21 Questions CNN should ask the democrats

Now that the Communist News Network has had their dream debate where they asked liberally biased questions designed to maximize criticism of President Bush, it is time to provide them with a list of similar questions for them to ask the democrats.

Before this is done, I would again like to remind the republican candidates to stop taking the media bait, and knock off the Bush bashing. It will not work in the general election. Some of you may be media darlings now, but you cannot out-liberal liberals, and the media will turn on you like rabid dogs, and use your words against you. You are inextricably and forever linked to President Bush, and must remember that many people, especially republicans, personally like him. Act like republicans, obey Reagan’s 11th commandments, and stop being so eager to separate yourself from the President. He is down in the polls right now, but a lot can change in a year. Just ask George Bush Senior, who was on a losing path in 1987 when Ronald Reagan was under siege.

Ok, CNN, let’s see if you even have the ability to be fair. Here are the questions the democrats should be forced to answer in the interest of fairness.

1) Terrorist attacks were committed against Americans while Bill Clinton was President. What were the biggest mistakes Bill Clinton made?

2) Would you support an independent counsel and/or a congressional investigation into the matter of why Sandy Berger stole classified documents from the National Archives?

3) Al Queda leaders have stated that Iraq is a central front in the War on Terror. Why do you believe otherwise?

4) You all state that it is fact that Saddam had no WMDs. Israeli intelligence officials, among the best in the world, believe they are hidden in Syria. Do you believe this is possible, or do you doubt the Israeli intelligence reports?

5) Are you open to Pre-emptive strikes against Iran and Syria, with all options including a nuclear strike on the table?

6) Are you in favor of a unilateral mission into Darfur in Sudan, which could involve nationbuilding? If so, why not favor this in Iraq? 

7) Would you be willing to shame Muslim countries into helping the people of Darfur, given that a billion Muslims can be a force for good and relieve Muslim suffering?

8) Are you willing to either repeal McCain-Feingold, or close the loophole that allows 527s, which are mostly liberal organziations funded by George Soros, from breaking the rules?

9) The areas with the strictest gun control laws have the highest crime rates, and vice versa. Why is this? What will you do to fix this problem?

10) Should crimes committed by people who hate fat people, short people, autistic people, bald people or white conservative evangelicals be considered hate crimes? How does one constitute what groups deserve hate crime protection?

11) Should the death penalty be expanded to include rape crimes?

12) Democrats and Republicans in Alaska support oil drilling in Alaska. How many of you have been to Alaska, and why not listen to the people who live there and know their land best? 

13) Oil companies are making record profits, but no evidence of gouging exists. Vladimir Putin broke up Yukos Oil and confiscated their profits. How would your approach to taking their profits or mandating what they do with them be different?

14) All politicians claim to support Israel. Are you willing to give Israel a free hand the way George Bush did with Ariel Sharon? Or will you force them to the negotiating table against their will as was done in 2000?

15) The Geneva convention states that when a religious institution is used for illegal purposes, such as terrorists hiding weapons in Mosques, it loses its protected status. If you know Osama Bin Laden is hiding in a Mosque with weapons, are you willing to blow up the Mosque?

16) North Korea violated the 1994 agreement negotiated under Bill Clinton. What safeguards can be put in to make sure that future agreements are honored? Can this be done, and if so, how?

17) The economy today by most objective economists is doing fabulous. What credit if any do you give to the current administration?

18) The politics of personal destruction have been directed at Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. In general, can you name 3 things you agree with George W. Bush about, and can you name anything you like about him personally?

19) What are your liberal credentials? Are you proud to be a liberal, and if so, why?

20) In Minnesota, Muslim cab drivers were refusing to carry passengers carrying alcohol. Is this an attempt to enforce Sharia Law in a part of the United States, and how will you prevent it?

21) Do you believe students should have the right to organize prayer groups on public school grounds? If 20 students want to go to a private room during lunch break or recess and have a prayer service, are you ok with that? Can a teacher lead the service?

These questions will most likely never be asked, because that would involve CNN removing itself as an appendage of the democratic party. I would state which appendage, but given that we are talking about democrats, donkeys is as donkeys does.



14 Responses to “21 Questions CNN should ask the democrats”

  1. Brian says:

    12) every man, woman and child in Alaska receives a check for around $2,000 annually from the State as part of the Permament Fund of oil money ….in a way they are being paid off…I spoke with a couple of friends who grew up in Alaska…they have been recipients of this generous gift until recently ( they now reside in LA)…they see the whole ANWR thing in the context of greed…The State is dependent on Oil…but expanding operations while threatening wildlife is an issue which ought not be overlooked…I’d ask the Dems about Nuclear Energy, how the process has been refined ( much safer) and if they would allow the stigma connected to the term nuclear to stop them from exporing this potential solution to our energy problems…

  2. Robbie says:

    Of course, we’d never get straight or honest answers from any one of them (on either side, with the possible exception of Ron Paul, who speaks his mind and feelings now matter how whack his ideas might be).

  3. the Grit says:

    Hi Eric,

    I noticed your exchange with Lord Crimson, and clicked over, and I’m glad I did! Hope you don’t mind if we add a link to also, but this 21 questions post is too good not to share.

    the Grit

  4. stevereenie says:

    Can these points be borrowed with credit to you? …….. Next Stop Lauderdale

  5. stevereenie says:

    Brian, Just like Nuclear Energy, Oil has been developed where they can do it without material risk to the environment. The Left’s view is a canard and a litmus test for Liberal bona fides. This genuflect is a prerequisite for acceptance in liberal circles, but it is a major part of our energy problem in this country.

    I recall the debate from the same liberals in the 70’s where they fought tooth and nail at building the Alaskan pipeline. They were positive that it would interfere with the Caribou migration and mating. The sold this as fact as solidly now as they sell the drilling hazards in Anwar and other pet liberal projects such as man made Global Warming.

    Now that the evidence is in on the Alaskan Pipeline from the 70’s we have come to realize that the pipeline has actually enhanced the matting of the Caribou and has not effected the migration at all. The Caribou happen to like the pipeline and find it as much a “nesting” location as fish do man made reefs in the ocean.

    Don’t wait for any apologies or admissions of guilt from the left on that pipeline, but you are probably paying for it to some degree today because the delays added hundreds of millions to the development of the pipeline and it is in the overhead component of delivering oil. Does this sound like the same kind of hog wash from the very same individuals in the 1970’s over Global cooling?

    You friends from Alaska now in LA are obviously naive. If the royalties of the oil companies for Alaskan drilling went totally to the oil companies they would be complaining about that, you know the man and Halliburton and Big Oil. What is wrong with the taxpayers benefiting from their own resources. This is a free and Capitalistic economy and you can thank God for that. Oh by the way, don’t hold your breath on that nuclear energy. This same crowd will be lying down I the streets to block that. Hopefully they won’t do that when I am cruising by. ……….. Next Stop Lauderdale

  6. […] Tygrrrr Express has 21 questions that CNN should ask the Democrats. […]

  7. opit says:

    Is it possible to sprain a tongue ? I only ask out of concern for the enthusiasm with which you use it to push out your cheek !

  8. opit says:

    I usually get categorized with ‘liberals’ : it tends to make me think the proponent doesn’t know whether he’s punched or bored.
    At the same time anyone who thinks the Cartoon News Network should be the Communist News Network doesn’t sound as if he realizes ‘liberal news media’ is hysterically funny : it’s owned by Big Business ! Hello !
    Do you care that junk science and studies designed to support an argument interfere with assessment ?
    If oil is safe it would be nice to know. Ditto with wildlife not having further dieoff because of pipeline expansion.

  9. Tom says:

    10) Should crimes committed by people who hate fat people, short people, autistic people, bald people or white conservative evangelicals be considered hate crimes? How does one constitute what groups deserve hate crime protection?

    Please, please, PLEASE name for me the victim of one crime committed against a bald person. Or an autistic person. Especially a fat person.

    I can see it now…

    PERSON A: Man, I was really looking forward to hanging out in front of a gay bar and attacking one of the faggot patrons as he walked home tonight.

    PERSON B: Naw, not tonight. Tonight is reserved for people who’ve been eating too much at Hometown Buffet.

  10. opit says:

    There was a classroom experiment reported in Readers’ Digest many years ago.Whether this was in North Carolina , as I think possible, is irrelevant. The teacher decided to show kids what discrimination was like by dividing the classroom according to eye color – and formed them into competing groups based on this physical difference.
    It worked, with the kids being nasty to members of the other group for that ‘reason’ alone. Shit flew when it proved impossible to stop the ‘experiment’.
    Hate crime is teaching hate: the particulars aren’t important.
    For #20 – the answer is obvious – revoke cabbies’ licenses.

  11. opit says:

    Or not. Maybe they don’t want people ralphing and pissing in their vehicles.

  12. Tom says:

    How come people are only concerned about wildlife when it comes to drilling for oil? What about the explosive immigration that requires hundreds of thousands of acres of wildlife to be destroyed for housing, lumber and urban sprawl??? It’s all BS.. Close the borders and drill for oil so we can tell the middle east to go to hell.

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