Liberal zealots…be quiet and eat a burger.

One of the things that separates activists, aka the scourge of the Earth, from normal people, is that activists are so wrapped up in whatever trendy social cause they represent that they are blind to the fact that others might…dare I say it…disagree with them.

I was chatting at a party last night with a woman who was standing by herself, not mingling with anyone. Being socially awkward is not a crime, but I can truly see why this woman did not fit in. I told her that I remembered her from a previous social event, and that she was a vegetarian. She was impressed that I remembered this. She told me that she had a lousy time at the prior party because the hosts would not allow her to distribute vegetarian leaflets. The event was a “meat” event, meaning meats would be served. I would not go into a meeting of the National Organization for Women and demand they cook me dinner and service me sexually. It is just as unwise as it is inappropriate.

As for last night, I told her that I love red meat, and feast on dead cow as often as possible. She grimaced. I then told her that I totally respected her right to be vegetarian, but that she should respect my right to eat meat. Her response is what separates the dwindling number of normal liberals from the zealots and activists that choose the democratic nominee for president. She said that she could not respect anyone who eats meat, and that “meat is murder.”

I explained to her that by taking such a hardline position, rather than a gradual approach, she was making it tougher to convert people to her way of thinking. She did not care, and wanted to distribute leaflets again stating how America is a nation of bloodthirsty cow killers. Folks, I know their are liberals embarrassed by this woman, but when I encounter these activists, I just think “These are liberals. This is what they do.”

Some liberals think it is unfair to blame all liberals for women like this. No it isn’t. Not until the “normal liberals” stand up loudly and disavow this behavior. Decent republicans condemn protesters who bomb abortion clinics. Yet with liberals, strident rhetoric is the norm. This woman could have spoken to me about the numerous health risks associated with red meat. Calling me a killer is not civil discourse.

The good news is that a couple of friends called me over to talk to them, and I thanked them for rescuing me from this lunatic. Better news is that she spent the whole evening by herself, unable to interact with the type of people that I refer to as Earthlings. The bad news is that people like her are numerous. Cindy Sheehan neglects her family and dishonors her late son, yet claims to speak for all families. The NOW claims to speak for all women, despite many women being disgusted and embarrassed by their beliefs and tactics. Environmentalists think it is acceptable to destroy people to save the Earth. Animal rights activists fail to grasp that the right to be free and left alone is in the constitution. It protects people, not cows.

I wanted to wave a burger in front of this woman and scream “Eat this. It tastes good. Normal human beings eat this.” Having said that, when dealing with a terrorist (ecoterrorists and other activists are terrorists, make no mistake about how powerful zealotry is), sometimes it is best to Follow Ariel Sharon and develop a “disengagement plan.” This reduced the friction for me last night. Disengagement plans do not always work, at which point, forceful confrontation would have been the next step.

This woman is a lost cause, but luckily her irrational approach will turn more people away from her cause. She and the rest of the Code Pink types are preaching to each other, while normal Americans reject them.

This weekend is a major barbecue weekend. There will be parades in the street for Lag B’omer. There will be red meat everywhere. May this woman try to pass out leaflets and see what happens. Liberal zealots and activists may be loud in voice and shrill in approach, but normal people are large in numbers. The silent majority needs to speak up loudly and often, to avoid becoming part of the leftist activist caliphate.

I am off to have red meat for lunch. Trying to stop me will get you decked.


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