Democrats want to party like it’s 1968–Bring on Operation Ineptitude

The democrats remind me of Jeffrey Dahmer without the politeness.

Never has a political party eaten its own with such ruthlessness. The most recent version of the political tribute to Hannibal Lecter comes in the long since past sympathetic figure known as Cindy Sheehan.

Rather than rehash old commentary, I will sum her up in one line. Ms. Sheehan, I honor and respect your late son, and have no respect for you since you lack honor.

Ok, that was a length run on sentence, but then again, Cindy Sheehan should have been reduced to that a long time ago. Now she wants to extend her more than 15 minutes into a congressional seat. True, for somebody as talentless and useless as her, it might seem to be the appropriate vocational decision. However, given that congress already has an approval rating of approximately negative 5%, perhaps this might not be good for the once respected institution.

Ms. Sheehan wants to fire Nancy Pelosi for refusing to immediately end the Iraq War. I did not think it was possible to make Nancy Pelosi look like a moderate, but Cindy Sheehan is doing that. My initial prediction is that this will not be taken seriously, and San Francisco will temporarily avoid becoming one step closer to Cuba politically. What concerns me is that there are people in this country that want to treat Nancy Pelosi as a clone of President Bush.

This is not possible. For one thing, the president is a capable leader who has already left a lasting positive legacy. Nancy Pelosi is well…her. She may be wrong on most issues, but like many politicians, she understands that ideologues become pragmatists in a heartbeat when political survival is at stake. They may not understand real war, but they understand self preservation.

This is the problem with the Democratic party today. They do not grasp that World War III is upon us. The Deaniacs do not grasp that everything we believe in could be taken away from us in a heartbeat. Unlike global warming, 9/11 was not a trendy, unproven cliche. If the liberals would take their head out of the trees (perhaps they are trying to hear what nature is saying to them), they would understand that enemies worldwide are trying to obtain nuclear weapons to obliterate us.

Nancy Pelosi so far has done the right thing for the wrong reason. She has continued funding for the war because to cut off funds would be political suicide. However, expecting the democrats to do the right things for the right reasons would be too much to ask. It would require that they no longer act like…well…them.

The democrats have proven over and over again that they are halfway decent at managing a revoluion, but completely incapable of governing. They are the Fidel Castro of American politics, not because they are on the left, but because they are ineffective at best and harmful at worst. In 1992, the democrats had complete control of the White House and Congress, and they could not get the job done. Now they are controlling Congress, and still getting nothing done. They want to be trusted with the White House again. Based on what positive track record?

The democrats truly want to party like it is 1968, which I believe was the last time they had a candidate that was not to the left of Leon Trotsky on issues of war and peace. The antiwar faction turned the 1968 ddemocratic convention in Chicago into the best campaign ads the republicans could have possibly hoped for.

The 2008 democrats can continue to run the same tired football play that Haley Barbour referred to as “fake right and run left.” It was bad enough for the Clintonistas when Hillary Clinton had to be pulled to the left. When Nancy Pelosi is being pulled to the left, it is obvious that the only stop further left is the iceberg of lunacy that will sink democrats as it did the Titanic. Like the Titanic, the survivors will be forced to kill their own to compete for the remaining slots on political Earth. Those in steerage are done for.

The next time anybody on the left claims that they are being censored, I want wealthy republican activists to go to their nearest electronics store, and spend money on megaphones. Then these megaphones need to be mailed to all liberal activists. In the same way that “Operation Gratitude” sends are packages to the soldiers, we should give democrats the tools to immolate themselves electorally. I am naming this project “Operation Ineptitude.”

Maybe the left can take these megaphones and start yelling at each other to compete to see who is the least reasonable. Cindy Sheehan and Nancy Pelosi can have a shouting contest, with Howard Dean as referee. In the mean time, republicans will go back to what we should have been doing all along–helping to enforce the Bush Doctrine and win World War III.


No Responses to “Democrats want to party like it’s 1968–Bring on Operation Ineptitude”

  1. micky2 says:

    The liberals are the architechts of “the Conservatives lied to us ” crap thats flying around this country.
    Congress will never bring impeachment hearings on Bush because they would all look like idiots, again.
    And the lies they so expect us all to believe took place would fall in their laps.
    It would be a simple case of the pot calling the kettle black.
    They looked at everything the same way Bush did and voted to go to Iraq. Plain and simple.
    So I’m actually looking forward to watching Cindy Sheehan make a complete fool of herself, again.
    I will bet my left one that no Democrat wants be around any impeachment hearing when the doo doo hits the fan.

  2. RobertHuntingdon says:

    Methinks you should begin by mailing one of those megaphones to Keith Olberdouche. After all, if the idea is to make them look like idiots you need to make sure the people doing the shouting actually ARE idiots.


  3. chach says:

    RE:Operation Ineptitude: Love the story @99% agreement; my 1% disagreement is this; There is no need to provide the left w/ megaphones, they have already been given their proverbial megaphones by the likes of ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN, NPR, college campus political clubs ,(that only want to hear the liberal point of view), Hollywood,(Fahrenheit 911), (Al Gore’s “crock”-umentary); and on and on. … RE: What Micky2 posted about Congress never bringing impeachment hearings against President Bush because they would look like idiots again; looking like idiots hasn’t stopped them in the past and won’t in the future. The liberal side of the media will just downplay, or attempt to justify such inanity as reasonable and maybe even justifiable!Such traits appear to be badges of honor for some members of Congress! Just look at what occured during the Libby lynch- mob trials! Who in the liberal media cared that the special prosecuter never charged Libby with any indictments in the original questioning; just the “seriousness of the allegations” was enough to make the talking heads salivate at the thought of Libby wearing the latest in Gitmo-orange jumpsuit fashions. RE: Howard Dean as a referee in a debate was hilarious!!!; let me just add James Carville as color commentator( properly imbibed with extra large helpings of Starbucks double espresso cold Frappucino’s) and just watch and listen to him go like an auctioneer who’s mortgage payment is due that day. RE: Sheehan; wasn’t it just a few short months ago that she was shouting down Speaker Pelosi at some public meeting, and even managed to get Pelosi’s spin-meister to babble incoherently something vaguely resembling an apology for not being liberal enough to suit the constituents? Love Ya Guys ; keep up the good posts. Chach

  4. David M says:

    Trackbacked by The Thunder Run – Web Reconnaissance for 07/10/2007
    A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

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