Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano–More Homeland Insecurity

It is now official. Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano have a view of protecting and defending our nation that is totally imbecilic.

New York was the victim of a potentially lethal terrorist attack yesterday.

By sheer dumb luck…yes, dumb luck…a bomb failed to go off.

Faisal Shahzad was eventually caught trying to flee the country. Holder and Napolitano held a press conference where they nearly broke their arms patting each other on the back. They were so pleased with themselves that they nearly snapped each other’s backsides with towels.

The fact that the guy was captured is a ridiculously small victory that the administration is eager to overstate as proof of doing a good job. They simply said they did a good job, and we are supposed to blindly accept that.

The press conference of self-praise was pathetic.

The Radical Islamist was never referred to as such. Nothing about Radical Islam was mentioned.

He was repeatedly referred to as a “Naturalized U.S. Citizen.” What the hell does that mean?

He successfully got past all law enforcement and got a bomb into Times Square.

He also successfully got past airport security and got on a plane despite being on the no fly list.

Eric Holder said he “was never in any fear or danger of losing him.”

Are you kidding me?

They kept saying that he was providing “useful information.” They just wouldn’t discuss what that information was.

The guy was given his Miranda rights.

There is only one thing to do at this point.

Can we please bring the adults back to the White House?

After 9/11, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney cracked down. Nothing even close to this happened on their watch.

In 7 years, President Bush and Vice President Cheney kept us safe.

In one year Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Janet Napolitano have reversed successful Bush policies. The result of those reversals is getting us killed.

We had one successful terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas. People were killed. It was connected to Radical Islam. This was unmentioned.

A plane nearly blew up over Michigan. The terrorist successfully got on the plane. The bomb failed to detonate. We got lucky. This was connected to Radical Islam. This was unmentioned.

Now we have another Islamofascist bomb plot. Islamofascism was not mentioned.

No, I am not waiting for more deaths so I can celebrate the idiocy of the people running our government.

I want them to wake up right now and “get it” before the country blows up.

We have a bunch of children from the Age of Aquarius running our country. They have repeatedly proven that they are not up to the job of keeping us safe. They have repeatedly failed.

Homeland insecurity is going to continue until the people in Never Never Land running our nation admit that America is at war, and that war is with Radical Islam.

We need to use racial profiling at airports. We need to use tough interrogation techniques such as waterboarding. In extreme cases, and this qualifies, some back room behavior nearing the lines of torture might be appropriate.

If we are not willing to use torture, we should turn this guy over to the Pakistani government, and let them do whatever they want to him.

At the very least, leave Guantanamo Bay open and place him there.

Eric Holder did not even mention the death penalty for the guy. Apparently letting taxpayers cover his prison expenses is appropriate for this ACLU loving Attorney General. He should be demoted to Attorney Private.

We need to stop putting public appearances and piety over our safety. Barack Obama’s job is not to be the beloved world prince. His job is to defend America only.

We as Americans don’t need to be lectured by Holder about how we have to be vigilant. We already are vigilant. It is our government that needs to do its job.

We are on defense right now. We are being reactive. We need to capture and kill the bad guys before the bomb ever makes its way to our city.

We need to be on offense in the War on Terror.

We need George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

They kept us safe.

Obama, Holder, and Napolitano are going to get us all killed.

They just don’t get it.


17 Responses to “Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano–More Homeland Insecurity”

  1. Dav Lev says:

    Eric has it all confused. This act was a Zionist plot to further erode
    US support of Israel

    The so-called “naturalized citizen” was taught in a Mossad training
    camp somewhere in the Negev, according to my reliable sources.

    He had been approached by Israel’s intelligence service, to blow up
    a vital economic area in the USA, whether NYC, or Los Angeles
    or San Franicisco, or Dallas or Atlanta, etc.

    He could blend in the crowd, and did not have to worry about profiling,
    with all the controvery swirling around this contentious issue ( see
    Arizona’s new law and the mayor of Los Angeles criticism and
    boycott of Arizonians.

    But, alas and alak, the bomb didn’t go off. Had it been successful,
    the Taliban would have accused Zionists of purposely infuriorating
    the US public against the peace loving Muslims throughout the M.E,
    from Algeria to Iran.

    Speaking of Iran, hows bout that Ahmad. He blames the US for
    using atomic bombs during WW2. Oh how awful.

    I’m sure he also has inferred that the “bomb ” was the product of
    Jewish-Zionist scientists, like Einstein and Oppenheimer.

    According to him (see Charlie Rose interview), the fault lies with
    Obama, who, by refusing to meet with him last year, created the current
    mess. After all, Iran’s enrichment program is for peaceful purposes only
    and it is the Jewish state that has dozens of nuclear warheads. How unfair.

    And the Islamic treachery goes on and on and on…

    But have no fear guys, one of these days, an attempt will be successful,
    but then again, it’s those darn Zionists plotting and scheming.

  2. Micky 2 says:

    Just as with the underwear bomber the present administration gets no credit for stopping these monsters. It wasnt the Obama adminstration that stopped this guy. It was ordinary American citizens who had their lights on and did what needed to be done.
    Being from Pakistan and going thru the ropes of attaining citizenship no attention was paid to him as he traveled to Pakistan for bomb making instructions.
    This guy like the underwear bomber and Hasan slipped thru Obams crack into the PC oblivion thats just as much a threat as the terrorists themselves.

  3. “By sheer dumb luck…yes, dumb luck…a bomb failed to go off.”

    Not true. There was nothing “dumb about this insident except the bomb-maker. The bomb was never going to “go off.”

    “They kept saying that he was providing “useful information.” They just wouldn’t discuss what that information was.”

    Hypocrisy. If he had explained what that “useful information” was, we all be up in arms at how stupid he was for revealing it!

    “After 9/11, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney cracked down. Nothing even close to this happened on their watch.

    In 7 years, President Bush and Vice President Cheney kept us safe.”

    AFTER 9/11… LOL! Gee, you’d think the worst terrorist attack in our entire history would be bad enough!

    But this is also NOT TRUE. There was the anthrax attacks. The EL Al attack. The DC snipers. And the Fort Hood attack was committed by a terrorist already in our midst during the Bush administration.

    This entire post is untrue. Nothing but partisan bashing. Very disappointing. You’d think a serious issue like terrorism would bring out the better in us.


  4. Micky 2 says:

    “But this is also NOT TRUE. There was the anthrax attacks. The EL Al attack. The DC snipers. And the Fort Hood attack was committed by a terrorist already in our midst during the Bush administration.’

    DC sniper, anthrax were domestics, not a theological movement thats killed thousands of Americans across the decades. Huge differenceholmes, huge.
    For 1 1/2 years Hasan was operating under the Obama administration making most of his connections to clerics in that period. It was this admin. that promoted him instead of questioning him.

    “You’d think a serious issue like terrorism would bring out the better in us.”

    yeah… ya think ?

    The better in us ?
    These morons on the left wont even call a freaking terrorist a terrorist.
    They want to give rights reserved only for American citizens.
    They wont even call the attacks what they are and instead rome the planet giving apologetic a$$ kissing speechs to the exact ones who want us deader than ever.Going so far as to even allow the muslim brotherhood to sit up front and center during those speechs.
    Their representatives slander our troops by calling them murderers and being reminescent of Gheghis Khan.
    They drag our troops to court based on the lies of those terrorist who burn , beat, drag and hang our citizens off of bridges.

    some of them are so delusional they think the analogy of them being unrult children and you talk about ” bringing out the better”?

    have a seat…. please

  5. Micky 2 says:

    Oh, and by the way, which is it ?
    You can blame Bush for 911
    But Obama doesnt have to take the rap for attacks o his watch.

    Get your sht together would you ?

  6. I’m not saying anything about Obama. What did I say about Obama? I’m just asying that what ERIC IS SAYING IS NOT TRUE.

    And does it matter if the terrorists are foreign or domestic? Is there a difference in your mind between a foreign Islamist attack and a domestic Islamist attack? Isn’t this shaping up to be a domestic Islamist attack anyway?

    Oh yeah, and I forgot about the SUV attack at Chapel Hill!

    Again, this post is WRONG. And it’s extremely disappointing. You’d think at least this one issue could be above partisan trifling.


  7. Oh, and let me say this: The VAST majority of the people working on terrorism – law enforcement, intelligence, the military, justice – are the SAME people that have been doing it for years now. They’re doing the best they can. Every time you cons bash the effort to fight terrorism, you are bashing the good men and women who spend every day trying to keep us safe. Shame on you.


  8. Here’s what I’ve come to expect from this site – the BEST conservative blog on the web – a smart, if a little testosterony, conservative op page. Like Sir Charles, or Will, or the Late Great William F, meet Buchwald or Twain or Rogers. No, of course I will not be some agreeable sycophant – I’m a friggin liberal! But I expect the level of argument to be up to par with those greats. Yes, I know Our Good Host is a young, upstart political activist and satirist, so I don’t expect the sort of dry, high-brow, aristocratic rhetoric from some of the great conservatives of the past. But this isn’t the past anymore! I know Eric is reaching out to the new world we have today. But reaching out to the low-brows, the hyper-partisans, the sound-bite feeders – that should be beneath him. And that’s why this post, like just a few others over the past few years, disappoints me. He knows better and he’s capable of making a better point – regardless of whether little ol’ idiotic I disagree with it.


  9. Micky 2 says:

    “And does it matter if the terrorists are foreign or domestic? ‘

    Uhh, yeah.
    One is a committed organization of a much much greater threat as has been well documented.
    The other is usually a lone wolf from the fringe of either side posing a one time threat only. They are or all have been apprehended during, before or after their attempts.
    Radical Islamists are like freaking cockroachs. You kill one theres a hundred more hiding all across the planet now without ever being to the middle east. The ideology is spreading like a plague.
    But you, in your original arguement pointed to domestic “american” terrorism stemming from the fringes of either side and now you’re trying to obfuscate or change your meaning to “domestic radical iaslamists”
    Thats not what you assertrd in the beggining by mentioning the DC sniper.
    Oh, his name was Mohammed. He was a Muslim. But not that of a radical sect.
    Actually his reason was one not one of Jihad but actually a convoluted plan to get his family back.

    “I expect the level of argument to be up to par with those greats.”

    When are you going to catch up ?

  10. Well, I agree with everything you said up to the half-point there. The point I was trying to make was that there are domestic and foreign (and everything in between) Islamist terrorists, and then all the others. Terrorism is terrorism, right? As for Eric’s point, I don’t see how he was getting at what you’re talking about.


  11. OH! And how’ve you been?!?!?!


  12. Micky 2 says:

    Just went under the knife to have my chemo port removed.
    I’m healthy and cancer free.
    Kicking the morphine, 400 mgs a day for 5 months, was the hardest part.

    Thanks for asking

  13. Micky 2 says:

    “Terrorism is terrorism, right? ”
    Not really, you can inflict terror on one individual or a mass but theres definately different kinds of terror. Some effects only a certain sect or some brings entire nations to their knees.
    I’ll worry more about those that want to anialate and obliterate our entire country and its people as opposed to the singular rogue nut who just wants to take a government building to make a statement.
    Eco terrorists, Bill Ayers disciples, McVeighs, unibombers, whatever, do deserve utmost attention but still not at the levels that radical Islam deserves
    they are not these massive world wide etities with massive populationsthat all follow the same theological ideals.
    Lets put it this way.
    I’m more afraid of radical organized religion than I am of guys like Joseph Stack

  14. Well, I hope you start feeling better soon and best wishes to you and yours!

    Well, I agree that not all terrorism is the same, in the sense that different groups pose different risks. I do not, however, worry too much “about those that want to anialate and obliterate our entire country and its people,” because there isn’t anyone out there who poses such a threat.


  15. Micky 2 says:

    Whether you belive so or not is really irrelevant.
    The fact is the obliteration is their intent as they’ve clearly attempted and displayed.
    Iran wants to rid the world of the great satan.
    UBL has promised to collapse our country from a economic aspect.
    We are spending an awful lot of money here and abroab fighting these guys. Hes probanly looking at ours and the worlds economy in chaos and willing to take advantage of a good crisis by ramping things up as weve seen lately.
    Dont get too complacent thinking no one poses such a threat.
    They are very well postured to do so.
    If our defenses were half what they’ve been I doubt you’d be saying that.

  16. Micky 2 says:

    You have to admit. Radicalized organized religion, crusades, radical Islam, etc has been the single largest killer in our history outside of disease and natural disasters. Nazi Germany was an ideology just as dangerous as any theocracy out of hand. That doctrine was handed down to and adopted by the Muslim brootherhood only for UBL to adhere to.
    Very dangerous stuff.

    If you’ve never seen the Southpark episode where Cartman trying get his hands on the Nintendo WII game console accidentaly ends up in the future only to be caught in the middle of two Atheist Otter tribes at war over a name for their establishment/movement/government you dont know what you’re missing.
    Its freaking hilarious while making a point that you can pretty much radiclize the masses over anything without a belief in any diety present.
    Hulu probably has it.
    Its a must, probably South parks best ever

  17. blacktygrrrr says:


    Thank God your health is on the mend. Everything else is unimportant. Get back to 100% soon.

    Also, that South Park episode between warring atheist groups over who is the one true group of non-believers…an absolute riot.

    Towelie is hilarious.

    eric :)

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