Greenville CBS GOP Debate Recap

Greenville CBS GOP Debate Recap



Trump -- tremendous blow for conservatives. Mcconell must stop it. Delay

Kasich -- if I were president we wouldn't be fighting

Carson -- Constitution doesn't address it. No healing under Obama 

Rubio -- Constitution not a living breathing doc

Jeb-- nominate judges with proven conservative record

Cruz-- Scalia a legal giant. 

Bob gates 3qs

Trump-- What, when, how hard do we hit? Don't go into Iraq 

Rubio--Asian Pacific, ME ISIS, Putin 

Crisis mgmt -- vote on Assad. He voted no. 

Carson -- judgment required for 2 am phone call 

Kasich--Russia--we will arm folks in Ukraine. Coalition of civilized

Jeb -- Assad not here to stay. Containment an unmitigated disaster. Criticized trump for accommodating Russia. Reverse sequester. Policy to destroy ISIS. Contain Iran ambitions

Trump -- Putin. I like him so far. That's Jeb's special interests lobbyists booing. We've been in Middle East 15 years and won nothing. Bashed Lindsey Graham

Jeb - Putin not going to be ally of US. Trump interrupted Jeb

Cruz -- Nuclear Iran. Rip up deal. ISIS, we need focused objective. Anti-Neocon. Air power, arm Kurds, ground troops if needed. Special forces if needed. 

Trump -- Asked if W should have been impeached over Iraq. Trump bashed Jeb. W made a mistake. They lied about WMD

Jeb -- Tired of O44 blame game. Tired of Trump insulting W. My bro was building security apparatus while trump was doing reality tv

Kasich -- We thought there were WMD. Praised Powell. US shouldn't get involved in civil wars. 

Rubio -- thank God W in charge of 9/11 not Al Gore. W kept us safe. WTC came down because bubba didn't handle OBL

Crowd booed trump loudly

Carson -- need a dictator replacement plan. Obama destabilized Iraq. O44 asinine thinking. You'll have collateral damage. 

WSJ Strassel -- trumps ideas cost 12-15 trillion. Can he deliver?

Trump--he will bring jobs back, won't say how. This country dying. SS Waste fraud abuse. 

Major Garrett -- Is flat tax a Vat?

Cruz -- growth comes from lessening burden of Washington on small businesses. Vat is a sales tax. Abolishing corporate payroll death and ACA growth

Rubio-- why should conservatives give tax credits to families? Because it's their money. 

Kasich asked about Medicaid expansion in Ohio -- insisted numbers were incorrect. Compassion. Cited his record. We leave no one behind. 

Jeb -- ACA expansion creates further debate. Wasn't expanded in FL and SC

Kasich -- Jeb's Medicare grew 2x as fast as he did. Reagan expanded Medicaid. 

Jeb -- Cato ranked Kasich at bottom in terms of spending. 

Kasich -- I'll stay positive

Higher taxes on hedge funds? ATR says no

Jeb says yes. They should be paying ordinary income not capital gains rate

Carson -- Cato, WSJ praise his tax plan. Everybody needs skin in the game 

Immigration -- what is a humane solution?

Trump -- Americans first. Build a wall. 

Rubio -- never supported Amnesty, which means no consequences. 1986 law enforcement nil. 40% overstaying visas. 

Cruz -- stood with Jeff sessions and Steve King. Went after Rubio. Never answered strassel's question. 

Rubio -- to argue Cruz is a purist on immigration is not true. 

Cruz Said Rubio favors citizenship. I don't know how he knows what I said on Univision. He doesn't speak Spanish. Cruz lies. Lied about Carson in Iowa. 

Jeb -- my inner Chris Christie. Listening to senators argue about arcane amendments that didn't pass. I have a plan. We should pick who comes to this country. They're not all rapists as you know who was.

Trump -- weakest person on stage on immigration is Jeb. Spend a little more money on commercials 

Jeb -- weak to denigrate women disabled and McCain. 

Trump said Jeb said he would moon people

Kasich -- remove all negative ads. Be positive. Seal border. Guest worker program. Path to legalization not citizenship. 

Should financial execs be fined and jailed?

Carson -- regulators looking for people to fine. They've nothing to do. Start trimming regulatory agencies. Get rid of poverty? Get rid of regulations

Warrior for poor?

Cruz -- most vulnerable hurt by O44 economy. 

What allows pres to threaten companies?

Trump -- build consensus with congress. Don't like O44 executive orders


Trump -- must have it. Common sense conservative. Brought up eminent domain himself. Said W did it

Jeb said he disagreed with his brother's use of it. Cited failed AC casinos

Cruz -- you shouldn't be flexible on core principles. He's a great entertainer. 

Trump -- you are the single biggest liar, bigger than Jeb. This guy will say anything. Nasty guy. 

Cruz -- trump called Carson pathological and compared him to a child molester. 

Trump said PP does do wonderful things just not on abortion. 

Jeb -- Reagan didn't tear down people. He tore down the Berlin Wall. 

Cruz -- adults learn not to interrupt each other Donald. He supported Hillary, schumer, Kerry

Rubio -- poverty can be fixed with free enterprise. More power to states. Immigration reform not an accomplishment because it wasn't solved. 

Carson -- free college a non starter. 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities. That hurts mr average. Irresponsible evil government 

Kasich -- asked about being liked by democrats. He cited his record. We will win blue collar democrats

Trump -- asked if anyone tells him he is wrong, he cited his wife frequently telling him that. Trump  attacked Jeb. He hires experts. Sometimes they're wrong. 

Profanity? Said he will not do it again. 

Jeb said we need a proven leader. Criticized trumps chapter 11s

Trump defended his use of bankruptcy laws. Said Jeb put so much debt on Florida. 

Jeb defended his record. AAA bond rating. Income rose. 

Rubio -- asked what Qs he would ask Reagan. How did you inspire American people after carter?


Kasich: lord made us all special. I'll send power back. Spirit of America in us. Taking care of people

Carson: nothing normal about new normal in exceptional America. Spiritual life, patriotism, morality. Don't lose them

Jeb: unforeseen challenge coming. Who do you want behind big desk? I'll have a steady hand. 8 hurricanes and 4 tropical storms in 16 months. Servants heart with backbone

Rubio: economy flat, cultures in trouble. Reputation in decline. 2016 can be a turning point. Rights come from our creator. Pro Israel not Iran. 

Cruz: country hangs in balance. Washington deal maker to grow government or a proven conservative? Won't be easy but with support of people can be done. 

Trump: politicians all talk no action. We don't win anymore. Won't be controlled by special interests and lobbyists. 


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