Goodbye Rosie Queen of Morona Part II

Apparently Fatah and Hamas killing each other is just not sexy enough for the media, which never seems interested in winning the war against nonsense. It is in that spirit that the latest smackdown between Rosie “Queen of Morona” O’Donnell and Elizabeth Hasselbeck comes into play. Rosie repeatedly lashed out at Elizabeth for having the nerve to not defend her for lashing out repeatedly. Then Rosie, after repeatedly fighting with Elizabeth, said she was not going to fight with her. She said:

“I am not going to fight her because tomorrow the media will blame Ugly, Fat, Lesbian, Loud Rosie for picking on Pure, Innocent, Christian Elizabeth.”

I have to give Rosie this…she managed to offend virtually every group in society in one sentence. She played the victim card, and to the hilt. Critics of Rosie (yes, hopefully they are many) should not take the bait.

Do not attack her for being fat. Rush Limbaugh is fat. So are other people that are not Rosie. She is blameless for her weight, at least in terms of it being a reason to attack her.

Do not attack her for being ugly. Nobody on the show or in the media called her ugly. She said that about herself. Yes, she was claiming the media would say it about her, but that was an attempt at self inoculation. Rosie is ugly, but it is her insides that are truly hideous. That is fair game. She is blameless for her outsides. She is 100% to blame for her insides. Her being a lesbian is irrelevant. Plenty of homosexual people contribute positive elements to society. Rosie is not one of them.

Rosie is trying to pretend that an attack on her is an attack on all lesbians or overweight people. Attack Rosie, and become a sexist homophobe. She is not the first person to abuse this strategy.

Hillary Clinton decks her political opponents, and then plays the girlie girl routine the minute anyone criticizes her about anything. This is how her husband can abuse women, and blame it on a right wing conspiracy. Like Newt Gingrich forced Bill into a room with Monica by waving a steak and saying “Go get her boy.”

Jim McGreevey is the  corrupt former governor of New Jersey (I know, they all seem corrupt, even by Jersey standards McGreevey was special) who also happens to be gay. Upon resigning in disgrace, McGreevey said that the world was not ready for a gay governor. No Mr. McGreevey. New Jersey was tired of your corruption. Being too corrupt to run New Jersey means you are really far gone.

Rosie O’Donnell not only tried to inoculate herself, but she also lashed out at Elizabeth for having the nerve to being a member of a beautiful religious faith, that being Christianity.

After telling Elizabeth that no one wants to hear her “republican crap,” Rosie began spewing left wing venom herself. Christians are often accused of bigotry, but the only person throwing around ahte speech was Rosie.

Rosie, I will put it in language that even you the Queen of Morona can understand. I could care less if you are fat, ugly and a daughter of Sappho. I care that you are an ideological bigot. You despise republicans, conservatives and Christians.

Elizabeth is a sweet, kind woman who conducts herself with dignity. Rosie is a vicious bully with no regard for human decency. Elizabeth raises the level of public discourse, and Rosie lowers it. Rosie cannot leave the View soon enough. She is hate speech, and hate speech is her.  There is no place for her in civilized society any more.  Oh no, wait…she can sit next to Jimmy Carter in his luxury box at the democratic convention, like Michael Moore did. Then again, I did say civilized, so there is still no place for her hate filled invective anywhere in that society.

Good job Elizabeth. Deck this bully verbally between the eyes. America will still see you as the sweet, pure Christian that you are. As for Rosie, she knows what she is. She told us herself on television, for all to see.


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