Burn in Hell Anthony Weiner

Anthony Weiner should burn in hell.

He deserves to spend his remaining years on Earth in a state of constant humiliation. He should be emotionally driven into the ground until he cries himself to sleep every single night of his rotten, miserable existence.

Congressman Weiner has now confessed to being a sex-crazed animal who engages in salacious behavior with strange women.

(So am I. I am a young, single man. I do it because I feel like it. I may keep doing it. There are no pictures of me because I know my own limitations. However, if people ask me questions, I will smile and answer them. I am more ashamed of my junior high school years. I was morally chaste then, but that was because I could not get a date.)

He sent x-rated pictures of himself to various women. His count was six women over three years. Yet that is not why he is so loathesome.

The Washington Times has my column today.


He is lucky that his his wife is an Americanized Muslim and not a Radical Muslim supporting Sharia Law. This stuff in some countries leads to Honor Killings.

I would not send pics of my wiener but much worse would be if I sent pics of my Waxman. He is my congressman and is much more hideous.

Some pointed out that Anthony Weiner lied to his staff. So what? I lie to mine every night. I keep telling myself that it is bigger, but Playgirl Magazine is still not calling me for verification.

Oh, and dear ladies…it is only disgusting when men do it. So for any single woman who ever sent me salacious pictures or messages…Thank you.



Burn in Hell Anthony Weiner. You deserve it.


2 Responses to “Burn in Hell Anthony Weiner”

  1. Wow. That was rough.

    I don’t care about this Weiner thing.

    At least he isn’t some Bible-thumping, “Family Values,” DOMA-pandering, gay/philandering/perverted rightwing hypocrite.


  2. Micky 2 says:

    So let me get this right Jersey.

    Weiners lies are acceptable because hes not a Christian ?
    I dont care what party hes with, hes nuckin futs !
    The guys wife is a goddess !!!

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