Yes, today will be one of those days where the Tygrrrr Express (e)mails it in. The Chicago Cannonball and I will be sleeping in, and every minute spent on politics is a moment her undies stay on. Given my limited time with her, this cannot occur.
So today’s column is about my visits to the Daily Kos.
First of all, I will be the first to admit that there are people on that website that are not raving lunatics with rabid foam frothing from their mouths. However, enough of them are to provide entertainment. I have been very polite, and some of them responded with equal civility. However, some of them were, to quote football Coach Dennis Green in one of his legendary press conferences, exactly “what we thought they were.” Below are their comments with my responses. The code “LL” stands for “liberal lunatic.” The code “RR” stands for me, a “reasonable republican.”
LL: but I won’t break bread with today’s Republicans, including you. My country….the United States of America….the country I love….tortures people! My country makes people disappear. My country invades other nations. My country openly scorns the Geneva Convention, international law and its own sacred constitution. My country is feared, but no longer respected. And you did this. Whether out of fear, greed or ignorance, you and every other supporter of this administration have taken my country from me. You have p*ssed on what once was the greatest hope for humanity, and it will take a generation to recover. So no, no bygones. You are the enemy of my country and you must be defeated if it is to survive. I will have nothing to do with anyone who helped put this failed cabal in power. I no longer speak to 2 relatives.
RR: That is sad. My girlfriend is a democrat and the sex is phenomenal.
LL: Oh yeah. Blarp and Shoo before you are roundly ridiculed. So far we’re humoring you with a modicum of civility but our patience has limits.
RR: The least civil among you will prove me right, simply that you are incapable of being civil. I have been a gentleman, and appreciate those who are as well. Maybe if your side spent more time on ideas and less on hatred, you would govern more. 7 out of 10 Presidential elections and all.
LL: truly a stomach-churning cornicopia of falsehoods you’ve sent me off to bed sad for our country, eric. i will pray that somehow, someday you will educate yourself.
RR: You disagree with me, so I churn your stomach. My girlfriend disagrees with me, and she just rubs mine. Shrug…
LL: I disagree with you. I disagree with you. I disagree with you. I don’t care about fast food or talk show hosts. I do not see neo-cons as the noble opposition, on that you are correct. Most old school conservatives that I know ( an living in the south I know plenty) disavowed themselves of this administration quite some time ago. Was there supposed to be a teaching moment in this diary?
RR: Apparently not for you. I cannot reach everyone. I can reach some, and that is enough.
LL: F*ck you pr*ck, have a nice day
At least he wants me to have a nice day. That is sweet.
RR: Thank you so much. My blog appreciates you. If you represent all liberals, my research is going well.
LL: Count me as infantile, then. Bush and his cronies are murderers and warmongers, and I’ve said it to their… well, to the chain link fence around the “free speech” zone.
RR: What ban on free speech? Your keyboard works fine. The people claiming censorship are screaming it at the top of their lungs, the same way violent outbursts are often found at peace rallies. Nothing you say affects Dubya. He is rich and happy. He is uninterested in restricting your speech. I personally want the left to speak loudly, because it helps the right win. It goes both ways. Had we banned Pat Buchanan from the convention in 1992, Bush Sr. might have won again.
LL: In case your head hasn’t exploded yet, I oppose the war AND I respect the faithful service of our troops.
In all fairness, the above guy was not nuts. Yet my response was brilliant, so I included him.
RR: If you support the troops, then talk to them and listen to them. I travel a lot on business to places they are located (San Diego, Hawaii, etc) and the overwhelming number want to stay and get the job done. I ask them their honest opinions, and I listen. If you support them, you have to support them when they disagree with you. If they tell me they hate the mission, I will respect that. Yes, they can speak freely to me. They are not shy about it.
LL: It’s not Coke vs Pepsi or Leno vs Letterman. It’s Torture vs Human Rights. It’s Health Care vs. Coughing Up Blood and Dying of a Treatable Condition. It’s Protecting and Rebuilding New Orleans vs. Letting People Drown Because They’re Poor, Black and Democratic. It’s Responsible Action on Climate Change vs. A Whole Lot More Katrinas. It’s International Law vs. Invading Any Damn Country we Feel Like. We can’t have “discussions” about whether you ought to have a knife in my ribs, then politely turn to other subjects. Maybe back when Conservative didn’t mean Criminal, such civility was possible. Now, it’s a battle for survival. I don’t have to end your existence, but I MUST end your ability to impact my life in such destructive ways. And my disabled sister’s life. And my gay son’s life. And thousands of soldiers’ lives. And hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives. And all the other lives whose destruction you think should be polite dinner table conversation. I will take only legal and peaceful means to do so, because to do otherwise would destroy what I’m fighting to save. But don’t expect me to be polite about it.
RR: Everything you say obviously comes from the heart. However, how do you know when an “enemy” can become an ally? Ted Kennedy credits Orrin Hatch with saving his life from drinking. Bill Frist literally saved a person having a heart attack in Dianne Feinstein’s office. Every day politicians cross the aisle to get things done. It is like how players on the Yankees and Red Sox change teams. The fans are angrier than the players. My girlfriend is closer to your views than mine, but we still care about each other.
LL: you are in fact, a bad person by any reasonable definition of the word “bad”. You are part of a political movement whose sole purpose is to make it possible to exploit human beings for profit, with your people getting the profits and the rest of us taxpayers bearing the costs of the human wreckage left behind in the wake of the corporate Richistani. You are part of a political movement who does not extend tolerance, does not deserve it, and isn’t going to get it. Go home. You have no place here.
RR: Thank you. My blog thanks you. If every liberal is like you, and speaks up, conservatives will win from now on. Way to reach out to a total stranger!
LL: this is sh*t. You need to go back home. Abraham Lincoln would vote for Obama. see my bio
RR: Thank You! Your graciousness and class are appreciated. Humorless Liberals 1, openminded people 0.
Don’t you just want to give these warm fuzzy Kossacks a bug hug? I want to hug them, cuddle them, and name them George.
Ok, enough hugs and smoochies from the Daily Kossacks.
I am a political conservative who believes in a liberal dose of sex.
Off to spend time with the Chicago Cannonball.
Eric, I love lunatics. Did you see the coverage of the Code Pink people at Berkeley trying to kick the Marines out? One was ranting about getting rid of our military. “If we get rid of the soldiers, we won’t have war”. The astute reporter then asked, “So, if we get rid of the cops, our crime will go away?” He then asked one moron, “Wouldn’t you love it if someone swore on his life to give you free speech?” Her response was something such as, “Oh, yea, that would be great”…bobble head…
It is no wonder we have so many car accidents, corruption in government, and unrest among the masses… these people drive, vote, and steal oxygen from sane people.
Eric, you know me well enough to know how I feel about these kinds of characters.
And I’ve always comended you on how you are so much more of a gentleman with these guys than I am.
The street in me just wants to kick the living crap out of them. Not so much because of the way they feel for their country in the manner they do. Although it is sickening. But because I tire of always being called racist, bigot, war monger, along with all the personal attacks.
And they never have any examples or proof of any of their claims.
On the other hand I sympathize along the same lines in relation to what Eagle 6 is saying.
Are these people organically ill ?
Should I feel sorry for them that they are so delusional that they cant exist without this world of trumped misery they create for themselves ?
Who has lost any rights ?
Who let anyone drown?
How can you preach equality and free speach for all and then shut down the ones who disagree with you ?
How can anyone who wants to do away with the military even be taken seriously?
Its kinda scary that there are people out there whom I see who are just as big a threat as any terror organization.
The mindset they propell is easy for someone who is less than vulnerable to grab on to and become a part of. Much in the same manner young KKK mebers were recruited.
Or in the same manner Muslim extremists bring in their fresh meat.
They preach anger and hatred and mistruths all in the name of peace ?
Its just backasswards.
Dont be violent or we will be violent?
In our society how does a message like that get any further than the nearset dumpster ?
Micky, Good post. Too many weak minded people who have never known adversity, never had to stand up for themselves, and cannot grasp that if a = b and b = c, then a must equal c. Part of being liberal means missing the logic gene.
Yea, they not “B” thinkin
You’re all so self centric it’s almost funny.
I mean, why do you even try to contact the “other side” when obviously you know you won’t change even a tiny bit ? Why waste your time, apart to prove yourself you are right but just because “they think and act like the morons I was sure they were”.
Your point of view seems so biased to me (and I insist on the “seems”, because I honestly hadn’t read your whole blog yet). I can accept it as quite normal when you are a fervent defender of an ideology, but in the end it’s seems you are simply stubborn.
And to me, that’s the problem. What makes us, mankind, going forward is the ability to make concessions, to adapt oneself, to cooperate. Not camping in your own position, not bashing the other.
Please note that this comment is not only concerning you, but every LL you quoted in your post too. And many others.
No side is perfect.
Cheers from Switzerland :)
I think the first thing Eric mentioned was the entertainment factor.
The substance of this entertainment is that these people defend lunacy.
Why should we make concessions with people who can do nothing but find the worst in their country and blame all the wrong people for it ?
What is there to “cooperate” with ?
These Kossakd are just as big a threat to America as the terrorists who want to kill us.
They are sympathetic to our enemies. They are uncooperative to our forces.
They want a system that is void of all personal responsabikity , ethics and morals.
They invite anarchy as a method of establishing their own ideaoligy of eutopia.
What makes us ” mankind going forward ” is to also the ability to root out the evil that would stop us from doing that and squashing it.
In most of eorope they have ” cooperated with elements much like these morons and look where it has gotten you . In Britain and Denmark( my birthplace) they are being over run by people who could care less about reaching any compromise or assimilating to your society. more often that not they are establisjhing a state within a state by proxy of Sharia law. Just ask the british how well this has worked out for them.
Mind you, we are not talking about rational democrats or liberals here.
Erics post represents the ” Liberal Lunatic”
These are the people who will bash your head and your house in if you’re not “peacfull” as they see fit. They will go to peace rallys and throw things at you and assult you if you dont agree with them. They will be violent with you if you dont stop what they percieve as violence.
I believe Eric is simply giving us all something to laugh at. And at the same time showing the good people in our country what we need to keep an eye out for.
” No side is perfect ”
And not all sides are expected to even try to be so.
But some sides are clearly less than perfect
This kiss ‘n tell stuff is making me a little uncomfortable. I mean, regailing with general and nameless adventures of the past is one thing, but these CC remarks… I don’t know about all that. Too personal. TMI. Is she cool with this?
I don’t visit Kos (well, maybe very rarely) because rather than being “liberal” they are really just a site devoted to monitoring and critiquing the unreasonable right. They do not so much advocate as expound. For that, Kos performs its job quite well, but most of the stories are usually otherwise already out there. Huffington and Hightower, for example, present more “news” in that the information is actually new to the readers.
It’s a good site for venting, I suppose. So I guess that’s alright. I’ve done my share of time on the unreasonable right’s blogs and forums and the level of vitriol (like Micky’s incoherent rant above) is outrageous. In fact, this in the ONLY rightwing blog in which I’ve ever felt comfortable (except for some of this contemporary personal love-life stuff). ;)
For what it’s worth, I do read every day. Have done since Eric and I were first acquainted.
And, like any self-respecting woman of the world when innocently provided with the link to a potential boyfriend’s blog, I scoured the damn thing for dirty laundry and to make sure mine wouldn’t end up among it.
Eric has made many general comments about lots of women, and that’s just on his blog, who knows what he says off the record. As such, I am less inclined to put as much stock into his professions regarding my beauty or intellect as he’d like me to (Oh, you want me? You want Bea Arthur too, so what’s your point?)… which means to get a rise out of me, he has to raise the bar, so to speak. Since I am supposedly special to him, I get special treatment on his blog as well.
Eric is, in reality, a gentleman to a fault. So at the risk of trashing his “republican playboy” image, he has treated me like a lady from day one and continues to do so. I enjoy the irony of being the subject of his creative embellishment online because he openly admits that he wants everything, deserves nothing, and feels lucky with whatever I give him. And since in this forum I can pretend I am a classy lady, I will leave it at that.
Meanwhile, my mother would be far less amused. I am a firm believer in the right not to know. I have the right not to know about the processes that led to my creation, just as she has a right not to know about the events that lead to the generation of her grandchildren. We’re all happy with the end product, but much like hamburgers, we don’t want to know how it came to be.
Your concern is sweet, by the way. Thank you for that… it’s good to see that gentlemanly conduct is not limited to the page’s author.
You may think its incoherant, so whats new ?
Whats incoherant Jersey ?
I see the same mentallity and hatred in a lot of liberal loons that I see in the middle east radical organizations.
And quite frankly I would pair you up with the looney left in a heart beat simply because you yourself have said some things that are right in line with their thinking. As a matter of fact you just like the majority of these clowns expect us to just take your word for it because you seemingly know better than anyone else.
And yet you rareley have anything substantial to back your outrageous statements.
Of course, only a nut will justify a nut.
A site devoted to monitoring and critiquing the unreasonable right?
BS ! They slander, they smear and they lie Jersey !
Who needs to go to the Kos when we have you right here half the time ?
Wow, M! I didn’t see that coming! Though I’m quite honored that you would respond to my little comment!
Eric does seem like a really good fella. My correspondence with him beyond this forum has been a pleasure. He reminds me of of old crowd from NY and NJ. I rarely respond to his more personal posts, other than to make comments like “What’s a nice Jewish boy like you doing still being single?” I picture his mom getting really annoyed. ;) And though I don’t mind kidding around about sex and the other gender, or regailing with the exploits of youth (without names), and though I’m so liberal I make Al Franken look like Frank Luntz, I’m a firm believer in the sanctity of the bedroom and the gentlemens protocols. And as I said the other day, “A feminist is anyone who loves their mom, their daughter, their sister or wife, their girlfriend or granddaughter, niece or aunt.” (All paraphrased quotes, by the way. My memory doen’t allow for much more…).
Good luck, you two. Settle that man down! ;)
And again, thanks for the comment! That was a first of its kind! I won’t for get that. I think you have a keeper there, Eric!
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“Why should we make concessions with people who can do nothing but find the worst in their country and blame all the wrong people for it?”
“These Kossakd are just as big a threat to America as the terrorists who want to kill us.”
“They are sympathetic to our enemies. They are uncooperative to our forces.”
“They invite anarchy as a method of establishing their own ideaoligy of eutopia.”
“In Britain and Denmark( my birthplace) they are being over run by people who could care less about reaching any compromise or assimilating to your society.”
Is it true that the hospitals in Denmark are made of Legos?
All you can say is nonsense ?
You just made my point for me again.
As I said above;
“you just like the majority of these clowns expect us to just take your word for it because you seemingly know better than anyone else.
And yet you rareley have anything substantial to back your outrageous statements.”
And walla! You did it again.
Brilliant, simply brilliant.
You still never answered me about the Legos…
If they can build Manhattan out of legos I’m sure a hospital is no problem.
I’m sure there is at least a free clinic full of moonbats in this pic somewhere.
Oh, and if by some strange chance you’re looking for the recruiting office.
They blew it up.
The problem with the far left and the far right is hate seems to be so endemic to those who occupy the extreme…
This blog is fairly moderate on the social side of things…
The scary thing about this particular article/interview is the person interviewed was not unique…their ignorance, intolerance, hatred, prejudice were all in line with people I have known on the left….some of them Professors at Universities others actors/models… All who ought to know better.
I think another problem is the lack of substatiation.
Too often people are allowed to say things that have no merit and people soak it up and use as fact after its been repeated a hundred times.
Sure, either side will spew hate filled rhetoric full of claims aginst the other side.
but we only get anywhere when we start dealing with facts and not opnions derived out of ignorance or emotionally charged statements driven by conspiracy minded nuts.
When Rosie gets up there and says that one of the towers was an inside job, that Bush blew up the levees in La. or that the radical Muslim threat is fabricated we should hold them to a standard of compliance by being able to prove it.
But too often some people will accept this crap simply on the merits of sensationalism.
After years of people saying that Bush lied about WMDs alot of people just choose to believe it without doing the research. It just seemingly became common knowledge and didnt deserve to be looked into any further.
George Washington did not have wooden teeth.
I agree Micky…people ought to be able to substantiate their words, back them up with some research as well as put things in the proper context…meaning the most honest context…as opposed to misleading others…
Yea Brian.
And then when you back hand them against the wall with facts they cop out with” oh, it was just my opinion”
Would we be so careless as to run around telling the world that our neighboor or family member is a child molester, just because we believed it ?
Why would we tell the rest of the world similar crap about our country ?
These shmucks spread these lies and then tell us the world hates us.
Gee shmuck ! I wonder why?