Kamala Harris would be a disaster for Jews

A President Kamala Harris Would Be Disastrous For Jews


To save democracy, Democrats threw President Joe Biden overboard and disenfranchised his primary voters. For those who are Jewish and proud of it, his replacement is a nightmare. Vice President Kamala Harris still has a few hurdles to climb to reach the top, but Jews everywhere should work hard to prevent a Harris administration.


Vice President Harris will showcase her Jewish husband Doug Emhoff in front of fawning liberal Jewish donors. Harris could even elevate Jewish Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro to the ticket. Jews should not be fooled.


The best that can be said about Ms. Harris is that she is not an antisemite. It would be unfair to lump her in with Jimmy Carter, Pat Buchanan or Ilhan Omar. She has no personal animus toward Jews. Again, she is married to one.


What matters is policy and policy alone. From a policy standpoint, Harris is a disaster on Jewish issues. For the sake of clarity, abortion and climate change are not Jewish issues. Those are political issues that many politically active Jews care about. Yet those issues are 100% unrelated to Jews and Judaism itself.


Harris sympathizes with the Gaza Arabs who incorrectly label themselves “Palestinians.” Like many leftists, Harris ignores historical and archeological evidence in favor of a heart-tugging but completely fictional Palestinian narrative.


In 2021, Harris issued meaningless platitudes in response to a question accusing Israel of genocide. Harris refused to reject the premise, forcing the Biden administration to walk back her remarks.


On July 9th, 2024, Harris accused Israel of starving Palestinian children. She “understood” the pro-Gaza protesters on American college campuses. Her position was a significant break from the official Biden administration position.


Former President Donald Trump has promised a tough crackdown on the antisemitic college rioters. Harris has repeatedly advocated for a much softer stance on the rioters and a far harder line on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. She recently boycotted his address to a joint session of Congress. Harris did meet with Netanyahu the day after his speech before again giving her full-throated defense of the anti-Israel rioters.


Harris is a staunch supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement. BLM is an antisemitic, Marxist money-laundering operation coordinated through leftist Democrat PAC Act Blue. Harris donated to and actively supported bail funds that released violent BLM operatives who burned down a significant number of Jewish businesses.


As atrocious as Harris is domestically, her foreign policy views are as incoherent as they are dangerous. Harris has repeatedly been part of the crowd demanding a Gaza ceasefire. Trump wants to give Israel time to finish the job and eliminate the twin threats of Hamas and Hezbollah. Harris issues the same bland cliché about Israel having a right to defend itself. She then quickly follows that up with contradictory and nonsensical blather about how Israel must defend itself “the right way.”


Harris has never served in the military or fought in a war. Her word salad gibberish belies an ignorance of how war works. In a successful war, one side kills as many enemies as possible until the other side surrenders. Anything less is stalemate and endless war, not victory or successful self-defense. Israel has a right to kill as many Jew-hating terrorists as necessary regardless of collateral damage. Until and unless Harris says that, her Israel position is as morally bankrupt as the rest of The Squad. Namby-pamby statements condemning real anti-Semitism are meaningless if they are immediately watered down with drivel about some fictional concept called Islamophobia.


Worst of all, Harris is even more desperate than Biden to revive the horrendous Iran Nuclear Deal. Harris accurately reflects the left’s obsession with coddling Iran, which requires ostracizing Israel. The mullahs still reward every outstretched hand with “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” chants.


Not hating Jews is insufficient. Even liking Jews is not good enough. A United States President must have a clear understanding of what Jews need to do to survive as a people. The President must turn that clear understanding into pro-Israel action at best, or at worst just getting out of the way. Our very Jewish existence is on the line.


Trump understands this. Harris does not. For this reason, Harris must never be President.

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