Yes, we must talk politics on 9/11
Somebody told me not to “politicize” 9/11. Let’s review.
In 2010, O44 withdrew from Iraq because his campaign promise was more important to him than keeping a stable Iraq. After Iraq descended into hell & ISIS was created, he then blamed W43 (like he always does) for going into Iraq to begin with. O44 played politics & abandoned the War on Terror for the sake of politics.
On September 11, 2012, radical Islamists murdered 4 Americans. O44 & Hillary Clinton lied about what happened, blaming a You-tube video. They imprisoned a film-maker on trumped-up charges. They did this to protect their narrative that they were defeating al-Qaeda. This was a lie. They played politics and chose to protect their own political skins at the expense of dead Americans. They left 4 men to die rather than try to rescue them because a failed rescue would have been a political problem.
Now on September 11, 2015, two things are happening.
O44 is allowing 10,000 Muslim refugees into America. He is letting them in for the same reason he is allowing illegal immigrants to flood our borders. He wants more Democrat voters. This is all about politics. The Syrian refugee crisis is one he created by vowing a red line against Bashar Assad & then backing down. He was too gutless to take action against Assad. Just as in Iraq, Syria was an O44 enabled catastrophe. ISIS will use this refugee crisis to set up terror cells in America. O44 will allow this rather than admit he screwed up Syria. O44 is playing politics with our lives.
O44 is letting Iran get a bomb under a phony deal that has no enforcement mechanisms. He is doing this because he needs a legacy item for his presidential library. He is putting the world at risk because playing politics is more important to him than keeping us safe.
America is led by people who politicize everything. People die & they don’t care. America is led by soulless robots lacking an ounce of human compassion or empathy.
Then their supporters have the nerve to tell people like me who do care not to politicize 9/11.
When a liberal says, “don’t politicize,” what that liberal is really saying is, “we screwed up royally, conservatives don’t use your 1st Amendment rights to remind the world how badly we screwed up.”
When leftists stop getting innocent people killed, I will stop pointing it out. I will not take a day off while Islamists are busy trying to blow up civilization & leftists are the useful idiots enabling the Islamists.
Liberals are well on their way to causing the next 9/11. You’re d@mn right this deserves to be pointed out.