The UCLA Sharia Law School

For those wondering where to find a terrorist sleeper cell where Sharia Law is encouraged and the Caliphate is only one lecture away, visit the University of Crooked Lying Arabists (UCLA) Center for Near Eastern Studies.

Today’s warm fuzzy Islamist is an “academic” named El Fadl.

My experience with him can be found at Campus Watch and American Thinker, where he attacks Dr. Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer.

Dr. Pipes has responded at his blog:

As has Robert Spencer:

America cannot win the War on Terror until we take back our campuses.


One Response to “The UCLA Sharia Law School”

  1. Well, if they are really sleeper ceels, they’re talking in their sleep, so at least we know all about them. Personally, I’d be more worried about those who are not talking.


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