J-Street and George Soros–The ultimate self-loathing Jewish union

For those seeking to undermine Israel and destroy Judaism worldwide, please support J-Street.

J-Street came about because AIPAC was considered too “Pro-Israel,” and therefore “right-wing,” as if defending a right to exist should have a political label.

(Ironically, I have been very critical of AIPAC at times for being too liberal, and reluctant to ever discuss the use of force.)

J-Street builds itself as “Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace.” It is neither.

It is not even pro-Jewish.

While I am a staunch Republican, I do have friends who are major players in the organization “Democrats for Israel.” DFI are passionate Obama supporters, hardly the vast right-wing conspiracy.

(I am leaving their names anonymous because if they get caught having Republican friends it could damage them at Jewish dinner parties.)

Even people at DFI privately express concerns that J-Street goes too far.

Let me be less diplomatic (as always).

J-Street are a combination of self-loathing Jews and anti-Semites. While a precious few of them may actually be proud Jews who are hopelessly naive and ignorant of history, the driving engine behind the organization is hostility to Israel under a Jewish fig leaf.

After two years of hollow denials, it was confirmed a few days ago that the ultimate leftist and self-loathing Jew George Soros is funding J-Street.


Some people will claim that since Soros is Jewish born, he has to be good for the Jews. That imbecilic train of thought also applied to Jayson Blair Times owner and destroyer Arthur “Pinch” Sulzberger Jr, although at least he had the decency to admit his self-loathing and convert out of the faith.

(Sorry Christian America, he is your problem now.)

Being Jewish does not automatically mean one is proud of such a birthright.

Soros has a history of hostility toward Israel, and supporting Palesimian causes in all cases.

He rails against Wall Street and capitalism (translation: Jewish bankers) while making his money destroying the currencies of third world nations for profit. He makes money off of human misery. The sad part is no matter how anti-Jewish he acts, misguided anti-Semites use him as an example of justifying the greedy Jewish banker stereotype.

This is the man funding J-Street.

Not only did J-Street accept money from this horrendous man. They lied about it. They denied it. This was an old fashioned coverup that should end in the word “gate.” Maybe it can be called “Hategate.”

Watergate became famous when Woodward and Bernstein were told by Deep Throat to “always follow the money.”

J-Street is owned lock, stock, and barrel by George Soros. They raise money from other sources, but he got them started.

When a disgusting man throws his money and weight around, it is no surprise that it should go to organizations that are equally odious.

J-Street cannot and should not ever again claim to be Pro-Israel or Pro-Jewish. If the NAACP received its funding from the Ku Klux Klan and then tomorrow advocated abandoning Africa, banning affirmative action, and returning segregation laws, there would be questions of sanity among the leadership.

This is what has happened in the liberal Jewish community. Too many liberal Jews are liberal first and Jewish second. Therefore, anything a liberal does has to be seen as good for Jews because it is liberal.

Liberal Jews must not deny the anti-Semitism in America that comes from the left. They criticize conservatives for teaming up with the “Christian Right,” while laying down in a vile bed with the secular anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic left.

J-Street is a poisonous cocktail that seeks to eradicate Judaism as we know it. It is funded by an anti-Semitic criminal billionaire.

(Soros is a convicted insider trader, but apparently only conservatives go to jail for financial crimes.)

Jews and supporters of Israel (sadly not often the same thing) must make sure that J-Street is financially crippled so that it gets shut down immediately.

With Jews like these, the Arabs and Palesimians will be just fine.

Israel will not be.


5 Responses to “J-Street and George Soros–The ultimate self-loathing Jewish union”

  1. Well, I read this whole rant, and I didin;t find one, single, solitary example of J-Street’s “anti-Israel” or “anti-semite” activities. Could you expound, or do we just take your word for it?


  2. Dav Lev says:

    Hitler, Goering and Heydrich, not to forget Arafat, are laughing in their graves..smiling over how Jews can be fooled.

    “Work makes free” was a sign over one of the many camps at the Auschwitz complex…labor and death camps. Some Jews actually believed they were working towards their freedom. Violins played in the background ( not Wagner however). Are you listening Mr. Barenboim?

    At Auschwitz, the Krauts used SS men…(in black uniforms for effect)
    and kapos (Jewish collaberators) to kill over 2m people. The kapos
    were selected by the SS, and promised their survival. Soon they
    too experienced the gas pellots..dropped into the chambers bv other

    In Poland, Jews were selected to police other Jews. They were at times
    more brutal than the Polish and German fascists.

    Lets move fwd. J Street has every right to exist in the USA. This is a
    democracy., even if it lies to th public. Soros has contributed over 750,000 so far to the leftist, dovish organiation.

    J Street, is allied with Americans for Peace Now, a slightly less leftist
    US group..(there is also a Peace Now group in Israel). While the Pales build and build in disputed territory, AforPeace Now, is critical of Israel’s position on some of the settlements, which, they claim, are not part of Israel. What is good for the goose is not good for the chicken (kosher of course)

    J Streets policies, in their opinion, will bring a lasting peace to the area.
    They seem not to be aware of the history of the region gong back 100 years ( as stated by Arafat). Simply put, the Arabs do not want a Jewish state in their midst..its really easy to understand.

    I have yet to read or hear one Arab who sides with Israeli policies.
    Can you? Can anyone? I am not aware of any Arab who wants Israel to exist. Are you?

    The answer to J Street, is to make them look like the dopes they are, and that if implimented, their policies would lead to the nuking of Tel Aviv, and maybe New Yorik?

    Thats the danger by them…splitting the community, and lessening the influence of truly patriotic organizations, like AIPAC and the ZOA.
    I mean, isnt peanut brain Carter enough?

    They just dont get it. Ahmad now is threatening US leaders with burials
    who are against him. He has the technology to hit US interests worldwide.
    He has 40,000 bombers ready and willing to act.

    Even the conviction of that thug in Manhatan, seems not to have
    moved J Street. What will it take..the bombing of the Lower Eastside,
    Boro Park, Williamsburg, Kew Gardens,where?

  3. Dav, you are the Fred Phelps of Jewish political discourse.


  4. Micky 2 says:

    ” or do we just take your word for it?’

    Turnabouts fair play.
    you’re always insisting others take your word for things and if not were idiots.

  5. Dav Lev says:

    Ah if only we knew at the time of this blog comment, what was in store for the M.E. conflict.

    G. Soros, always the consumate leftist and I hate Israel, blame for everything wrong with the world, can now see what he has accomplished.

    In South Lebanon, Ahmad rants and raves..kill the Jews he says wiithout
    saying it (its those Zionists). He tells thousands of Shia Lebanese that
    soon, the Pales will enact revenge on the Zionists..and exterminate them, those that dont leave for their homelands (Poland, Russia, Germany, the US, South Africa, etc.). Sounds to me like a famous Washington reporter who claims not to be anti-Semtic. Not anti-Semitic, perhaps she should
    be invited to a Passove sedar or a Yom Kippur service.

    Soon guys, he thrills the crowds..present. You will have your
    day in court and reverse 62 years of history and loss of 10 wars.
    Its all in the past, irrelevant. Its the future that counts. Two states, Arab and Jew, accepted by the Jews, dismissed by the Arabs..2 years later and still fighting..with Iran now holding the cards..with nukie about to be
    made ( for peaceful purposes).

    We (Iran) have repaired your bombed out cities (after you correctly launched 4,300 rockets into Israels north, forcing 1m to seek bunkers, and kidnapped and murdered two soldiers (receiving live Arabs in exchange).

    Yet Soros and J Street dont want sanctions against Iran. They
    believe in diplomacy and an Israeli withdrawal to the 67 cease fire lines
    (even though UN242 does not require those lines, but security borders
    for both sides, agreed to).

    Soros gave almost 1m dollars to J Street. I always wondered where
    they were getting the gelt? (Money). Surely not from me.

    Soros still doesnt get it. Prior to WW2, 20,000 Polish intellectuals
    were murdered by the Russians, who had designs on EasternPoland,
    while the Reich looked at the Western portion. Eventually, Germany
    destroyed all of Warsaw (but no Jews, who had been already
    butchered). Germany wanted a land area within which to invade
    Russia..and expand its population..with all that oil and wheat around.
    Hitler envisioned a Germanic people with 150m..and needed land space.
    But first he had to finish off the Slavs and Yids and a few thousand
    young boys from Norway or was it Sweden. So much for racial theories
    of blond,blue eyed children..superior to everyone else.

    Of course people like Soros would not have been affected. They would be treated differently..they were different, not really Jewish! You know what I mean..not New York Jews..maybe Jews who live in the country and own farms.

    I am reminded of another George Soros type..his name is D. Pearl, who
    lacked pearls of wisdom. He was beheaded while on a fact finding
    mission (to tell the Arab side) for a US newspaper. His last words were, I am a Jew.

    When George Soros value is used up, his last words will be, but “I am a Jew”.

    In the meantime, in Hamastan, Hamas leaders are frothing at the mouth,
    thinking that maybe Ahmad will visit with them..throw stones into Israel
    and establish a base from which to launch missiles..Praise the Lord.

    Then Soroa, you can apologize for your treachery.

    Yeah, right.

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