Contraception: What social conservatives still don’t grasp

Contraception Kerfuffle: What the social conservatives still fail to understand.

As much as I respect social conservatives, they may wish to sacrifice their principles for the greater good.

As of now the ghastly Obamacare law forces religious institutions to provide contraception.

Absolutely this is an assault on religious liberty. Yet for those soulless, Machiavellian thinkers like myself, it is time to stop playing checkers and start playing chess.

With some exceptions, liberals are pro-choice on abortion. Most of the ardent pro-lifers are conservatives.

Liberals tend to favor gay marriage while conservatives tend to be against it.

Liberals want access to contraception while conservatives tend to oppose it, especially if they have to pay for it for somebody else.

It is time for the social conservatives to back off and give the liberals what they want, for the greater societal good.

Let the liberals have more abortions, more contraception, and more gay marriages.

Do whatever it takes within the law to keep liberals from breeding.

Then one day we will have a conservative society.

Let the liberals legislate themselves out of existence.

This public service announcement is now complete.

You’re welcome.

eric aka the Tygrrrr Express

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