Needs to Just Move on needs to just move on. So does the Daily Kos. I get your message. You hate President Bush, and anybody who supports him. You want to slap his Vice President, humiliate his cabinet, and kick his dog. Fine. Just understand that blind hatred coarsens society. Before going any further, an absolutely brilliant post dealing with liberal Nimbys and Guantanamo Bay was written yesterday. Satirical genius is a more effective dagger than any uncontrolled rage could be.

As for Moveon and Daily Kos, let us be reminded of why they were created, or at least why they claim to have been born. Moveon came about during the Clinton impeachment hearings. Now while anyone who supports the rule of law should have found the impeachment of a corrupt politician the right thing to do, Moveon took a position that the impeachment was bad for America.

I have no objection to this. That is a position on an actual political issue. The problem with this is that when the struggle ends, so does the rationale for existence. When basketball fans wore “Free Kobe (Bryant)” t-shirts, confused people asked, “Isn’t he already free?” The NAACP would look foolish if they marched down the streets today demanding that black people be given the right to vote. They already have this.

Rome fell because they conquered everybody, and then had nothing to do. Moveon was victorious in the impeachment battle. They won. Unfortunately, the bored millionaires that created them needed a reason to continue existing. People who start out with an actual philosophy do not have this problem.

When the 2000 election came and went, and Al Gore gave the least gracious concession since Richard Nixon in 1962, Moveon had a new reason to live. The problem is that they went from defenders to attackers. Defending somebody requires loyalty and a liking of them. Attacking somebody, especially somebody who did not attack first, requires a certain amount of rage. Otherwise, why attack anyone? Somewhere there is a woman living in San Francisco who I have never met and whose name I do not know. She might disagree with me politically, but I have no rationale for hating her. It would make no logical sense.

Moveon simply defies logic. Once one accepts the premise of this cult that George W. Bush is evil, there is no reason to analyze things in a fair manner. President Bush has appointed some of the best and brightest individuals to powerful positions (in some cases they were holdovers that stayed), but Moveon never gave these people a chance.

Alan Greenspan, who former Senator Phil Gramm correctly referred to as “the greatest central banker in the history of the central bank,” was deemed by Moveon to be part of the “republican controlled Federal Reserve Board.” Nobody controlled Greenspan, which is why he was so universally respected by everybody except those that had reason to fear positive economic news during a republican administration. Instead of arguing that times were good despite the President (I would disagree, but it would be a legitimate argument), the left would attack Greenspan’s reports as biased before they came out, and then state that the economy was bad.

Chief Justice John Roberts is an intellectual titan. Yet his decisions are often attacked as being part of a Bush Administration cabal. Justice Roberts does not answer to the President. It is one thing to disagree with a report, another to impugn the integrity of a man who is decent and just.

Now General Petraeus is being attacked. This is insane. The man is trying to save our lives, and civilization along with it, and he is the bad guy? The left has discredited his upcoming September report as being biased before he even testifies. Yes, he reports to the President. Yes, a positive report would benefit the President. However, is there any proof that this man has a history of lying, or even sugarcoating the truth? His career has been sterling and spotless. Therefore, he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

I predict he will issue a mildly positive report that will show what we have done right, what we have done wrong, and what we need to do to do better. Under any circumstances, this is a normal process. So why would Moveon want to shoot the credible messenger of a reasonable message?

The reason is because the message does not matter. It is ironic that the same people who accuse President Bush of shooting first and asking questions later are doing this themselves. The same people that used phrases like “rush to judgment” are guilty of this. The left is simply guilty of having a predetermined opinion. It seems the one time that the left is ever in favor of a preemptive strike is when it is against a report or decision that might benefit republicans.

Imagine if the left took all the anger they had at President Bush, and directed it towards Al Queda. America is divided not because of President Bush, but because the left despises him. Politics used to stop at the water’s edge. Republicans backed Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman and JFK on foreign policy, and they were right to do so.

Moveon claims that they are being censored for disagreeing with the President. Nobody has censored them. They scream louder than everybody else combined. The problem is that invective is not a policy. Rage is not a program. Hatred is not a plan for governing or improving society. Moveon is still living in the year 2000. Every position they have taken since then stems from the fact that they believe George W. Bush stole the election.

The Daily Kos began in 2002 out of disgust for the President’s popularity following 9/11. The left complains we were unified after 9/11, and then Bush broke that unity. No, he did not. The Daily Kos began bombthrowing long before any War in Iraq took place. They were angry that a man who won a close election had sky high popularity, and that the democrats would suffer losses in the 2002 elections (which they did).

Winning elections cannot come at any and all costs. If losing one’s soul is the price, then the price is simply too high.

In 2002, the democrats failed to offer actual policy proposals to counter President Bush. In 2004, their governing philosophy was ABB (anybody but Bush). They won in 2006 due to republicans running out of steam, but the republicans were guilty of straying from their core beliefs and principles. The democrats do not seem to have any of these, and if they do, they will not articulate them.

Reasonable people look at men like Alan Greenspan, John Roberts, and General Petraeus, and they just do not see zealots, extremists, or partisan hacks. They see bright, capable men doing their jobs quietly and effectively. Normal Americans might not agree with every word, but they are willing to listen to what these men have to say before forming entrenched opinions. They understand that whether it be an economy, a court decision, or a military report, good news is not automatically bad news just because some people, mostly on the left, want it to be.

From a Machiavellian perspective I want the Moveon and Daily Kos minions to keep speaking. They are the gift that keeps on giving to republicans. However, from a human decency perspective I want them to grow up, and simply stop being terrible human beings who say vile things about good people they have never met.

Free speech is not free. Hate speech is not protected. Invective inevitably leads to violence, such as ecoterrorism. Daily Kos and Moveon have their leftist pit bulls so jacked up on the steroids of hatred and rage that they will have blood on their hands when a small number of their followers end up committing acts of violence in the name of some warped sense of righteousness (this has probably already happened).

In the same way that they say it is not fair to blame them all for the acts of a few, especially when comparing Bush to Hitler, this arument is merely a way of passing the buck. If I belong to a country club that is racist, antisemitic, or the like, I have the obligation as a human being to resign my membership or force internal change.

There might be people in Daily Kos and Moveon that are not cancerous, but until they weed out the cancerous elements, their whole organizations are one big festering bunch of bilgewater.

These organizations need to stop being against everything related to George W. Bush, because when he leaves office in 2009, they will again have no reason to exist. They need to be for something…anything. Also, it has to be something positive.

Otherwise, they can just demand that the next President spend their entire term investigating the eight years of George W. Bush. Republicans could then hold hearings on Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick. The left would then say, “That is old news, just move on.” Republicans have moved on.

Ted Kennedy killed a woman. We moved on. Robert Byrd was a klansman. We moved on. Bill Clinton was a liar and a sexual predator. We moved on. If Hillary Clinton is defeated, we will move on. She and her supporters were not, but we will.

Moveon and Daily Kos have a right to exist. They just have a responsibility to find out why they should exist. I have a right to find them repugnant, vile indiviudals.

These organizations need to do something to make the world a better place, and stop fighting decent people struggling to do exactly that just because of a disputed election several years ago. They need to get over it. They need to unite behind what is right, which is winning the War on Terror. They can disagree with means, but not the end. They do not have the right to put the lives of good people everywhere at risk.

The left needs to regroup and become part of a civilized debate. They need to stop rejecting news that has not been offered yet. They need to form opinions and solutions after the depth of problems have been explained, not before.

They need to forget the anger and rage of the past, and move forward with a positive agenda for improving the world.

They need to become thinking, rational human beings.

They must…finally…Move on. 


23 Responses to “ Needs to Just Move on”

  1. papundits says:

    Absolutely Brilliant….
    You have the ability to move men’s minds as well as their souls.

    Your arguments are impeccable.

    Please don’t write too often, otherwise I’ll never get anything done but read your articles. : )


  2. Excellent post Eric. You have made some perfectly thought out points. Thanks for the read of my blog, and to answer you, I would welcome a link exchange. In fact, it’s funny that you have asked me about it….I have already been linked to from a liberal site that was complaining about my “liberals hating guns” article. It’s so good to be despised. I’ll go ahead and add you to my blogroll, and my website links page at Take care.

  3. micky2 says:

    Move on, Daily kos, and the rest of the radical ” moonbats ” cant see the logic behind the more composed conduct on the right. Don’t these miscreants see that most of the right is not stooping to there level, or tactics ?. And that they just make themselves look stupid in the long run’ The ugly spewing they have done in the past via talk radio has caused most of the those far left stations and shows to close down. I believe everyone just got sick of all the unconsructive sarcasm.
    People who have lost hope are usually the ones who find fault in everything and cease to worry about the concequences of their behavior.
    As far as I’m concerned these organizations are no better than a bunch of taggers with an unlimited supply of sray paint.
    Their right to free speech has been abused in the same way that graffiti destroys our surroundings, and uproots our ambience.

  4. southernvoice says:

    You can read my reply to this so called satire at mszig. Its sickening that you think you are in a position to decide who has a right to speak out and who should not. We all have a right to support or oppose whatever we choose and only those who need a king would suggest otherwise. How pompous of you to think we should just walk in lockstep and that we have no right to opposition. How arrogant to think that anyone who disagrees with you should just move on.

    Obviously you listen to too much rightwing propaganda.

  5. Brian says:


    Did we read the same article?

    Your assertions, attacks and conclusions baffle the logical mind…I myself have read the Daily Kos ( too often hateful) as well as the propaganda ( often vicious and misleading) which emanate from I agreed with the moveon people’s oppostion to the Clinton impeachment. That they still exist is ashame. By the way, it is they and many of those on the far left in the Universities whose penchant for shouting down anyone they disagree with who have through their very own actions time after time seem to be the ones under the belief they alone are to decide “who has a right to speak out and who should not.” They often engage in hateful behavior based on their own ignorance and prejudice.

    I do know the author of this piece, have engaged in many a spirited and at times heated debate with him. Your mischaracterization of him and his article are quite an indictment of your apparent intellectual and political myopia.

    He’s essentially recommending you people behave like adults ( not censuring you folks one bit ) …and of course your response was of a childish nature…Congratulations!

  6. southernvoice says:

    George Bush is compared to Hitler at for several reasons.

    1. Bush is guilty of the same crimes as Hitler. According to precendents set at Nuremberg it is an international war crime to invade or attack another nation that has nothing to you. Bush invaded Iraq and it had done nothing to us.

    2. Hitler attempted to create an ethnic state and slaughtered all those who were different. Bush puts Israel’s interests before US interests and Israel is an ethnic state and Jews slaughter all non jews.

    3. Hitler rounded people up and put them in camps. Bush has rounded people up and put them into Gitmo.

    4. Hitler took away the rights of the German people under the excuse of protecting the homeland. bush has taken away the rights of Americans under the guise of protecting the homeland.

    5. Hitler unleashed chaos, wars and slaughters and destablized the entire world with his warmongering. Bush has destablished the entier middle east and caused a dangerous shift in the world and untold suffering and slaughter that has spread to Pakistan.

    Two oil rich nations switched to selling their oil in Euros and the petro dollar is the basis of our economy.

    The European Union has begun to build its own miltary superpower to counter the US in the future so they don’t have to put up with assholes like Bush. Previously thru statesmenship and diplomacy they would go along with US policies.

    China has so many of our dollars they have built a submarine that can be beside our subs and we don’t know it. Rather than look to our best interests bush is taking out Israel’s enemies.

    The entire world hates us.

  7. micky2 says:

    southernvoice said;

    “Its sickening that you think you are in a position to decide who has a right to speak out and who should not. We all have a right to support or oppose whatever we choose ”
    But its not O.K. to run around like a lemming with it’s head on fire and put out false accusations on a nationwide scale.

    You also said;
    “Obviously you listen to too much rightwing propaganda.”

    This propoganda you speek of does not relate their opposition to Hitler or Satan.
    As a matter of fact the author actually wants these organizations to “keep” up the good job they are doing of making the right look more like champs instead of the liars and monsters they would like the country to believe we are.
    These mentally dwarfed punks are “the gift that just keeps giving”

  8. Brian says:

    I genuinely apologize to all the good bloggers who visit this site as well as blacktygrrr for so respectfully responding to comment #4. The hatred and ignorance which characterize his writing on comment #6 are those of a truly sick and ignorant individual. Such a person does not merit the type of honesty and understanding I bestowed upon him…simple as that.

  9. snooper says:

    Moonbats and BDS, aka trolls and Code Pinko Duffusites. They are allergic to history. Their absolute and total hatred of anything Traditional Americana is abhorrently distasteful and unacceptable to this DAV.

    I have faced enemies in battle that were more amenable than these home-grown Enemies of The State.

    Freedom of Speech has its limitations as well as consequences. The Moonbat Brigades are walking the thin lines of subversion, sedition and other such laws. Many have crossed that line and the CONgress has no courage to point this out and take the appropriate action. It is up to us to carry that torch.

    Just remember Eric, the more vitriolic trolls that come your way; the more they try and discredit you in any way; it is a plus and a sure sign that we in The New Media have the Enemies of The State both foreign and domestic on the run.

    I’ll not plug my own blogs (4) because they speak for themselves.

    Keep up the good work my friend!!

  10. micky2 says:

    .” Bush is guilty of the same crimes as Hitler. According to precendents set at Nuremberg it is an international war crime to invade or attack another nation that has nothing to you. Bush invaded Iraq and it had done nothing to us.”

    The same crimes as Hitler ?
    My Grandmother and mother were in Denmark during WW11. They were arrested by the Nazis. My mother was raped by them{ She was 12 } and myGrandmother was tattoed and beaten and thrown in a camp.
    George Bush has imprisoned no one unless they were caught in the theatre of battle ,which is all around you by the way.
    You and others alike would be crying blood if we let Saddam continue.
    After 911 we were not about to sit around and wait to have our ass”s handed to us again. Study some facts instead of ideas and you will realize how disgusting it is to compare Bush to Hitler. Does Bush want the whole world to be Blonde haired and Blue eyed ? I dont think so .

    “Hitler attempted to create an ethnic state and slaughtered all those who were different. Bush puts Israel’s interests before US interests and Israel is an ethnic state and Jews slaughter all non jews.”

    I always thought being Jewish was a religion, not an ethnicity. I myself know two Chinese people that are Jewish. I have not seen them slaughter anyone , ever.

    ” Hitler rounded people up and put them in camps. Bush has rounded people up and put them into Gitmo.”

    They are the ENEMY. They are not being overworked, starved or gassed.
    They are prisoners of war.

    ” Hitler took away the rights of the German people under the excuse of protecting the homeland. bush has taken away the rights of Americans under the guise of protecting the homeland.”

    So are you saying there is no threat to our homeland ? And what cant you do now that you couldnt do 6 years ago or 20 years ago ?
    You are still allowed to spew this crap and not get arrested right ?

    ” Hitler unleashed chaos, wars and slaughters and destablized the entire world with his warmongering. Bush has destablished the entier middle east and caused a dangerous shift in the world and untold suffering and slaughter that has spread to Pakistan”

    With or without us the Middle east has always been a cluster**ck

    “Two oil rich nations switched to selling their oil in Euros and the petro dollar is the basis of our economy”

    Wouldnt have anything to do with a ” FREE MARKET” would it ?

    The European Union has begun to build its own miltary superpower to counter the US in the future so they don’t have to put up with assholes like Bush. Previously thru statesmenship and diplomacy they would go along with US policies.

    All the terrorist attacks in Europe wouldnt have anything to do with that , would it now ?
    Or maybe that N Korean guy that has no economy at all and needs to sell weapons.
    To the highest bidder. Want to guess who that would be ?

    “China has so many of our dollars they have built a submarine that can be beside our subs and we don’t know it. Rather than look to our best interests bush is taking out Israel’s enemies.”

    You are lost, Bush just gave the Palestinians 200 Million dollars to help infrastructure on top of numerous other projects to aid the palestinians and to help Fatah get some footing. Israel just released 250 Palestinians two days after Bush announced the aid to the Palestinians.
    You call that taking them out ?

    “The entire world hates us”
    Thats quite a statement, it’s equivalent to what this nut said to me .
    I saw a guy with his finger in a hole in the sidewalk a couple days ago.
    I asked him what he was doing.
    He told me ” If I take my finger out of this hole, all the air inside the earth will escape and the world will shrink ”

    Do you guy’s know each other ?

  11. Ivo Vegter says:

    I was going to comment that I agree wholeheartedly with the post, barring the bit about the leftist pit bulls and violence. That, I thought, may well be true, but is an allegation you don’t really want to inject into a well-reasoned piece. It tars everyone with the same brush; it unfairly blames the many for the violence of the few.

    Then southernvoice comes along and proves that the livid lunatics really do exist. How do you argue with someone so far gone? Is it even possible to use polite logic and calm reason against the fevered imagination, pathological paranoia and irrational hatred displayed by southernvoice?

  12. Lord Nazh© says:

    Just imagine what ‘southernvoice’ could do with some (any?) facts…

    1. We were still at war with Iraq when we invaded… since they violated the cease-fire numerous times, we really didn’t need any other reasons to go in. Of course we had other reasons, reasons that the UN, the world and 70% of Americans believed in (including Democrats, gasp)

    2. You’ll have to show where Israel is killing all the non-jews. If this was the case, there would indeed be peace in Israel and the paleo’s would be no more. But it seems that Israel keeps giving in to the terrorists and they keep killing jews. Who knew?

    3. Havn’t seen any of the Gitmo death chambers yet… have heard and seen the inmates that are gaining weight and more healthy than the people not ’rounded’ up though. Funny thing about detention of someone who you have reason to believe is a terrorist.

    4. I’ve had this same argument with many a moonbat. Show me one right you’ve lost please? K, thx

    5. So the ME was just a bonanza of good-feelings and veritable utopia of human rights prior to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq right? Do you even read history? See the news much (prior to the war and BDS setting in)? Are you really that freaking dense?

    Since you put yourself firmly in the family of BDS initiates, maybe you should move on also?

  13. Jan says:

    Personally, I believe in free speech.
    I am also a charter member of MoveOn.

    Here’s the other side:
    The originators of MoveOn and I were raised Republicans.

    Clinton had just won a second term, but we had a Republican Congress with a moderate Dem President and we were ready to take this nation by the balls and do some fucking GOVERNING.

    So… what does the GOP Congress do?
    Yeah, after about 40 years of being out of congressional power, they completely blow their reputation for any sanity whatsoever.
    Then they historically LOSE seats in the midterm election.
    We BEG them to censure and move on.

    They lost the chance to go down as one of the greatest Congresses ever, all because of their hatred for ONE man.

    To be fair, it is true that both MoveOn members and I will never be Republicans again. Let’s get past that, and continue having an adult discussion.

    What are the Republicans doing once again?
    They are shooting themselves again in the foot, this time not just for the next election, but probably for the next generation at least.

    They are once again ignoring the voice of The People.
    They are once again doing it for ONE man, this time for George W. Bush.

    One of you said that Rome collapsed because it had nothing more to do.

    Not an apt analogy for MoveOn, as they still have millions and millions of members, and those millions and millions of members are still trying to get our government to respond to We the People.

    The tale about Rome falling because it had nothing left to do is utter bullshit.
    Rome was once an empire that people begged to belong to.
    It stopped being an empire when it decided to go conquering new territory with mercenaries instead of citizens.
    Sound familiar?

    You continue to support The Worst President Ever.
    About 70% of your own country disagrees with you.

    Have your say. I welcome the voice.
    But we’re not going to go away just because you call us names.
    We’re not going away just because you don’t agree with us politically.

    You seem to still think that the GOP impeachment of Bill Clinton was a positive thing for the Republican Party.
    You seem to still think George Bush is a good President and a positive leader for the Republican Party.

    You are in the minority, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
    But you are in agreement with the minority now, and MoveOn is in agreement with the majority now.

    You remind me of something I witnessed yesterday that still has me LMFAO.

    Yesterday, Sean Hannity had a discussion with Ann Coulter, where they talked about how much the country disapproved of “congress.” Since the Dems are in charge, they tried to convince their viewers that Dems were in BIG trouble.
    But while they were talking, a graphic accidentally showed up.
    It had the latest Fox Poll, and the latest Fox Poll has Hillary Clinton beating every Republian candidate for the Presidency!!!!!!!
    Hannity or Coulter humiliated? No, not at all. They still had each other agreeing with them, and that was enough for them.

    Same with most of these comments. “Brilliant”…
    … Except a few MILLION people are going to MoveOn’s website each day, and a few … dozen maybe? are coming here each day?

    Republicans got another historical Thumping in 2006.
    You have 22 Senate seats up for re-election in 2008; the Democrats have 12. Do the math.
    Last election, Democrats had more seats than Republicants up for re-election… and they won the Senate.

    About 1-2 Dem seats (and narrowing with Vitter’s problems) and about 10-12 GOP seats (and growing with Domenci’s problems) are in contention in 2008.
    Whose candidates do you think will win the Senate in 2008, yours or MoveOn’s?

    This is the world you live in.
    You keep telling each other what you want to hear.
    But there are no numbers to back up your opinions; they are just your own old tired opinions.

    There are overwhelming numbers to back up my opinion.
    And my opinion is that (1) Bush will go down as the worst President ever, and (2) the GOP losses in 2008 will just be the start of Republicans losing elections for decades.

    And if that’s okay with you, I promise you it’s okay with me.

    We started our work at MoveOn in 1998.
    It would be very appropriate for us to REALLY have nothing left to do exactly 10 years later.

    So… carry on.

  14. Gayle says:

    A top notch post, Eric! Fat chance that Move On will ever move on though. They enjoy spouting their hate filled rhetoric far too much to give it up, just as southern roots does. It seems to be a pathetic mind set of those who have nothing positive to offer. In a way I feel rather sorry for them. To live in a void of such hatred and ignorance is a thing to be pittied.

  15. micky2 says:

    Jan !

    Your wonderful party promised six things in six months.
    And all they have done so far is hold a pajama party

    The overwhelming numbers you speak of will be the ones “you” choose,

    It took Bush 61/2 years to get to this point, and yes his approval rating is low.
    But in “only 6 months” your dear leaders have fallen in approval ratings substantially lower than Bushs. And this is expected to be the case for most presidents that have had to lead during a war.
    If the system that your congress is operating on now is any indication of their numbers in the future, the math tells me their approval ratings will be a negative 50 in the year 2012.

    I just want to throw one thing in while I’m at it.
    As far as the ” John Doe ” thing goes ; If people are going to be able to start sueing those that point out suspicious behavior. Shouldnt Bush be allowed to sue Move On
    for all the false accusations made against him. After all, your organization has called him a murderer, a terrorist, a thief.
    Wouldnt Bush have the same rights as the 6 or 7 Imams that are suing the individuals that pointed them out?

    Your clan will spew ugly nasty words at our president and think its O.K.,And its your right. But its not O.K. if you insist that Bush doesnt get the same rights as an illegal alien or a terrorist.
    Think about the grace and harmony that you want to offer to the rest of world.
    And then look at the way you treat some Americans.
    You are hippocrats. You cant have it both ways and be looked at with any respect.

    The republican candidates have not been making half as much noise yet as the democrats have. And we still have more than a year to go , by that time your congress will have an all time low approval rating of zero. So spare me the chest banging with Hillarys numbers.
    Dont get too exited yet.

    You still fail to mention the true mission of Move On. As it appears , its only purpose is throw bombs at George Bush. Why bother ? He’s leaving in a year anyway !
    And it would be nice for once if Move On could bolster one candidate without always having to tear down his opposition as being the only means to get that candidate to stand out.
    By the way , I dont hear the name ” Move On. org” coming out of too many democratic hopefulls mouths. Hmmmm.

  16. […] Needs to Just Move on needs to just move on. So does the Daily Kos. I get your message. You hate President Bush, and anybody who […] […]

  17. Lord Nazh© says:

    I want to know exactly what kind of ‘republicans’ can get so upset with the government not fixing everything that they embrace the stupidity of the moonbat?

    Name one conservative thing the Democrats have done for you Jan? Of course you can’t and don’t need to, you don’t want them to do conservative things because you yourself aren’t conservative and I’d bet never were.

    Not to mention that you can’t seem to be aware of facts either. Rome didn’t fall because it became a mercenary empire, Rome was FOUNDED on a mercenary empire. It failed when it’s leaders decided to fight each other while the barbarians were at the gates and the populace had sunken into debauchary.

    Now that we’ve established things; tell me what the Dems have done for us? Since anytime after JFK especially on this congress (you know the ‘most ethical ever’). Tell me why we should believe anything you or they say when their actions tell a different story.

  18. "gunner" says:

    Just passing by from the Lawdog Files, if the Bush Presidency was as “Moveon(dot) org” and “Daily Kos” claim it is they would certainly not be screaming their hatred of George W. Bush and all his works out loud, ad lib, in public. They would be sitting behind barbed wire looking at the machine guns in the goon towers of a “re-education camp”, however this is still a reasonably free nation and they are at liberty to practise the right of free speech they claim is dead. While they have the right to free speech, which none may deny them, that right lays upon me, or anyone, no corresponding duty to listen to the venom they spew, nor any obligation to adhere to their doctrine, whatever it may be. To be brutally frank, if there are modern echoes of Hitler and his hatred of Jews in America today it is coming from the Left and their sycophants.

  19. […] and somewhat shrouded in speculation… However, I have recently felt inspired by Eric’s post over at the Tygrrrr Express and the subsequent comments that followed it, so I decided that it’s now time to address this […]

  20. hello bush does not care about any of your extrem comment,well your her stressing his out there in the white house as happy as can be so move on with your live people and stop being psamestick rod and live feast on life and don’t was any moment’s because it could be you last . love ,peace and happence to all

  21. last but not least every thing happen for a reason you see thing you agnolweg it and you are exposed to it and you can change the the history don’t relie on bush or any one else to save you or solve proble because the true fact is it highly unlikly that wil happen so go and do it your self and do something to be recodenised for before you die and make a diffrentce

  22. you people are obessed with bush

  23. move on move for would not back

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