Kamala Harris and Chicago: United in Failure

As if Independence Day could not get any worse in Chicago, Kamala Harris has been dispatched there.
For what possible reason? She’s useless. Does she really think (No, I should stop there)…
Does she really think cackling her way through remarks about environmentalism and gender pronouns will fix things?
She is the queen of platitudes. Chicago desperately needs substance, healing and effective leadership. She offers none of that.
When you have nothing to say, say nothing. Say nothing quietly. Don’t be like Kamala Harris and say nothing loudly, badly and endlessly.
She is all talk in a city begging for action.
Don’t compound Chicago’s agony. Don’t bring Harris in.
On Independence Day, give Chicago a chance. Don’t punish them further. Don’t bring in the woman who is anti-police and pro-violent rioters.
Chicago needs people who care about and value human life, not people who worship power and are indifferent to human suffering. They have a Governor and Mayor for that. They don’t need a VP.

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