Eric Holder’s Mystery Illness

From Iran to Arizona, Attorney General Eric Holder has been engaging in very strange behavior.

First he rejected the very concept of Radical Islam, since that does not fit a leftist narrative as pleasantly as the fictional lunacy that would be an 80 year old grandmother in a wheelchair bombing New York City due to her unhappiness with everything from reduced Medicare to reduced flavor in packets of Sweet n Low.

Then Mr. Holder spoke passionately against an Arizona law before conceding that he had not read or been briefed on it. He believes that the law will have unintended consequences. This would be revolutionary except that every law has unintended consequences. This is definitional.

I have now come to the conclusion that Eric Holder is suffering from a debilitating illness. I have not determined what his affliction is, but I have narrowed it down to four suspects.

1)    Glaucoma

2)    Diabetes

3)    Tertiary Stage Syphillis

4)    Self-love addiction below the waist.

(Regarding #4, this blog has a policy of not discussing stuff like that. It is just something people should not talk about. Only twice has it ever been a political issue, first with the enthusiastic support of Jocelyn Elders, and now with Mr. Holder. This is not to be confused with the metaphorical version of self-love that infects many liberals including the Clintons and the Obamas.)

All of these illnesses have the same tragic effect in many victims: blindness.

Eric Holder is blind.

Buy the man a cane and a guide dog. He cannot see the forest for the trees or the jihadists for the bombs.

It might not be his fault. Perhaps he had a laundry mishap and inhaled the bleach. That is certainly better than what happens when one gets what rapper Biz Markie calls “the vapors.”

There could be a musical element. It can’t be breakdancing, which in the 1980s did plenty of damage to the skulls and vision of kids spinning on their heads. Mr. Holder was most likely coming of age long before “Breaking 2 Electric Boogaloo” came out.

Mr. Holder is not going to have any improvements in his vision. Obamacare does not cover elective procedures such as vision restoration or cranial-glutial extraction surgery.

So why does this matter? Why should we care if Mr. Holder is found on the street corner with a tin cup and a dog with a sign that reads “will ignore common sense?”

It matters because Mr. Holder is entrusted with the top law enforcement job in America. If he lacks credibility, he cannot effectively do his job.

The American people do not trust or believe in him. He thinks that if he ignores the words “Radical Islam,” that swaths of Americans will as well.

Hoping and praying is not a game plan.

Mr. Holder and Mr. Obama want to take the fight to an enemy without acknowledging who or what the enemy actually is. Trying to insist that a rum and coke is made of Vodka and apple juice is about as sensible as insisting that crimes committed by Radical Islamists were really tea party reactions from Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh watchers worried about excessive government spending.

So why do Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder persist?

They are ideologues. Mr. Obama indignantly insisted that he was not one. Richard Nixon insisted he was not a crook. Bill Clinton waved his finger and swore that he did not have sex with “that woman.” Getting self-righteous means the charge is usually true.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder have predetermined liberal opinions. They speak in a moderate tone, but discount opposing views. I challenge people to find examples of Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder incorporating significant viewpoints into their tone and speech.

It is one thing to have an ideology. I am a conservative. It is quite another to be an ideologue, where one is “reflexively” ideological.

Acknowledging opposing points of views allows people to grow and resharpen their focus. The Obama approach is to be static in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence.

Radical Islam is the problem. Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder know this, but will not publicly admit it. They clearly see the problem.

Then again, maybe they are truly blind. The only question is what causes willful blindness. Is it syphilis or self-love down there?

Is this a canker problem, a shanker problem, or a wanker problem?

Whatever it is, I am not interested in the root cause of Mr. Holder’s malady.

This illness of his does not require penicillin or therapy or surgery.

Mr. Holder needs to simply snap out of it. For those not blind or dead from the neck up, it really is that easy.

Liberals become conservatives when they get mugged. Radical Islam opened our eyes on September 11th, 2001. Only those with their heads in posterior located clouds cannot see this.

Come to think of it, having your head up your hide also causes blindness.

We can get Mr. Holder better once we figure out where to administer the thermometer.


11 Responses to “Eric Holder’s Mystery Illness”

  1. Micky 2 says:

    I dont see how anyone anywhere can not dismiss this idiot.
    I’m getting tired of cringing my forehead

  2. At first I wasn’t sure what this was about, but then I remembered that silly give and take between Holder and that useless idiot Lamar Smith last week. Smith pressed Holder to assert that “Radical Islam” is the primary cause of terrorism, in particular the recent Times Square bungled attempt, and for Holder to use the word “war” in regards to fighting terrorism. Holder wasn’t going to entertain that level of pandering stupidity.

    The rightwing-o-sphere jumped all over this but the rest of the media ignored it, as it’s already been long since established that the Obama administration decided to put the old Bush/GOP GWOT rhetoric to bed. First, Obama and Co did not want to sound like Bush and Co. That was a marketing decision – both in marketing the message to us and abroad. They’re trying to send the message to the world, “We are not the retarded reactionaries of the past.” Second, there is a school of thought, that may well be right, that using words like “war” and tying terrible behavior like terrorism to religion, only emboldens the terrorists and raises their status and credibility.

    So, our god host is wrong on both counts – no, Obama annd Holder are not blind, and no, they are not so simple-minded as to think that “Radical Islam” is the root cause of terrorism. Religion is rarely the or even a root cause of anything. When times are good, religion is pretty much moot, harmless, negligible. However, when times are bad, or scary, or confusing, or troubling, Religion can become a very problematic aggravating factor. People turn to religion to resolve their problems, but religion never actually does. In fact, it usually makes things worse. Here we see Republicans trying to make a really bad thing even worse. As usual. The GOP pursues this destructive course because A) they’re pandering t Christians, and B) they love war. War makes a lot of money for their friends. So, making things worse fits right into their politics.


  3. Dav Lev says:

    Holder’s view is similar to those of many Americans just prior to WW2, that is, NAZIsm is not a threat (except of course to the hapless Poles,
    Russians, French and of course we Jews and gypsies).

    BTW, of the 15% of the US populations which didn’t want to go to war with Germany, many were, of course, we Jews (wonder why?). Oh those German American Bundists, great people, blond, blued eyed, tall, handsome, superior.

    In fact, while Germany was making more and more laws to allow for the
    final solution, US Jews wanted a boycott of German goods to protest.
    Hitler responded that if the US waged war on Germany, worldwide Jewry
    would hang. He almost accomplished his goal.

    But, let’s not forget that we DID NOT declare on Germany, just the opposite. True, we didn’t appreciate Japans’ attacks on Pearl Harbor,
    and Roosevelt made his speech subsequently before Congress AND we
    sent planes, warships and guns to the Brits..and helped them fight
    the London bombings, with hoses.

    Germany, according to historians, felt the US would not fight..and didn’t really care who we chose to wage war against, either it or Japan. It was believed the US was a paper tiger..the Japs knew differently.

    But let’s face it, Churchills controversial attack on the French fleet
    off of Algeria, encouraged Roosevelt. It also took away the 4th arm of
    the Axis addition to the German, Italian and Japanese fleets.
    Had Churchill NOT attacked, who knows?

    Why didn’t the French commander scuttle the fleet? Why did
    he risk the lives of 1200 sailors?

    Why didn’t Hitler send his Waffen SS divisions against the Allies
    at Normandy. Why? Why did he think the attack would be to the north?
    Why? Why didn’t he destroy the Brits and French at Dunkirk?
    Why did he bomb London instead of the British airbases? Why?
    Why did he chase out the Jewish scientists, allowing US the atom bomb?
    Why? Why did he invade Russia to Moscow? Why?

    Had he done any of the above, Eric would not today be a blogger.
    I would not post. My liberal friends would be lampshades or worse.
    We would all be speaking the language of the Huns. No Russ in Los
    Angeles or New York or Florida. Or as some say, Hotsy, Totsy, Im a NAZI.

    Remember, there were, and still are, sympathizers of Hitler in the USA.
    Iran proudly says the Holocaust never happened. Some Germans say
    those dead images were German soldiers and civilians. The deniers say
    that no way could Germany have murdered 11m..not enough fuel.
    The body fat was the fuel. The US and England bombed innocent
    civilians in Dresden..shame, shame.

    Our excuses for President and Attorney General wanted the trial of
    the Muslim thugs to be held near the WTC locations. That is a stone’s throw from the Lower Eastside, home to thousands of those people
    who were hated the most by the 19. (Are you listening Times Square
    wannabe bomber?)

    Gitmo was to be closed, with the detainees relocated to areas
    in the States, which wanted to make a buck off of them.
    One spot was near Newburgh, NY, the location of Hyde Park (Roosevelt’s
    former home).

    I say, let’s put them in the LA Federal prison, downtown. Then watch
    the fur fly between the various minority groups. Or, hows about
    in a liberal area (save Darfur, the seals, the Palestinians), like Beverly Hills or Venice. CA).

    I’m just kidding of course.

    This is the bottom line: Holden/Obama/Biden/Pelosi/ Boxer are
    just pandering to the Arabs. They want them to like US.
    After all, if no Israel or USA, the Sunnis would not be fighting the Shias,
    or the Taliban vs the Karzai government, or the Sudanese fighting the blacks in their midst, or the Thais fighting the Thais. Pakistan would have
    nor worries over it’s insurgency..and be free to take on the Hindus.

    The Iranian protestors would be breaking pita bread with Ahmad, a really
    nice guy, sans the Zionist state and the big devil (USA).
    Iran would destroy it’s centrifuges..I mean, no Israel, no need to spin.

    Speaking of spin, now Iran says it will make a deal, through Brazil and
    Turkey, to exchange fuel rods. Therefore, why the sanctions?

    And I will sell you the Brooklyn, Bridge, cheap.

  4. Micky 2 says:

    “Holder wasn’t going to entertain that level of pandering stupidity.”

    You wanna talk about stupidity ?
    “Little green men” are stealing and flying planes loaded with passengers into buildings and you fu**ing idiots wont call them “little green men”

    Its Radical Islam” thats been attacking us.
    Not “man made disasters”.
    By that logic every liberal and con would have to refered to as a “man made disaster” also.

    Now that is ….. stoooooooooopid

  5. Micky 2 says:

    “the Obama administration decided to put the old Bush/GOP GWOT rhetoric to bed. First, Obama and Co did not want to sound like Bush and Co. That was a marketing decision – both in marketing the message to us and abroad. They’re trying to send the message to the world, “We are not the retarded reactionaries of the past.”

    Good grief ! Can anyone be more full of spit than what they’re repeating ?
    A “MARKETING” decision?
    No president should be “MARKETING” himself or staff to the world during “TWO FREAKING WARS”!!!
    DO YOU ????


    I wish these guys would react to something…anything, without jerking yourselves and us off in the process.

    “The sytem worked”

    Its become overly abundant my any measure of statistically significant correlation liberals have no business defending our country, its borders, or people.
    Iraq is getting hot n heavy again, so’s Afghanistan, so’s Iran, and more so on our soil than ever before.
    Say what you want Jersey… the verdict is in, you guys are screwing up. (to put it nicely)

    Holder will lose his job, be the sacrificial lamb, right before 2012 elections only after weve had our a$$es handed to us again

  6. Micky 2 says:

    Oh, by the way Jersey.
    I’ve read the Arizona law, I provided the links to both including the amended version, I believe you said you read it also.
    Whats Holders excuse for bashing something he never read ? He was informed by others ?
    Its only 16 pages. To be fair that should take less than 16 minutes.
    Consequently the AG couldnt point to one section of he bill that left for any racial profiling.

  7. “Holder’s view is similar to those of many Americans just prior to WW2, that is, NAZIsm is not a threat (except of course to the hapless Poles,
    Russians, French and of course we Jews and gypsies).”

    First, of course Holder understands that terrorism is a dangerous threat. You’d have to be a fool to think otherwise – about Holder.

    Second, to compare the NAZIs to international organized violent crime is inanely stupid.

    Micky, the president made it very clear that he was going to take a different rhetorical tack in the fight against terror. First, reduce the elevation of the status of the terrorists, and second, separate the terrorists from the rest of the Islamic world. I used the word “marketing.” If that bothers you so much, call it “change of rhetorical tack.” Whatever you want. Just please stop arguing semantics. It’s juvevnile. This whole post was juvenile. You guys just can’t seem to intellectually read between rhetorical lines. Grow up!

    As for Holder’s ignroance oteh details of the AZ law, that was appalling. Huge mistake, both politically and tangibly. But I think it’s a forgivable mistake. Not that big of a deal. Just more stupid, petty, juvenile trifling from the right.

    As for the bill itself, it’s a stupid sleazy nasty racist pandering lowlife scummy bill. Period. I would be ashamed to be an Arizonan right now if I was one.


  8. Micky 2 says:

    ‘First, of course Holder understands that terrorism is a dangerous threat. You’d have to be a fool to think otherwise ‘

    Are you defending him ?
    I seem to remember you saying on many occasions that terrorism is totally over rated. And those who pander that its a serious threat are no more than fear mongers.

    You be da fool bro

    “Micky, the president made it very clear that he was going to take a different rhetorical tack in the fight against terror. ”

    When ?
    Got anything to back that up ?
    Sure, any candidate that wouldnt say he’d attack terrorism is a sack of numbnuts. But did he actually ever say how ?
    I seem to remember him giving a speech to some members of the Muslim brootherhood, was that the tack he said he use during his campaign ?
    Or was it to call Shazad a lone wolf before the intelligegince came in proving otherwise, was that the tack he said he’d use during his campaign ?
    Or how bout that blooming clueless moron Napolitano who issued homeland security reports deeming troops and average American Christians as more a threat than terrorists, was that the tack he said he’d use during his campaign ?
    Or letting exploding breifs on a jet full of people and then saying the system worked, was that the tack he said he’d use during his campaign ?
    Or that he’d give the Taliban a heads up one year notice of what our departure date would be, was that the tack he said he use during his campaign ?

    Try again

    “As for the bill itself, it’s a stupid sleazy nasty racist pandering lowlife scummy bill.’

    Please point out where in the bill thats written as the fed bill has been written, or the amended state version where theres any provision condoning or propelling racial profiling ?
    Any freaking idiot knows that thelaws right now wouldnt stop a bad cop from racially profiling someone.
    So what on earth makes you loons think this bill could somehow increase the odds of profiling when theres already as much potential for that now as their has been in the last 50 years ?
    This bill changes nothing but to give you morons a chance to make inflated unsubstantiated BS.
    Now, would you please poiint out that section in the bill for me ?

  9. Micky 2 says:

    “The rightwing-o-sphere jumped all over this but the rest of the media ignored it ”

    Your favorite “CSPAN” aired it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Micky, I know in the simple-minded blank and wg=hite world of conservatism there is no room for gray, but I do see a gray area in the subject of terrorism. Are terrorists a threat? yes. Of course. All violent criminals are a threat – especially international organized violent criminals. Are they an existential threat to the nation of the United States? No. That’s stupid. They are a threat. Just not nearly the ridiculous threat you loons make them out to be. I’m pretty sure I’ve made that point a thousand times around here.

    The White House very publically changed the tone of the GWOT when Obama first took office. If you don;t remember that, you have brain damage.

    The bill is designed to pander to our worst and lowest fears and prejudice. It perpetuates the status quo, further making “illegal immigrants” the new slave class in America. People who support this bill may as well just come out and demand we bring bacck slavery, becuase that is the effective result of the status quo, let alone making things even worse for these workers we are exploiting. You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting this sleazy, corporatist, racist bill.


  11. Micky 2 says:

    Us simple ?

    Nice try, all you can do is attack an oppositions inteligence, its really getting fcking lame bro !!!

    Hows this for simple. Maybe even you could understand it.
    If a CEO had a meeting with shareholders and began without reading the ten page memo containing the basis of the meeting how long do you think he’d remain CEO ?

    “You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting this sleazy, corporatist, racist bill.”

    Now, answer my previous questions on the Arizona bill or have a seat. Point out where its racist or targets any one ethnicity. How does it empower policec to racially profile ?

    “All violent criminals are a threat – especially international organized violent criminals’

    Yeah well, if you morons would shut down the border that would stop all criminals of any nation from getting in.
    You walked right into that one buddy.

    You guys cant get your sht together, thats all there is to it.You’re failing.

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