For the sake of peace, Sinwar needs to die and Gaza needs to burn

Burn It All Down and Kill Sinwar


Jewish hearts sank with the news that six more hostages were found dead in Gaza. Since October 7th, a combination of malicious antisemites and misguided liberals have demanded a Gaza ceasefire. They could not be more wrong.


Their warped reasoning is that a quick deal would release hostages and end the war. This shallow short-term thinking led to the horrific 2006 Gilad Shalit deal. In exchange for his life, 900 Arab terrorists were released. One of those terrorists was Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind behind the October 7th, 2023 murders of 1,200 innocent Jews.


Do the math. For every three Arab terrorists released for Gilad Shalit, four innocent Jews were murdered. Now the ceasefire coalition wants to exchange 100 Jewish hostages who may already be dead for another 1,000 radical Islamic terrorists. Sinwar, the current Hamas leader, has demanded that any agreement include a guarantee sparing his life.


Useful idiots from Old Europe to Ivy League university presidents to America’s State Department diplomats need to get stuffed. The last thing Israel needs is another phony peace agreement that makes Oslo seem reasonable by comparison.


It is long past time for Israel to burn Gaza to the ground and kill Sinwar. Burn it all down. Burn, baby burn. Burn Gaza burn, disco inferno.


There is no diplomatic solution to dealing with bloodthirsty fanatics.


President Harry Truman dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing 100,000 Japanese people. Many of them were innocent civilians. His actions saved the world. Japan quickly surrendered, ending World War II and preserving hundreds of thousands of lives.


As General George Patton said in that war, “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country…We’re not just going to shoot the bastards. We’re going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood…We’re gonna kick the hell out of him all the time, and we’re gonna go through him like crap through a goose!”


After the September 11th attacks, President George W. Bush smashed al Qaeda to pieces. Saddam Hussein was then captured in a spider hole, put on trial, and hung. As Toby Keith beautifully sang, “We’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the American way.”


When ISIS murdered Americans, President Donald J. Trump vowed to “bomb the hell out of ISIS” and let loose hard military power. General James “Mad Dog” Mattis and his men obliterated everyone in their path.



Now Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has to do the job that American leaders refuse to do. Who is going to permanently end the Islamist threat on Israel’s border? Does anyone expect President Joe Biden in his condition to do it? Does anyone believe Vice President Kamala Harris would take morally righteous actions and risk losing Arab Muslim Michigan voters?


Remember, Israel should not even have to burn Gaza down. America should do it. One of the dead hostages was a 23-year-old Israeli-American citizen named Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Since when do third world barbarians get to murder Americans with impunity? When did the murder of Americans by foreign powers not result in the severest retaliatory consequences?


Israel has the power to end this war, reclaim deterrence, and secure their border for a generation. They need to let the displaced Egyptian Arabs in Gaza who call themselves “Palestinians” have their come to Allah moment. Either they turn over all the hostages and Sinwar in 72 hours, or Israel ends their way of life.


The time for fretting over collateral damage needs to end. The time for allowing hostages to become blackmail bargaining chips needs to end. The time for respecting opinions of antisemitic professors and their imbecilic brainwashed students needs to end. The time for listening to useless State Department bureaucrats who never solved a single world problem needs to end.


The Islamist grip on Judea and Samaria needs to end. It needs to end now.


That starts with setting Gaza on fire until Sinwar meets his maker. Whether he is killed by his own people, the Israeli Defense Forces, or a revitalized America is irrelevant.


Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were not removed through diplomacy or osmosis. They were removed through force. Force is what will rid the world of Sinwar.


Burn it all down. Kill Sinwar. Then smoke a peace pipe or a cigar, whatever your preference.

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