Andrew Breitbart–The best and worst

With the tragic untimely passing of Andrew Breitbart, conservatives showed rhetorical flourish while some liberals could not control the venom. So here is the best (conservatives) and the worst (liberals) in terms of tributes to Andrew Breitbart. I said prayers for his family in Synagogue on Friday night. I am far from the best, but picking out the worst liberal carpet-bomber would take a level of skill that only Breitbart possessed.

Vox 09:02 PM
Mar 1, 2012
P!ss on breitbart, his lies and his legacy. His hate, fear mongering and fabrications are what people will remember.

anlyztht 08:27 PM
Mar 1, 2012
They say the good die young. But not in this case. Dead in the gutter. Appropriate.

Mistahkleen 07:22 PM
Mar 1, 2012
if you can’t say something nice…

Patryck Cod’e 06:18 PM
Mar 1, 2012
His last “big idea” was without a doubt his best. He did the world a service and dropped dead

Mar 1, 2012
Ah the taste of my Beer tastes real good as this POS Breitbart is dead RIH Breitbart and I hope Ms Sherod gets all of the money that she gets in her lawsuit.

jamesbrummel 04:49 PM
Mar 1, 2012
spoken like a true blind person .decent people don’t throw bombs honest people don’t broadcast haveli edited videos in order to ruin careers . courageous people don’t pick on minorities and the poor . . Breitbart did not engage in politics . he was not a journalist he was gossip and a liar . in my experience people behave the way they.behave. what you see is what you get . maybe 1 day he would have woken up and apologize, but he didn’t . Using the logic of the right, I guess god was angry at him

stevejbons 04:47 PM
Mar 1, 2012
Love him or hate him its important to remember that as a commentator on the U.S. political scene, this was a fundamentally dishonest person primarily interested in manipulating his supporters with half-truths, misinformation and deliberate lies. These are not honorable qualities.

cybervigilante 04:42 PM
Mar 1, 2012
Now, if we could only get rid of a few more Hateradio liars, like Rush and Hannity, this country could get moving again. They praise Jesus but hate the poor. They want to balance the budget but trillion dollar wars based on lies are okay. And oh, they have sudden economic conservatism, but forgot Bush and Reagan for Their massive deficits, or Clinton for a surplus. They make it impossible for our democracy to work – but if you hate democracy you hate us, because we are democracy. They want banks, insurers, and corporations to rule Congress. There is something soooo awful and so destructive to democracy when someone posing as a newsman uses comedy, vitriol, deceptive editing, and lies to deceive the public. They have not only wrecked our nation – they have caused death and impoverishment, so good riddance. Hey, fatboy Rush – jump in after him, wontcha? Be sure to bring your oxycodone so you can share. Right now, Rush is calling some nice woman who testified about birth control to Congress, a *** and worse. These vile haters deserve all the bad words we can lay on them when they finally go to where liars go. I don’t feel hate – I just think it’s a good time to recall the awful truth about their rotten lies, their incitement, their hate, and their harm. Pardon me for not being PC about it. Or superstitious about speaking ill of the dead – who spoke ill of the living their entire careers. Phooey. How many poor families did he throw into poverty by helping to wreck ACORN? He and his ilk just Hate anyone who helps the poor. Breitbart puts the lie to the canard that only the good die young. He lied in his teeth to hurt people, and also insulted the dead if they were liberals, so this phony outpouring of sympathy by PC rags is bunk. I’m a solid middle-class worker and Breitbart can go to hell where liars belong. Bums like this hate the poor, hate those who have lost their jobs and homes. They only want the one percent to prosper, while the middle class goes jobless, homeless and hungry. Three good things about Andrew Breitbart: He’s Dead! He’s Dead! He’s Dead!

Judge the venom for yourselves ladies and gents. These are liberals. This is how they behave.

If Breitbart were still alive he would rip these miscreants good.

Farewell Andrew.


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