This is anniversary weekend for two events that improved society.
It is the 18th anniversary of the first Gulf War, when President George Herbert Walker Bush, Colin Powell, and Norman Schwarzkopf took Saddam Hussein and kicked his terrorist hide back to Baghdad, where the current President Bush finished him off and sent him to hell.
It is also the 20th anniversary of another man that has shaped history, Rush Limbaugh.
Whether one likes him or hates him, Rush Limbaugh has managed to do what few people do for 20 minutes, much less 20 years…stay relevant.
I agree with Rush 2/3 of the time. I like him most of the time.
The republican takeover of 1994 happened because of three men: Haley Barbour, Newt Gingrich, and Rush Limbaugh.
People who hate Limbaugh simply do not understand his success.
First of all, Rush Limbaugh saved AM Radio. This is not in dispute. FM Radio dominates music, and AM Radio was about to collapse. No less a liberal than Alan Colmes credits Rush with revolutionizing talk radio.
Rush is unique. He does not have guests. I personally do a weekly radio show, and I will not do a show without guests. To be able to talk for three hours per day is a gift that Rush has.
Rush also tapped into a vein that the liberal media refuses to admit. The media is overwhelmingly liberal. Rush succeeded because people wanted to have their voices heard. There simply was no outlet for conservatives.
When I was in college people assumed that I got my ideas from Rush. This was condescending
because it implied that I could not think for myself. It was also a bizarre notion because I had never heard of him. Until somebody bought me his second book, “See, I told you so,” I had no inkling of his existence. I read the book and thought, “Wow, I have been saying some of this stuff for years.”
Even though Rush was unique back then, there are now plenty of talk radio programs, including lil old me. So why is Rush still number one?
Because I have not been on long enough to dethrone him.
Ok, ego aside, it is because the man is funny. It is not his politics. He is an entertainer. He delivers his message in a lighthearted, jovial manner. He constantly reminds his audience to “be of good cheer.”
One of his fun bits centered on a political gasbag, Senator Charles Schumer of New York. Senator Schumer demanded that the baseball strike be ended with congressional intervention. He demanded that people call up congress, and say two words: “Play ball.”
Limbaugh recommended that his audience call up Schumer’s office and say two words: “Cut taxes.”
94% of the calls that came to the Senator’s office were against ending the baseball strike. Yet so many people called up and said, “Cut taxes,” that the phones and faxes had to be unplugged.
To his credit, Limbaugh does not give out the numbers. He also reminds his audience to be cheery, and not to be rude when calling up opponents.
Limbaugh is serious about his conservatism, and loves Ronald Reagan as virtually all republicans and conservatives do. Yet he is lighthearted about his presentation, often relying on hilarious song parodies from Paul Shanklin.
One reason Rush is enjoyable is because he is absolutely capable of conversing about other topics. He delves into the stock market, music, and culture. He is also a die hard fan of the National Football League, with his favorite team being the Pittsburgh Steelers. Some of the funniest bits have been when one female Jacksonville Jaguars fan would call in and harangue him after the Jaguars defeated the Steelers. Limbaugh’s own call screener, Bo Snerdly, purposely lets her through. Rush has gotten frustrated with Mr. Snerdly more than once, and his exasperation is amusing.
In 1997, Rush was married to a Denver Broncos fan. The two teams were playing in the AFC Title Game, and Rush explained that he was banished to the bedroom, while his wife watched it in the living room. Rush confessed that he was terrified of his wife’s wrath if the Broncos were to lose. He wanted his team to win, but he also wanted peace in his home. The Broncos won 24-21. Rush was crushed, but was allowed back in the living room.
Limbaugh has had three divorces. He has never claimed to be a success in that arena, and it should not dimiish his conservative message on economics and foreign policy.
He has battled an addiction to prescription pain killers, and suffered hearing loss that could have ended his career.
Yet he keeps chugging along, because very few have been able to blend his conservative political outlook with a fun, entertaining program.
Liberals tried silencing him by bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, known as the “Hush Rush” law. Limbaugh delights i pointing out that the reason they do this is because liberals fail in the free market place. Air America hired people that had comedic backgrounds, but they focused too much on angry politics and hatred, rather than simply being entertaining. The rest are just boring.
I have not listened to Rush in years. My commute to work is only about 10 minutes, so there is simply no need for talk radio. I am thankfully not a commuter.
Nevertheless, I am thrilled Limbaugh is still going strong after 20 years. Without him, conservatives would be silenced.
Liberals want to go back to the good old days, where things were more “civilized,” and less “coarse.” The debate was more harmonious then. This is because liberals were the only ones allowed to speak. ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, and the Jayson Blair Times controlled everything.
Liberals are not just angry that they are losing the debate. They are enraged that the debate even exists. The idea of “I am liberal, if you disagree with me, you are an imbecile, this is beyond dispute,” existed for so long. Rush shattered the monopoly.
Liberalism will never be wiped off of the face of the Earth, but at least conservatives have a chance to get their message out.
In America, one man with a dream can be broke twice, divorced thrice, and make it to the top through talent and hard work.
Congratulations Rush. You’ve earned it.
Just be careful. I am gaining on you. I am sure you would enjoy the healthy competition that capitalism provides. Besides, I will be honored to have you on my program. After all, unlike you, I depend on guests.