My interview in the Politico

One could call today Narcissism Politico Sunday, but I will simply call it my interview in the Politico.

Here is the link to the written column and the video interview.

I have had my issues with the Politico. For one thing they tend to do liberal hit jobs on conservatives.

For another, they have way too many paid staff for an operation that does way to many liberal hit jobs on conservatives. The economy may be crumbling all over America, but there are plenty of jobs available for liberals in Washington, DC. While the occasional suit and tie could be found, most of these young worker bees were in jeans and sneakers.

My other beef with this outfit is its refusal to use the word “the” in its name. My column is “The Tygrrrr Express.” They call themselves “Politico,” rather than “The Politico.” This is a not-so-subtle God complex that some entities use when trying to convey that their position has moral authority simply because they speaketh.

With all of that out of the way, Patrick Gavin did a fair interview. He was honest, professional, and pleasant. Conservatives should find zero complaints with how I was treated.

As for me, for those wondering why I did not shave or clean up, it is because I had no idea I was going to be on television. I thought it was a print interview. I arrived and found to my surprise it was being videotaped. Lesson learned.

This concludes Narcissism Political Sunday. Enjoy my interview in the Politico.



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