2008 Republican Convention Day 1–Magnificent Minneapolis Mayhem

The Tygrrrr Express is partying in Minneapolis. It has been a thrill ride a minute.

Yes, this has been an unorthodox start to the convention, but there are so many things to see and do. Memories to last a lifetime are the rule, not the exception.

First of all, I am sleeping at a sportsbar in Downtown Minneapolis known as “Centerfield.” Brad is the owner, Josh is his son, and they make fabulous pizza. I have to say, if sleeping in a sportsbar sound fun…it is.


As for the convention itself, below is a very paper thin recap of what has turned into a fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Gustav. After that, some more adventures occurred, including clashes with leftist protesters and a police escort home for me and a friend.

First Lady Laura Bush:

“Our first priority is the safety and well being of those in the Gulf Coast region. Gustav is a reminder that we are first all Americans. Shared ideals will transcend partisanship.”

Texas Governor Rick Perry:

“The people of Texas are helping the people of Louisiana. We are prepared to take them in.”

Alabama Governor Bob Riley:

“As the expression says, we look not at what is before us or behind us, but what lies within us. We will come together because of the collective greatness of our people. The storms will not shake our will. The National Guard soldiers are displaying the values that shape our nation.”

Florida Governor Charlie Crist:

“Hurricane Fay left our state last week. We mourn the 14 Floridians lost in Hurricane Fay. Floridians are not asking what party one belongs to. They ask how we can help. Neighbors are helping neighbors.”

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour:

“We have felt your prayers. We need them, and we appreciate them. We will never forget the generosity.”

There was universal praise for Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who for obvious reasons did not have time to tape a statement. There was also widespread praise for President Bush. The Federal Government and the states affected have been in close cooperation and coordination.

None of the Governors announced to the world that they were “so overwhelmed.” They simply got down to business. These Republican Governors are capable, competent, and on top of things.

As for interviews, I interviewed radio hosts Hugh Hewitt and Armstrong Williams, as well as former Indiana Senator Dan Coats. I met Kansas Senator Sam Brownback, who is an incredibly nice man. Also, even though I had interviewed her by email, I finally met Townhall reporter Amanda Carpenter in person. I briefly met Mitt Romney, who I have met before. He was his usual gracious and friendly self. Later today I will be doing a blogger event with Fred Thompson, as well as meeting some Republican Governors.

Before leaving the convention center, I ended up accidentally stumbling into a meeting of “Catholics for McCain.” They knew I was Jewish, but we are all good republicans. Heck, they fed me. I had not had an ounce of food until 5:30pm, and the bread of affliction tasted delicious. Later today I will be attending a Jewish party in one of the luxury boxes in the XCEL Convention Center, and look forward to seeing my new Catholic friends again.

After the convention, the protester were out not in full force, but in quarter force at best.

I had fun with them. I even offered to bring a razor to the convention to shave the beards of the men and the underarms of the women. This was after they said mean words my mother would not condone.

One protester complained that we were in a police state that used military tactics on civilians. I told them that they were wrong, because I pleaded with the police to use brute force, and they refused. They would not use tear gas or rubber bullets. So I guess democracy is alive, even for scum. The protesters continued to yell about fascism, and the police still would not validate their opinions. I was hoping they would have the sequel to Kent State just long enough for protesters to grasp what freedom means.

I told one protester, “You have the right to speak. I have the right to say that you are full of garbage. Notice I did not curse. That is civilized discourse.”

As for the anti-semites that make up Code Pink, I pointed out that Jews are leftists for the most part, and to engage in anti-semitic rhetoric was stupid.

When asked by Ron Paul supporters about him, I explained that I did not care about black transvestites.

I even offered to give leftists protesters a hug. Most refused. I asked them if they were for peace, and they said they were. They explained they could not hug a republican. When I explained that peace has to mean everybody, they tried to protest, since they are protesters. However I loudly announced that my feelings were hurt, and that they would not hug for peace.

Some of my escapades were videotaped, and I should be on You Tube soon. My poor parents may have to go into hiding.

One leftist protester made a remark about Sarah Palin’s daughter getting pregnant at age 17. I refuse to cover this non-story the same way I refused to cover Al Gore’s son committing actual crimes.

I told the protester that the media should leave Sarah Palin’s daughter alone, and the same goes for Al Gore’s son, the Bush twins, and Chelsea Clinton (until she entered the arena). I told him it was a disgrace to go after Mary Cheney. The man agreed, and we shook hands. I told every protester that they were my opponent, not my enemy. Some of them got it. Others are what they are.

Lastly, at the end of the night, the inability to figure out the bus schedule had us asking police officers for cab information. Instead, they offered to drive us back to Centerfield Sportsbar. It was awesome. We had our own convoy.

The good news was that they gave us a ride. The bad news, in their own words, were that “it would be in a minivan.” They felt bad for us. They know we wanted the whole police officer squad car with the sirens blaring type of thing. It was not to be. We would have taken pictures of us in the back of the squad car. Instead we just took photos of us with the officer. He reminded is that he was not a member of Minnesota’s finest, but Minneapolis’s finest. Other cities were to get no credit.

Today will be more thrills.

On to the next adventure.


11 Responses to “2008 Republican Convention Day 1–Magnificent Minneapolis Mayhem”

  1. “None of the Governors announced to the world that they were “so overwhelmed.” They simply got down to business. These Republican Governors are capable, competent, and on top of things.”


    Have you ever actually lived in a Red State?

    Let’s take a look at the states you cited…

    Current Expenditures ($) per Student in Public K-12 Schools, 2004-05
    Rank State 2004-05

    41 TEXAS 7,310
    42 FLORIDA 7,181
    43 ALABAMA 7,028
    48 MISSISSIPPI 6,452

    In the, “2006-2007 Smartest State Award” – http://www.statestats.com/edrank06.htm – Texas ranked 25, Florida 29, Alabama 45 and Mississippi 48!

    And household income rankings? – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States

    If you include DC, Mississippi ranks 51!!! Alabama 47, Texas 38, and Florida 33.

    It goes on and on like this. In almost every way you look at it, the standard of living, social ills, drop-out rates, obesity, poverty – you name it – the Red States are the worst in the country. Haley Barbour has done NOTHING to repair Mississippi after the last hurricane. Louisiana sufferd 75% of the damage, but Barbour, used his GOP cred to get the majority of the federal relief funds for Mississippi – and to do what with it? Set up casinos where the people used to live! And then Barbour, has the gall to say that Louisiana was getting it’s fair share and put the blame on their state government!


  2. Laree says:


    Are you getting any photos, I would love to see some pics of you at the Republican convention maybe some of the candidates.

    The upcoming baby is not a tragedy. It’s a human interest story, the same kind you watch on We, Oxygen and Lifetime for Women. (Now there is a Voting Demographic that the Palins will Appeal to) I think they should put up a moderated website, where people can leave their well wishes for the family and the upcoming new addition. I would put a section in like a baby registry for a charity, for young women who don’t have Bristol’s loving support to help them. I like People, you know Humans. Human Life struggles to enter the World everyday. I say Welcome Newcomers.

    Sarah Palin is mighty impressive, she is like a speeding snowball, moving faster everyday, and picking up support.

    I really wish I could see some of the sites and sounds, does your cell phone take photos or video? Even some rough snapshots would be welcome.

  3. infidel308 says:

    The Ramsey County Jail bookings from the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

    386 bookings. 3 for Sexual Offenses, 45 DWI (or DUI for some of you) with 2 of them underage, 4 of the DWI between 9am and 1130am. And 14 for having Meth or pot. The rest is riot, theft etc.

    These people ARE NOT the Democrats I knew of years ago. What has happened?
    Is the story lets do some meth, drive drunk to vote for Obama and commit sexual crimes along the way?

  4. infidel308 says:

    Oh, and yes, the Twin Cities are kinda boring so I understand the early morning drinking.

  5. infidel308 says:

    And ask the protestors if they are from Edina. You will get some good and dirty looks.

    Edina is a suburb bordering west Mpls. It is also an inside joke, so ask someone what Edina stands for.

  6. Infidel, those booking stats you cite look like any from any typical day in any metro area (if anything, a little low).

    And exacty what Democratic party did you “know of years ago?” The party of George Wallace? Lester Maddox? Strom Thurmond?

    And since when are protesters at a convention necessarily members of the party they’re protesting? Most protesters I’ve seen and known are independents, Greens, “anarchists,” or just unaligned.

    And last night guys? What a pile of shmaltz.


  7. Oosp, I meant, “members of the party, or oppostion party, they’re protesting”…


  8. infidel308 says:

    It is mostly Libertarian if not Dems, and yes some Greenies and anarchists I am sure.
    The booking stats are for the convention only, and I will give you a full 1% plus and say that 4 of the protestors were repubs. The repubs I know of protest by not voting, not acting like idiots. You on the other hand, engage in discussion. So even if I don’t agree with you, you are not an idiot.
    I guess the Dems of ‘years ago’ that I was referring too was people like Rudy Perpich, who I am sure you never heard of, but he always got my vote for Gov. because he was a big education supporter. But also have met Sen. Biden and Graham, and I liked both. As I have gotten older my Independence has leaned to the right. Sorry.

  9. Hey, don’t be sorry. To each his own. ;)

    Rightwingers protest quite a bit too – usually about what other people want to legally do in their bedrooms or with their bodies. Protesting is a healthy excercise of democracy. Far from idiocy, I would call it true patriotism. Staying home from the vote, to me, is callously irresponsible and anti-American. Whether or not I agree with a given protester, I applaud them for protesting. If more people protested, maybe this country wouldn’t be in the lousy shape it’s in today.


  10. Micky 2 says:

    Yea, but its always the left that throwa protest that conflicts directly with its main message.
    Freedom of speech ?
    The protestors will make sure that no one can argue with them by chasing them off stage or shouting them down.
    Peace ? Anti war ?
    And they end up getting into bloddy fights with cops, they destroy things and create anarchy in the streets and even at congressioinal hearings.
    They protest the war and then argue for the right to kill human life forms with heartbeats..
    200 + got arressted at the GOP yesterday.
    I dont recall anyone getting popped outside then Dems convention.

    Immaturity clearly resides on one side of the political spectrum

  11. […] – 2008 Republican Convention Day 1–Magnificent Minneapolis Mayhem saved by MichaelJacksonsWife2008-10-16 – FASCISM – THE POLICE STATE IS REAL IN ST PAUL AT THE RNC […]

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