March 11, 2017 — The TYGRRRR EXPRESS turns 10

March 11, 2017 ‚ The TYGRRRR EXPRESS turns 10

“The beginning of the end of civilization”
Written on Sunday, March 11th, 2007

“While wondering why anyone in the world would care what I have to say, I realized this line of thinking was false modesty. Of course you care. You are here. My interests include sports, politics, and other alpha-male guy stuff.

I was once told that there was no original thought in this world, but since no one wishes to take the blame for my musings, I will take the credit.

For better or better, your entry into my online existence has now begun.


On that day, I created The TYGRRRR EXPRESS.

10 years later, I am still stunned at what it has become. It turned into a speaking career that has me on the road up to 300 days per year, spawned 5 books, and allowed me to speak in all 50 states and make lifelong friends.

Long after I am gone, many people will never remember who Eric Golub was. I hope that the words of the Tygrrrr Express live on. I hope that my ideas made you laugh and made you think.

To celebrate 10 years, I will be unveiling something new and unrelated in the coming days.

For now, I thank every person who ever cared what I ever had to say.

God bless you all, and God bless the hot mess that is the Tygrrrr Express!

eric @ Tygrrrr Express

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