Trace Adkins For President

After watching the Celebrity Apprentice, I became a fan of Trace Adkins. I am unfamiliar with his music, but will most likely (legally of course) obtain some this weekend and listen to it. I suspect I will like it. I did buy his book, and while I am only a few pages in, I am already a die hard fan of this guy. I know he is a busy guy, but if I am ever in Tennessee when he is, I will buy him a beverage.

His book is entitled “Trace Adkins…A Personal Stand: Observations and opinions from a freethinking roughneck.” It should be mandatory reading for every American. It is simple common sense, which can often be found in the heartland.

As I said, I am only a few pages in, but I am already prepared to ask Mr. Adkins to run for President of the United States provided that he is willing to take a 90% pay cut and a loss of prestige.

Mr. Adkins is plainspoken, but the bottom line is that he “gets it.”

With that, I bring you the wit and wisdom of country music sensation, Celebrity Apprentice candidate, and all around good human being, Trace Adkins.

He starts out telling a poignant story about how he explained 9/11 to his then three year old daughter. To witness such an atrocity as 9/11 as an adult is horrifying enough, and thankfully for him, his daughter was too young to understand what had happened. However, he wanted to let her know in his own calm, reassuring manner that it was not a normal day.

“My little girl loved to watch the planes come over. I leaned over to Mackenzie and said, ‘Let’s see how many airplanes we can count.’ She was excited. So we waited. And we waited. There were no planes. No planes at all. Now you can’t keep a three year old’s interest for very long.

‘There are no planes,’ she finally said and jumped up. ‘C’mon daddy, let’s go do something else.’

I held Mackenzie in my arms for awhile. Then I said to her, ‘Look at me sweetheart, and I want you to remember this. There was a day when daddy took you outside to see the planes and there were no planes flying anywhere in the sky. No planes.’

‘Why Daddy?’

‘Today the President said, ‘No one can fly planes today,’ so there are none. Today’s the only day this will happen. You will never see this again. I want you to remember what daddy showed you on the day there were no planes.’

That was the only way I could impress upon a three year old the importance of that sad and terrible time.”

I am not a father, and cannot imagine how much bloodlust I would have if one of my children were harmed in any way. If someone comes after me, I can deal with that. I am a pretty tough hombre. Yet going after people I care about crosses the line. Ask those that have done so.

His reaction to 9/11 was exactly how I felt. It was a combination of immediate rage, but with an understanding that calm must carry the day. Like many people I wanted President Bush to simply blow up every nation that was a suspect, regardless of whether or not they had anything to do with it. Guilty until proven innocent was fine by me. I also understood that the President needed to be a cooler head than me. Thankfully, he was.

Trace Adkins would have immediately held a conference call with every Arab leader. He would have then laid it all on the line.

“Listen. If this is the first salvo, the first shot, and if this is going to continue, then let it be known today that it will not continue for very long. We have the firepower to end this, and we’re willing to use it. My children and my grandchildren will not live in fear for the rest of their lives because that’s not living. That’s just existing.

I’m warning you folks right now, I’m willing to end it all. I will incinerate this rock starting with Afghanistan, and I mean it. If you’re not going to get with the terrorist eradication program and get your sh*t (sic) together, and if you permit this stuff to go on in your own countries, by God, I will end this now. We will all go to our maker and we’ll let him decide who was right.”

Trace Adkins then lets the readers of his book know in parentheses that cooler heads around him would be necessary. He lets us know that after his fiery speech to the Arab leaders, “it would have been at that moment, hopefully, that some sensible person in my administration would have dropped a horse tranquilizer in my coffee.”

Self deprecation aside, President Bush waited over three weeks before hammering the Taliban. Yes, some people wanted us to carpet bomb everything in sight within three minutes, but we needed to get it right. We needed a plan in place. We needed cold, decisive leadership, and we got it.

As for Mr. Adkins, he is just another example of why conservative Christians are better for Jews and Israel than liberal Jews will ever be. I have often said that liberal Jews need cranial-glutial extraction surgery. Trace Adkins uses simpler words, but he is not afraid to tell somebody that they have their head up their hide.

One month after 9/11, Trace Adkins was a guest on the Bill Maher program “Politically Incorrect.” Playing the role of the typical no nothing cranial-glutial linked liberal Jew peacenik appeaser was Julian Epstein, a former chief Democratic counsel for the House Judiciary Committee.

The show usually featured three liberals and one token conservative that was there as an entertainment foil for the left wing Maher. Yet many liberals did not understand that after 9/11, this country did swing to the right. They did not want dialogue. They wanted to take the bad guys and b*tchslap them. After the three liberals spoke their typical nonsense, Trace Adkins offered his common sense.

“This is going to come down to a scrap, and it’s going to be big and we’re going to have to settle this thing once and for all. We’re gonna have to end this thing. We’re going to have to fight it out till it’s over and until they don’t do this anymore. We’re going to have to go into Afghanistan and take care of this, and if Pakistan doesn’t like it, we thump their @ss (sic) too. That’s what we have to do. It’s inevitable.”

As the liberals stayed shocked, he continued.

“I don’t care what it’s about. I don’t care if it’s about religion or politics or economics or what it is. I know that they want to kill us and we have to kill them to stop it from happening. I don’t care what the reason is. They want to kill us! That’s all they care about. If we don’t kill them, we might as well just give up and say, ‘Okay, come live over here with us.'”

Liberal Jew (I will continue referring to him in this manner. As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I want to call out those that destroy their own people through naivety) Julian Epstein said to Mr. Adkins, “Man, you are really off the deep end and barbaric about this.”

Once again, Mr. Adkins offered common sense to a man who should have known better.

“You’re d@mn (sic) right I am! And of all people, you should be too. Your last name is Epstein for God’s sake. Those anti-semitic monsters hate you a lot worse than they do me! They might not give a sh*t (sic) about me, but they wouldn’t even waste time talking to you. They’ll just kill you. All they have to see is your last name and you’re a dead man. And you’re going to sit here and try to figure out why they’re doing all this stuff? Give me a break, man. Get on board the train, Hoss. We’re pulling out, and we’re going to kill these expletive b@stards (sic).”

Mr. Adkins has a message for America today that is every bit as powerful as it was after 9/11, and every bit as relevant.

“I stand by those words I uttered one month after the invasion. I still believe the only way to fight Islamic terrorism is to crack skulls. After eight years, Al Queda is not going to go away through kindness, education and tolerance. We need to flush them out of their caves and kill them. Then stream that footage live over the internet.”

As I said, I would be happy to vote for Trace Adkins for President of the United States.

Given that he most likely would not want the job despite his being well qualified (any father of five daughters knows how to babysit liberals in Congress from a temper tantrum standpoint), the best we can do…and should do…is buy his book and his music.

God bless this man and his family.


33 Responses to “Trace Adkins For President”

  1. micky2 says:

    Its more important that we give Amercan rights and civil liberties to terrorists than to kill them.
    That way liberals can bitch at us for not doing enough to combat terror

  2. Jersey McJones says:

    The first thing I thought when the planes hit the towers (after the initial “Oh brother, some moron just flew his plane into the towers”) was, “Well, I guess it had to happen eventually. We mucked around in that part of the world and now they’ve come to muck around with us.” If we weren’t so addicted to oil, none of this would have happened. We wouldn’t have “rescued” that sleazy monarchy in Kuwait. We wouldn’t have had troops on the “Holy Soil” (re: annoying sand) of Saudi Arabia. We wouldn’t have had visas given out to dangerous young Muslim radicals. 9/11 wouldn’t have happened. Yeah, Israel would still be a stick in their craws, so maybe we’d still have suffered for that. But Israel’s been that stick for 60 years now, and we’ve backed them the entire time. Sure the Muslim radicals came after us, but never on the order of 9/11. Not until the Gulf War – and that had nothing to do with Israel.

    We could deal with terrorism very easily:

    1) Get the heck out of there.

    2) No more visas for anyone from any country from which terrorists have come before until that country shows definitively that it has stomped it out.

    3) Those immigrants we do accept, we watch like an old man watching Matlock.

    4) Get the heck off of oil for once and for all. We’re like slovenly drug addicts with that stuff. It’s time to kick the monkey.

    5) Stop supporting the Hasemites, the regular folks of Arabia absolutely hate us for that. Heck, it’s the Brits fault. Let them deal with those sleazy autocrats.

    6) Push Israel to unlaterally form a default coherent, cohesive, contiguous Palestinian state so that finally for once and for all the Arab world can stop using that as an excuse for all their problems.

    7) One simple policy rule – for every terrorist that eminates from a certain country, that certain country should be punished with trade and diplomatic sanctions until they can prove they are genuinely stomping out the problem – that means no state moneys going to radical madrassas, etc.

    8) Crack down for once and for all on the global arms trade – and that means here in America too. We allow manufacturers to over-produce weaponry and that weaponry ends up in the hands of criminals both here and abroad. The second amendment doesn’t say anything about the right to manufacture arms.

    9) Treat terrorists as what they are – criminals. Stop elevating them to the level of a warring state. They should be treated no different than child molesters. Investigate, arrest, try, jail. Period. Going to war with them is like arguing with a toddler – pointlessly playing right into their lust for attention.

    These things would end terrorism in a generation or two. Going to war with them is simply giving them exactly what they want. It may make you feel good, feel like a mans man, but it is only making things worse. The Hawks have got to start thinking instead of feeling and do something smart for a change.


  3. micky2 says:

    We could deal with terrorism very easily:

    1) “Get the heck out of there.”
    Just leave the oil for whoever to do whatever they want with it

    2) “No more visas for anyone from any country from which terrorists have come before until that country shows definitively that it has stomped it out.”

    Screw the visas, screw them and their country.

    3)” Those immigrants we do accept, we watch like an old man watching Matlock.”
    refer to #2

    4)” Get the heck off of oil for once and for all. We’re like slovenly drug addicts with that stuff. It’s time to kick the monkey.”
    What you suggest we do untill this massive change in our infrastructure happens ?
    Easier said than done dude, wishful thinking.
    I’d say in about 50 years we’ll be off oil. Should we just ask the terrorists to wait ?

    5) “Stop supporting the Hasemites, the regular folks of Arabia absolutely hate us for that. Heck, it’s the Brits fault. Let them deal with those sleazy autocrats.”

    This has little to do with anything.

    6) “Push Israel to unlaterally form a default coherent, cohesive, contiguous Palestinian state so that finally for once and for all the Arab world can stop using that as an excuse for all their problems.”

    Arabs need to deal with their own rejects

    7) “One simple policy rule – for every terrorist that eminates from a certain country, that certain country should be punished with trade and diplomatic sanctions until they can prove they are genuinely stomping out the problem – that means no state moneys going to radical madrassas, etc.”
    Only a small amount of American $ go to the madrassas, that was lame.

    ” Crack down for once and for all on the global arms trade – and that means here in America too. We allow manufacturers to over-produce weaponry and that weaponry ends up in the hands of criminals both here and abroad. The second amendment doesn’t say anything about the right to manufacture arms.”

    Yea but the market allows it ( life liberty and the pursuit of happiness)
    Thats just dumb ” you can have a gun but no one can make them”

    9) “Treat terrorists as what they are – criminals. Stop elevating them to the level of a warring state. They should be treated no different than child molesters. Investigate, arrest, try, jail. Period. Going to war with them is like arguing with a toddler – pointlessly playing right into their lust for attention.”

    Yea, lets send the NYPD over to Afghanistan. :-(
    They did not come after a child, its not a personal crime. Its an international crime, they crossed our border and attacked us abroad with state sposored support.
    Get real.

    “These things would end terrorism in a generation or two. Going to war with them is simply giving them exactly what they want. It may make you feel good, feel like a mans man, but it is only making things worse. The Hawks have got to start thinking instead of feeling and do something smart for a change. ”

    Please, its about saving lives, be serious for once


  4. Jersey McJones says:

    Wait a minute, you’re acronym is JMJ too? huh. I didn’t know you were Catholic. LOL!

    “Just leave the oil for whoever to do whatever they want with it”

    It’ll run out. That’s the funny thing about oil. We use so much, that the more we stick with it, the more we suffer its shrinking stock. Our margin is far too large for the risk (Eric? You listeneing? You know this stuff.). We all need oil no matter what we do, but what we use it for and how we recycle those products – that’s the key to a renewable oil sector. If we could reduce our dependency on foreign oil, we could both secure our energy investments and the balance of powers to our favor. Even if we cut our dependence in half over the next century, the oil sector that we’ve been accustomed to for over a century would price itself into oblivion.

    We have to find another way. We have to end our dependence on so much oil. And we have to end the fun ‘n games with certain American corporate elite, profiteering from our dependence, thus accelerating our national decline. Let the Chinese and the Russians and the Indians and the Indonesians and whoever have fun with the Middle East. Have a blast guys! If we just stick with Canada, Mexico and Venezuela, and, to h#ll with “Free Trade,” unilaterally make our own deals and stuck with them and within them, we could be rid of the most of the Middle East problem forever.

    5) “Stop supporting the Hasemites, the regular folks of Arabia absolutely hate us for that. Heck, it’s the Brits fault. Let them deal with those sleazy autocrats.”

    “This has little to do with anything.”

    Micky, that’s what pitted us Westerners against the Jihadists in the first place! Know your history man!

    6) “Push Israel to unlaterally form a default coherent, cohesive, contiguous Palestinian state so that finally for once and for all the Arab world can stop using that as an excuse for all their problems.”

    “Arabs need to deal with their own rejects”

    Yes Micky, but they’re not. So Ariel Sharon had an idea – Hey, why don’t we just simply define our own state, build a big wall between us and them, and whatever they fill the remaining space with is up to them? Olmert has unfortunately walked a line between Sharon and mainstream Likud and coalitionists and has been lagging on finishing what Sharon started. That’s unfortunate. Generally speaking, Sharon had the right idea.

    The idea, Micky, is to force the Arab world to build a sustainable Palestinian state without the ostensible Israeli impediment. If Israel could simply for once and for all define its own secure definite boundaries, the entire Palestinian state question falls to all involved except Israel.

    “Yea but the market allows it ( life liberty and the pursuit of happiness)” – Selling guns to terrorists? Really? That’s what’s happening. The manufacturers know their market saturation point, we know that point, we only need so many guns.

    “Yea, lets send the NYPD over to Afghanistan.

    That would be unfair to the NYPD. I say, to h#ll with Afghanistan.

    “They did not come after a child, its not a personal crime. Its an international crime, they crossed our border and attacked us abroad with state sposored support.
    Get real.

    Bla bla bla. Child molesters and drug smugglers and murderers travel all over the world every day. When we catch them, we treat tham as what they are – child molesters, drug smugglers, murderers. Terrorists are just the same as serial molesters, drug cartels, mass murderers, etc.

    “Please, its about saving lives, be serious for once”

    If you were really serious about “saving lives” you’d be far more concerned with disease, societal ills, and the balance of rights and government than you’d be with the War on Terror. We’re the Big Boys, Micky. We shouldn’t fear terrorists (I was one of those people who thought Bush’s “Go Shopping” speech after 9/11 was rather brilliant). We should just squash them like bugs. And we should NEVER elevate them to a serious threat. If we’re afraid of them we seem weak. We shouldn’t live in fear of Mad Islamist Bombers. The likelihood of a MIB hurting you or yours is one in millions. The odds of us hurting them are better. No war. Just justice.


  5. micky2 says:

    “It’ll run out”

    Who are you? Jimmy Carter ?
    Got no problem with the rest of that paragraph but ya gotta convince the moonbat environmentalist to let us drill and go nuke.
    Yea but the problem with the Hasemites started almost a decade ago.
    Its a different animal now with a different cause.
    Palestinians have never been happy with any agreement. Not untill they actually consume all of the holy land for themselves will they be happy.
    We should pack their butts up and send em to China, or Canada.
    The weapons terrorist are using these days are made most anywhere besides America. Except for a few straglers left over from the Iraq Iran war and few from the Afghan Russia war. Fly on the ass of the world.
    If every American owned a gun its there right and not for you to decide.

    Dealer, molesters, whatever are not state sposored terrorists as Taliban ruled Afghanistan was and Iran in Iraq and god knows where else right now.

    War is justice delivered on a larger scale.
    Suggesting we somehow unveil a police force large enough to do this is insane when we have armed forces. These guys are not US citizens and are not privy to our constitional laws and rights in an American court.
    They waged war on us and came across our borders and attacked us.
    I’m not as worried about the one bomber as I am the one shmuck with a canister of disease or dirty bomber.
    Bottom line is this.
    This administartion has done more to confront, attack and subdue this enemy than all previous administrations.
    Untill now, everyone elses ideas sucked and got thousands of us killed.
    Now we have to fight.
    No doubt we have lost lives in the process, but war sucks. Even when you win.
    And we will win this way. The other way only let it grow, history proves this.

  6. TRM says:

    Without getting into the back and forth going on, (whoever is for wiping out our enemies with biblical violence is who I side with) an observation…

    Folks like Trace Adkins are not unique nor are their ideas new….. common sense is rife in America…. but until we brutally overthrow the liberal syphilis in our ranks, nothing will change,,,,,

  7. Jersey McJones says:


    “but until we brutally overthrow the liberal syphilis in our ranks,”

    Wow. Brutally, huh? Overthrow, huh? Firstly, are you suggesting the mass murder of American liberals? Secondly, do you really believe that som,ehow liberals are in charge and therefore can be overthrown?

    You need help, my friend. Serious help.

    Micky, read about the Hasemites, where oil comes from, learn the difference between “right to keep and near” and “manufacture.” I’m afraid you are not up to date on any of those subjects.


  8. micky2 says:

    Its common sense Jersey.
    You have to make them in order to have one to own.
    Its like some kind of sublime prohibition.
    “yea, you can have your booze. But no one is allowed to make or transport it”
    Thats just stupid.

    I read up on the Hasemites. I dont see what it has to do with oil agreements with the Arabs.
    I know where oil comes from. I dont need to be a professor of history to figure it out.
    You are the only person I’ve ever heard bring up the ancient hassle between the Brits, Hasemites and the Arabs as some kind of reason for whats happening today.
    Maybe we should go as far back as the Barbary pirates ?

  9. Ruth N says:

    Wonderful! I had never heard of Trace before the first episode of Celebrity Apprentice. But by the last show, I, too, had become an enthusiastic fan, for a lot of reasons. And I don’t even listen to country music!
    Thanks for this insightful essay.

  10. Jersey McJones says:

    We regulate booze production and sales, Micky.

    “I read up on the Hasemites. I dont see what it has to do with oil agreements with the Arabs… You are the only person I’ve ever heard bring up the ancient hassle between the Brits, Hasemites and the Arabs as some kind of reason for whats happening today.”


    First of all, I don’t recall mentioning “oil agreemenst” and “Hasemites” together, but if you think the Hasemities and oil agreemenst and today’ss troubles in the Middle East are unrelated, then you offically live on another planet. I brought up the Hasemites because the power they were given, by the Brits, is a large part of why the Arab Street hates the West today – and you can’t blame them.


  11. micky2 says:

    Look bub !
    Get it right !
    We are at war with radical islamists who hate our precense anywhere they think we dont belong.
    The average Arab on the street is not the problem.
    We have oil agreements with Arabs and OPEC that need to be protected.
    The Arabs want us there to protect that oil from radicals and the like.
    If the shipping lanes, pipeline or plants are destroyed we lose our oil and Arabs lose their paycheck. We drop a lot of bucks into Saudi Arabia today , and trust me, the average Arab on the street knows where a big chunk of its coin comes from.
    What happened a hundred years ago is of little consequence today.

    “We regulate booze production and sales, Micky.”

    And we can buy as much of it as we want also.
    Hell, I can get a liquor license and fill a warehouse with booze.
    And just about any shmuck can open his own brewery or distillery today.

  12. micky2 says:

    Look, lets get this right.
    Most Arabs on the street today dont give a crap about what happened a hundred years ago. The old timers maybe, yea.
    But most Arabs on the street realize that our oil trade with them is where they get most of their coin from.
    The Saudis want us there to protect the oil from a number of threats. Period.
    But the radicals are offended by this precense. And that is the big beef today.
    I read up on it here, and it really has little bearing on the crux of the issues we face right now.

    I can still buy as much booze as I want. I can purchase a liquor license and fill a warehouse with it if I want. And any Tom, Dick or Harry can open a distillery or brewery today.
    And if I ever do an of these things…
    hide everything.

  13. Jersey McJones says:

    “Most Arabs on the street today dont give a crap about what happened a hundred years ago. The old timers maybe, yea.”

    A hundred years ago? Micky, I’ve got news for you Sunshine – the Hasemites still rule that region.

    I don’t think you know very much about any of this.

    “We are at war with radical islamists who hate our precense anywhere they think we dont belong.”

    Well, we certainly don’t belong there! Do they belong here. Micky?

    So, you’re an imperialist! An Authoritarian Imperialist. That’s great.


  14. micky2 says:

    Hasemites rule the Middle east ? (sunshine)
    The rivalry of the Saudis and the Wahabis with the Hasemites goes back to the defeat of the Hasemites by the Saudi Wahabis in the early 20th century. Which ultimately has its roots in early Islamic history when the descendants of prophet Mohammed were outmaneuvered by the descendants of the pre-Islamic ruler of Mecca Abu Sufyan. Thus the Al Qaeda who is the inheritor of the Wahabi ideology, has a case against the Hasemites going back to 1300 years.

    “Well, we certainly don’t belong there! Do they belong here. Micky?”

    Says who ? Bin Laden ? You?
    We allow Arabs and middle easterners here. And we dont blow up there embassys either.
    I dont think you konw too much about this other than your own purist ideas.

  15. Jersey McJones says:

    Micky, we don’t belong there. Period. We should not be imperialists.


  16. micky2 says:

    Sorry master.
    You dont get to just say “””” Period” “”” and that is the end of that.
    It just dont work that way Holmes. It is not so because you say so, OH GREAT ONE !
    What you are saying is just and only a purist opinion based on your ideals.
    It has little to do with the fact that we are welcome by Saudis in protecting shipping lanes, pipelines and reserves. Its in both countries interst to have us their.
    The Saudi have admitted that they dont have the ability to ward of rogue and terrorist elements that would love more than anything to disrupt oil flow to America. It would also hurt the Saudis.
    F A C T ! ! !
    Upon Saddams invasion of Kuwait the Saudis begged us to stop him.
    F A C T ! ! !
    But you and your bunch would love to see millions of illegal aliens who dont belong here having free run of our country.
    Go figure.
    And yet you get all upset and say we shouldnt be in the middle east. When most of it is business and invited.
    As far as Iraq and Afghanistan goes, we have every right to be there

  17. Brian says:

    As disgusted as I am with the Arab Muslim World…and the close relationship we’ve held with the Saudis since FDR had his meeting with the King on that boat 63 or so years ago…We have to work with them…

    In terms of Israel and the Arabs…a contiguous so-called “Palestinian” State would have to be composed of not only Gaza, most of the West Bank, but also parts of Jordan and even (Yes Egyptians!) the Sinai…That’s it if the objective is for a safe and secure Israel as well as a contiguous Palestinian Arab State. Israel, the Palestinian Arabs and Jordan would have to form a very close alliance on several levels to make this remotely workable…

    I, for one have just about given up on this peace nonsense, as the Arab Muslim World continues at heart to reject Israel’s right to exist…there’s only so far we can go until the recognition is there…once it’s there than the sky is the limit…until then…dream on…

  18. Jersey McJones says:

    Brian, Sharon was right (to a point) – to hell with the other Arab states. Simply establish set Israeli boundaries and let the rest of ’em figure out the rest for themselves. But Israel has to be realistic. They can’t leave a messy ink-blotch space around them. They have to stop settling in the West Bank and attach Gaza to there by a secure highway. The Golan isn’t relevent, so whatever happens there happens. There’s not going to be any alliances. No compacts. No perfect peace deals. Israel simply has to act unilaterally to do the right thing. If the Palestinians and their neighbors can’t work it out from there then tough cookies. Whatchagonnado?

    Micky, we don’t belong there. We’re Americans. We belong in America. That shouldn’t be so hard to figure out.

    And guys, we have GOT to stop this dependence on oil. As long as we remain flea-bitten oil druggie dregs, we will continue to have to deal with these psychotic regimes and their psychotic constituencies. Why this is so hard for people to grasp is beyond me. What, is Big Oil our God??? Are we beholden to their interests? I mean, I know the Bush crowd is beholden to them, but why would us regular guys care about the fortunes of Big Oil? It just doesn’t make sense.


  19. micky2 says:

    “Micky, we don’t belong there. We’re Americans. We belong in America. That shouldn’t be so hard to figure out.’

    like I said”says who”? And as I pointed out you think your word is gospel.
    Look dude, its not up to you, get it?
    If we were such an imposition on the middle east we would be at war with real states. Not a bunch of terrorists.
    Is that so hard to figure out?

    Thats quite possibly the most idealistically fantasy based thing I have ever heard anyone say.
    Why dont you try telling that to everyone in this country who is not an American ?
    I wont even go further into detail on how absurd you sound.
    Its not a matter of “figuring” Jersey. Unless you want to figure it that way for yourself alone, thats just fine

  20. micky2 says:

    “And guys, we have GOT to stop this dependence on oil. As long as we remain flea-bitten oil druggie dregs, we will continue to have to deal with these psychotic regimes and their psychotic constituencies. Why this is so hard for people to grasp is beyond me. What, is Big Oil our God??? Are we beholden to their interests? I mean, I know the Bush crowd is beholden to them, but why would us regular guys care about the fortunes of Big Oil? It just doesn’t make sense.”

    Yea , we have to stop this dependence on oil.
    And the problem is not just the ” Bush crowd” PLEASE ! Its the whole country, jeez, ditch the BDS already, everyone uses oil.
    You also have to turn the entire countries infrastructure inside out. Mass transportation systems, industry etc all needs to be renewable energy friendly. That will take decades

    It aint gonna happen any time soon bro, get used to the fact that you wont ( I’ll bet) see a substantial change in your life time.
    I just bought a new car and I’ll be putting good ole unleaded in it for the next 6 to 7 years at least. And when that car blows up I might have a choice of a decent hybrid. And that will use unleaded also for another 6 to 7 years.
    You cant expect all the people in this country to just sh** can their lifestyles and cars overnight because its the right thing to do.
    Sheez, look how long it took us to start wearing seatbelts and not throw litter on the highway.
    You’re fantasizing

  21. Jersey McJones says:

    Well Micky, you invaded Hawaii, so what am I gonna say?

    Can I ask you this? Why did the muslim radical terrorist theologue hashassin islamist radical suicide boomers attack us in the first place? I’d love to know.


  22. micky2 says:

    They are the ones who dont want us there.
    But its not really their call.
    The original hashassin established most of the settlements and states in the middle east centuries ago.
    Maybe we should go back to the writing of the Koran to get your answers ?
    Todays boomers as you called them are a bunch of radical thugs with an ideaoligy completely differnt from the groups of assasins that functioned in the year 1100 or around then.
    The groups today have adopted what they call the same doctrine but it is vastly different in the sense that they are not a state and have a different goal, but in some cases sponsored by a state.
    They want to revert the whole middle east back to biblical lifestyles and see us and western ways and us doing business in the middle east as a threat to their plans.
    The majority of middle easterners/muslims do not approve of their beliefs or actions.
    We have trade agreements with the middle east that date back almost 80 years. And they have nothing to say about it, any more than you do.
    These radicals are trying to turn the clock back. Thats probably why they’re called radical. The closest they’ve come in this decade was Afghanistan being ruled by Taliban.
    Today they’re just a bunch of self glorifying assasins.

    “Well Micky, you invaded Hawaii, so what am I gonna say?”

    I’m Danish and actually part Mahichan.
    I had nothing to do with it, it wasnt me, I didnt do it, ya cant prove it.

  23. Jersey McJones says:

    “They are the ones who dont want us there.”

    Now that’s a funny sentence! LOL!

    So, the people that are there don’t want us to be there because we are from someplace else. This is a problem for you, huh? Hows about this: 300,000 Jersey McJoneses move to Hawaii tomorrow and take over everything? Would that be cool with you?


    The first thing I’d do is make you my personal chef (but no boogers!).

    Look man, I was playing around with prior post, but my points about the Hasemites, oil, colonialism, etc, remain. We are in a vicious circle. It’s time to get out – as much as possible. Of course, when I say as much as possible, I mean mostly removing ourselves from the region. We can easily cover Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Straights of Hormuz without a ground presense in Arabia. If we can sail the Persian Gulf and the Med, then we’ve really got it covered. We don’t need much more. This entire war has been nothing more than a taxpayer-profiteering scheme for warmongers and Big Oil. We have to get the &^%^%$%$#$#@#@! (is there such a word?) out of Arabia. We don’t belong there. We don’t want to be there. I don’t see you with a winter home in Karachi. I’d prefer Hawaii, myself.


  24. micky2 says:

    300,000 Jersey McJoneses move to Hawaii tomorrow and take over everything? Would that be cool with you?”

    Yea, especially if you were dropping hundreds of billions into my economy.
    Ya know kinda like buying the majority of my pineapple at top dollar.
    And then all you jerks would probably put it on your pizza.

    As far as your last paragraph goes.
    We’re stuck there untill we adopt other energy. I cant see any other scenario untill it drys up or we find alternatives that we are willing and capable of using.
    The problem I have is this.
    Even if we did pack it up and maintain energy independence the a$$holes are still gonna come after us.
    They have said so in many ways and at many times they want to change the world to their vision( short story).
    Belonging there is still a mattrer of opinion .
    As far as keeping us from collapsing as a nation, we have to stay there in order to maintain our whole finacial grid.
    And then theres the other prospect of them getting ahold of nukes whether it be Pakistan or North Korea, (they been hanging out there) or some stray Russian material or black market they have them there and are looking for more.
    If these bone heads start nuking Israel or Iran nukes someone nearby like maybe Europe all hell is gonna break loose.
    We have to be the refs because these guys cant quit coming after each other or anyone else no matter how many peace talks or what now for centuries.
    And as i’ve said before I believe that is why we are in Iraq. I believe that is the main reason we went and that that the gen public just cant stomach it.
    Partially for securing oil fiellds , yea. but also the long term scenarios that we need to prevent from happening.
    These rabid lemmings could well destroy the world economy.

    The first thing I’d do is make you my personal chef (but no boogers!).”

    Nobody makes me do anything.
    I’ve only performed malicious gastronomics once
    I slammed a steak into the ground stepped on it, brushed it off and and served it

  25. micky2 says:

    And it didnt take me all day or three attempts on your part for me to answer you.
    Aint that nice ?

  26. Jersey McJones says:

    Excuse me? Who the … cares if we’re involved in the Middle East if we have no economic tie to the region? Really? I mean, really? We really, really, really DO NOT need them. We really can do without their oil. It really isn’t all that much. If we just played nice with extro-opec producers, we could rid ourselves of the whole mess. It’s a mess. We don’t belong there. We should be figuring a way out.


  27. micky2 says:

    Obviously the thought of my cooking went to your head and you missed the last part of my statement.
    And if we did go to other producers we would have to gaurd that oil just as well.
    Who else you got in mind ?
    Russia ? LOL
    Hugo Chavez LMAO !
    Besides that , like I said, someone has to babysit and referee these clowns.
    Its not just oil.
    But the moonbats cant see that. Its a host of issues that I only touched a few of.
    If we left the middle east the dominos would fall everywhere from Pakistan ( maybe India) all the way up to Europe and Israel. Human rights activist and the rest of the world would have major panties bunched up and be asking us to do something about it.
    There are so many possible scenarios that could take place if we left I dont even know where to start.
    If there was no direct effect on the US the collateral damage could be just as bad.
    The left has to stop all this wishful and simplistic thinking

  28. Jersey McJones says:

    Micky, you are not an Elected Clown Referee. America is not the Universally Accreditted Board of Clown Referees. If we don’t start setting our priorities straight, we’re going the way of every other vanished empire – let alone those poor Clown Referees…


  29. micky2 says:

    You dont have to be elected to be a clown.
    Past history shows undeniably that these guys cant keep it together.
    We cant risk that. Our economy and national security depends on keeping these guys in line.
    Besides that, we are the clown that everyone calls to the party when it gets outta hand.

    I’ think I’ve explained everything and myself well enough.
    I’m not going to go in circles on this one. The deal is what it is and you should really get used to it.
    Money and security talks. All your simplistic and euphoric wishs are just that.
    The world and all it members will continue to always to deal with each other and scew each other.
    You studied history, you should know that since man has been able to travel this is the way it has and will always be.
    We will go to other countries and they will come here. People are global bro, and so is the market.
    And the market dont care what you think

  30. Jersey McJones says:

    Oh, so then illegal immigration is okay too,right? After all, if goods and capital can freely move around the world, why not labor?

    You conservatives are truly lost these days. You don’t know what you believe anymore.


  31. micky2 says:

    We are not illegal in the middle east.
    What kind of thinking is that ?
    Its the left that is lost on this point as I pointed out earlier and you never answerd me.

    You want us to leave a part of the world that we are in legally and for the purpose of security and our economy.
    But its the left who wants illegal aliens to have free access to all our entitlements and have immunity from everything short of murder.
    Dont spin me or the right as lost.
    Thats lame and ridiculous.
    Illegals cost us capital, and bring no goods into the country. Except for coke and weed.
    Get it right man.

  32. Joshua Godinez says:

    “As for Mr. Adkins, he is just another example of why conservative Christians are better for Jews and Israel than liberal Jews will ever be. ”

    Hey, you must be a Dennis Prager fan, too.

    Trace is a class act. I don’t think he’d be an effective elected leader. His relationships are small and personal as indicated on the show. He’d be a great block captain for neighborhood watch, but you have to have someone who doesn’t care about being liked, like Piers, to get the big jobs done. Someone who isn’t afraid to screw somebody that screwed you first. Trace doesn’t have it in him to be rude to someone who deserves it. Because he’s a good guy. People like him always seem to withdraw when they don’t like what they see or hear. Still love the guy, though.

  33. Brian says:


    it’s a few days later…but I just caught up on this…

    Quite simply: Israel cannot just act unilaterally…Perhaps we both wish she could…but, she cannot…

    Economics and water are essential issues when it comes to that region…both cannot be adequately dealt with unless there is genuinely serious cooperation…

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