Benghazi Snark

Three Cleveland Castros, Jodi Arias, and Kermit Gosnell block out Benghazi

President Obama and Hillary Clinton should thank the three Cleveland Castros, Jodi Arias, and Kermit Gosnell for distracting from Benghazi. Here is the sugarcoated sanitized version.

Now for the uncensored raw version.


Whistleblower Gregory Hicks said that his government left his men to die in Benghazi, Libya. Either he is telling the truth or lying. There is no middle ground. So between President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Mr. Hicks, who has the least reason to lie?


Meanwhile, liberal congressmen gushed at the hearings about how they care about the Benghazi victims. They insist that their priority is not covering Benghazi up at all costs. They proved their sincerity by blaming budget cuts and anything else rather than demand accountability and responsibility be taken. Four Americans were murdered by Radical Islamists. Our government allowed it and covered it up. This is not the first time since 2009 that liberal caring has gotten innocent people killed. Liberals are offended by this being pointed out, while conservatives are offended by Radical Islamists murdering Americans.


The ramifications of Benghazi are far-reaching.


“Dear Obama/Hillary, will you be getting any more of us killed? Let us know now so we can stop serving leaders who don’t value our lives. We can retire and play golf like the President does. Sincerely, the US military and civilian employees everywhere.”


What civilian in their right mind would want to serve this nation given that the price for individuals serving is their own scalp on a platter?


In an attempt to sway liberals to the conservative point of view, a Benghazi bombshell was dropped. Recently uncovered evidence shows that Radical Islamists hate women, gays, and trees. They are against abortion and gay rights, and their bombs leave huge carbon footprints. If this does not galvanize liberals to care about the four murdered Americans, nothing will.


Perhaps Dr. Benjamin Carson can perform cranial-glutial extraction surgery and separate Elijah Cummings’s head from Obama’s posterior.


Meanwhile, Obama & Hillary may be sending thank you notes to the three Cleveland victims and the Jodi Arias jury. Maybe the Kermit Gosnell jury can make it a trifecta of weapons of mass distractions to ensure nobody covers Benghazi on the nightly news. Apparently murdered Americans is too boring for the celebrity sensationalist media. One would ask if people have to die to get attention, but the Benghazi victims already tried that.


A Jody Arias acquittal would have been the beginning of the 2013 hunting season, with men as the hunted. It would have legal for women to kill men with impunity, especially if they are as attractive as Black Widow Theresa Russell. Obama should consider Arias to be his next Secretary of State, since she knows how to stab guys in the back.


If Jody Arias killed Kermit Gosnell and stuffed his body in the Castro Cleveland home, none of this is related to Benghazi. Whether one is pro-life regarding Arias and Gosnell or wishes they had been aborted, we should all be pro-choice when it comes to aborting television coverage about nonsense while trying to get to the truth about Benghazi.


So for those of you who would rather turn it all off and watch Dancing with the Stars or the Kardashians, please stop being you.


Benghazi matters. We all should care about it. If it was our families murdered by Radical Islamists, we would want the truth and justice.


That is what Republicans in Congress are trying to obtain. The least the rest of us can do is care enough to pay attention.



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