My Interview With Armstrong Williams

At the 2008 Republican Convention in Minnesota, I interviewed radio personality Armstrong Williams.

Some would describe Armstrong Williams as a black conservative, but that is not how the Republican Party works. He is a conservative that happens to be black.

He is fun, brash, and most importantly, right.

I became a fan of his 15 years ago when he was debating Bob Beckel on the CNN show Crossfire. They were arguing about affirmative action, and Beckel seemed stunned when Armstrong said, “I don’t need your help. I’m not inferior. My kids will beat your kids fair and square. We don’t need your help.”

If you ever want to read an inspiring column, read his Father’s Day tribute to his own father. It is a column for all time.

I spoke to Armstrong a few weeks earlier as a call in guest to the radio show “Political Vindication.” I asked Armstrong about whether or not Israel should attack Iran. I wish I had been taking notes, since his answer was brilliant. All I can say is that he believes Israel has every right to defend itself, and it might have to strike Iran. If this happens, America should support the action.

When I met Armstrong, he graciously agreed to an interview. The interview is below.

1) How does a black man in America end up a republican? What about the party appeals to you?

AW: My parents are 3rd generation republican. They never left the party of Lincoln. The GOP belongs to me, I don’t belong to them. They share my beliefs. It’s my party, not the other way around.

2) What are the most important issues of 2008?

AW: Redistribution of wealth. Barack Obama wants to raise taxes. He wants to raise capital gains taxes and payroll taxes. Everybody should pay the same rate. Those that make more will still pay more in dollars. Having so many people exempt mkes things worse. People take no interest if they have no stake. When everybody has to pay some share, they care more.

Illegal immigration is also an issue. It affects the economy, and education. The problem is that when you mention illegal immigration, people turn their heads away. It’s too explosive.

Lastly, all these issues pale in comparison if there is another terrorist attack. I give credit to President Bush because he has kept us safe. The price of gasoline, the price of food, and the mortgage issue are all meaningless if the terrorists attack us again. We have to keep things in perspective. President Bush took the fight to the terrorists. So will John McCain. Will Barack Obama take the fight?

3) Who are your 3 political heroes?

AW: Justice Clarence Thomas, C. Boyden Gray, and Justice Janice Rogers Brown.

4) What issues are most important to you personally?

AW: Escaping the cultural plantation. The left talks about diversity, but  diversity is not about race.  The democrats are out to lunch.  They are still damaged from the results. Look at the democratic primary. Clinton and Obama  have not recovered  from playing identity politics. Americans want Americans, not small groups.

5) 100 years from now, how would you like to be remembered?

AW: No Child Left Behind. My ideas and opinions cannot be purchased. My beliefs are my own. My values are strong. I am willing to die for my beliefs. We have to love something greater than ourselves. I have been to Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Hopefully 100 years from now people will see our freedoms, and see a thriving democracy. Hopefully I contributed to that.

Armstrong Williams then did something very nice. He allowed me to be an on air guest to his radio show. We were on for 10 minutes, an overwhelmingly generous gesture on his part. His producer is also hip and funny as well. We chatted politics, and on the air I brought up identity politics.

6) Armstrong, the republicans have great men like John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, and Armstrong Williams. The democrats offer Barack Obama and John Edwards. Are the democrats bigoted against the follically challenged? Can John McCain break the glass ceiling in the modern era so we can elect a bald President?

Armstrong and his producer laughed on air, and off the air let me know in a nice way what I freely admit, that I have some screws loose. To hear his response to this and other issues, listen to his radio show.

It was my honor and privilege to meet Armstrong Williams. It was a thrill to have him interview me.

I wish him a ton of success, because he achieved his success the conservative way…he worked hard and earned it. Now if only he can get his taxes cut so he can keep more of what he earns.


8 Responses to “My Interview With Armstrong Williams”

  1. gaylea says:

    You are a lucky man, Eric! :)

    So Amrstrong actually worked hard and earned his own money and success. Imagine that! A concept that the left are about as familiar with as they are with protecting this great country!

  2. “AW: Redistribution of wealth. Barack Obama wants to raise taxes. He wants to raise capital gains taxes and payroll taxes. Everybody should pay the same rate.”

    Armstrong Williams must not be very knowledgable of the tax code. If he wanted everyone to pay the same rate then he would agree that THE CAP HAS TO COME OFF THE PAYROLL TAX. And the same goes for capital gains, which are currently taxed at no more than 15% – therefore people who make money without actually earning it pay less taxes on that profit than people who earn it! AW needs a lesson in the tax code. Feel free to have him send me an email. I’d be happy to educate him.

    Also, NCLB is an unmitigated DISASTER. It has done NOTHING to improve education and has only punished teachers and students and schools for the very problems the free traders have foisted upon the middle and working class in America! It’s not the students and teachers and schools fault that everybody HAS to work, including mothers and both parents in two parent households. There’s no one to raise the children! Our families have been split apart into what Marx predicted would be little “ones” – we aren’t people anymore, we’re “human resources.” NCLB will do NOTHING to fix that. Only progressive nationalism will restore our society.


  3. Joshua Godinez says:

    Sorry to veer off-topic on you, Eric, but it’s taken me a while to follow you over to your new blog site (now very old to you I’m sure). I just wanted to send you a thank-you. The nature of your blog, writing what you felt strongly about and having a defined theme, inspired me to do the same. Sorry, though, I’m a little money-grubbing and I do have those annoying Google ads all over the place. After I sent you the information on David Karp, another Scout dad, I realized that I didn’t have to wait for other people to write stuff up so I started

    Now that I’ve kind of got a rhythm on my site I can start reading other, too. Cheers!

  4. Micky 2 says:

    “progressive nationalism”

    (code for communism)

  5. Communism???

    No. Progressive Nationalism is simply putting the interests of our nation above the narrow interets of those who act without the interests of our nation in mind. It is not the extreme rightwing nationalism of Facsism or the extreme leftwing nationalism of communism, nor is it the faux nationalism of the flag-wavers and sunny-day patriots, but it is rather a nationalism of putting the common good of the nation and it’s people above the the limitless avarous of the few within and without the nation.


  6. Micky 2 says:

    Jersey, that was about as vague and non descript a description of whatever it is you’re trying to say,

    You say the same thing in the beggining and the end.
    First this:

    “No. Progressive Nationalism is simply putting the interests of our nation above the narrow interets of those who act without the interests of our nation in mind.”

    Then this;

    “a nationalism of putting the common good of the nation and it’s people above the the limitless avarous of the few within and without the nation.”

    And in the middle all you say is what it is not…

    Just a long roundabout gasbag way of saying communism.

    Real progression has been taking place since 1776.
    it is either a really redundant statement or code for communism.

    O.K, I’ll be nice and call it Marxism.

  7. No. Look, TR was a progressive nationalist. Would you call him a Marxist? Eisenhower and Nixon both applied progressive nationalism during their terms. Would you call them communists? C’mon man. get real.


  8. Micky 2 says:

    Its still a vague title that leaves one thinking.
    “progress ? in what direction ? for what purpose”

    It works more in my favor really.
    Just about every communist/socialist leader could be called and have called themselves “nationalist” and progressive.

    Especially today when you see democrats trying to shed the “liberal” label.
    Now (like Hillary) run around saying they are progressives.

    Thats just stupid.
    A redwood is progressive and so is every newborn child.
    But when you add the word nationalist it becomes a little frightening especially in the context you described where the individual gets tossed and you make it sound as if we all must walk in some lockstep communal/collectivist manner.

    “putting the common good of the nation and it’s people above the the limitless avarous of the few within and without the nation.”

    What you are saying is its all about the country and not the unique individual.
    Your word “avarous” actually doesnt exist.
    I’m sure you meant to imply” avaricious ” which basically describes someone is willing to work for a buck and has an entrepenueral spirit.

    So it sounds very much to me like your little description of what “progressive nationalist” means comes dangerously close to a collectivist communal society that would shun thiose who choose to rise above the plain rudamentary minions.

    Sorry man, todays libs are just not that hard to figure out

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