Kill National Palestinian Radio and their illegitimate cousins

A great habit of liberals is making excuses for their most toxic elements.

When leftist fringes engage in anti-Semitism, liberals led by apologist Jews blame conservative Christians.

Helen Thomas was allowed to spew anti-Semitism for decades. She was a liberal, and therefore protected.

Tookie Williams was a murderer. Yet he wrote children’s books, so the left tried to preserve his life.

The New Black Panthers intimidate white voters at polling places. Eric Holder criticizes any implication of wrongdoing as an attack on all of “his people,” which does not include evil conservative honky whitey.

Now National Palestinian Radio has been exposed as a hotbed of left-wing anti-conservative bigotry and anti-Semitism.

The response from NPR is “shock,” as if Casablanca had anything to do with this.

The reaction from conservatives is “Duh!”

Yes, the entire world has long known that NPR makes Al Jazeera look moderate and reasonable. The left knows this. They just don’t care.

The left will most likely respond by blaming conservative journalist James O’Keefe for exposing them the way he did ACORN. After all, Mr. Okeefe is not a liberal, so it has to be his fault. He engaged in a serious undercover sting, but he could not possibly be as “sophisticated” as the dolt who prank called the Wisconsin Governor. After all, Mr. O’Keefe is actually rooting out real corruption.

NPR claimed that Mr. Schiller did not represent the views of NPR. Of course he did. Do we have to get every single one of these ideological bigots on video before enough is enough?

NPR needs to be killed right now. Drive a stake through its heart and never let it see the light of day again. If liberals want biased news from a Jihadist perspective, they can go pay for it. Maybe they can merge with Al Jazeera and have Iran subsidize them.

Then conservative legislators need to go after every illegitimate cousin in this dysfunctional leftist family. If they want to stand on the street corner like the Westboro Baptist Church, they can do so on their own dime.

Kill PBS. Take a shotgun and blow Elmo’s face off if necessary. Sorry Elmo, but liberal leaders have been using you as a human shield for years. Collateral damage is unfortunate, but every time conservatives try to cut the budget, liberals complain we are hurting poor Elmo. I say slaughter him and serve him up as school lunch meat. Liberals like to eat their own anyway.

Leftists will complain (big surprise) that these entities are a tiny fraction of the budget.

That is the entire point. We are broke, and the left does not want to cut a single solitary thing. They want increased spending.

The days of unlimited wealth are over. The days when conservatives have to fund liberal hate speech are over.

If the left wants to take MSNBC and Air America and every other attempt by failed human beings to rant and rave at the right, just pay for it.

If Hollywood celebrities can afford to spend millions of dollars on cocaine, then they can come up with a few measly dollars to form a radio station or a television network with 24 hours of Jew-baiting, Republican-hating bile.

It is a delightful irony that leftists railing about conservative greed got so greedy themselves that they put Jihadist blood money over decency.

It is even more fantastic that by kowtowing to suicide bombers, it was a terrorist loving NPR executive who got blown to pieces.

With hundreds of thousands of radio and television stations to choose from, NPR will not be missed.

We may not have captured Al Jazeera yet, but at least we got their American affiliate.

Burn in Hell NPR. Like your fellow suicide bomber Helen Thomas, your hate speech has long since passed the expiration point.


2 Responses to “Kill National Palestinian Radio and their illegitimate cousins”

  1. Why do conservatives want to wipe out any vestige of culture and class in America? There’s just no accountng for taste.


  2. Micky 2 says:

    ITs not about taste, as much as your moonbat mind would like to trash anyones taste or intellect.
    You’re not superior by any means.
    Its about liberal hate being paid for with my money.
    You can have your stinking culture

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