Somebody Blow up Damascus Today

I used to think Syria was a useless nation that brought nothing positive to anyone, anywhere in the entire civilized world. I now realize that assessment was far too charitable. Uselessness implies a sense of harmless neutrality. Syria makes the world worse. The world needs to eliminate Syria…today.

Another Lebanese anti-Syrian activist was murdered in a homicide bomb attack. Now it is one thing to repress your own people, but this was a protester living in Lebanon. Lebanon is a sovereign nation, and assassinating political leaders is an act of war. Lebanon was once one of the most beautiful nations in the world, so lush with nature that the holy bible itself refers to the Cedars in Lebanon. Lebanon is now a place of misery, and Syria is the cause of that misery. The people of Syria suffer because their government spends its money on bombs to kill innocent civilians in other countries.

Syria has no reason to exist. It has no products or services to offer. Some would argue that Syria should be allowed to exist because it is a nation, a place where people live. Since Syria does not apply that normally reasonable standard to Israel, it is time to simply help Syria enforce its own standards.

Syria has one export, and that is terrorism. It is time for Syria to be given fine quality imports, so that they can do a quality comparison. I am sure that there are people in this world that will talk about negotiations, and the elegant soft power of dimplomacy. That argument would be taken more seriously if the United Nations actually ever accomplished anything useful. This corrupt “Oil for food” loving, America and Israel hating, do nothing peacekeeper raping band of plutocrats seems to have no skills outside of turning a blind eye to world evil. Syria has sat on the human rights commission and the security council.

We could try sanctions, which would never be enforced. We could try talking to these lunatics, which would fall on deaf ears. We could try sending Nancy Pelosi over there, but she would somehow find her way back. The picture of her wearing a burka while announcing Israel had agreed to take steps toward peace (which was news to Israel) was a major victory for the caliphate. The woman who never stops speaking actually agreed to sit silently and adhere to Sharia Law in the name of “customs.”

The answer is not to have US leaders wearing burkas. The answer is to stop the genocidal nutcases that want to enforce everyone in the Western world to wear Burkas. Syria is an unstable nation that desires world instability to distract the world from its own failure on everything from human rights to illegal political assassinations. 

In addition, those weapons of mass destruction that supposedly never existed are most likely buried there. Like Iraq, they do not seem to be interested in cooperating with world investigators. Then again, the world for the most part seems uninterested in investigating anything anyway. After all, if we criticize Syria, how will we be allowed to sit down and sip Mint Medley or Earl Gray Tea with the world’s most delightful opthamolagist (It is ironic that a man who specializes in eyes cannot see the handwriting on the wall or the forest for the trees.)?

Homicide bombers are mercenaries, and all mercenaries have their price. It is time that the US government start using incentives to send the homicide bombers into Damascus. Perhaps when the capitol of Syria is blown to kingdom come, we can turn it into something useful, like a democracy. This seems to be working for Turkey, and is showing signs of functionality in Afghanistan and Iraq.

If the Syrians accuse us of imperialism, we should explain to them that if they do not keep their terrorist loving mouths shut, we will show them real imperialism. McDonalds and Coca Cola will be on every corner. What a horror…forcing them to eat and drink stuff that tastes good.

Negotiation has never worked with these miscreants. Syria needs to be broke in half, and immediately. Or, America can wait until they stop targeting Lebanese leaders and start targeting western leaders.

Syria is a cancer. Let’s remove this lesion, so the Middle East can start to heal. Damascus will not be missed…unless our military overshoots the target and accidentally takes out Iran instead. Like many of you who favor world stability, I can live with that as well.


2 Responses to “Somebody Blow up Damascus Today”

  1. Brian_in_MA says:

    Syria has been a thorn in the side of the West for quite a while, as you have duly noted.

    Syria is just another oil-renting bass-ackwards Muslim nation that, were they not sitting on black gold, no-one would bother talking to them. Like Mugabe’s recently ruined Zimbabwe (His reward: a chair on econimic development at the UN), any time a viscious warmongering dictator (no, not Bush lefty trolls) runs into a problem with the “int’l community,” the PC thing to do is to blame “american imperialism (standard or cultural).”

    The problem is not really that Syria is morally blind, it is that those nations that would police this rogue nation are dead to morality as well. The UN goes to these thugs for security matters, just like they appoint dictators who ruin thier economies and set up a nation ruled by martial law are given chairs on human rights and economic development. They are nothing but a vast gathering of Chamberlains on American soil, and it would be best for the planet if we gathered them all for a fart-sniffing party (that is thier favorite pastime) while towing them out to sea and sinking the barge.

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