2008 Republican Convention Day 2–Dubya Stands Tall

The 2008 Republican Convention in Minneapolis is about electing Arizona Senator as President and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Vice President. Yet the second night of the convention was about reminding America of President George W. Bush. History will vindicate this great man, and that history starts now.

I literally conducted about 30-40 interviews. Most of them were 3 to 5 question “walk and talks.” I now have blog material through the election itself.

In a major thrill, radio legend Hugh Hewitt interviewed me on his radio program for a couple of minutes to promote my blog. Hugh Hewitt is the preeminent blogger in America, and it was an honor.


In another major thrill, Miss Texas came up to me and told me that she saw me heckling back at protesters the other day, and was grateful. She is running for Miss America. She was not allowed to be interviewed about politics, but she was allowed to answer non-political questions. It was a fun interview. I told her that my girlfriend is my Miss America. She was touched, and her fella is a lucky man not just because of her beauty, but her pleasant disposition.

There were so many speeches that covering even perfunctory remarks from all of them would be overload.

Congresswoman Michele Bachman was spectacular, as was Senator Norm Coleman. They will get coverage in a column entitled “Minnesota North Stars.”

Miles McPherson, a defensive back for the San Diego Chargers spoke in his capacity as a minister. I did not boo, but could not cheer for an anti-Oakland Raider.

Fred Thompson gets the Zell Miller award for A+ stemwinder. He fiercely defended Sarah Palin against slimeball attacks. He movingly spoke of the heroism of John McCain. Fred Thompson was the hit of the night.

His remarks will be covered separately because I also heard him speak earlier in the day at a blogger meeting. He had different material for the pair of speeches.

Joe Lieberman is a fine man, an all around great human being. Fred Thompson had the crowd fired up, and Lieberman, to put it charitably, calmed people down. He is 100% right on the war, and is a pleasant person. Thompson should have spoken last.

Heck, Thompson should have spoken twice.

Laura Bush spoke for the second time in as many nights, and her remarks also will get more attention later in the week.

Tonight President Bush was forceful. He hit back. His critics are not fit to shine his cowboy boots, and he finally swung his steel toe up their lily livered hides.

For 8 years he has been told to be bipartisan while the left has slandered, slashed, and torched him.

Tonight was his night.

“The Governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Texas are working together. The coordination is going well. Yet there are still risks. Citizens affected should listen to your local officials before deciding to return home.”

“There are no finer examples of decency and integrity than my mom and dad.”

“I have stood in ruins of buildings knocked down by killers and vowed to grieving survivors that I would not let them down.”

“I know the hard choices that can only be made by a President.”

“John McCain had his bones broken. His honor was never broken.”

“If Hanoi Hilton could not break him, the angry left never will.”

At that moment the crowd leapt their feet and cheered. I pumped my fist in the air. Yes, he did go there. He called out the hateful bigots that are a cancerous element of our society. It is not their views. It is their disgusting methods of expressing them.

I remembered why I loved this guy. For 8 years he held his tongue on these bullies and monsters on the left. He finally decked them between their disgusting enraged eyes.

I would have clapped for an hour had he not continued speaking.

“John McCain will make the tax relief permanent. He will lift the ban on offshore drilling today.”

“He is not afraid to tell you what he believes. Believe me, I know.”

“In the face of retreat, I ordered the surge. One man in the face of doubters stayed resolute.”

“He said that he would rather lose an election than lose a war. This is the vision and courage required for our next Commander in Chief.”

“We have to stop future attacks before they happen, not wait to get hit again.”

I love this man.

“When the debates have ended, and the ads have all run, and it is time to vote, cast your ballots for John McCain and Sarah Palin.”

He then offered a self deprecating remark.

“With Laura Bush speaking, you have clearly traded up.”

I fought back tears as he was ending his speech. Then the floodgates opened.

I realized that while I believe in and will vote for John McCain, it takes time to develop affection for somebody. I voted for George W. Bush in 2000. After 9/11, I supported him even more. By 2004, I was one of the true believers.

Now I am saddened that he is leaving office.

My only criticism of him was that he was too gracious.

He finally let his worthless critics get theirs.

The lilliputians in the demagoguic party are slinking somewhere.

As for the Dub, I hope he goes after his critics with a ferocity that unleashes on them.

If not, he has me to happily do it for him.

This is not because of the republican party. I simply believe in him personally.

I love this guy, and am thrilled that when the dust of his speech settled, he was where he always was…standing tall in the saddle.

George W. Bush led a military that took down the Taliban and kicked Saddam’s hide. Then Dubya branded a big old metaphorical “W” on Saddam’s hide for emphasis.

This man let the world know that after dealing with those monsters, the angry left can’t touch him.

May the protesters see that quote in an endless loop until what is left of their heads explode.

Thank you President Bush. God Bless you sir.

Your words rang true, and it was an honor to hear them.


8 Responses to “2008 Republican Convention Day 2–Dubya Stands Tall”

  1. “John McCain will make the tax relief permanent. He will lift the ban on offshore drilling today.”

    LOL! I’m sure the Democrats, who will only all the more control the Hill through McCain’s presumptive term, will give McCain and the Neocons everytyhing they want!


    Vote for John McCain – Four Years of Nothing.


  2. Micky 2 says:

    Voting for Obama will lead us to decades of irreparable damage.
    Our vulnerabilty to attack will be greatly increased to the point that an economy on a downswing will be the last of our concerns.
    With a military that he plans to dwindle down to nothing and radical elements growing out of control due to ignorant and naive pandering o of our enemies we can look forward to a scenario that will make 911 look like a walk in the park.
    As Fred Thompson said;
    “They tell you they are not going to tax your family.

    No, they’re just going to tax “businesses”! So unless you buy something from a “business”, like groceries or clothes or gasoline … or unless you get a paycheck from a big or a small “business”, don’t worry … it’s not going to affect you.”

    This is why Obama wont explain how hes going to pay for all these little goodies he’s promised us all.
    Without a teleprompter and that overpriced suit all you’ve got is a guy with an idea

  3. Every modern foreign terrorist act we have suffered has been a reaction to our military pressense on their lands. The USS Cole, Beirut, the Kenyan bombings, Somalia, the first and second Trade Towers attacks – all of them. The best thing we can do is exactly the opposite of what the endlessly falied Neocons have done and proposed and draw down our imperial military pressence throughout the world, “bring the boys back home,” and shrink our military down to an efficient and realitically necessary size. All the same, do NOT expect Obama to do even a tenth of that. But he probably would do enough to lower our chances of being attacked – AND he will be best suited to clean up the nepotistic, bureaucratic mess that the Bushies made of DHS and make us all a little more safe.

    I agree that corporate taxes are a joke. Modern first world countries know better than to impose high corporate taxes because all they do is pass the bill onto working and middle class consumers. What we need is higher top margin income taxes with a newly adjusted, adjustable alternative minimum tax for top margin payors. Also, the cap MUST come up (preferably off, but that ain’t gonna happen) the payrool taxes. And THAT’s how Obama pays for his plans.

    As usual, it just goes to show that the cons don’t even know where the oppostion stands or what they’re propoosing. You simply presume and rationalize whatever fits your failed worldview.


  4. Micky 2 says:

    Yea, as usual.
    Those who disagree with jersey or see things differently are stupid.
    Right Jersey, a whole class of people dont know where the opposition stands.
    Have another hit

    Having a precense in most of these countries is because we are wanted there, been invited or have agreements with the countries that actually run the government in that country.
    Radical Islam claims no state but represents all Muslims , supposedly.

    It was not Saudi Arabia, Egypt,Afghanistann etc… that came after us crying about us being there.
    It was a rouge organization that has taken it upon themselves to change the world and use our existance as their reason.

    Dont ever talk to me about “failed world views “again as its obvious that in that department you are as clueless as a kumquat

    There goes your BS theory that we just run around dropping our hat wherever whenever we want

    Payroll tazes ”

    Yuk Yuk
    “And THAT’s how Obama pays for his plans.”
    So it doesnt matter than, does it ?
    Jeez, after that you still cant see that he is going to rape Average Americans one way or another.

  5. “Having a precense in most of these countries is because we are wanted there, been invited or have agreements with the countries that actually run the government in that country.”

    We’re wanted??? What the…??? We’re wanted, huh? Do you really believe those people, the people in those countries, want us there? Would you want some foreign military force in your backyeard, Micky??? And the “governments” over there? Do you think the people of those countries are pleased with them? Do you really believe those “governments” represent the people of those countries? If those “governments” were effective, if the people wanted them, then why would those “governments” need us??? Those theiving, murderous oligarchs, monarchs, juntas – you think their desires are a legitmate excuse for the blood and money of their people – let alone our people???

    Morally reprehensible.

    Every failed egg you conservatives have laid in the Middle East has brought a murderous chicken home to roost on us. I blame the Neocons for 9/11 and every other act of terror that’s been brought upon us from the Middle East just as much as I blame the perpetrators themselves.


  6. infidel308 says:

    When are we going to get that link of you throwing a pail of Matzo-Ball soup on protestors?

  7. Micky 2 says:

    You’re either uninformed or incredibly naive.
    Who do you think begged us to help when Saddam invaded Kuwait ?
    Thats right! Kuwait, Quatar, the Arab Emirates, the Saudis, Pakistan.
    Who do you think needs us there to gaurd oil fields and pipelines ? Who do you think doesnt care as long as we buy their oil ?
    What do think about the threat to Israel ?

    You still cant answer to the fact that the ones who are coming after us are citizens of none of these countries. They have no state !!!!!
    Besides Iran there is not one single middle eastern country that has launched a war against us to remove us from anywhere in the middle east.
    Saddam although did commit legitimate acts of war.

    Coming home to roost ?

    now whos morally reprehensable ?

    Its only rouge organizations built on radicaL Islam doctrine that are coming after us !
    Got it ?
    Spin it anyway you want, those are the facts.
    You little predictable emotional rendition of what you “think” these people are thinking is laughable at best.

    Try dealing with the facts once in a while.

    Blame Clinton and Carter.
    They are the ones who constructed the failed policies you call eggs.

  8. parrothead says:

    You are so right Jersey are reprehensible acts in the middle east start with recognizing the state of Israel by that Republican Harry Truman. Oh right he was a Democrat. That is not to say he was wrong, it just points out that they hate us for acts done by both parties. They hate us for being free, for not being an Islamic Theocracy. Nothing short of that would appease them and even that probably wouldn’t.

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