Los Angeles schools close on bomb hoax

Los Angeles schools close on bomb hoax.

Los Angeles Schools receive “credible threat.” The threat has been described as “the education system.”

LA schools shut down to protect people from “credible threat.” Between Teachers Unions, Teachers & Students, every day is a threat. Sadly, that is not enough to close the schools.

O44 probably read a conservative blog post about wanting to blow up the school system and privatize it, took that literally.

Look, I absolutely believe in public safety. However, once the schools reopen they will go back to sucking & getting our kids killed anyway. I am glad the schools can keep kids from being bombed. They can’t get them from being killed by drug pushers, gang-bangers, or other kids wanting their sneakers.

LA Schools receive threat. To protect our children, all public schools must be shut down, all education personnel fired.

Do it for the kids.

LAUSD Hoax bomb scare proof we must enact legislation on gun control, climate change, Zionist-occupied Palestine. Which liberal? Place bets.

LAUSD press conference announcement: Schools to reopen tomorrow, system will return to sucking, endangering kids in usual ways.


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