From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

The Tygrrrr Express is making its way from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

First of all, I offer my condolences to the family of Bernie Mac. I found him very funny. The world has lost a great comedian.

In political news, I have not heard anything about either Presidential candidate for a couple days. In business news, I have no idea what the financial markets are doing.

This vacation stuff rocks.

Some British comedy show came on. Hey, the Chicago Cannonball needs to do something while I wrap up this column. One character said, “I love Jimmy Hendrix. He wasn’t the same after he left the village people.”

As for Israel, we visited the city of Jaffa. We went on a boat cruise of the Mediterranean Sea.

In Israel, apparently the standards for leading boat cruises are not rigorous. Joseph Hazelwood, fresh off of his Exxon Valdez escapade, may have been leading our boat.

Steady as she goes is apparently passe. Choppy as she goes is the rule.

A friend of mine joined the Chicago Cannonball and me. My friend pointed out to me that we may have been the only Jews on the boat. It was mostly Arabs, wearing green.

I am not sure I have been around that many Arabs before, but their customs did not seem out of the ordinary. My brief observation of them is that they like to drink soda and beer, take pictures of the sea, and eat nuts, which I believe were pistachioes.

Due to the choppy waters, the Chicago Cannonball’s beer slid down the table, and I caught it just before it crashed. The oyung Arab fellow sitting near us laughed, with us and not at us.

I did not bond with any of them, but I felt no hostility either. We were all simply strangers on a ship enjoying a pleasant tour.

So yes, this was a learning experience. No, it has not changed my views about international politics. However, it is nice that individuals can spend 30 minutes with each other and focus only on the peaceful calm of the environment. Well, the people were peaceful. Again, the Jerry Garcia looking fellow that was imitating Captain Bligh did his part to create a Six Flags Great Adventure ride on the high seas.

At least we did not have to eat grog.

Although Saturday nights in Israel are normally rocking, the holiday of Tish B’av started on Saturday night, rendering many parts of the city dead zones.

Luckily, Tel Aviv still has areas of excitement. We found the party area, and they even have a bar entitled “Alcohol on the beach.” Israelis are not known for subtlety.

We decided not to go to the disco because my friend went the night before and informed us that they are overpriced, crowded, and don’t get going until 2am. However, in our cab ride home, there was some techno music. So we did get in the Israel discotheque experience, albeit for 10 minutes.

Now we are off to Jerusalem. It is my goal to get to the Wailing Wall today. I have many prayers to offer on behalf of those who requested them.

Now if only I could find a sports page or ESPN to see how my football team did today. My kickball team plays today, and I hope they rain down pink fury on their opponents. Go Ballbusters!

The adventure continues, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


3 Responses to “From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem”

  1. Micky 2 says:

    If you would just run my name through your head while your in Jerusalem I would appreciate it.
    Thanks. :_)

  2. Micky 2 says:

    If you would just run my name through your head while your in Jerusalem I would appreciate it.


  3. timbudd says:

    “My kickball team plays today…” – Ok, that line right there is a classic.

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