Awhile ago I wrote a piece recommending that the Governor of Wisconsin step down. My rationale was that the Lieutenant Governor is one of the most beautiful women on Earth, and I wanted to see her lovely face smiling on television.
This harmless column amused many, including the Lieutenant Governor herself. She is a happily married women with children who was flattered that some guy with a blog found her attractive.
I was not surprised by her reaction because most conservative women understand that men can admire a woman for her beauty and brains, which the Lieutenant Governor has in abundance. Yet too many liberal women attack men as sexist for admiring beautiful women.
So for the umpteenth time, the very subject of the column liked it. That should be the end of it.
Yet with liberal feminist shrews it is never the end because they never stop complaining.
One woman named Ioana Stoics sent me an angry screed, complaining to the editors at one publication I write for that I have no business writing.
Her entire rage-athon is below, with my response.
To understand her behavior, keep in mind she is a public schoolteacher in the District of Columbia. Her existence is fairly hopeless. Her biography is so laughable that my readers may accuse me of making it up. Even I am not that creative.
“My research is multi-faceted and attempts to embody an inter-disciplinary perspective, incorporating phenomenological inquiry, historical research, critical (including feminist, race-based, and queer) perspectives, as well as traditional rational-empiricist models of science, to explore the context of current policy debates in order to articulate possibilities in public education for a pedagogy and curriculum rooted in embodied, emancipatory, eco-holistic justice.”
Eco-holistic justice? Doesn’t anybody in education have real jobs anymore? What happened to teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic? No wonder DC kids are screwed. They cannot read or write but they can learn about eco-holistic justice. I think this has something to do with sitting in a circle chanting to Mother Earth. My tax dollars probably subsidize this wastrel. DC is the murder capital of America but at least the kids are experiencing something holistic when seeking justice. I credit Ms. Stoica for using fancy words to sum up what really only needs four letters: cr@p.
I was prepared to be done with her, but she just could not leave well enough alone. She sent another screed to me and to the editors of this publication.
Here is her insanity.
“Hello Again, Eric,
I just took a moment to check out your website and noted an extremely relevant quote, interestingly enough, about your book by a reviewer, listed on your page:
"In a society that professes to value tolerance and dissent, America has become infested with bigots who taunt, intimidate, and even hate those who dare to disagree with them. "
Eric–can you HONESTLY evaluate yourself any differently from this "truth" you so claim to expose about other people?
Again, let me remind you how at every point in our communications, you were the one to throw out irrational statements based on anger at being disagreed with, taunting me with derogatory personal language without even knowing who I am, intimidating me by posting public hate-posts about me and taunting me in an email with how I will be famous for this…. I wrote your editors only once I was truly disturbed at your language in your email towards me as a reader of the Times, and even then only included your email and an invitation for them to consider it for themselves, if appropriate for standards of conduct they wanted to be represented at their paper. I did this because as a very involved US citizen, I believe it is the public's responsibility to keep the media, and our politicians, accountable, not as a personal attack (again, note my language at all stages).
This communication with you has never been personal for me (in the sense that I ever attacked you as a person, or did anything other than what I consider my citizen duty, which is to hold the media accountable for their reporting). I routinely write letters to journalists, editors, etc, to express my perspective and relevant research as appropriate, on these issues, and am active in general in writing politicians, company CEOs, etc– I believe citizen involvement is the foundation of our democracy.
My communications with you was just the only one, in over 10 years of writing journalists and politicians of all stripes and colors, that took such an ugly turn, which is why I also recognize it as so irresponsible and abhorrent in the world of journalism. Your basis of writing me back was nothing short of personal hate filled ranting, simply because I dared disagree with you, a member of the media. You have to remember (but have clearly forgotten) our respective positions here, me as the reader and concerned citizen, and you as the informer, the media literally *medium* of how I get my information–but you at all steps in our communication instead chose to cross all boundaries and overlooked our respective places, and chose instead to personally attack me.
It's a little like this analogy: you are driving a company vehicle with "How am I driving sticker" on it, and I call them to tell them you cut me off and almost hit my car (in this case, how you crossed all professional boundaries in your personal attacks against me, at least as far as should be tolerated by a respectable news organization and not a tabloid). What do you do then, as the company worker? Post a hateful blog on the irrational shrew who dared call the company on you for cutting her off? Reconsider your driving and whether or not you want to be a responsible driver keeping others on the road safe, or a dangerous one who perhaps might cause accidents through his negligence or willful actions?
Again, I ask you to reconsider this, while taking a look in the mirror: "In a society that professes to value tolerance and dissent, America has become infested with bigots who taunt, intimidate, and even hate those who dare to disagree with them. "
Ioana Stoica
PS: It is dangerous to speak out of ignorance, as you clearly do in your discussions about "feminism"–it is clear you don't actually know anything about the field (also known as "women's studies"). If you did know anything about feminism you would know that actually now the movement is in its "intersectionality" stage where *every* aspect of identity is studied–ALL genders, race, ethnicity, dis/ability, language, etc, and not just the "rights of women," as was the case back in the 1800s, i.e. your argument that feminists are a bunch of angry women is outdated by about a century and a half. It's been the "intersection" of many fields, including African American studies, LGBTQ studies, American studies, other identity based fields for decades, and all it takes is the most rudimentary knowledge of the field to know this. ”
Here is my response, brief and to the point. I am paraphrasing since I did not save the exact words.
“You’re liberal. You’re boring. You’re wrong. You’re a shrew.
One screed gets a response on my blog. A second screed gets a shrug. A third screed has me concerned that you will sneak into my apartment and boil a bunny rabbit while shrieking that you will not be ignored.
So please do not respond in the same fashion or I will fear for the lives of my beloved Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter.”
Some people will ask a very valid question. Why am I bothering with this woman that even Petrucchio could not love? Why give her the attention?
This is not about revenge, vindictiveness, or justice. It is something much more sad on my part.
I’m being lazy today. Blogging a new post every day is tough, and cutting and pasting hate mail from an imbecile gives me a day to relax. If others want to write my columns for me once in awhile, fine by me.
Now I need to put in an ounce of effort and explain why this woman is so incredibly loathesome.
Her own words tell the story.
“I wrote your editors only once I was truly disturbed at your language in your email towards me as a reader of the Times, and even then only included your email and an invitation for them to consider it for themselves, if appropriate for standards of conduct they wanted to be represented at their paper.”
I loathe people who spend their entire lives writing letters to the editor. These people are disgusting because they act like they are doing something positive for society when in truth they are destructive. People like this claim that seeking eco-holistic justice will help a single child learn how to do anything useful in this world. Just what we need, more community organizers. I will get to that momentarily.
“I routinely write letters to journalists, editors, etc, to express my perspective and relevant research as appropriate, on these issues, and am active in general in writing politicians, company CEOs, etc– I believe citizen involvement is the foundation of our democracy.”
Translation: This woman is a nosy busybody with nothing better to do than harass people living their lives. Wow, who knew that community organizing was that useless? Oh wait. I did.
I have written one or two letters to the editor in my life, literally. I do not “routinely” write them because I am not a crusader.
Here is why people like Ioana Stoica are so disgusting.
I have built a business from scratch. People like her would rather tear other people down than lift themselves up. Ms. Stoica is no different than people who get rich suing people.
The purpose of Ms. Stoica complaining was simple. She was hoping that I would be fired as a columnist. That was it. By complaining, she could remove me from that site.
Do I go to her job and complain to her boss about her? Has she ever written one of her screeds on company time? If so, her boss should know and she should be fired.
So why does this matter?
I once lost a column over a crusader like this viper. The paper was left-leaning, and I was new. The woman who complained was a liberal feminist, and she neglected to mention that she knew me personally. We went to college together. The paper surrendered and released me. I now have larger circulation than they do, but that is not the point. In the same way a gay rights group celebrated knocking Dr. Laura off the air, liberals will not accept conservative viewpoints. Every week people write letters to get Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck fired.
There are people who spend their lives building things and others who spend their lives living off the hard work of others. This woman is not interested in truth. She is interested in harassing people she disagrees with. This strategy was most successfully employed in Alaska. Sarah Palin was hounded from the Governor’s mansion by lawsuits.
On short, Ioana Stoica is a bully. The only thing bullies understand is force.
There is nothing about this woman that is well-intentioned. She wants to drive me out of business.
She even threatened to take my correspondence to her and publish it “around the net.”
Lady, give it a rest. I’ve gotten death threats. Suicide bombers from time to time ramble to me about “Jihad,” “infidel,” and other lovely synonyms. Some shrew boring me to death pales by comparison. I suspect Ioana Stioca is like most suicide bombers, only angrier and with more facial hair around the beard area.
My business that I built is my livelihood. So yes she deserves the verbal equivalent of the Fallujah treatment.
She keeps saying that “this is not personal.”
Oh yes it is. When somebody decides to hamper my ability to do my job and put food on my table, it is very personal. This woman should emotionally bleed for the rest of her miserable crusading life it is so personal. This woman should remain barren so that she does not bring children into the world because they will act like her. That is how personal this is. This woman should be forbidden fro teaching children because they will grow up to believe in eco-holistic justice. I love and care too much about children to wish that on them.
Luckily for me, the editors at this publication probably understand that she is a crackpot. She is a left-wing crank who dislikes a conservative columnist. Water is wet and liberal feminists are hideous. I was not even spoken to about her lunacy, much less sanctioned in any way. This does not give her a pass. Attempted murder does not get a reward just because the victim survives.
I am now adding Ioana Stoica to the list of women I would not have sex with. It is a short list consisting of only Joy Behar, Helen Thomas, and all NOW members.
For the very last time, I am going to explain this so that even a liberal feminist shrew can understand.
She complained about a column I wrote about one woman. The subject of the column liked the column. If the subject of the column liked it, then isn’t it possible that other critics claiming sexism may wish to shut up and sit down? Shouldn’t the subject of the column have the opinion that matters?
Again, I am absolutely not recommending that people stalk Ioana Stoica, find out where she works, and get her fired from her job. That is not my style. If it was, I would be as heinous as a NOW convention attendee one week removed from a meth habit. So to readers who want to “help,” me, please don’t. This woman has suffered enough. I would not want her to experience eco-holistic injustice.
My preferred style is to take her and make her the poster child for liberal feminist shrews gone wild.
Women like her are born crybabies and will die crybabies. I speak all around the country, and perhaps I should give an annual Ioana Stoica award for the liberal throwing the best temper tantrum. It is like the junior division of the Joan Walsh award.
As for me, tomorrow I will return with quality content. Today is a mulligan.
I just hope she is finally done babbling. After all, I would feel awful if I found out that the soup I was having for lunch was Hossenfeffer made with poor Bugs or Thumper.
Ioana is tiny, toony, and very very looney. Yet I cannot say she is totally worthless. She gave me a couple blog posts, and I needed the break.