William Jefferson is innocent by Louisiana standards

This week, on “The Jeffersons…”

Life in Manhattan is too tough, So William and Weezie head to Lousiana. Now normally people might consider this a step down, but when you are rich in Louisiana, the quality of life is better because there apparently is no such thing as ill gotten gain. While George Jefferson owned a laundromat, William realized it was easier to just launder money. I can still picture the other William Jefferson (Clinton) as bank manager H.L Whittendale, formerly played by James B. McDougal. Actually given that Bill Clinton thinks he is black, perhaps he could play neighbor Tom Willis (although Hillary is no Roxie Roker, except for the part where she intimidates her husband). Anyway, enjoy the theme music.

“Cash can hide in the freezer…

Giving ethics the chills…

Took a whole lot of bribin’…

To stay on Capitol Hill…

Now I’m in the big leagues…

A powerful democrat…

As long as I live, I’ll take what you give…

Nothing the Feds can do about that…

I’m moving on up (moving on up)…

With nothing to hide (nothing to hide)…

Its Lousiana…

We take it in stride (take it in stride)…

I’m moving on up (moving on up)…

I’m getting my bribes (getting my bribes)…

Taking every piece of my constituents piiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee.”

So given that Mr. Jefferson is as innocent as Marion Barry having a relapse (picturing the late Burl Ives singing “The mayor smoked crack, but we don’t care…”), why is he going to be found innocent? Because he is entitled to a jury of his peers.

A famous mafia joke has the lawyer for a mobster telling the judge “You promised my client a jury of his peers. These are law abiding citizens.” Folks, William Jefferson will be tried in Louisiana. How many Lousiana politicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don’t know, but I still wonder how many Louisiana dimbulb politicians it takes to screw over their constituents. Whether it is klansmen or governors sleeping with call girls, Louisiana is just different. It is governed by French law, which may or may not make it subjected to the US Constitution.

Louisiana is not the only state that has the inmates running the asylum. One of the reasons Bill Clinton got away with all his machinations as an Arkansas politician was because, as James “Buzzard” Carville explains, “That’s just Arkansas politics.” No wonder Mike Huckabee has to keep reminding people not to blame him for his predecessors. There is no evidence Mr. Huckabee is a criminal, but America truly does have Arkansas fatigue.

Now there is Louisiana fatigue as well. As sad as we are about Katrina, Mayor Ray Nagin did not win over much of America when he basically decided to ruin the good work of the Civil Rights movement by recommending Louisiana go back to segregation. David Duke must have been proud. Perhaps when Nagin said he wanted a chocolate city, he meant that a benefit concert by 70s soul group Hot Chocolate singing “You sexy thing (I believe in miracles)” would have lifted morale.

I have met the people of Louisiana. They are lovely people. The best food I have eaten has been in Louisiana, and the second best music outside of Chicago is there as well. It’s just that for some, politics is a craft. For Louisiana politicians, it’s graft.

Louisiana and Arkansas are basically one or two bada booms and bada bings from New Jersey, which is South America minus the pleasant climate. From Nascar style driving governors to scandals that combine national security with homosexuality, New Jersey truly is the pinnacle of politics for those who believe that rather than buy individual votes, it is easier just to buy people.

As Texas oil baron J.R. Ewing used to say, “It’s just business darlin’.” Everybody does it. It’s no big deal. Perhaps those $100 bills are napkins Mr. Jefferson uses for his mouth when having his morning corn flakes. Actually Louisiana, make that bacon, sausage, eggs, and crab flavored vodka (ok, I made that up).

Louisiana, Arkansas and Jersey…it’s not crime. It’s just politics and business. Then again, we do not know the depths of Mr. Jefferson’s crimes. Weezie did die under mysterious circumstances, and we do not know everything that was in his freezer. Actually, it’s no big deal. It’s just Louisiana politics…democrat style.


7 Responses to “William Jefferson is innocent by Louisiana standards”

  1. CPTFreedm says:

    Going to add you to my blogroll on townhall and our main American Freedom Net http://amfree.blog-city.com

    Amazing how sheople will re-elect criminals whom they believe will “bring home the bacon”. A shame that many Americans view governments as a pig’s trough with the farmers being the extortionist crims that no one deserves to live near let alone be represented by

  2. Gribbit says:

    I’ve added you to my blogroll.

  3. unclecj says:

    You should forward the Jefferson theme song to Rush Limbaugh so he can pass it on to the guy who does the parody songs he plays on his program….

  4. patriot11c says:

    The Jefferson song was too funny. I found myself singing the old theme song. LOL

    Gotta love Louisiana. Home to crawfish, schoolbus Nagin, Kathleen (clueless) Blanco and the ever absent Sister Mary Landrieu. What an elite group that is (cough).

    At least in WJ’s case maybe justice will win out over corruption for once.

    But if you ask me, the people of Louisianna have spent too much time out in that hot southern sun. Their brains have been so fried, that they cannot elect anyone but a fool for the money…..to high office.

    The Landrieu political machine just keeps on going……And their spawns keep on showing up at election time. Just like fire ants…ready to sting anyone that gets near them.

    And we’re rebuilding that place? What a waste of money. I say let the swamp and the Gulf reclaim it.

  5. Norm WInne says:

    Thanks for your help! I have been blogging, but lately just glogging, since my brain is suffering from TMLI (too much liberal information). The Doctor says there is hope however. I must try to be less serious and accept things as they are. So I wrote a blog called “I Don’t Care” with a list of 487 things (just off the top of my head) that I no longer care about. The list ranged from things like “I don’t care if Sandy Burglar eats Shredded Evidence” to “I don’t care that Obama is scheduled to be pictured on a Wheaties box”. Then I threw it away! Of course “I don’t care that Hillary will be our next President” was in there somewhere. This exercise helped and I’ve discovered that I must include more parody in my REBUKES in order to maintain my sanity. I am at a disadvantage however, since I don’t have your talent for song writing, which by the way are very good. I will read your blogs and songs as part of my therapy?
    Thanks again…
    AirMotor (NY)
    Schuyler City Rebuke

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