March hate mail

Tomorrow the TYGRRRR EXPRESS turns 5 years old. So there is no way to roll into an anniversary like another batch of hate mail. Parental advisory, explicit lyrics. My critics are dreadful human beings with zero linguistics skills from a tact standpoint.

March hate mail

David Neitzel
[email protected]

“Are you a pussy?”

Analysis: No, but I am a Tiger, spelled Tygrrrr. So I am part of the feline family, hence the confusion.

todd bytsura
[email protected]

“Why do you write like a fourth grader?”

Analysis: Because you have the attention span of a second grader. Once you reach third grade you would understand that I have repeatedly said I went to public school. Of course I don’t know anything.

[email protected]

“Feigned outrage is entertaining.Were you a " journ O lister"?"4”

Analysis: A Journolister? Me? Really? For the uninitiated, Journolisters were liberal journalists engaged in a corrupt conspiracy. Now if a fellow wants to call me corrupt, fine. Don’t dare call me a liberal. That is a disgusting slur. Also, for people who read my work to call me that, would be quite stupid.

[email protected]

“Sir i got only one thing to say……whao you are so wrong in some may ways…i cannot begin to tell you ..Sorry for your misconceptions of everything that is decent.America is part of the world,not all of it.Maybe
some day you will learn this and welcome other people that are diffeerent then you…GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY THRU LIFE


Analysis: America is better than any other country. We invented the internet that you type on. Those who complain can kiss my American rumpus.

[email protected]

“Apparently you are one of the brightest conserves around in your country's (politics?)… May tomatoes and pickled cucumbers fret…!!!

As a true communist, I applaud your right to say what you think, not that I give a shit, but one thing I think Hitler did try to do right was to kill all the jews in the world. Then he killed himself half way through.

Well, he probably came to the terms with the fact that he was one, but couldn't he had waited a little longer? We would not have the wars we have had since the WWII, we would not have had to endure the wrath of vengeance the jews from the usa threw onto the world for their own mistakes, we wouldn't have had to see so many lives lost to date.

Since you display a lot of pointless and clueless anger in your "brightest conserve" manner, would you care to continue his work?

There's plenty left to do. Three shitty religions (jewish, christian and muslim) all invented by your bedouin ancestors, templars, illuminati, capitalism, communism, all that shit polluting the world; it would ALL go away with the jews.

I repeat, being a true communist I am all for demoracy and freedom. No racism of any sort.

But, if we have cancer, what do we do? Sit in self-induced defeatism and wait for death?

Or we cut it out?

But cutting the cancer out is a nasty business best left to those trained in nasty business.

Jews are best trained in nasty business, hence…

Please free the world. Remove yourselves from it. You are suffocating it with your delusions.


(I was being sarcastic about communism. Did you get that…?)

(I doubt… there are no intelligent jews/arabs/bedouins – them being all one and the same shit)”

Analysis: I bet even some leftists may be embarrassed by this person. Not all of them mind you, but a few.

Bill Nash
[email protected]

“Eric – are you trying to replace rush limbaugh as the moron of the week?  I guess there is good money to be made trafficing in your kind of drivel.

Bill Nash”

Analysis: Your imbecilic comment and the other commenters put money in my pocket. So thank you for allowing me to use you. You have now outlived your usefulness and can go now. I doubt you contribute anything else to society so your work is done here.

gus avedo
[email protected]

“Eric Who? Eric, Who are you and from u8nder what rock did you crawl? The Kennedy's milking the assassination of J.F.K. really? What kind of person are you? You are part of the problem. I work. I vote. I teacjh. I am a parent. I go to church. I taught at a Catholic school. I pay my taxes. I have been working since 1965. I have various college degrees. I have a masters degree from U.S.C., the same school from which John Wayne and Nixon's wife graduated. My family has contributed huindreds of thousands of dollars to conservative republican causes and candidates. I am a democrat. I am an American citizen and I understand that your unworthy commentaries on Ms. Fluke and Rush Limbaugh's arrogant ignorance are protected by the First Amendment. I also have the right to use the First Amendment to let you know you are an idiot and you are lucky to be printing such insensitive attacks on a woman who was testifying in front of politicians for a redress of grievances. How big was the damned rock from under which you slithered?”

Analysis: Actually you are as constitutionally clueless as constitutional Clouseau Barack Obama. The First Amendment says the government cannot restrict speech (although actually it can). I am not the government. You are a guest when you comment on my site. So I can restrict every d@mn word and going forward I will. You can scream about censorship, but only gutless cowards go online and hurl insults under anonymous screen names. I use my real name, so you are the one hiding under a rock. Enjoy being a coward, but you will not be doing it on my site.

Bob Gillespie
[email protected]

“Wow are you an idiot.”

Analysis: Bob, you can do better than that. Actually, you probably can’t. After all, most lazy slobs can’t. An erudite man would have done so.

[email protected]

“I am against Nuclear any where in any country….bout I want to ask you a question: Why didn't you mention fact instead hate and wrong messages?

Iran has never attack any country. Last time I know Iran was attacked by  Iraq with the help of America and most of the world.

Iran didn't Attack Iraq, Gaza, lebanon, or any other country…Israel and the USA did.  Israel claims defending itself at the same time it has been killing denfensless people in Gaza and palestine… come on be just and don't justify killings and war …. the Israelies took palestinean lands just as American took Indian lands … It is not justifiable…Your words are harsh and if you have faith in God you will be asked for your motives on judgment day, but i am sure your mind so limited you dont even think about that day.. and I don't believe God like us to kill one anoher… talk about the message of love and peace instead of hate… think about that…”

Analysis: The most violent people on Earth are peace activists. Occupy Wall Street and the savages in Wisconsin are perfect examples. Only that type of person could claim we should spread more peace and love and stop the hate while spreading Palesimian blood libel against the Jews.

Say it with me everybody…

These are liberals…and Palesimians…and Ron Paul supporters…

This is how they behave.


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