Sandra Fluke Fake Feminism Friday

Today is Sandra Fluke Fake Feminism Friday, dedicated to all the crying, hysterical shrieking women who make Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott roll over in their graves. This is dedicated to the women who reduce women to crying weaklings and set women’s rights back a few decades.

We have gone from Helen Reddy’s “I am woman, here me roar” to Katy Perry’s “I have breasts, I sing ‘Roar.'” I remember when feminism was about intellect.

Anyway, a Washington, DC federal appeals court struck down the Obamacare contraception mandate, effectively telling Sandra to go Fluke herself. If she did, she would not need birth control to begin with.

Besides, I have seen her. There is not a man alive who would go out with her. My own list of women I would not date consists of Helen Thomas, Joy Behar and Sandra Fluke.

Sandra Fluke is not a fighter for freedom and women’s rights and equality.

She is a parasite who wants free stuff.

Thankfully this appeals court slapped her argument down hard. Given that she is an upper class white girl leading a cushy cakewalk existence, somehow she will be ok. She will probably find some feminized beta male to pay for her free stuff. As long as it is not me, I do not care.

Hopefully the U.S. Supreme Court will protect my wallet from her blood-sucking tentacles. That woman is scarier than anything on Halloween.

This concludes Sandra Fluke Fake Feminism Friday.


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