Liberals want to lose…Conservatives need to shut up and let them.

An unwritten rule of politics is that when your opponent (memo to liberals…we call them opponents, not enemies) is in the process of self-destructing, shut up and get out of the way…and let them. Yet for some reason, republicans seem to put principles ahead of winning, and yet if they would partially sacrifice some deeply held principles, they would win, and win big.

One example of this is the concept of “majority-minority districts.” Liberals wanted these districts because it would elect more black congressmen. It was a shameless pander to the black community. Conservatives initially opposed this on principle. Taking black people and lumping them into districts borders on Apartheid.  Separate but Equal was not shot down by the Supreme Court so that races could live separately. By definition, the word integration implies just what it sounds like. These race based districts were simply wrong from a moral standpoint.

Somewhere along the line the republican party sacrificed principle for pragmatism. By sticking all the black people in the same districts, which black Americans supported, it would make formerly democratic districts more conservative. In 1994, the state of Georgia alone went from 10 democrats and one republican in Congress to 8 republicans and 3 democrats. The Black Caucus got their 3 congressmen, and the republican party got Congress itself. The democrats were wrong on principle and lost electorally.

Imagine if the republicans could keep getting out of their own way. This strategy would fail only if liberals ever learned. Thankfully, they don’t. Therefore, here are some ways the republican party can dominate for generations, by sacrificing principles in the short run.

First of all, republican should immediately drop its opposition to abortion. In fact, the republican party should be quiet and let the democratic party be the only one speaking about abortion. The rhetoric should get so tilted that the democrats stop claiming to be pro-choice, and start claiming to be pro-abortion. No more saying that abortion is unfortunate. It should be a first resort, and should be encouraged as often as possible. We should start setting up abortion of the month clubs, with a special million dollar prize going to the woman that has the one millionth abortion.

Now before social conservatives start having conniptions, think about this. Liberals are in favor of abortion, many conservatives are against it. Therefore, who will be having virtually all the abortions? Liberals! They are killing off their own voters! This prevents future liberals from being born! C’mon Ann Coulter, sacrifice your principles for a greater good…less liberals. Given how close the election of 2000 was, every vote counts. I know what some of you are saying, democrats will find ways of getting aborted fetuses to vote, especially in Chicago. However, 50 years from now, republicans will have a lock on the electoral college as long as they keep respecting human life. This strategy has worked brilliantly for the Palestinians against the Israelis. We need to keep breeding as conservatives, and let liberals perform a self inflicted version of eugenics. Then after we have total electoral control, then we can tell the left how to live. A temporary sacrifice of beliefs would be a long term boon.

The next issue is gun control. Conservatives are against it, and liberals favor it. We can split the difference without needing the wisdom of Solomon. Conservatives need to drop their principled opposition to gun control in all cases. If liberals want to ban guns in blue states, we need to let them. Conservatives should protect the second amendment in red states only. This way if there ever truly becomes a confrontation, the republican red states will win because we will have all the guns. We can go to Malibu, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and San Francisco, and just take all the wealthy liberals’ possessions. Then we can distribute them to poor families in Mississippi and other red states. Liberals favor wealth redistribution, so by robbing rich liberals and giving their belongings to poor republicans, we would be doing a social good. Besides, after we have taken everything they own, even they might be bright enough to then oppose gun control. If not, we can rob them again.

The next issue where damage can really be inflicted is taxes. Liberals want higher taxes, and conservatives want lower taxes. We can make everybody happy by simply giving conservatives a tax cut financed solely by raising taxes on liberals. Sure, that might turn welfare on its head, but liberals love welfare anyway. Conservatives may not like welfare, but again, once one abandons principles, it is easy to benefit. Besides, how are liberals going to object to this? The conservatives will have all the guns. All we need to do is check every single voter registration card, and the rest is history. If someone is an independent, we can flip a coin.

The last thing that needs to be done is build border fences near Florida and Arizona. No, not along the Mexican border. Think the other direction. The problem with Florida is not coming from the south. It is coming from the north. When my dad in south Florida is complaining about immigration into Florida, he is not talking about Cubans. They vote republican. He is talking about New Yorkers. They bring New York values to Florida and screw up the state. If we build a fence at the South Carolina border, they will not be able to even reach Tallahassee, much less Boca Raton (My father did retire to Florida from New York, but as a republican, he did nothing to make the state worse). Arizona will be tougher, since it requires border fences around several sides, but the Californians have to be stopped. One of the reasons Idaho, North Dakota and Montana are pro-NRA states is because they will be d@mned if they are going to let San Francisco or Los Angeles interlopers squat on their red state land. People in Seattle and Portland will not be going East if they value their lives.

Conservatives need to get off their values kick. Let people in liberal cities drink and drive. Legalize hard drugs in these states, and let the citizens take them. Again, they are only hurting their own voters. We can still crack down on such behaviors in red states. As for crime, we have to stop insisting that we be so tough on criminals everywhere. We need to empty the jails in San Francisco and Boston. Again, red states will have border fences, and besides, blue states have the wealthiest Americans, which make better targets for criminals anyway. Red states have a lot of poor people, which are pointless in terms of robbery from a cost-benefit standpoint.

Conservatives need to stop telling liberals how to run their lives. They want to immolate themselves. We need to let them. Once they have committed electoral suicide, we can then rule over the survivors.

All it takes is a temporary sacrificing of principles for a greater long term good. Besides, for years we have had people in America who gave up all their principles in order to win elections and govern. Come to think of it…that is what liberals are.

Never mind. Ignore everything I just said. If liberals thought of it first, it is a bad idea.


No Responses to “Liberals want to lose…Conservatives need to shut up and let them.”

  1. LKA says:

    My first reaction, this Monday morning as I sit reading this drinking my coffee is this article needs a spew alert. (Note to self, clean monitor) The second reaction, well, this is what my cynical side has been saying for years. We need to apply the “Law of Toyota” to the Liberals (and or Democrats) — you know “You asked for it, you got it.” Or what is better know as “Be careful what you ask for – you may get it.”

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