Internet Rumors

Normally I am not a fan of internet rumors, but if I start them, then it is ok. I hope these circulate the globe with the help of as many clods as possible.

1) The Academy caved into right wing pressure and decided to help boost moviegoing in red states by giving “Crash” the Oscar by trying to convince as many people in middle America and the South as possible that “Crash” was a movie about NASCAR, the Dale Earnhardt story of his tragic Daytona 500 last race.

2) February used to have 31 days, but then the Republicans made a deal with NAACP to provide for Black History Month provided that the month was shortened to 28 days, with a 29th day in Presidential years to give them an extra day to register voters before the March 1st deadline.

Perhaps I have too much free time, or work has fried my brain, but if enough liberals repeat this stuff as fact, this is where it started.


One Response to “Internet Rumors”

  1. Anna says:

    Is it true if you rub vicks on childrens feet and put socks on them that this will prevent them from coughing

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