no decency left.

In the last few days alone, there have been three more big black eyes at the Gray Lady.

The first is mild in comparison. It involves the furor of the paper in general for hiring commentator Billl Kristol, who happens to be a conservative. Notice I did not refer to him as “conservative commentator Bill Kristol.” He is a human being first, and I do not recall the Wall Street Journal refer to “liberal columnist Al Hunt,” when he was a columnist there. That is because the WSJ was able to place quality above ideology. This allowed it to export both.

Daniel Finkelstein, the editor of the Times of London, wrote a brilliant article questioning why a movement obsessed with diversity would object to a columnist offering ideological diversity.

The reason is because that type of diversity is frowned upon.

“A quality newspaper should have columns reflecting a wide variety of opinions, even those uncongenial to the majority of its readers. While the bulk of a paper’s columnists may reflect the publication’s character and view, there must always be space for an alternative opinion.”

Apparently Mr. Finkelstein believes the JBT is reasonable.

“Considering that Kristol represents a large strand of American opinion (even if it is a smaller strand of NYT reader opinion) it is entirely unremarkable that his columns should be commissioned.”

This is because ideology is what they want, quality is irrelevant. Expanding the readership is only irrelevant for people who want to grow their business. Judging by the collapsing stock price, Pinch simply does not care about increasing circulation.

“The job of a reader’s editor, surely is to defend the rights of its readers, all of its readers. It is not to start picking a “Fantasy Columnist” team to reflect his own politics. What of people who agree with Kristol? Do they not deserve the protection of the reader’s editor?”

Clark Hoyt, the ombudsman at the JBT, did not want Mr. Kristol hired because he had the nerve to criticize the paper in the past. Internal dissension is healthy. It avoids groupthink. Come to think of it, the very things that the JBT has accused the Bush Administration of being guilty of is what has affected the JBT itself.

Mr. Hoyt stated, “This is not a person I would have rewarded with a regular spot in front of arguably the most elite audience in the nation.”

Mr. Finkelstein’s reply was brief, to the point, and deadly accurate.

“Isn’t this the most pompous sentence you have ever read in your life?”

This is the JBT mindset. They have between one and two million readers, and think that 7 billion people agree with them. Even for liberals, this is too much arrogance.

The second black eye is a repeat of 2004. Many people feel that Rudy Giuliani is the strongest republican candidate (Disclosure: I am supporting Rudy Giuliani for President). While many on the left and right are not fans of Rudy, he was the frontrunner in the polls for some time. Then a scandal broke about secret service protection for his mistress, now his wife, Judi Nathan. In the end, there was no scandal. The expenditures were legal, and charged to the appropriate account.

So no harm, no foul, right? Wrong. The scandal was on the front page. The retraction was on page 37. Rudy Giuliani might still become President, but if he does not, that scandal is what sent him down in the polls. The JBT failed to get President Bush in 2004, but they fired their guns on Mayor Giuliani, and derailed a strong republican…and more importantly, a staunch advocate of an aggressive continuation of the War on Terror. Ideology reigns supreme, and any man further to the right of President Bush with regards to the Bush Doctrine must be destroyed.

Yet if attacking one man falsely is disgusting, continuing to disparage our troops is vile.

The newest story slandering the troops comes in the form of the JBT Claiming that 121 murders have been committed by American troops returning home to American soil. This is to show returning soldiers as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder induced crazed, murderous lunatics. The story has already been debunked, since when taken as a percentage, American civilians who have not served in the military are 5 times more likely to commit murder. Soldiers are better behaved, more disciplined, and less violent. They are not “killing machines.” They are humanitarians who love America, and defend our citizens. To portray the entire group as murderers is to hate the troops.

It is not that the JBT is liberal. It is that they are pernicious, wrong, and unapologetic. They get the story wrong, issue mealy mouthed apologies, and continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Sometimes honest mistakes happen. More often than not, the paper engages in deliberate smears.

It is no wonder that the JBT and its ever dwindling number of readers despise Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and their less popular brethren. The JBT repeatedly lies. They have always lied. Only in recent years are they getting caught.

The New York Post does not have this problem. The Wall Street Journal does not have this problem either. It is not that they are conservative. It is that they are obsessed with getting the news right. Not right politically, but right accurately. On the rare occasions they make mistakes, they issue loud mea culpas. They also have liberal columnists, or to be more accurate, columnists that happen to be liberal. They are not token hires. They simply write well.

My blog will succeed because my belief in conservatism, while strong, is secondary to my obsession with integrity. I will be wrong from time to time. I will blow a story. Yet I will place the value of my brand above my pride.

I will not allow myself to become the conservative equivalent of the JBT, because conservatives have to be thrice as good as liberals to survive. The main stream media loves to show conservatives fouling things up, so they can claim that everybody does it. I will not fall into that trap.

The JBT will continue to rot from its arrogant liberal head. They prefer madness to goodness. Quality is job zero. They will burn the village, and yes, some decent republicans will get singed. Yet the JBT will be burning right next to them, their own reputation burnt to a crisp, tattered and charred.

Conservatives will be better when the Gray Lady gets euthanized. Liberals will not realize this until later on, but they will be better off as well. Society will be better.

The JBT is the politics of personal destruction. The debate will be less coarse when they expire worthless. This will not eliminate liberalism. Another liberal publication will take their place, obsessed with avoiding the same mistakes. They will choose honesty over treachery, and a rich, deep national debate can continue, free from hatred and lies.

I hope there are enough liberals that value integrity enough to prove me right.


59 Responses to “The Jayson Blair Times Descends Into Madness”

  1. Jersey McJones says:

    Man, does somebody ever hate the New York Times!

    The Wall Street Journal is fine, for reading about Wall Street.

    The New York Post is fine, for reading about sports.

    The New York Times is fine, for reading about the news.

    All have their place. To wish any or the other to be “euthenized” is no better than burning books, and we all know what that leads to.


  2. micky2 says:

    I think Kristol is a “token hire”
    Maybe the JBT has realized that they’ve maxed out and even loosing out on their liberal subscriptions and now they’re trying to see if they can bring in some conservative readers.
    If my paper was taking a dive I guess in order to increase my readership I would have to appear as if I was opening up to a new audience.
    I see it as a token hire mostly because in my debate over the Times last week I discoverd that Kristol (I accidently spelled it “Crystal” JU LOOK MAHVELUS) is only putting out one column a week for the Times

  3. Spree says:

    “The JBT has gone beyond reporting the war in Iraq and the War on Terror. They have openly cheered for America to lose. This is treason. It is sedition.”

    Yes it is and Bravo for saying it.

  4. redsatellite says:

    “I hope there are enough liberals that value integrity…”

    Jumbo Shrimp….Act Natural…Bitter sweet…..Constant Change…Liberals with Integrity….

  5. micky2 says:

    “The New York Times is fine, for reading about the news.
    All have their place”

    Not in my place.
    And by their plummeting stock and decreasing sales its plain to see what its place is becoming.

  6. Jersey McJones says:

    What was that about acrimony and polarity again?


  7. micky2 says:

    Its a choice jersey, nothing polarizing about lining my bird cage with the times.
    Polarity could mostly be attributed by the actions of the JBT, not the choice the market makes.
    Murderers and child rapsist have their place also. That is a common belief.
    It is becoming more of a common belief reflected in the papers sales and stock that it be more fit in extinction.
    Whats the best sign that they’re hard up for readers ? They brought in Bill Kristol.
    I doubt they are honestly trying to appear diverse because they are.

  8. Jersey McJones says:

    You must have a very well read bird, Micky.

    William Kristol is hugely popular with the right. The Times is just bringing in more readers, more business like any other corporation does. Contrary to the silly notion that the Times is some liberal conspiracy afoot, the NYT, after all, is a business first and foremost, and business is about making money.


  9. Dawncy says:

    I hope there are enough liberals that value integrity enough to prove me right.

    I hope so, too.

    Yet, daily, they spew forth the same things. I just hope that, someday, liberating concepts will actually overtake liberal minds. They are enslaved to their own anti theology, unfortunately.

  10. Jersey McJones says:

    “liberating concepts”

    ROTFLMAO!!! Conservative liberating concepts? Theological liberating concepts???



  11. micky2 says:

    Yea, its called listening to something besides yourself.
    Liberate your thinking. Think outside the cave.
    Actually accoplish something by means of creativity instead of bending people over and taxing their butts til they’re blue in the face.
    Liberate yourself from lack of personal accountabilty.
    Only someone who cant concieve that would laugh at it.

  12. Jersey McJones says:

    OMG! You guys are killing me! American’s are the least taxed people in the First World! That’s what you’re worried about??? Personal accountability??? Like the Republican majority that was so corrupt they made Al Capone look like Moter Theresa? So drunk with power that drunken sailors are ashamed to be compared to them?

    Get real.


  13. micky2 says:

    “The Times is just bringing in more readers, more business like any other corporation does.’
    Not lately.

    “the NYT, after all, is a business first and foremost, and business is about making money. ”

    Yea, selling edible dildos is about making money too

    “American’s are the least taxed people in the First World! ‘

    The point was that you would love to change that. Hillary and Obama have already made that abundantly clear.

    ” Personal accountability’

    Abortion would be a good starting point, also taking out loans you cant afford and the expecting the tax payer to bail you out.

    “:So drunk with power that drunken sailors are ashamed to be compared to them?”

    Most sailors voted republican

  14. Jersey McJones says:

    Abortion? Huh. I always thought that was being accountable!

    Loans? how about being smart enough to know the risk and yet assigning the loan anyway? Oh yeah, and then asking to be bailed out from that?

    Conservatives don’t have a clue in the world what accountability is. They profiteer from other people’s misery and then walk away to leave the tab with their own children.


  15. micky2 says:

    “Abortion? Huh. I always thought that was being accountable!”

    A condom is accountabilty, doing something after the fact is anything but.

    “Loans? how about being smart enough to know the risk and yet assigning the loan anyway? Oh yeah, and then asking to be bailed out from that?”

    Lack of personal accountability. Your brain, your loan , your mistake , your problem.
    If you cant read a contract or put 2 and 2 together, dont buy a house. Buy a book.

    “Conservatives don’t have a clue in the world what accountability is. They profiteer from other people’s misery and then walk away to leave the tab with their own children.”

    We fight a proven enemy so our kids wont have to. And so they wont GET KILLED !
    You make up unproven enemies like gerbil warming so your kids will live in a world of wealth redistribution and excess taxation.

    Now , back to the issue.
    The New York Times is sinking , cuz they’re pissing people off.

  16. Jersey McJones says:

    Micky, the abortion comment was a joke – a very tasteless joke. But what the heck, it’s really none of your business or mine. It’s just a matter for little busy-body hens to cluck away about.

    And I love your take on “accountability!” LOL! I guess it on;y stands for those who don;t know any better, right? Sleazy con-artists don’t have to be accountable!

    “We” don’t fight anybody. Instead we take advantage of reserves and guards, destroy them and their families, leave them high and dry if they make it home, and just to add insult to injury, we don’t even pay for it! Yeah, real “accountable.”

    All newspapers are “sinking,” Micky. Welcome to the New World Media.


  17. micky2 says:

    JMJ said;

    “We” don’t fight anybody.”

    This conversation is over Jersey.
    You just want to argue.


  18. Jersey McJones says:

    No, I want us to pay for our wars.


  19. micky2 says:

    Tell that to a dead soldiers mother.
    What you said is a perfect example of the viciousness and totally mean and assinine things that come out of the lefts mouths.
    That was a horribly disgusting thing to say.

    You just made Mona Charens point and mine.
    That statement was just plain evei.
    you should be fu**** ashamed of yourself

  20. micky2 says:

    JMJ said;

    “We” don’t fight anybody.”

    If you ever want to look like a human being again you would apologize.
    And not to me.
    To every man and women in the service and their families.
    And to everyone who has fallen victim to terrorists.

    You’ve shown your true colors finally. You are dispicable

  21. Hallowed says:

    All that and no mention of the New York Times being the finest newspaper in the country? I think we’re all witnessing personal progress.

  22. greg says:

    My are we grumpy today!

    I guess the final straw for eric was the hiring of Bill Kristol, but for crying out loud, if you don’t like the New York Times, don’t read it! If you don’t like CNN, don’t watch it!

    And speaking of crying out loud, when you in fact do cry out loud and complain about something absolutely no one is forcing you to read or watch, you just enhance the visibility and power of that which you are complaining.

  23. Jersey McJones says:

    “Tell that to a dead soldiers mother.
    What you said is a perfect example of the viciousness and totally mean and assinine things that come out of the lefts mouths.
    That was a horribly disgusting thing to say.

    You just made Mona Charens point and mine.
    That statement was just plain evei.
    you should be fu**** ashamed of yourself”

    Yeah, right. Why don’t you tell that dead soldiers mother that you don’t want to pay for the war?

    “JMJ said;

    “We” don’t fight anybody.”

    If you ever want to look like a human being again you would apologize.
    And not to me.
    To every man and women in the service and their families.
    And to everyone who has fallen victim to terrorists.

    You’ve shown your true colors finally. You are dispicable”

    Micky, YOU and I aren’t fighting the war, paying for the war, or even taking good care of the soldiers, because your president and the GOP congress of the past war years just doesn’t care. All they cared about was tax breaks and war profiteering.

    Hallowed, it’s not about progress, just the almighty dollar.

    Greg, excellent point. But the agenda of the Right is to create division, acrimony and polarity, and so incessantly railing about things that don’t matter is vital to keeping with that agenda.


  24. micky2 says:

    “Yeah, right. Why don’t you tell that dead soldiers mother that you don’t want to pay for the war?

    Why would I say something you think I would even want to say ?
    Why don’t you speak for yourself ?
    I pay for the war as much as any tax payer.
    As a matter of fact its Pelosi and Reid that wanted to withhold funding.
    First you bitch about how the war is running the country broke and then you say we are not paying for the war.
    Put down the bottle Jersey. You’re making a fool of yourself.

    You have said the worst thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.

    I will hold true to my word now. I will not respond to you anymore. I will not give you the time of day, I enjoy debating but not at the expense of having our soldiers who died being told that they were fighting nobody.
    Or the expense of a dead soldiers family being told that their sons and daughters died fighting nobody.
    A couple days ago I took a break because I was really quite tired of you. And figured the best way to decide if I would continue my daily spars with you would be to stand back and look at you with a clear mind instead of always being in the heat of the moment and making decisions during that time.
    So I decided to approach this from a different angle and be the first to post on a fresh subject. That being Erics chat with Mona Charen. I opened the thread with only posting what I believed was our kids not aware of the implications of today’s terrorist threat. Not really pointing to the left or right with any contempt.
    But you quickly showed me that you are incapable of debate without the same hateful talking points every time. None of which you have ever consummated into anything believable. To top it off you became monstrous in your last statement .
    Until you make some kind of amends for the most disgusting thing you have ever said I will and can find plenty of other debates elsewhere where the people have some sense of decency.

  25. Eric, is holding back, I can tell…

  26. Jersey McJones says:


    “Why would I say something you think I would even want to say?”

    I said, ““We” don’t fight anybody.””

    To which you said, “Tell that to a dead soldiers mother.”

    Okay. No problem. You and I, and the 98.5% of the population are not doing any fighting, and are not even paying the bill for the war! No sacrifice, no national effort, no draft – because then we’d have never gone into this evil, stupid, ill-planned, colonial oil war in the first place. Instead, we’re borrowing the money from places like China, putting the bill on our children, and devaluating the dollar to it’s lowest international level since it’s creation. And this is the only war in US history for which the civilian proponents not only evade the costs of both money and blood, but contracted much of the effort on the battelfield to no-bid contracted war profiteers who are patrons of the same poltiicians who started the war! Not only that, but we disrespect and insult our very own soldiers by contracting out – for high profit – such missions as logistics and the guarding of US and Iraqi officials! What? Our soldiers aren’t good enough to guard our diplomats and pols? Pathetic. And you dare to be holier than thou, huh? Puh-lease. If you support the Bush administration, then not only do you not “support the troops,” you use them, abuse them, and throw them away.


  27. micky2 says:

    Speak for yourself Jersey.
    I fight by doing what I do whether you see it as a valid effort or not does not matter.
    When you say “we” you are returning in the context that I spoke of “we” as a country !
    And our soldiers are a part of this country who are doing their part by being on the front lines. But there are many others in this country who fight the same enemy by different means. By blogging, if I can get one person to change their mind at the poll to vote for a pres that will fight our enemy, I have done what I can , It is my way of fighting the eneemy as nuch as others that dont carry a gun.
    I said “we” as a country. But your vain ignorant ass had to make it about yourself.
    You responded to “we” being used in the context of “ALL” of us !
    Our soldiers are part of that “ALL”
    You might as well have a conversation where you get to determine the meaning and context the way you see fit to make your points. But you took what I said and by proxy of blind vanity construed it to be about you and whether “you” fight or not.
    It was not about you. I clearly stated it was about we. And the context made that very clear.

    Read the whole thing over again.
    “Conservatives don’t have a clue in the world what accountability is. They profiteer from other people’s misery and then walk away to leave the tab with their own children.”

    We fight a proven enemy so our kids wont have to. And so they wont GET KILLED !
    You make up unproven enemies like gerbil warming so your kids will live in a world of wealth redistribution and excess taxation.

    “WE” as in the conservatives you were bashing. “WE” was being used in a plural context.

    And everything else you said after that is rhetorical opinionated bla bla bla as usual with nothing ever to back it up.
    Its all as good as me saying that I think that the left ignores the valor of our troops and dems are running the country broke but its all just a pile of sh** unless I can actually provide something to make it a credible point.
    You are unable to do this. And you repeatedly step in your own piles..
    As far the apology goes, you still owe one ,as I’ve displayed how clear it was that I was not talking about you, me or us only.

  28. Jersey McJones says:

    “Our soldiers are part of that “ALL””

    Yes, but a very tiny percentage of that “all.”

    “We fight a proven enemy so our kids wont have to.”

    No. A tiny percentage of us fight a war that we would never have fought if all of us were asked to sacrifice for it. And the war has created more terrorists so that when the day finally comes that we can’t fight it anymore, because we have so few people fighting it, our children will be saddled with an enemy that we created. So not only do you sadlle our children with the bill, but you also saddle them with what will probably be a greater threat in the future for them.

    This war was a mistake and anyone who thinks otherwise is imply unable to admit they were wrong.


  29. micky2 says:

    “No. A tiny percentage of us fight a war that we would never have fought if all of us were asked to sacrifice for it. ”

    Wrong again, as usual.
    Servicemen’s wives, children, mothers and fathers contribute to the fight by supporting the home they come home to. Mothers are given extra duties and responsibilities as a means of support to help in the fight. Keeping the fort so their spouse can fight with reassurances that everything at home is OK.
    The VA and other facilities that deal with results of the war.
    Uso, and volunteers who give time and money and fly to our troops and entertain them.
    Hundreds of charities and organizations that send relief and care packages to our soldiers.
    Those of us who congratulate and give praise to our soldiers are contributing by offering moral support.
    The members of congress who vote to fund our troops are part of the fight.
    People like myself and professional media who are willing to tell the truth about our progress and battle the lies and negativity out forth on the war and our troops.
    The millions of voters who supported the war by voting for Bush in 2004 are a contribution to the fight.

    “And the war has created more terrorists so that when the day finally comes that we can’t fight it anymore, because we have so few people fighting it, our children will be saddled with an enemy that we created.”

    Hmmm… You must have your crystal ball in front of you again.
    You can only assume once again. That we will have “so few people” and that the day will finally come.
    We did not create this enemy any more than we were attacked on 911 because of Bush.
    Both those insane arguments of yours have been dismantled to which you had no answer.

    “This war was a mistake and anyone who thinks otherwise is imply unable to admit they were wrong”.

    Maybe you should finally admit that you are wrong for always telling people that there thoughts are either wrong or right.
    It must be nice to be the only person who has a grip on rational thought and the ability to decide for others what is right and wrong. What we can and cannot admit. What you or I think about the war does not make us right or wrong. It makes us humans with free thought and the ability to justify what we want and see as right for our own reasons.
    In a nut shell, just because you think it was a mistake doesn’t make you right.
    And it doesn’t give you the right to belittle other peoples judgement.
    It just boils down again to a conceded arrogant self centered man who gets pissed and frustrated when no one accepts his opinion as reality.
    And so he ends up in a corner again because all his assertions, accusations, and lies have been squashed. So the only tool he has left is a hateful vile opinion laced with inflammatory rhetoric that makes him look like a baby in a high chair screaming because no one will buy his crap.
    He is reduced to an pathetic display of one insisting that he is right no matter what. Because he is incapable of convincing anyone of anything by intelligent means.
    In his frustration he says evil, mean, nasty and cruel things.
    I’ve heard you on the radio and you are a verbal bull in a china factory who’s speech is all self indulgent meant only to propel you as some kind of genius authoritarian on all and everything. You were a bully and hardly let anyone get a word in edgewise. Most of your statements were pure opinion and the only way you could get any kind of consideration for what was only an opinion was to ask at the end of all your sentences “you know what I mean?” “you know what I mean?
    This speech format is always used when real facts are not present, Because real sustainable truth and facts do not not need a question at the end of every sentence to confirm its validity.
    You even claimed to know what all of Americas housewives think during telephone polls.
    You did not say “I think” or “could it be?”
    You said ; “it was because American housewives will tell people on the phone what they want to hear , especially if someone like their husband is listening”
    And the limp ass host didn’t even have the balls to ask you how in the hell you knew this was true. Or maybe he just couldn’t ask because you would not shut up for 2 seconds.
    You never should of mentioned that radio show, at least to me. Because hearing how you carry yourself and treat other people was just a confirmation of the arrogant self centered egotist you always looked like in print.

    Last chance to apologize and look like something decent for a change.

  30. BrianR says:

    Well done essay, but I disagree with one thing, quite strongly.

    You posit that the reason Giuliani’s ratings have sunk is the “furor” about his using government resources in his courtship of Nathan.

    You vastly oversimplify his loss of support. If there’s one overrriding reason for it, I assert that it’s the fact that he’s not at all a conservative, is in fact running in the wrong party, and the electorate is finally awakening to that fact.

    His sordid personal life is only one facet of that problem.

    He’s wrong on issues that are core to conservative values, and conservatives are vital to GOP success: gun ownership; taxpayer funding of abortions; abortion itself; many others.

    He’s a One-Note Johnny: “When I was Mayor of New York on 9/11…” Who CARES? What have you done for me lately? Surprise, RINO Rudy, most of the country doesn’t give a damn about New York City. News Flash: it’s not the Center of the Universe.

    The more time people have had to get to know him, the less they like him; he’s not even a likeable guy personality-wise.

    Sorry, pard, but as a conservative, I can assure you that if he’s the nominee, I won’t be voting for him, even if the Dems nominate Satan himself. I loathe him, quite frankly.

    As far back as July 2006, I was writing essys at my blog about him, because I knew he’d be making a try for the candidacy:

  31. “JMJ;
    “No. A tiny percentage of us fight a war that we would never have fought if all of us were asked to sacrifice for it. ”

    Wrong again, as usual.
    Servicemen’s wives, children, mothers and fathers contribute to the fight …”

    Micky, wrong again, as always. That IS the 1 1/2%!


  32. micky2 says:

    Although I find you a tasteless and disgusting human being. And I have said I will not deal with you again until you apologize for a very ignorant and hurtful statement.
    I will not be lied about by your blatent misquoting and selective editing of my post.
    Its one thing to disagree and share our disagreements in debate.
    But its a complete departure from what I believed this blog to be when people can just put forth out and out lies about the participants.

    The quote you took and used above Jersey has many more listings below it that you conveniently left out, as anyone who scrolls up can see.
    I was not just talking about a soldiers direct relatives

    Soldiers take the brundt of the war and make sacrifices, ultimate sacrifices.
    But all of us who believe in the cause behind the war help in the fight.
    No doubt he soldiers are the players
    The coachs,the trainers, the guys on the sidelines doing everything from water to the medics to the cheerleaders and the fans are all a part of the team.
    To say that we fight nobody is to say that America is not in this fight with our soldiers.
    We all make a sacrifice in some form or manner. Some obviously much greater than others.
    The point I’m making is obvious and can hardly be taken out of context unless someone like JerseyMcJones intentionally cherry picks from my posts to make it look as if I am som
    First I have to be told by some insincere liar that I my fellow citizens fight nobody. When I consider exposing treasonous liars such as him a part of my fight for my country. Since he has repeatedly stated that we fight an over empahsised enemy, it could also be construed that when he says “we fight no one” our soldiers are fighting a ficticious enemey
    And then I have to watch him misquote and cherry pick my post in an attempt to belittle me.
    Its one thing to have controversy. Its another thing to allow people to lie.

  33. micky2 says:

    Typo correction.
    “The point I’m making is obvious and can hardly be taken out of context unless someone like JerseyMcJones intentionally cherry picks from my posts to make it look as if I am some uninformed deviant.”

  34. Micky, there is a very tiny percentage of Americans in any way involved with the wars. You can’t deny that.


  35. micky2 says:

    Who the effing hell do you think you are ? I can deny anything I want. Especially claims coming from a liar who thinks he knows the actions and thoughts and feeling of millions of Americans.
    Those who voted for Bushs second term are very involved. We realized we would be keeping our men over there until the job was done. And that we were incresing the odds of casualties just by doing that.
    Whether you like it or not you judgemental piece of crap that is a lot of involment on voters parts.
    Theres a big enough percentage involved that lie about it also,.
    You are a liar.
    You do not speak for me or millions of other Americans.
    Your narrow minded perception of involvement is painfully obvious.
    If you say the whole country is paying the price for what you called a “complete and utter failure” You cannot selectivley apply that involment to terms that only support your lies.
    I fight by exposing people like you whom I believe are sympathetic and enebling to our enemy. And there are those out there that do the same thing as me only with the interest being that our soldiers are not going to be subjected to the same crap they had to put with when they came home from Viet Nam.
    You and Greg are hypocrits.
    You say you support the troops. But you dont support the mission.
    That position is so full of hypocrisy and blatent pandering and condecending BS its not even funny.
    These soldiers have a goal. They volunteered for something they believe in.
    Something the left has said a million times they do not believe in.

  36. Micky, there is a very tiny percentage of Americans in any way involved with the wars. You can’t deny that.


  37. That’s because there’s so few of them.


  38. micky2 says:

    The stupid stubborn baby is at it again.
    Waa waaa , Its true , its true because I think so and I said so. Waa waaaa.

    So he throws a little hiisy fit and starts misconstruing and lying and playing semantics and saying a bunch of crap that is uncomfirmable, only opinion.
    He clearly does not know the difference between the fight on the field and the fight at home.
    Actually I think he does. But he wont admit it because he if he did he would also have to admit he is a liar and a fraud.
    You;re a spineless hypocritical whimpering excuse for a man.
    You have nothing to prove that only soldiers are fighting the war. All you can do is point to minutia by only relating the fight to the battle field.
    Your case is so weak that you have to quote me inaccuratley, cherry pick my words and say things about me that only myself or God could know.

  39. micky2 says:
    Beanies For Baghdad
    Minnesotans’ Military Appreciation Fund
    Pendleton 8
    National Remember Our Troops Campaign
    Operation Support Our Troops Ilinois
    Military Exchange Prepaid Calling Cards

  40. micky2 says:

    The Virtual Wall Vietnam Memorial
    – The Virtual Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial publishes photographs, poems, letters, and citations remembering those who died in the Vietnam War.
    – In an effort to give back StudentLawns.Org requires it’s members to provide free lawn maintenance to a senior citizen or United States military veteran. Student Lawns is an Austin, Texas based Lawn Service Company. We mow lawns and provide basic yard maintenance services at a reasonable rate.
    – The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund honors the bravery and dedication exhibited by Americans in our armed forces who have sacrificed life and limb by providing educational scholarships to their children.
    – Citizen Soldier Family Support Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (C)(3), non-profit established in early 2005. Our primary purpose is to serve citizen-soldiers and their familiies in need of financial, residential, vocational and transitional assistance.
    – Operation First Response mission is to assist the wounded military and their families with personal and financial needs who are serving our country during Operation Iraqi Freedom and forward.
    Armed Services YMCA
    – The YMCA has provided educational, recreational, social and religious support to the military since 1861 and continues that effort with the Defense Department through the Armed Services YMCA headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia.
    Operation Gratitude –
    – OPERATION GRATITUDESM, together with the California Army National Guard, 746th QM BN, Van Nuys, seek to lift troops’ morale, and bring a smile to their faces by sending Care Packages to service members overseas. OPERATION GRATITUDESM Care Packages contain food, toiletries, necessities, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation, all wrapped with good wishes of love and support.
    -The Foundation’s communications network offers soldiers more than 8,000 miles away the opportunity to participate in milestone family events such as births, birthdays, weddings and school graduations. It will soon include installations at military hospitals here in the United States, to enable soldiers to interact with their newborn children and loved ones who have become ill with video conferencing. One project, “Bracelets Across America” are a vinyl wristband with a reusable metal snap.
    Helping Our Heroes Foundation
    – Our Mission provides funding, services, and volunteers to augment the support of our military injured in either Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) or Operation Iraqi Freedom, and runs parallel to the initiatives identified in the Disabled Soldiers Support System (DS3).
    56th Brigade Phone Card Drive
    – In January 2005, the Texas Army National Guard 56th Brigade Combat Team will be sent to Iraq in the largest overseas deployment of the Texas National Guard since World War II. In addition to thanking these men and women for their service by attending the deployment ceremony at 2 p.m. Jan. 1 in Floyd Casey Stadium, Baylor University and other Central Texas organizations are asking you to support our troops by helping them stay in touch with their families and loved ones while serving in Iraq. We intend to send every member of the Guard off to Iraq with a prepaid “phone card” in their pack.
    – “Support Our Troops Fund” is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible. Due to some hard work by a great man, he has managed to get donations to “VVA 100 Support Our Troops Fund” tax deductible. VVA100 is a 501(c) (19) Fraternal NPO and the State Charter Numbers are #61 62 60, all donations sent to Support Our Troops are 100% tax deductable.
    -Wounded Warriors was started by the soldiers, sailors, airmen, civilians and Marines of the U.S. European Command to purchase quality-of-life items for those soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines wounded or injured in Iraq and Afghanistan and evacuated to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany.
    – The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund helps Marines, sailors, and their families meet their financial needs during difficult times. The Fund works closely with the Marine Corps, the Navy, and hospitals nationwide to identify and assess the needs of specific families.
    – Operation Uplink is a unique program that keeps military personnel and hospitalized veterans in touch with their families and loved ones by providing them with a free phone card. Using contributions from supporters like you, Operation Uplink purchases phone cards and distributes them to servicemen and women who are separated from those they care about.
    – Show your support for the Troops in a very official way.
    – The great intangible of America’s wars beyond logistics, beyond strategy, beyond wonder weapons and Generals, is the spiritual force of its fighting men and women – and that is the force that the USO so magnificently serves…
    – We are mothers who have or have had children serving in the military . We are a non-profit 501(c)3 service organization supporting each other, our children and promoting patriotism .
    – The Soldiers’ Angels was started by a self-described “ordinary mother” of an ordinary young man turned hero, Corporal Brandon Varn. Brandon was deployed in Iraq and has since honorably completed his mission and has returned back to his proud and loving family.
    – The Wounded Warrior Project was founded on the principle that veterans are our nation’s greatest citizens. The Project seeks to assist those men and women of our armed forces who have been severely injured during the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other hot spots around the world.
    My Soldier
    – My Soldier is a program that puts politics aside and lets U.S. soldiers know that someone back home cares. Sgt. Juan Salas, who served for 14 months in Iraq, established the program with the help of his school, Manhattanville College, when he returned from the war.
    – Operation Military Pride is a volunteer organization with a wide range of activities-all of which are to boost the morale of our troops deployed overseas. We not only send cards, letters and care packages ourselves, but also distribute troop names and addresses to patriots wanting to send cards, letters or care packages directly to troops. We are one of the very few groups that allow direct contact with a service member, eliminating the “middle man” and expenses.
    – Operation Troop Support, a 501c3 non-profit organization, aims to help soldiers and their families. Our group supplies deployed soldiers with needed items that are difficult to obtain overseas, and locally, we provide support to the family support meetings and to the food pantry.
    Adopt Our Troops Campaign
    – Register a military person for prayer or ‘adopt’ a member of the military service for prayer. Information, customized prayer certificate, and registration.
    All For Our Military
    – An email or pen pal project designed to send correspondence to troops who do not receive large amounts of mail. Information, commentary, and related links.
    eMail Our Military
    – Free service providing encouragement, motivation, and support to the United States military via email and postal mail.
    Letters From Home
    – Volunteer-based program that supports military personnel through letters and calling cards.
    Military Support Group for Our Homefront Heroes
    – Provides support for service men and women, and their families. Access for hard to find web sites with military support information. Based in Grand Junction, Colorado. Information, events, and links.
    National Military Appreciation Month 2003
    – Celebrated in May due to VE Day, Military Spouse Day, Loyalty Day, Armed Forces Day/Week, National Day of Prayer, and Memorial Day. Origination and purpose are discussed, as well as events, media page, participation ideas, and military links.
    – Information and registration for this national network of foster homes that will temporarily house, nurture, and care for the dogs, cats, and birds for deployed military personnel.
    – How to send care packages, donate, and write and send letters to deployed soldiers.
    Operation Hero Miles
    – Program allowing donation of one’s frequent flyer miles to troops to supplement the R&R program. How to donate, information for soldiers and FAQ.
    Operation Paperback
    – A non-profit, volunteer organization that collects gently used books and sends them to American troops deployed overseas.
    Operation Shoebox
    – Based in Florida, requesting help by writing letters and collecting donations of items to send to troops on the frontlines. News, information, and drop-off locations.
    Operation USO Care Package
    – Encourages individuals and corporations to write a personal message and financially support care package to be delivered to service members. Information, USO locations, and listing of care package items.
    Operation: We Love Our Troops
    – Collects items to be distributed to deployed troops. News, events calendar, and photos.
    Our Troops Need Your Help
    – Encourages donating and sending hygiene products in care packages to military personnel. Suggestions given.
    Retired Military Support Group
    – Information for military retirees, widows and widowers of retirees, and their families. Also, history of group, pictures, meetings, and calendar of events.
    Salute our Military
    – Patriotic products, screensavers, and discussion board.
    Sons And Daughters Of America
    – A military relief group designed to send support packages and messages directly to the troops.
    Support Our Troops
    – Encouraging support for US troops and their families thru image galleries, articles, information on rallies, advice from veterans, news, and related links.
    Thank Our Troops
    – Send a restaurant gift certificates for a free lunch or dinner for two.
    Humane Society: Tips for Military Personnel on Temporary Pet Care
    – Press release with ideas, suggestions, and related information for those men or women facing deployment and in need of temporary care for their pets.
    – Tony Snow sponsors this and they are raising money for wounded soldiers.
    – They do a lot so go to their site to read all they do!
    – They are now sending Heaters to the Troops.
    – Ollie North Project.
    – Send a care package to Any Soldier in Harm’s Way.
    – Scholorships for Military Dependents.

    This is just one page out of all the corporate sponsors for our troops, which employs millions of people who are a part of that support.
    ICE: Global Community Markets
    2007-08 Care Package Sponsor
    The Care Package Project™
    Ongoing Support

  41. micky2 says:

    2007 Donation Packing Tape
    The Care Package Project™

    Dayton Freight
    2006-08 Freight Delivery
    The Care Package Project™
    Ongoing Support

    2007 Donations
    The Care Package Project™

    Defending Freedom Wristbands
    Over $30,000 for shipping
    Ongoing Support
    The Care Package Project™

    Burgers Smokehouse
    2007-08 Smoked Beef for Marines
    The Care Package Project™
    Ongoing Support

    Cherry Central
    2006-07 Dried Cherries for Marines
    The Care Package Project™

  42. micky2 says:

    The list is phenomenal. Churchs, corporations, vets, private sector etc…
    We are all a part of there fight.
    Would you like to add to the list of insults you have hurled at the American people by saying that only 1.5 % are involved ?
    Probably, seems like you get off on that kind of thing

  43. There are over 300,000,000 Americans. There are about 3 1/2 million americans in the military or employed by it. Roughly half of them are on active duty at any given time. About one third of them are stationed over seas. There has been less than one million deployments throughout the Iraq war. Less than one million out of 300,000,000. If we assume that there are as many as 4.5 supporting actors for every soldier, that is still less than 1.5%.

    Why don’t you look it up? Heritage backs these numbers as of ’06, but haven’t kept up much since. The rest is all common knowledge you can wiki or whatever.


  44. micky2 says:

    I’m talking about civilians as well as miltary.
    Stop playing your childish game.
    If its 4.5 % ? I assume very little.
    Let me guess which hole you pulled that out of.

    I’m talking apples and your talking squirrel nuts out of your butt.
    Apologize while you’re at it.

  45. I’ll say it again and more; a very tiny percentage of Americans are involved with, sacrifice for, engage in, and even fund, the war. It’s really kind of pathetic when you think about it. But I guess it was thought to be politically expedient at the time the Bush gang decided to invade. They apparently don’t worry to much about collateral damage.


  46. micky2 says:

    “Micky, YOU and I aren’t fighting the war, paying for the war, or even taking good care of the soldiers,

    Jersey knows what I do with my life more than anyone.

    “You can’t deny that.”

    He tells me what I cant do.

    “Micky, there is a very tiny percentage of Americans in any way involved with the wars. ”
    “We” don’t fight anybody.”

    He cant decide if we are involved or fighting. Both , one or none of the above.

    “This war was a mistake and anyone who thinks otherwise is imply unable to admit they were wrong.

    He decides what is right and wrong. He knows when people hes never met are being dishonest and not forthcoming.

    He can only make his case by lying.

    You’re a liar jersey.
    You edit my posts and misquote me and you change the context of words.
    You’re a cheap street hustler

  47. Micky try a little civility and intellectually honesty. I haven’t said anything here that isn’t objective, common knowledge.


  48. micky2 says:

    Objective and common to you.
    Knock off the BS already jersey.
    Civility ? You’re a liar and a cheating hypocrite.
    You misquote me, you lie, you obfuscate, and you accuse people of things you cant prove or just aren’t true.
    Don’t talk to me about civility. You’re the last person on earth who deserves it.
    Stop with this crap already with telling people to be intellectually honest and face reality and the other stupid things you say just because people wont or don’t see things your way.
    You are a liar, deceptive and dishonest. Right above on this threads you purposely cherry picked and misquoted me knowing damn well that there was more to the list. As if to make my argument incomplete.
    I am not civil with punks jersey. I treat them like the crap that they are.
    You tell people the dumbest things I have ever heard.
    I’ve heard you talk to people in real life. And you are just as you were the whole time in print.
    You talk down to people as if you are the all knowing authority but can rarely ever back up your claims with anything but your opinion.
    you owe an apology, and even if you don’t I don’t care by now. I am sick of debating someone who does not accept facts and truth in the form of materials far more believable than his word.

    OH ! And while I’m at . I don’t by that sappy BS self indulgent piece of crap you wrote on the Michigan vets.
    You are on record within the last 2 months saying;” the war is a complete and utter failure”. And then you kiss up like a seething pukey snake and say;” I am quite surprised to see just how well the troops are doing these days in what seemed just a year or two ago to be the impossible,

    A year or two ago ? 2 months ago you said it was a complete and utter failure !!!!!!!!!!!!
    And you vehemently denied any progress at all was being made.

    All the crap you say is finally catching up and you cant keep up with all your BS anymore.
    I wont debate you any more Jersey. I left one blog for the same things that you are doing now. But that was because it was the editor and owner himself that lied and misquoted me. Eric has plenty of other fine visitors with opposing views that don’t insult the American people and me or lie and misquote me. I honestly think you are a bad person. It has nothing to do with your political views.

  49. Jersey McJones says:

    I think the war is a complete failure and distaster overall.

    I don’t blame the troops – I blame the “decider” and the puppet masters.

    We went in too light, wasted too much money on unneeded contractors, busted up the physical and institutional infrastructure of Iraq, sent the Sunni military and bureaucracy home armed, angry, disenfranchised, as “deadenders,” contracted the rebuild effort to non-Iraqi companies hiring non-Iraqi labor leaving a huge unemployment problem, ignored the ethnic and sectarian realities of the nation, left the Kurds exposed to the Turks, sent the Shi-a into the arms of Iran, allowed a mass ethnic cleansing and the dislocation of 1/5th of the population, arranged an oil deal that will certainly lead to future upheaval, set ourselves up for yet another long-term presense in an Islamic land that will undoubtedly lead to a continuance of Jihad against the United States, forsook Afghanistan for Iraq and now Afghan herione is killing us by the thousands and the Talioban are resurgent and in bed with the poppy growers, and on and on and on and on…

    In my humble opinion, while it is good to see our meager troop levels pacifying the nation for now, you’d have to be an idiot not to see this for the disaster it is, and the disaster it certainly will be once we run out of resources and troops to keep the relative peace.


  50. micky2 says:

    There you go, being slimy again.
    How can the troops get to where they are at if the war was already a “complete and utter failure? And then all of a sudden now you want to change you position just a little so you can squirm out this one to, so you throw in the word ” Overall “. That’s not what you said the first time. Which makes you dishonest for trying to squeeze that past me.
    Just a year or two ago? What a load of crap, you didn’t believe anything good could happen.
    It didn’t seem impossible to me two years ago.
    I realized there were going to be problems from the beginning. I wasn’t foolish enough to actually expect what was going to be an urban war to end anytime soon.
    In Afghanistan its a cultural war in the sense that they have been selling that opium for decades. But a lot less now. And very little of it hits the American market. Ours comes from Mexico and South America.
    And then you once again include all the problems you can come up with just to make things look worse than they are. And you’ll tell everyone to accept that as ” REALITY” instead of the whole picture.
    Nobody “has to be an idiot” because they don’t have your opinion.
    As a matter of fact those without your opinion are the ones who are succeeding in Iraq and Afghanistan right now.
    Any low life unimaginative nay sayer can run around an point out what’s wrong with everything.
    But none of what you say really matters any more because its all the same and I’ve dismantled most it already with the help of some other decent honest commentors who didn’t have to make up a bunch of unprovable crap, lies, and maintain that they knew things only someone else or God could know. And they sure as hell did not intentionally misconstrue, misquote or cherry pick edit your comments to get it done.
    I debate other lib’s , dems or whatever the hell you call yourself on the same subjects. And you are the most dishonest , weak , and disingenuous one I have met so far.
    You say mean things about people you don’t know and accuse them of thongs you cant prove, CONSTANTLY.
    You’re just a rabid moonbat with a Tasmanian devil mindset that makes Rosie look like the Pope.
    I have looked back for hours on all our debates and most of them end with you not saying anything or answering my questions or acknowledging the facts I displayed. You just shut up and move to the next thread as if nothing happened.
    You re a looser Jersey, you lie, you cheat, and you are a hypocrite.
    And some times you are just down right mean and nasty to people who don’t deserve it. You are a grumpy vicious negative man who has a superiority complex that makes ego almost obsolete.
    You speak other peoples minds for them, you are always bringing up other peoples intelligence as flawed in comparison to yours. And you say some really dumb things and instead of admitting it will spend a whole day or two defending it.
    You’re a sack of crap person whom I have given the benefit of the doubt to many times and participated anyway just for the sake of showing others how wrong people like you are.
    I’ve done that already, to the point where I can do it in my sleep because 9 out of 10 times it always boils down to your opinion being all you have
    You are lazy.
    You expect me to do searches for you. You expect me to do your homework.
    I search for things in the form of articles, documents, transcripts. And when I find them they usually prove you wrong.
    You rarely show any thing to co oberate your statements and position. Instead you expect us to just accept you opinion as fact.
    I operate as if I’m in court and I need to prove my case.
    You operate as if you are trying to convince one of your family to trust you on your word.
    You think it is your right to be believed,
    Its a luxury jersey, it has to be earned.
    And your lying lazy ass doesn’t want to work for it.

  51. Jersey McJones says:

    “How can the troops get to where they are at if the war was already a “complete and utter failure?”

    Micky, as a student of history I can tell you that the victory of any battle, any campaign, any front, often is the loser of the war in the end. And if you study any of the great empires of history and their military escapades, you’ll note that long-protracted expeditionary entanglements often don’t end well.

    But as you are obviously not a student of history, but rather the culinary arts (which is quite honorable and impressive, but not really relevent to this debate), you wouldn’t know this or know to apply it to our situation today. It’s the ol’ “doomed to repeat it” rule.


  52. micky2 says:

    Yet you still tried to tell me how to run a restaurant, what a jerk.
    And I have an associates in management also jersey.
    I know how to make decisions based on resources and situations.
    You are about as much as student of history as anyone who reads a book.
    Your knowledge of history has nothing to with debate. Only that you make my point for me. You are saying that because you have studied history we should just take your word for it ?
    That is one of the dumbest things (on top of all the others) that you have ever said !
    Do you and your simple mind understand that there are just as many PROFESSORS of history that disagree with you ?
    Its all in context jersey.
    If culinary arts is not relevant you didn’t have to mention it, right ?

    As a student of history ? How about brushing up on your ethics ?
    As a Chef in many fields I can make a pile crap taste and look like ice cream.
    But just like the info you give people does not dictate what is in the dish you serve us.
    You say a lot, but sh** is sh**.


    “I am not locked in a closed, authoritarian, theo-ideological, my-way-or-the-highway, blindly patriotic mindset.”

    You just claimed authority . ” As a student of history”, I do not belong to any religious denomination. Down below are quotes of you telling people “my way or the highway”
    Acceptance and blindness are two different things.
    ================================================================== JMJ; “Grow up and get your priorities straight.”

    I decide on what priorities go where in my life.
    JMJ; “I’m absolutely right. I have no doubt about it.”

    So whats new ?
    JMJ; “The acrimony and divisiveness we see in todays body politic is directly the responsibility of rightwing radio,”

    Directly ? Not partially?
    JMJ; “anyone who thinks otherwise is simply unable to admit they were wrong.”

    OMG ! What an ostentatious display of ignorance
    JMJ; ” Ron Paul won the debate. No doubt about it.I did a text count on the debate.
    A text count gives you a goof picture about what subjects were being debated.”

    You make your decisions on “goof displays”. They eliminate all doubt ?
    JMJ; “Al, I’m sorry that you don’t like reality, but it is what it is. Too stupid? Maybe.”

    Oh, we dont see it your way or buy your BS so we are stupid.
    OK masa, yessuh masa, whatevuh ya says masa.
    JMJ; “That’s all that matters, no matter what you guys say. ”

    Doesnt matter what other people say, hmmm.
    JMJ; and 9/11 was bound to happen eventually. This is all true, and therefore 9/11 really didn’t change anything ”

    He can see the future, he knows its true it was going to happen.
    911 didnt change anything.
    JMJ; “It’s really beneath you guys – especially you, Eric – and you really should stop.”

    Yea Eric ! Whats up huh ?
    (For the record jersey, Eric has more class in his crap than you do in your whole body)
    JMJ; “But it’s called taste, Hallowed. People with poor taste don’t read the Times. People with good taste do. It’s also brains. If you’re smart, you can read – and understand – the Times.”

    Once again folks. Jersey is the one with all the brains and taste
    “The New York Times is the finest newspaper in the country.”

    Depends what you use it for.
    “As for the Times, I don’t have to back up anything. Among most all educated people, the New York Times is considered the finest newspaper in America,”

    he does not have to show us anything to prove his point and does not have to back up anything. Just take the all knowing gran pubas word for it. (too effing much man)
    He said it himself folks.
    “Like I said, I don’t have to back anything I said up. Most educated people agree with me. If you guys don’t, than tough tiddlies.”

    “I don’t have to back anything I said up.”

    Dhoo ! He said it again ! This time he wishes tough tiddies on us if we dont see it his way and just take his word for it.
    “You don’t have to tell me how idiot Americans think”

    Thats right Jersey, you know how idiots think. Been there, done that huh ?
    JMJ; ” those that don’t like well-written journalism about reality because it does not conform with their ideologies, and those who are too stupid to read the Times in the first place. That’s it.”

    “Thats it” If you dont read the times , you are stupid.
    JMJ; “Enlistees and draftees, as a general rule, historically and to today, be cause of their age and demographic background, tend not to be very well educated. That’s just a plain fact of life.”

    Your life , yes. And I showed you facts that blew your lifes facts away.
    “This is all very simple to understand, and rather inarguable. ”
    JMJ; “Yes, Micky, Servicemen, enlistees, draftees, etc. More pedantics, huh? As a general rule it stands.”

    “I can spot a libertarian from a hundred paces. Like reality.”

    I remember this, 2 minutes later the guy said he wasnt a libertarian.
    Shoots your “REALITY” right into la la land.
    When are you ever going to learn the difference between concept and reality ?
    “Yeah for Reagan. Neither did he defeat them nor did it matter to you and I. ”

    He knows what matters to me and millions of others.
    JMJ; “The USSR was bound to collapse eventually, Micky. ”

    Genius, pure genius. Newton figured this one out when an apple hit his head.
    You have no concept of “picking apples”
    JMJ; ” Real love requires honesty and constructive criticism. Phony love is just an expression of insecurity.”

    I’m gonna puke. All you do is lie and criticize.
    You are the most insecure guy I have ever met.
    JMJ; ” I am quite convinced that Al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 BECAUSE Bush and the GOP became the one party ruling majority.”
    You got your ass kicked on this one.

    I am convinced that you are no longer worthy of sane rational honest debate.
    you are a hateful mean spirited hypocritical liar.
    Elitest snotty know it all punk.

  53. greg says:

    Micky, you promised us a few posts ago that you were done responding to Jersey, and yet here you are. I have never said this to anyone ever before, but I’m saying it to you now: please leave. Go somewhere else like you keep promising you’re going to do.

    Your continuous rudeness, name-calling, and ranting, not only to Jersey, but to most everyone, is simply uncalled for and is destroying this blog. I am ready to leave this blog permanently because of you and regardless of whether I ultimately stay or leave, I am done responding to your incessant juvenile diatribes.

    It’s eric’s blog and his call as to whether you stay or leave, but I can tell you that you’ve already been banned from my blog. You’ve never posted there and you never will.

    Life is too short.

  54. micky2 says:

    If you follow the post greg you would understabd that Jersey has consistantly lied and said horrible things to me and our citizens and soldiers. So no matter what you think this is not about you or your blog or whether I ever would even think of going there.
    Dont flatter yourself.
    I am holdig jersey to task for the simple reason to expose him.
    I have taken his crap for months, long before you were even a thought on this blog.
    You are right, its Erics call

    I said;” I will and can find plenty of other debates elsewhere where the people have some sense of decency.”

    I also said I would not respond to him anymore. But you are like him , you make things up. I never said I was going to leave. Now did I ?

    I decided to respond only when he fugured he could cherry pick and misquote me like the liar he is.
    I have a right to respond and change my mind no matter what anyone thinks.
    The only deciding factor would be ERIC, not you greg.

    I believe jersey should be taken to task for his actions, I believe what he does is decieving and dishonest.
    If it bugs you so much greg you should take your own advice.

  55. Jersey McJones says:

    Micky, really, you get too caught up in this stuff. Make your argument and move along to the next. Stop living in the past.


  56. blacktygrrrr says:

    Ok, that is it! I have had enough.

    When watching sports, I like the referees to stay out of the way, preferring to “let the players play.”

    I can see now that this hands off approach is not working.

    I started this blog to raise the level of discourse, and that is failing.

    Now everybody keep the gloves up or I am going to just start deleting entire posts. I don’t care who started what.

    Keep the comments relative to the topic at hand. Eliminate all personal insults.

    I have been way too lenient, but enough is enough. I refuse to be one of those guys that sacrifices quality for ratings.

    I would rather 10 people visit my blog and admire its sophistication then 1000 people visit and see it as a free for all.

    I do not have time to take on a second job editing comments. I will just start deleting entire posts until they are rewritten in a civilized way.

    That goes for everybody.

    I wrote a positive piece today about Dr. King, and trust that can be debated without attacks.



  57. Jersey McJones says:

    My sincere apologies.


  58. AL says:

    Eric, Thank you for clarifying the NYT’s article about the crazed veterans. I recently gave up command of a Training Support Battalion – a unit that is comprised of senior Non commissioned officers (E7 and above), Captains, and Majors. Our job was to use prior combat experience to train other units for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. About 20% of my combat veterans experienced some form of PTSD – some went through counseling, others received medications, and still others dealt with it personally – either through self-medication, prayer, or family support. There were no serious incidents in my two plus years of command. This doesn’t diminish the severe impact on each Soldier, but they certainly do not pose a threat to society.

    I can’t speak for all Soldiers, but to me, if you don’t support my Commander in Chief, President Bush, you can’t support me. Not supporting my Commander in Chief makes me a mercenary because I am a volunteer. We all have reasons for doing what we do, and I have chosen to be an American Soldier – not a mercenary. I have been involved in some form of military service since 1972 – whether enlisted, commissioned, Active Army, National Guard, or Active Guard – and I’ve bounced back and forth among the components over many, many years. I only ask that if someone disagrees with our military policies, do three things. First, read, listen, and interact with others – if you are a conservative, get a liberal’s viewpoint; if you are liberal, talk to a conservative. Talk to a few Soldiers. Second, vote. Finally, understand that Presidents have limited powers to declare or sustain military conflicts, and even when intelligence has been spotty or disproven by a vocal media, there are so many facts and so much information that is hidden from the public that only a fool would think our military went to war, and is currently at war, for no good reason. If these conflicts were so unnecessary, they certainly wouldn’t be funded by a Congress who publicly denounces the Commander in Chief. Argue about it over a beer, on the internet, or in a coffee shop, but our Soldiers are fighting a patient enemy, and the media is aiding and abetting this enemy by reporting troop movements, half-truths, and skewed statistics.

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