More OWS violence

The Occupy Wall Street movement should use a pirate’s flag as their official logo due to all the raping and pillaging going on at their rallies.

Sexual assaults are going unreported. Windows are being broken and property is being destroyed. Three men have just been arrested for dealing crack cocaine at Occupy Boston.

Where there is sex and drugs there has to be rock and roll. So Kid Rock showed up.

This is Barack Obama’s America. Destruction and violence are confused with legitimate airing of grievances.

Where are the feminists? As women are being raped, where is the NOW?

Why is Gloria Allred more obsessed with allegations against Herman Cain than real cases of rape?

Why are protesters targeting innocent New York merchants trying to survive rather than Jon Corzine, who is the epitome of Wall Street greed?

This movement is not about inequality. It is about collapsing the American capitalist system.

Barack Obama is a failed leader and the only way he can get reelected is to cause massive distractions. David Axelrod is a master, and OWS is every bit his 2012 campaign strategy.

People talk about ACORN, George Soros, and others and are dismissed as conspiracy nuts.

Tell that to the women being raped and the many people who are having their lives destroyed by leftists and anarchists in the name of forced equality.

The Tea Party attendees remain peaceful. There were zero instances of drugs, rapes, or violence.

The only hope at this point is that the leftist protesters are either beaten back forcefully by police, or allowed to turn on each other until they all kill each other.

Welcome to Barack Obama’s Occupy America.


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