Chicago is not America

I love America. It breaks my heart to see one city in America constantly ruin everything for everyone else.
Give Chicago to Canada and be done with it.
It can’t be fixed. They elect the same leaders and get the same results.
No other city in America has these problems on a consistent basis as badly. Not DC or Baltimore. Not even Detroit.
Pray for the families of the fallen. Do nothing else. Nothing can be done until the people have had enough. You can’t save people who keep electing leaders committed to destroying public safety.
Every Independence Day I thank God I’m American. From now on I thank God I’m American and not Chicagoan.
Chicago was once a great city. Now it’s just Afghanistan with worse weather.
We need to send the military into Chicago. We need to stop coddling criminals and start locking them up.
We need to remember that liberty and the pursuit of happiness can’t start without LIFE.
I’ll try and offer a more optimistic message later today. First I need to finish recoiling in horror at what Chicago has become.
Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan have Illinois roots. Getting back to their values is the only solution.
Until then, This is not the America I love. This is not even civilization.

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