Pacifist Jewish Pride and other nonsense

One of the worst pieces of garbage that ever arrived in my inbox was a smug, self-satisfying email from an individual who was so proud that Jews were a bunch of pansies, choosing to turn the other cheek so we can get hit twice. I will spare the explanation of why pacificism is a polite way of asking your opponent to deck you, and let the words of this kumbaya loving leftist speak for itself.

“I’m proud to be a Jew because Jews don’t kidnap.I’m proud to be a Jew because in the middle of a war, Jews still demonstrate and protest to protect the rights of the Arab-Israeli minority to voice their opposition to the war. I’m proud to be a Jew because even when Israel is wrongly and falsely accused of killing innocent civilians, Jewish leaders apologize immediately for any loss of life instead of celebrating these deaths by passing out candy and shooting celebratory gunshots into the air. I’m proud to be a Jew when my army, the Israeli army, drops leaflets and makes calls to Lebanese citizens on their cell phones to warn them to evacuate before bombing begins.”


At this point I feel like taking this pacifist and decking him. What is he going to do, fight back? I will sum up what needs to be done with this individual in three simple words…

GROW A PAIR. Stop being so gracious and thankful that even though the world hates and wants to kill you, that you sleep well at night knowing you do not seek justice. Here is my response to this pacifist.

“I would be proud to be a Jew if: Israel would blow up Damascus tomorrow.I would be proud to be a Jew if we would stop showing our toughness by dropping warning leaflets to our enemies telling them when we are attacking.I Would be proud to be a Jew if we would stop showing our toughness by attacking abandoned empty buildings.I would be proud to be a Jew if the Israeli government would hold a press conference and tell the nations of Europe to “go f*ck themselves.”

I Would be proud to be a Jew if more Jews cared more about Israel than the poor suffering innocent homicidal maniacs known as Palestinians, or as they should be called the worst of the Arabs.I WOULD be proud to be a Jew if the Israeli government had the guts to let the IDF finish what they started.I am proud to be an American because when we have a president whose nation is attacked by Islamofascists, we b*tchslap them in a scorched Earth campaign and hunt every one of those little rats down despite the fact that some Americans are ashamed to be Americans.

I Would be proud to be a Jew if my fellow Jews would stand up and say what needs to be said: we are at war, and the only goal of a war is to win.

Until then…Dear Pacifist Jews…You are wasting my time and money.You want the world to like you. They never will. I am not going to spend another minute caring about you until you care about yourselves.”

I actually am quite proud to be a Jew, but this is despite Jewish pacifists, not because of them. Israel exists because in several wars we took our enemies and kicked the cr@p out of them. No, this is not eloquent. I am not sophisticated. Then again, if I had to be trapped in a foxhole, I would rather be next to an Army Ranger rather than some peace loving human shield who will get us both killed.

I guess “Thank you sir, may I have another, only this time make it fatal,” is not in my vocabulary. Nobody likes war. I hate war. I love life, and the way to enjoy life is to actually be and stay alive.

May God Bless the Israeli Defense Forces, and American soldiers everywhere. They may not be pacifists, but boy do they contribute to world peace, one dead terrorist at a time.


5 Responses to “Pacifist Jewish Pride and other nonsense”

  1. Brian_in_MA says:

    I believe my standard response to the “Peace! Out of (wherever) Now!” shouters is “Support Peace! Kill Terrorists!”

    “War solves nothing!”
    “Except stopping German and Russian megalomaniacs!”

    “Give Peace a Chance!”
    “Tell that to ‘Push Isreal into the Sea’ Ahmedinijad!”

  2. bob and merrill says:

    This Israeli government doesn’t seem to remember that you can’t swat yellow jackets, you must remove their nest—and without apology.

  3. benning says:

    The fact that Israel is now governed lock,stock, and barrel by Leftists is evident in the weak reponse to the Lebanese Action. Rather than pound the living daylights out of the Terrorists, Syrians, and assorted Muslim supporters of Death, Israel attempted a measured response that failed utterly. And left kidnapped soldiers in the hands of the animals.

    Want failure and destruction? Elect Leftists to lead you. Sheesh!

  4. stevereenie says:


    This is extremely accurate. I think it is time for Olmert to go …….. Next Stop Lauderdale

  5. I recently asked a question at my place: why do Jews vote Democrat? I received several answers – a couple in the comments and several by email. One especially struck me. He said: “the answer is that most Jews don’t really vote ‘as Jews’, they vote the way Americans of their background and class do.”

    I hadn’t thought of it that way. The State of Israel is at stake and the Free World, as well. Another commenter said, it’s committing Israeli National Suicide to vote Democrat.

    A conservative vote from a majority of Jewish Americans will make a huge difference.

    Maggie’s Notebook

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