Norm Coleman Concedes

Today is a sad day for the Tygrrrr Express and Jewish Republicans everywhere. Senator Norm Coleman has thrown in the towel in his reelection bid to the Minnesota Senate seat he won six years ago.

If my blog had flags, they would be at half staff today.

The nation has become a darker place today. Minnesota is about to inflict a black eye on itself. Minnesota nice will be an expression of days gone by as the nicest people in the country prepare to swear in a vicious human being who swears at others in a hateful manner.

This was more than a political race. It was one of the finest human beings to ever hold public office in Norm Coleman to give up his seat to one of the nastiest human beings in America, even by liberal entertainment industry standards. Some will say that the new Senator is the heir to the Paul Wellstone legacy, but Paul Wellstone, while a partisan liberal, was not overtly hateful. In fact, it was the hate speech that turned his funeral into a campaign rally that doomed the decent and honorable Walter Mondale, allowing Norm Coleman to get elected in the first place.

So what happens next?

Well for those who think that the Democrats will destroy America now that they have the magic 60 senators needed to choke off filibusters, fear not. Remember, Democrats can’t govern. They have not successfully governed since LBJ. They will either have to water down their bills to keep conservative democrats on board, or they will face the same problems they had in 1993 and 1994.

I do actually have friends that are liberals, and in brutally honest moments that they would only reveal privately, they are terrified that the Democrats will mess it up again. Is Barack Obama so special that he can reverse what has basically been a culture of losing, retreat, and defeat in terms of actual accomplishments? Time will tell. He does not seem good at persuading people when it comes to anything other than his likable personality.

As for Norm Coleman, a logical move for him would be to run for the job that he wanted to begin with, that being Governor of Minnesota. While he will be missed in the Senate, I maintain that what separates Governors from Senators is that Governors actually do things. Executives run things. They have budgets. Senators make speeches. I hope Americans remember this during the next election.

Tim Pawlenty is not running for the governorship again, clearing the path. Tim Pawlenty is already running for Vice President in 2012 anyway. Yes, people think I mean President, but his role will be to finish badly, in fourht, fifth, or sixth place, say nothing bad about the frontrunner, and get selected as a running mate. I keep emphasizing that he has the qualities that make a great VP candidate. He’s tall, he has good hair, and he is completely inoffensive.

Like Pawlenty, Norm Coleman is not a talker. He is a doer. He is a quiet, calm, thoughtful man. Hopefully he will continue his career in public service, with this unfortunate dvelopment not stopping his overall upward trajectory.

I wanted Norm Coleman to fight to the very end, that being the U.S. Supreme Court. However, he has considerations, such as financing, and more importantly, his family.

Senator Coleman remains one of the best people I have ever encountered. No amount of liberal electoral shenanigans can change that.

Godspeed, Senator Coleman.


16 Responses to “Norm Coleman Concedes”

  1. Per the constitution and contrary to the opinion of radical activist justices like Antonin Scalia, elections are left to the states. Norm Coleman had the constitutional wisdom to know that and therefore did not “fight to the very end, that being the U.S. Supreme Court,” because “the end” is not the SCOTUS, but the Minnesota State Supreme Court.

    What Coleman and the GOP did not have, however, was the class to “end” this race a long time ago. The State Supreme Court’s decision was a foregone conclusion. This race was over months ago. But Coleman and the GOP decided to deny Minnesota a senator for a long as deviously possible to suppress the power of the Democrats in the Senate and therefore the will of the people who elected them. Contrary to the opnion of our good host and many other ill-informed citizens, Senators do actually “do things.” If one reads the Constitution they will verily discover that fact. The GOP and Norm Coleman know that fact well, and so acted will all urgency on that fact to keep Al Franken out of the Senate for as long as deviously possible.

    But Coleman, the GOP, our good host and most people in general understand that even with the magic 60 seats in the Senate, the Democrats will still have a hard time exercising the power that can come with that. When our good host and other partisans say “Democrats can’t govern,” what they really mean is that the Democratic Party is a huge tent with many varied political characters, interests and philsophies, unlike Republicans, who are much more homogeneous. Will Roger’s old axiom “I am not a member of any organized political party – I am a Democrat,” remains just as true today as ever. The GOP marches in ideological lockstep. The Democrats march in a dispersed mob. For non-partisans like myself, I prefer the Democrats when it comes to this, but it can be detrimental at times.

    The good news is that contrary to our good host’s opinion that Frabken is “hateful,” he is not. He is actually a very caring, intelligent, educated, liberated man. He is the true heir to the Wellstone legacy that was so affronted over these past years since his untimely death. Like Wellstone, Franken will be a key voice for the people, rather than just another stooge for a party. With Franken seated, the odds of some key progressive change coming from Washington DC will greatly increase. The “public option” for healthcare reform, the confirmation of more liberal justices, the reinvigoration of the public regulatory bodies, and much more will now be far more likely to happen.

    I’m glad.


  2. Dav Lev says:

    Two shockers today, first the one about Coleman, a Republican
    that I can agree with, and secondly, a Democrat, who was admitted
    to a local hospital, who I totally disagree with, both Jews, but from
    very different ends of our people. Let’s be frank, Henry Waxman has
    been in the Congress at least 10 years too long, he is long overdue for
    a replacement. He is a very, very liberal Democrat..bad for this country.
    Coleman is a moderate Republican, good for the country. Both are for
    Israels thriving and survival. In fact, Coleman was criticized by the
    major of London, for his pro-Israel stance.

    Pro Israel stance? He wants Israel, which has fought 9 wars for it’s very survival, (the chutspah of Jews defending themselves-they should all
    walk like Holocaust sheep into gas chambers), to simply go back to the 67 borders, as if nothing ever happened after it’s creation.

    Both men want the little Jewish state ( one-half the size of San Bernardino
    County in California), with less people than Los Angeles County (and that’s including 1.4m Muslims), to be around in 50 years, despite Hezbollah and Hamas’s goal to get all their Jews out, or worse killed. We call it Judenrein (w/o Jews).

    In 1967, Israel sent up 300 plus planes, to destroy hundreds of Russian supplied jet fighters and bombers, on the ground (in Egypt and Syria).
    That allowed the destruction of tens of thousands of tanks, etc., also supplied to the Arab armies by the Communist government. It was a risk, as there were no planes left to guard the Israeli cities. Israel sent most of it’s planes at 8 a.m. catching the pilots having tea and cake…after their
    morning exercises (planes). Over 100,000 Egyptian soldiers were thus
    vulnerble to Israeli attacks, in the Sinai, and most especially the Mitla Pass (middle of the desert) at night. Syria lost nearly 100 planes to Israeli fighters (they claimed the US aided-a lie). Jordan’s Hussein attacked Jewish Jerusalem, and the outskirts of Tel Aviv, even though asked not to join the war, by Israel. He lost the “Old City”. The Golan Heights, the best tank trap in the world, was taken after hard fighting, and has since remained in Israeli hands. East Jerusalem was annexed, never to be returned to Syria. (Syria has demanded it’s return before any negotiations).

    It should be noted that Palestinian brigades fought side by side
    with the Egyptian divisions..and in fact, they fought well.

    All Israel’s enemies had as their goal, to meet in Tel Aviv, over the
    bones of Israel’s leaders, to reverse the “Zionist” gains in 1948.

    Norm Coleman has been a staunch supporter of Israel since as has
    Henry Waxman.

    Unfortuntely, the people in Coleman’s state have been fooled into
    believing the tripe of the Democrats.

    But sooner or later, the scum always rises to the surface.

    Obama’s economic stimulus package has been a dismal failure. We have yet to pay for his socialist ideas. No. Korea and Iran will test atomic
    devices..and hold US and our allies hostage for years.

    Hamas and Hez, and No. Korea are smiling to the bank.

    We in California are in Jong’s mssile sight.

    The hapless Iraqis are already feeling the pinch of the embolden
    insurgents. Iranian protestors are facing execution, while 3 aircraft
    carrier groups are sitting idle in the Gulf..with their nuclear warheads
    wasting away.

    Meanwhile back in Washington DC, Obama wants to talk, to engage
    with Ahmad. He is sending an envoy to Syria, while Syria
    is enriching uranium., which they deny and demanding the return of the Golan Heights from Israel, prior to any negotiations.

    I guess what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander.

    Here in my state of Calfornia, there is an economic (budget) crisis.
    Our expenses are 24 billion more than our revenue (in New York State it’s even more), two very, very blue states. California is issueing IOUs, and
    the teachers, health workers and others are in agony. Perhaps they should
    appreciate that the golden calf is no longer going to provide them
    with benefits long ago should have stopped.

    Hmmmm, I wonder why?

  3. Dan Lev seems to forget which country Norm Coleman and Henry Waxman represent. He also seems to forget that you get what you pay for. If Californians are having a hard time paying their bills, then those millions of Californians who make a ton of dough in California should PONY UP. Be men about it, for goodness sake!


  4. Toma says:

    Why the sudden interest in the Constitution? Oh I see, the Constitution is a good thing when it happens to aid the Dems in their quest for power. But it is to be ignored and/or repealed and/or legislated around when it gets in the way. is an example of what the Dems have in store for this nation. Obama for president for ever. Because we all just love him.

    I guess we can all concede.


  5. A “sudden interest,” huh??? Really? Funny, I thought I was always standing with the Constitution! If you have a substantial argument with what the Dems are doing with the constitution then lay it out, man! Be a man about it!


  6. Toma says:

    There is no argument, all we have to do is stand back and watch what “they” do to it. I didn’t make the statement that our foundation documents are invalid George Soros did. I didn’t bring a bill to the House to repeal the 22nd ammendment the Dems did. I didn’t create a web sight to raise money and promote the repeal the Dems did. “They” want to stay in power and the Constitution is in the way. “They” are preparing for Obama’s third term at this moment.

    Where is the argument?


  7. Toma says:

    Ok Jers I’ll do the leg work for you just this one time, no more.

    Soros: The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution are false documents, “fundamently flawed” in that they claim to rest on “self-evident truths”. Center for American Progress Open Society Institute.

    Some more tidbits from the great Soros: “American troops are perpetrators and oppressors”.
    “The economic collapse is the culmination point of my life’s work.”
    “The United States is the main obstacle to a stable and just world’.

    These were public statements. They were in the news.

    Jose Serrano, D,NY-16
    H.J. Res. 5. Proposing an amendment to the COTUS to repeal the 22nd aritcle of amendment, there-by removing the limitation on the nuimber terms an individual may serve as President.

    You can visit the web site I’m picky about what I put in my cookie jar.

    This is just a few examples of what the Democratic Party is about and their intentions are obvious. But again I don’t understand their motivation.

    I remember what Nikita Khrushchev said long ago that we will be destroyed from within.

    Maybe the Mayans were right and we won’t have worry about 2012 and beyond. Gee, do ya think?


  8. Laree says:


    The New Left we call them Progressives Today the movement was born in the 60s and 70s it included the failure of the school system to teach children an intentional movement. I highly recommed everyone read “The Return of The Primitive” previously titled the New Left, the Anti Industrialist. The Green Movement wants to drag us all kicking and screaming back into the Dark Ages.

  9. Toma, what the heck is with this fascination you have George Soros? George Soros is no more a part of the Democratic party than Rupert Murdock is a Republican. And who the heck cares if they repeal the 22nd Amendment? I hope they do, but it’s not going to happen. As long as they do it constitutionally, though, who cares? I hate term limits. I think they are the false panacea of the simple people who look for simple answers to all lifes questions. I think they are anti-democratic, anti-republican (small d’s and r’s).

    All great empires eventually destroy themselves from within. Any even casual student of history knows that. But no empire has ever been done in by liberal policies, public investment, wise law and regulatuion, true small-r republicanism. The empires all died from greed, hubris, colonialism, from a public easily duped with jingoism, nationalism, religion, racism, fear. What some, very few, empires can do is contract peacefully. They can de-empire. That is what American must do. We must eventually de-empire, or we will evenually collapse, and it won’t be because of people like George Soros.

    You can selectively cull what you like from the many quotables of George Soros, and there’s a measure of truth to most all of what he says. Soros understands the evils of empire. He criticizes our Imperial Republic but our Constitutional Republic he applauds and embraces. He is not a fool statist, he is a true constitutionalist. He doesn’t worship the flag with the fake patriotism of the jingoists but he salutes the constitution, the true meaning of America. He doesn’t worship the sacred cow of the military, but he standes with the active participatory citizenry of America. I like George Soros. I think he’s a great American and a great human being. I do not, however, think he’s a tremendous political power in America. I only wish he was.


  10. Micky 2 says:

    “George Soros is no more a part of the Democratic party than Rupert Murdock is a Republican. ”


    This is where I call you on you crap again jersey and give reason why you’re not worthy of honest debate. Knock of the crap, alright ? Were all grown men who are informed enough to know whats Soros’s major impact on the dem party is OKAY ? jeez.
    Thats right, hes not a member of the democratic party. Hes the single largest finacier IN THE WORLD of the democratic party in his attempts to make it the “Socialist party”

  11. Well, Micky, Soros may be the single largest individual personal contributor, I wouldn’t know nor do I particularly care, but he’s NOTHING compared to the real players – financial institutions, law firms, industry and single-issue lobbying groups. Here’s the numbers: As you can see, Soros is plainly NOT the major player in the Democratic party that the Republicans lie by saying he is. Again, I WISH he was. If he really was, I’d register as a Dem tomorrow.


  12. Look, I know conservatives love bogeymen – the commies, the ter’ists, George Soros, liberals, socialists, whatever. The real dangers to our great republic come not from any of these strawmen but from the oligharchy that truly runs this country, both parties, the media, the banks and international trade. It’s too bad so many Americans have become sooooooooo stupid as to be blind to this truth.


  13. Toma says:

    Financial institutions, law firms, industry, single interest lobbying groups are the Democratic Party base. This “oligarchy” understands that its best chance of maintaining control is through the Dems maintaining control.

    “We” are not soooooo stupid and blind to see the direction we are going and who is at the helm. The Republic is not flawed the people manipulating the republic are flawed. And those at the helm currently don’t have the answer. Truly, their blatant arrogant self-serving attempts at governance will be their demise. They blame the citizenery for their failures and expect the citizenery to bail them out while sucking the citizenery dry of the means to do so. The republic is failing at the hands of the afore mentioned oligarchy ant their politics.

    Soros is my enemy. I assure you that I respect his means and fear his intentions. He is a major element of the “oligarchy”.


  14. Toma says:

    You guys have a great Independence Day. I’m proud to say my son-in-law is giving a speech at our city’s celebration. Be safe, be well, be vigilant.


  15. Toma, if you think Soros is your enemy, you’ve already been defeated.


  16. Micky 2 says:

    Soros is to the dems what Rush is to the right. he just doesnt talk as much

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