The Belly of the Beast–Conclusion

As the 8th night of Hanukkah approaches, I would like to share with you all some Jewish wisdom. Luckily for all who value wisdom to begin with, it will not be coming from me. Much finer minds than mine had a discussion about issues a couple days ago in San Francisco that reached sky high levels of the intellectual stratosphere.

In the Belly of the Beast, San Francisco, republicans and others not hostile to conservatism came to Temple Emanuel to hear Dennis Prager, Mona Charen, and John Podhoretz discuss issues. The esteemed panel was moderated by Michael Medved.  The event itself was sponsored by the Jewish Policy Center, led by Jonathan Schanzer. 

Yesterday I discussed the quality of the event, which was sky high.

Today is the substance of the transcription, and there was substance in abundance. With that, below is the recap of the discussion.

Michael Medved: “Are there reasons for optimism coming out of the recent Arab-Israeli Peace Summit in Annapolis?”

Mona Charen: “No. This is like Lucy holding the football, and Charlie Brown thinking he is finally going to kick it. How many times does Lucy have to pull the football away before Charlie Brown realizes this is not going to happen? ‘Peace process’ is an absurd expression. Peace is a state of being, not a process. Although President Bush is the most Pro-Israel President America has ever had, this is a betrayal. Annapolis is a negotiation with a weak Abbas. He is not a man of peace. The only question regarding Annapolis is how much damage will be done. Failure itself is not in doubt.”

John Podhoretz: “Syria sent their deputy foreign minister to Annapolis. You know a country wants no desire to be a part of anything when all they send is their deputy foreign minister. He walked around scared to death the whole time that somebody might ask him a question. However, the major danger in Annapolis is not Syria, it’s Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Ohlmert. Ohlmert has questiond the legitimacy of the 1967 borders. Jerusalem is supposed to be on the table, and the surrender of Jerusalem is a preposterous non-starter. Israeli attendee Tzivi Livni was wondering why no one would shake her hand. Annapolis is meaningless. Unlike most negotiations that start fresh, Israelis always begin with the last point of negotiation from the last summit, and are then asked to move more.”

Dennis Prager: “My whole life I was open to land for peace. I am no longer willing to delude myself. There are two types of liars, those who lie to others, and those who lie to themselves. Those who lie to others are sinners. Those who lie to themselves are hopeless. There cannot be peace when there is no one to make peace with. Peace activists are sweet, but naive human beings. I told a leftist Jewish peace activist to go up to the Arabs, disclose they are an American peace activist, and ask them if Israel should exist. They came back and said they did not understand the response. It is a yes or no question. An unclear answer is a very clear answer. The answer is no. Annapolis was based on two preconditions, that Israel not be defined as a Jewish state, and that terrorism not be mentioned. What is left to talk about? I love peace, and I love Israel being alive. If you hate President Bush and Israel, the left loves you. The New York Times reserves page A 46 for terror stories, and even they did not cover Annapolis. There are only two purposes for Annapolis. Either this is purely emotional, or the same State Department still will not give up its goal of undermining President Bush.”

Michael Medved: “Does the new National Intelligence Estimate report justify the view by many on the left that, ‘Bush lied, people died?'”

John Podhoretz: “The NIE is a perplexing document. The old report stated that Iran could have nuclear weapons by 2009. The new document states that Iran stopped actively pursuing nuclear weapons in 2003. However, it also states that because Iran currently harvests uranium, it could harvest enough uranium to build a bomb by 2009. Nothing has changed. The report was declassified because if it was leaked, President Bush would look bad. It is awful that we have gotten to the point where classified information has to be released for political reasons to avoid public relations nightmares. People have speculated on the reasons why Iran stopped their weapons program in 2003. Nobody in America knows. The only people who know the reasons for what they do are Armageddonijad (sic) and the Mullahs. Some say international diplomatic pressure was the reason, but in 2003 there was no diplomatic pressure on Iran. Were there phone calls from Germany, Russia and France telling Iran to cool it? Were they on the phone saying that Bush was a cowboy, and they could not stop him if Iran did not back down? This is doubtful. We do know that in 2003, Saddam was deposed and Khadafi then stopped his weapons program.”

Dennis Prager: “What keeps me sane? We live in the age of stupidity. Why is this the age of stupidity? Because so many people have gone to college. They think they know things. I make an exception if you went to Community College. University Professors are secular. We live ina  secular age. There is no wisdom in secularism. Secular intellectuals are people who give girls trucks and boys dolls. What often happens is the girls name the trucks and take care of them. Expertise has nothing to do with wisdom. Firefighters have expertise putting out fires. However, go to any school and all the doors are locked. School fires are so incredibly rare, yet classrooms are scorching because of prohibitions on opening the doors. Fire codes set in place by experts for situations that virtually never occur. Expertise is not wisdom. Let non-intelligence experts receive information and evaluate it themselves. Experts can present their findings and non-experts can analyze it. I want to know what people know, not what people think. By leaking this document, the NIE subverted American security.”

Michael Medved: “My boys used Barbies as guns.”

Mona Charen: “There is no getting around nature. As for the NIE, how could we be so blind in the 1930s? Yet we were. We are still blind in 2007. The NIE report makes this whole Iran mess seem like nothing more than a terrible bad dream. I was reading a book to my sons, ages 8 and 10, about mice being attacked by rats. The rats disappear into the shadows, and the mice then think everything is safe. My sons innocently asked me if this was a book about liberals. As for our intelligence experts, the CIA stereotype of the tough guy that comes in rough and savs the day no longer exists. The CIA is now filled with Valerie Plame types. They are Milquetoast, New York Times editorialist readers.”

Michael Medved: “The Arab world is actually now disseminating a documentary explaining why Walt Disney created Tom and Jerry cartoons as a Jewish conspiracy. The documentary states that Walt Disney was a Talmudic scholar, which he wasn’t. Walt Disney did not create Tom and Jerry. The Jewish angle is that Jerry represents Israel, who is tiny, but somehow always manages to escape and oppress bigger Tom. How do we deal with a virulently Antisemitic media?”

Dennis Prager: “The worldwide media is a problem. One palestinian video was staged to show a dead child being carried out, but at the end of it the child looks up to see if it was staged ok. Footage of videos that is damaging to their cause gets lost. One video had a boy being carried out on a stretcher. The guys carrying him tripped and fell, and then the boy got up off of the stretcher and and away. I want to believe in the resurrection of dead guys. The media story of our time is the perversion of life. This is why talk radio is so valuable because it provides and alternative view. The mainstream news cares about blondes killed in places like Aruba.”    

Jonathan Podhoretz: The internet is the best thing that has ever happened. It is a fact checker. It allows for amateur communicators, and exposes commentators, who often know less. I am a commentator, but lawyers and doctors know more about law and medicine even though people like me may write about them. Newspaper columnists have been anointed, but in the past the newspaper columnist was the guy that didn’t get the editor job. Being a columnist meant you were shunted aside, not given prestige. The internet allowed one guy whose expertise was music to bring down Dan Rather. He knew enough about computers and the web to see that the documents were typed using Microsoft word. One music guy was a fact checker. The mainstream media spends more time covering palestinian celebrations. Has anyone asked why they love cars so much? Palestinians are always celebrating around cars. They are probably celebrating that they stole the cars from Jewish people.”

Mona Charen: “Despite the internet, the mainstream media still decides what is news, what are scandals, what gets discussed. The internet helps, but the mainstream media is still in charge.”

Michael Medved: “Was Mitt Romney in his speech discriminating against secularists?”

Mona Charen: “I liked the speech. You hear groups such as Americans United come out against the speech, but then find out that Americans United is basically Barry Lynn and his wife. Romney was passionate. His speech was about America’s civic religion. It was a great civics lesson. He did sound a bit like he was neglecting the non-religious, but this to me was an oversight.”

John Podhoretz: “Mona is more generous than me. I thought it was nothing mroe than republican boilerplate. It solidified the connection between Romney and Mormonism. Many people had no idea he was Mormon, and now when they think Romney, they will not think tax cuts or anything else. They will associate Romney with Mormonism. Mormons are 2% of the population. Christians make up 74%. This is not timing. Also, the purpose of the speech was to solve a political problem, and justification of one’s religion should not be used for political purposes.”

Dennis Prager: “I thought it was a magnificent speech. Christians see Mormons the way Jews see the Jews for Jesus. They see them as a cult. Christians do not object to Jews because they understand that they are an entirely different religion that does not claim to be Christian. Mormons claim to be Christians, and Christians do not see this. I do not know if they are or not being a Jew myself, but Jews do not object to Christians who call themselves Christians. We object to Jews for Jesus because they claim to be Jews, and they are not. As for the evangelical concerns about Mormons, I pray for America’s sake and the evangelicals’ sake that they get past this. Theology does not equal values. I know people who share my theology that have awful values. I know people with completely different theological beliefs that have wonderful values. All religions have things that seem odd to other religions. Does anybody think it is weird to have an Eruv? How about Yom Tov Sheni?

(An Eruv is a long rope that stretches around a community. It is a physical rope around a town. Jewish law says Jews may not carry items on the Sabbath, such as keys or their wallet. However, with this long rope, they can, because they are within their own community. Set up an Eruv, carry at will (As a non-theologian, it is a strange loophole).

Michael Medved: “I believe in Yom Tov Sheni.”

Dennis Prager: “No you don’t. You practice it, but you don’t believe in it.”

(Outside of Israel, the biblical Jewish holidays have an extra day added to them, known as Yom Tov Sheni shel galuyyot (the second day of the festival in the diaspora), or more commonly as Yom Tov Sheni. Reform Judaism, the msot liberal branch, wants to eliminate this practice. Orthodox Judaism wants to keep it.)

At this point audience questions were asked. These were “lightning round” questions, so brief answers were requested by the moderator.

1) What can we do about Syria?

John Podhoretz: “Unfortunately, beating up on Israel gives the USA credibility, and we seem to badly care about credibility from places like Syria. We have to stop.”

2) What can we do about Saudi Arabia and oil?

Dennis Prager: “They are barbaric, misogynistic…I need more big words…people, yet we regulat Detroit. We need to ge tour own oil. We have it in Alaska. The caribou like oil lights. They make love better around heat. Alberta, Canada has oil. We need to invest in nuclear power. 56 people died from Chernobyl, and that was a badly built facility in Russia. The left prefers windmills.”

3) How do we get Arabs out of Israel?

Mona Charen: “The Israeli Arabs like their standard of living in Israel. They do not want to leave. Legislation was proposed to rmeove them, and they got very nervous. I don’t think you can remove them.”

4) How can we counter Arab propaganda?

John Podhoetz: “The administration sends out Karen Hughes to explain to them that we want to understand them. We have not countered anything yet.”

5) What do we as Jews do about Iraq?

Mona Charen: “Many Arabs believe that the Iraq War was a Jewish conspiracy, aka the Neocons. Most Jews were against the initial invasion. There should not be an official Jewish position. There should be an American position, and that should be to win the war, despite the leftists.”

Dennis Prager: “It is one of the greatest shames of Jewish history that Jews opposed the deposition of Saddam Hussein, a man who murdered Jews and paid $25,000 to the families of Palestinian homicide bombers. Opposing the removal of Saddam is a disgrace among Jews. It is a disagrace among Reform Judaism, that issued a resolution opposing the war. It is a disgrace on all of American Jewish life. It is mind boggling.”

6) What can be done about anti-semites such as Ron Paul, Jimmy Carter, Pat Buchanan, and James Baker?

John Podhoretz: “Rupaul (sic) is an anti-semite, Carter is an anti-semite, Buchanan is an anti-semite, James Baker is not in the sense that he is not an existential opponent of Jewry. They are irrelevant.”

Mona Charen: “Rupaul (sic), Carter and Armageddonijad (sic) all saved Israel! They keep Israel alive in the press. David Duke is campaigning for Rupaul (sic).”

7) What should Israel do?

John Podhoretz: “Sometimes there are no ready solutions. Cures cannot be invented if the disease is not isolated.”

8.) What about God’s promise to defend Israel if Jews become religious, and punish them if they stray?

Denis Prager: “I don’t know. We bury somebody and then daven Mincha (the afternoon service). We fight with God, but stay devout. We are devout because God said so, not to get benefits.”

9) Why were some in the mainstream media so hostile to Romney’s speech?

Dennis Prager: “The NY Times editorial board reviewing religious anything is like a tone deaf person reviewing Mozart. They are simply tone deaf.”

10) How do we respond to those who think that being Pro-Israel and Pro-American are antithetical?

John Podhoretz: “America and Israel share a love of freedom, and the idea that all are equal in the eyes of God. A hard work ethic and self reliance are common. This allowed Israel to turn a small area of Arab desert into a lush greenery.”

Mona Charen: “Most Christians are more Zionist than most Jews. We have similiar kinships, politics in the sense that both are democracies, and shared values.”

Michael Medved: “Some Arabs fantasize that the mothership will come from above and remove all of the Jews and then there will be peace. Has anyone seen Gaza? Israel believes in peace. Israel’s existence helps the United States as an agent of peace. Terror places like Gaza hurt the United States.”

11) How do we convert San Francisco from left to right?

Michael Medved: Jewish experiences should move Jews to the center, and then the right. Our grandparents succeeded through the free markets. They eschewed government programs. We were business people, not mebers of labor unions. We should thank God every day for the USA as Jews. A recent poll found that 89% of republicans believe America is good. Only 50% of democrats believe this. We as Jews succeed because America is good, we are politically free, free to practice our religion, and economically free through free markets.”

I would again like to thank this outstanding panel of Mona Charen, Dennis Prager, John Podhoretz, and moderator Michael Medved. Special thanks again go out to Jonathan Schanzer and the Jewish Policy Center. Lastly, Temple Emanuel in San Francisco should be given all the thanks in the world for allowing hundreds of republicans to enter the Belly of the Beast, and leave the way they came…in peace.

Ronald Reagan described America as the shining city on a hill. Intelligent discussions such as this one fill me with his hope and optimism for the future.

If republicans can live in peace, even for a couple hours, in the heart of San Francisco, free from liberal terror, then anything is possible in this world.

A Happy Hanukkah to all. Happy Hanukkah indeed.



21 Responses to “The Belly of the Beast–Conclusion”

  1. Jersey McJones says:

    I see ther was the same pessimism about the Annapolis “meeting” from the Jewish Right as with just about everyone else. It seems pretty much everyone would be surprised if anything came of it. One thing that wasn’t mentioned, though, is Olmert’s lame duck status in Israel today. He can’t accomplish much of anything right now. Meanwhile, waiting in the wings is the return of Netanyahu, the proto-typical American Zionist. The question should be – what do you think Netanyahu would do – pull a Sharon (a Nixon goes to China) and and continue the unilaterally imposed two-state solution – or will he return to his prior policies and return to the 90’s status quo? Olmert, at this point, is moot.

    It’s a shame to see this contniued hawkishness about Iran. It is clear now that Bush lied yet once again, it’s clear that Iran is not going to commit suicide by attacking Israel – it’s really time to get realistic about this. I understand the skiddish atitude of the Israelis’ but for America Iran should not be considered such a threat.

    Great shot at the Jew For Jesus bucnh and the Saudis by Dennis Prager! Loved it!

    Mona Charen (I’m not a fan) trying to blame the failure of the Iraq war on “Leftists” simply disgusts me. What a sleazy lie. “Leftists” have nothing to do with Iraq, what’s happened there, what’s happening there, and what will happen there. This is the same ol’ sleazy lie still told today about Vietnam – even though we dropped more explosives on Nam than were dropped in all of WWII, even though 3,000,000 Vietnamese died because of the war, even though they continued to fight regardless of battlefield victories, even though there was no real “North” or “South” Vietnam as these were arbitrary creations of the French, even though the Vietnamese defeated the French, us, and the Chinese, somehow or another the “leftists” caused us to lose that war. It is the sleaziest, wrongest, dumbest argument ever.

    And for Dennis Prager to decry that most Jews were smart enough to realize that the colonial invasion of Iraq was a mistake is even worse. One nice little racial myth about Jews is that they are all a little smarter than most other people. Why crush that? The Jews that were against the war were smart – and right. That should be applauded, not denegrated.

    And anyone who calls Jimmy Carter an antisemite just makes me want to puke. On them. What a sad day it is when supposed intellectuals could sink that low. Does the paranoia of the Right know no bounds?

    Happy Hanukkah, Eric. Try to be happier. The world’s not as bad as you Republicans think. ;)


  2. micky2 says:

    Mona Charen: “No. This is like Lucy holding the football, and Charlie Brown thinking he is finally going to kick it. How many times does Lucy have to pull the football away before Charlie Brown realizes this is not going to happen? ”

    I’ll never forget Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat at the summit with Clinton in july 2000 acting like over compensating fools insisting the other one go through the door first. I wanted to puke when I saw that.
    SEE HERE >
    All the pleasentries and hospitality and intentions since then and before have never gotten Israel anywhere.
    After the close of the meeting, Barak said: “Israel was ready to reach an agreement at a painful price , but not at any price.”

    And I remember well that Chairman Arafat made no major statement before leaving the United States.
    One big high dollar photo op.

  3. micky2 says:

    This the kind of irresponsable crap I like to squash.

    JMJ said;
    “It’s a shame to see this contniued hawkishness about Iran. It is clear now that Bush lied yet once again, it’s clear that Iran is not going to commit suicide by attacking Israel – it’s really time to get realistic about this. I understand the skiddish atitude of the Israelis’ but for America Iran should not be considered such a threat.

    #1) Point out the lie that you say Bush is guilty of.
    #2) How clear is it that Iran will not go after Israel?
    #3) I love it when people say this; ” it’s really time to get realistic about this.”
    #4) ” I understand the skiddish atitude of the Israelis’ but for America Iran should not be considered such a threat. ”

    What should America consider Iran ?
    And if its clear that Iran will not go after Israel, why be sympathetic to Israel and say you can understand their skiddishness.
    You would think that if it were clear to Jersey Mcjones it would most most certainly be clear to intelligent heads of state in Israel.

  4. Jersey McJones says:

    This is America, Micky, not Israel. Iran is a problem, yes, but it’s not as significant as Bush lied to us that it was. It’s a shame that people can be so naive as to not spot a blatant liar like Bush. He isn’t even very bright. I mean, I could see if he was like Reagan and Clinton, who could lie with big smiles on their faces and you’d never know it. But Bush isn’t even a good liar. He’s rather amateurish at best. Kinda sad there, Micky.


  5. micky2 says:

    Once again. How did Bush lie about Iran ? Show me proof.
    If you have any integrity you would not say such things without being able to show us the “gotcha”, or proof.

    In the last two weeks you’ve gone from ” Iran just wanting to be left alone and their existance not a threat ” to now saying its a problem.

    Jersey McJones said,
    November 27, 2007 at 12:37 pm
    Iran does want to be a major player in regional affairs, and that’s understandable as well. But I do not see them as an existensial threat to anyone – including Israel.

  6. Jersey McJones says:

    “Iran does want to be a major player in regional affairs, and that’s understandable as well. But I do not see them as an existensial threat to anyone – including Israel.”

    That sounds reasonable to me! ;)

    Look man, they’re not going to commit national suicide by attacking Israel. If anything, you guys should realize that Israel is a reality to everyone concerned whether or not local regimes recognize them. I say back ’em up, but don’t start WW3 over the evolution of the “new Middle East.”



  7. micky2 says:

    Jersey McJones said,
    December 11, 2007 at 3:26 pm
    “This is America, Micky, not Israel. Iran is a problem, yes, but it’s not as significant as Bush lied to us that it was.”

    “Existential problem”
    Meaning that their existance is a problem. ( an existing problem)

    Jersey McJones said,
    November 27, 2007 at 12:37 pm
    Iran does want to be a major player in regional affairs, and that’s understandable as well. But I do not see them as an existensial threat to anyone – including Israel.

    Yet, in the first line in this post I quoted you as saying Iran is a problem.

    Re- clarification;
    Two weeks ago (your own words, cut and pasted) you said you do not see tham as a promlem existentially to ANYONE. Today (your own words cut amd pasted) you say they ARE A PROBLEM.
    That leads any normal english speaking human to believe they are a problem(threat) to SOMEONE !!!!.
    You said two completely different things, and the record came right from this blog.
    Reasonable ? Sounds like your drowning in denial to me.

    Now for the last time.
    Show me the smoking gun that fired off the lie you allege Bush to of commited !

  8. micky2 says:

    Got a transcript ?
    A video clip ?
    Come on man !

  9. Jersey McJones says:

    “Existential problem”
    Meaning that their existance is a problem. ( an existing problem)

    No. An existential threat is a threat to existence – not an “existing problem.” It is a threat to your very being. There is no nation on Earth that could or would threaten our existence. I doubt any nation would take a chance on Israel either. I understand why we stand strong, but there’s no need to bully. That’s all I’m saying.


  10. micky2 says:

    Backwards it if you want, I even looked it up.
    Let apply it both wats. Fair enough ?
    Irans existance is a threat, or as you say a problem (problems are threats) to the existance of Israel and America.
    By supplying weapons to insurgents in Iraq , Iran is effecting a part of Americas existance in many different ways, would you like e to list them.
    And they have said that they want to end the existance of the zionist just today in a speech by Amadingdong.
    One existance is threatening another. Period.
    That what you get Mr fancy pants for trying to impress people with an ostentatious

    Lets try again, shall we ?
    Show me the smoking gun that fired off the lie you allege Bush to of commited !
    How did Bush lie about Iran ? Show me proof.
    Point out the lie that you say Bush is guilty of.

  11. Jersey McJones says:

    Saying that Iran’s existence is a threat is posing an existential threat to Iran. Take it easy, Micky. There’s no need for WW3.


  12. micky2 says:

    You’re full of chicken doo doo. You’re dodging big time.
    Its almost been all day and you havnt answerd one of my questions yet.

    All you’re doing is expecting me to take your word for it .
    How freeking looney is that ?

    I’ll settle for an answer to just 1 and 2
    #1) Point out the lie that you say Bush is guilty of.
    #2) How clear is it that Iran will not go after Israel?

    Come on man !
    Put up or shut up !

  13. micky2 says:

    Jersey McJones said,
    December 10, 2007 at 11:39 am

    ” I know from experience that I rarely am ripped a new by anyone. That’s not being conceited – just realistic”

    You got ripped a new one today. Rare day ?

  14. Jersey McJones says:

    I did post a reply, but something must’ve went wrong. EIther that or I offended our host… (?) George Bush’s incessant lies are well documented, Micky. Look them up. Iran is not a suicidal state. Look that up too.


  15. micky2 says:

    No, you make the accusation, you look them up and prove your claims.
    Its not my job to do your homework. Thats the way it works in this country.
    The prosecution has to provide the burden of proof, show me your cards or stick your tail between your legs and shut up !
    I have nailed countless moonbats to the ground on the “HE LIED ” issue.
    And you are one of them.
    You loose Jersey, because you have nothing to prove your claims
    AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If the lies are so well documented, you should have no problem coming up with one substanial peice of evidence

    I never ever said Iran was suicidal, show me where I said that ! I said they were a threat , GOT IT?

  16. Jersey McJones says:

    Micky, Bush’s lies are so well known, so pervasive, so ubiquitous, that I am not going to bother to make the effort to prove anything to you. You just go ahead and be an intellectually lazy sycophant. Nothing I say would change your mind anyway. I won’t say any more on this for the sake of decorum.


  17. micky2 says:

    Chicken doo doo.
    You have nothing.
    You are an absolute display of the pathetic left.

    As any of us are stupid enough to just take your word for it that Bush is a liar because you say so.
    Once again, put up or shut up !

    PLEASE! Just show one peice of all this incriminating and convicting evidence you have that Bush lied about Iran !

    You are not going to bother to make the effort to prove the accusation ? !
    But you can make the effort to put out the accusation ?

    Lazy intellect only , and I mean ONLY belongs to prejudgemental ,contemptuous and irresponsable moonbats like you !
    You are disgraceful ! You make accusations against people and have absolutley not a thing in the world to prove it !

    You lied because you can not prove the malicious slander you put forth on our president.

    If Bush’s lies are so well known, so pervasive, so ubiquitous, then you certainley must be able to show me just one example.

    But you cant.

  18. micky2 says:

    Oh! Take your false claims of caring about decorum and shove it up your…
    If you cared the least about decorum you provide some truth.

  19. micky2 says:

    JMJ said
    “Micky, Bush’s lies are so well known, so pervasive, so ubiquitous, that I am not going to bother to make the effort to prove anything to you.’

    Thats like being confronted by an 880 lb gorilla and saying; “I could kick your ass in a heartbeat, but I wont because everyone knows I could.”

    Well you know what ?
    Both your glutes have been kicked up between your ears where they belong.

  20. Soylent Ape says:

    threat \ˈthret\ –noun 1. a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace: 2. an indication or warning of probable trouble
    3. a person or thing that threatens.

    On October 26, 2005, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad officially addressed a crowd in Tehran, saying Israle was a “stain on the Islamic world, which should be wiped from the map.” Sounds like a threat to me! Even lovey-dovey Canada’s then Prime Minister Paul Martin stated “this threat to Israel’s existence, this call for genocide coupled with Iran’s obvious nuclear ambitions is a matter that the world cannot ignore.”[

    Sure, Iran is a sabre-rattler. However, they have carried out their threats from time-to-time. Remember the airline hijackings and bombings of the 70s and 80s? Iran perfected, if not invented modern terrorism. Iran has no problem with using a “death by a thousand cuts” strategy if they can’t get a nuke. Still, I wuoldn’t be so sure that they aren’t close to having one. Free from their war with Iraq, they have more energy and resources to devote to an “Islam Bomb”. He still has a lot o’ plutonium, which is ideal for “dirty” bombs. I wouldn’t discount Iran’s threat.

    I’m no Bush water-carier, but the intelligence on Iraq’s WMDs came from various European intelligence agencies and was signed-off on by the CIA and White House. Even then British Prime Minister was convinced. I agree that Bush has twisted the facts at various times and the intelligence was simply a justification for what he already wanted to do (invade Iraq), but Iraq had already used VX and mustard gas to kill tens of thousands of Kurds, so we did have historical evidence to consider, as well.

  21. Nancy F. Drew says:

    At last count Israel had 9 nukes. What could they possibly be worried about? They are also saying Bush is a traitor to Israel. What’s that about? And shouldn’t the people supporting him know about this? And lastly, isn’t Israel’s war about EXPANSIONISM? Why do they have to keep making them get out of the West Bank?

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