My Interview With Senator Rick Santorum

I had the pleasure of meeting former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

Other events took place yesterday. I attended a concert at the XCEL Center featuring country music stalwart Lee Greenwood. I truly get misty eyed when he sings “God Bless the USA.”

Another event occurred that was so controversial that I will need a couple days to discuss it. It involved the David Zucker movie “An American Carol.” For ethical reasons, I am holding back my comments for several days until I can elaborate.

As for the convention itself, everything is in a state of flux. I am supposed to attend an event with several Governors. I also have a bloggers roundtable with a couple Senators. These events may be postponed, but human life supercedes entertainment and partying. If the republican party wants to talk about life, it must step up strong regarding Hurricane Gustav, since the 2005 debacle involving Katrina (which I still blame on Louisiana Democrats, but perception is what counts) is one reason why the Republican Party lost the 2006 elections. Conventions are fun, but rolling up sleeves and getting to work, especially in matters of life and death, must come first. It is about governing.

As for interviews, I interviewed several people, and the highlight was Senator Santorum. I ran into him by chance, and he was gracious enough to do a spur of the moment interview.

1) What are the most important issues of the 2008 Election?

RS: Barack Obama, Barack Obama, Barack Obama. He is completely unprepared. He is the most liberal Senator to ever seek the White House.

2) What are the most important issues to you personally?

RS: The war is most important. We have to win. We cannot accept a policy of retreat and surrender. Obama does not understand how to go about winning this war. Iraq is the central front in the War on Terror. Islamic terrorism must be defeated. Also, Obama’s economic policies would deliver economic body blows to our economy. He will increase the power of government. He will increase taxes. He will increase mandatory spending. He will bring an entirely new welfare state. He will do damage to economic growth by mandating new regulations and standards. His plan will bring about economic devastation.

3) Who are your 3 favorite political heroes?

RS: I really don’t have political heroes. I admire many people, but none that I would put in the category of heroes. I obviously respect Ronald Reagan. One person I thoroughly enjoyed working with was former Indiana Senator Dan Coats. He was good.

4) How would you like to be remembered? What would you want people to say about Rick Santorum the person?

RS: He did what he thought was right for the good of America.

I would like to thank Senator Santorum for his time and his graciousness. He was a fighter for the people of Pennsylvania, and our entire nation would benefit from him returning to public service in a higher capacity.


One Response to “My Interview With Senator Rick Santorum”

  1. I notice Santorum is not scheduled to speak at the RNC. Is there any truth to the rumor that he’s speaking at the Paul convention tomorrow?


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