More May Hate Mail:
While I normally get hate mail from leftists and Paulbots, I did not know so many people in France had such hostility. They may be cowards on the battlefield but they write a mean letter.
So this is my special French edition of hate mail Vive L’Imbeciles!
“Francoise Regnier
[email protected]
Hey idiot have you ever lived in France?
Do you understand that there is more to governing than cut & slash?
Obviously you did not take French in your conservative Jewish school, it is LE suicide.”
Analysis: Bringing my Judaism into the conversation when it has absolutely nothing to do with it just confirms that far too many French people are just disgusting anti-Semites. Vive La Bigotry, or Vive Le Bigotry, as if anybody really cares.
“fuck you
[email protected]
Does it hurt to think? Doe your stupidity make it difficult to live?”
Analysis: This fellow would not be so brave in person. I should tell him I am German and watch him run from his keyboard in tears.
“Christopher Lemmon
[email protected]
Are you retarded?”
Analysis: Somebody sold me a lemon once. I think it was a Peugeot.
“Fred Beckey
[email protected]
What are you thinking? This has got to be some of the most substanceless tripe I have ever read. You are a blathering idiot who knows nothing about france, politics or history. Please shut your mouth.”
Analysis: Tripe? If anybody would know about tripe, it would be the French. The stuff apparently tastes worse than Escargot. I know plenty about France, politics, and history. The first one is boring, the second one fascinating, and the third one written by the winning side. That is why they do not study history in France. They lost. It’s easier not to read the truth.
[email protected]
Jingoistic bullshit. You need to wake up and smell the 21st century. America may be a pretty good jack of all trades, but it is still a master of none. Manifest destiny anyone?
Yea, brilliant journalism there… just like most conservatives – spouting endless buzz words and nonsense rather than contributing anything of substance.”
Analysis: America invented the internet, which means this frog can kiss my American rumpus and then put his keyboard down and shut off his internet access forever. I find wine to be overrated bilgewater, so nothing his nation has ever produced is useful for me. Americans are not jingoistic about the French. We’re just better than they are.
[email protected]
Why are you arguably the most idiotic writer in the history of mankind?”
Analysis: Because I went to American public schools. I did not take the Baccalaureat, where I could learn how to get a job as a lifelong bureaucrat stifling innovation and wasting my intellect forever.
“Josh Jacobson
[email protected]
Why are your opinions so asinine?”
Analysis: I just answered that question. Now go pass the Baccalaureat so you can be well on your way to a life of mediocrity at best.
“Ted Raymond
[email protected]
Why are you, Eric Golub, such a damn conservative dumbass? You seem to take things to the extremes, and you seem to be very irrational. I don't know who decided to give you a media job, but you do not deserve to be speaking to the American people. Do you feel this is good journalism? It isn't.”
Analysis: When this man’s socialist utopian dreams crumble to ashes, he will come begging chapeau or beret in hand for a handout. He may even ask for a job. There will be none, since only innovators actually create jobs and hire people. Those people are found in America, and most of them are conservative unless guilt takes over for some idiotic reason.
[email protected]
Eric, You seem to know a little about French or European politics. Your writing style is derogatory, rude, childish and shows a blatant ignorance about France, politics and foreign affairs. I seriously hope journalism is simply a hobby and not your real job…
A french student who probably knows more about america than you”
Analysis: This person is French and a student. By definition alone, they know less than everybody else on Earth. Next time this grubby savage should spell America with a capital A. Spelling France should be done with lowercase but I will use uppercase so as not to confuse this gramatically challenged French student.
“branden verosky
[email protected]
will you fight me”
Analysis: No. It would not be a fair fight. If I lost I would never be able to live with myself. I will have shamed America by losing to a Frenchman. If I won, you would sue my entire country and demand reparations. You had your chance to fight when Napoleon was in charge and you screwed it up. The Mouse that Roared is just boring at this point.
Say it with me everyone: These are leftists, Paulbots, and even worse…Francophiles.
Vive L’Imbeciles!