Tygrrrr Express–My You Tube smackdown of left wing protesters

The Tygrrrr Express took on a couple leftist protesters at the Minneapolis 2008 Republican Convention.


For those of you wondering what I look like, I am the guy in the fedora and the incredibly nice suit jacket.

The great unwashed leftists are the ones looking like themselves.

The video is 6 minutes long.

In the first clip I take on a Code Pinko who was attending a rally of Lesbian Anti-Semitic Vegans for Libya, or something like that.

In the second clip I take on some Ron Paul supporter. Perhaps he said Rupaul.

I thank Skye at Flopping Aces for the video and for being a take charge woman in the mold of Sarah Palin.


What was not on tape was a third exchange to a protester that insisted we were living in a police state.

When they complained about a police state and overaggressive police tactics, I set them straight.

I told them:

“I can prove you are wrong in 60 seconds. You claim the police use excessive force. I know this is wrong because I begged them to do it and they wouldn’t. I asked those cops (pointing towards them) to use tear gas, rubber bullets, and batons. I wanted Kent State 2008. They said no because we live in a democracy. So sorry to disappoint you, but as badly as you want it, you will not be savagely beaten. Now be quiet before I come back tomorrow with a razor and shave you all under your armpits.”

Sadly enough the police would not let me do that either.

Police state my rumpus. So yes, even leftist dregs of society have rights.

As for the Code Pinko protesters that stole access badges to disrupt John McCain’s speech, the Secret Service should just shoot to kill.


eric aka the Tygrrrr Express

12 Responses to “Tygrrrr Express–My You Tube smackdown of left wing protesters”

  1. Dude! You look like a Jewish hippy! LOL! I’d never have guessed it! I figured you looked like a yuppy! Holy cow, man!

    I guess you can’t judge a cover by it’s book.

    I really couldn’t hear what all you were saying on that video. Good for you for engaging with protesters, though. Just the same, what you have against them is beyond me. Protests are the white blood ceels of the body politic – like white blood cells, they sometimes might attack the wrong target, but without them no target gets attacked and the body becomes infected and dies. Thank God for protests and protesters.

    I should really call in to your radio show. Timing, unfortunately, has not been on my side when it comes to that. I’ve been meaning to start my own show for a long time now. I do have a time slot, but I haven’t decided how to fill it yet. Worse still, the free Pro Tools 8-Track mixing software has been discontinued and never worked on XP anyway, and I’m a Pro-Tools guy, so I can’t play the kinds of music and sound effects that I would like. I have to get my Cakewalk up and running, I guess. But what a hassle! When’s your next radio show??? Becaue I can gaurantee that you will NOT be able to prove anything I don’t believe to me in 60 seconds. Bet?


  2. parrothead says:

    I remember I knew Eric for years always assuming he was a liberal until the California recall election when I heard him saying he liked Tom McClintock. Who district I lived in since he first ran for the assembly and who I had always been a fan of. Believe it or not at one point Eric actually cut his hari shaved all the facial hair and looked like the yuppie you always perceived him to be. Although one thing he has never been is a yuppie in any sense of the word. I just wish he would buy himself some reliable transportation.

    I couldn’t hear much of the conversation either.

  3. I would love to hear more about that “reliable transportation”! LOL! By coincidence, I happen to be famous in my crowd for rarely having a license or a car, preferring public transportation to my own cars and insurance and such. It’s a waste of money if you ask me.

    Ya’ know, Parrot, I would love to more about you guys.


  4. Micky 2 says:

    ya look like a cross between Dr. Hook, Alice Cooper and Slash.

    I pictured someone a little more studious looking with a pocket protector.

    I like the way you got that pink moonbats attention.
    I didnt hear too clearly but the body language said it all. Whatever it was you said, it shut her up.
    Which as we all know is feat in itself

  5. parrothead says:


    If you want to make his day add Steven Tyler to the list.


    Eric has missed more than one event out here because he was afraid his car couldn’t make the 40 mile trip out and the 4 mile return trip.

  6. parrothead says:

    oops 4o mile return

  7. Laree says:

    Sigh Progressives, are giving Democrats a bad name.

    Contemporary progressivism

    The fourth and current Progressive movement grew out of social activism movements, Naderite and populist left political movements in conjunction with the civil rights, GLBT (Gay rights), women’s or feminist, and environmental movements of the 1960s-1980s.[6] This exists as a cluster of political, activist, and media organizations ranging in outlook from centrism (eg. Reform Party of the United States of America) to left-liberalism to social democracy (like the Green Party) and sometimes even democratic socialism (like the Socialist Party USA).

  8. KateShmidt says:

    Eric, you are such a community organizer!

  9. parrothead says:

    Make that community AGITATOR ;-)

  10. […] how Code Pink gained access to the Xcel Center. Michelle Malkin, Jonn Lilyea, Gateway Pundit and Tygrrrr Express have written extensively on this sad […]

  11. […] how Code Pink gained access to the Xcel Center. Michelle Malkin, Jonn Lilyea, Gateway Pundit and Tygrrrr Express have written extensively on this sad […]

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