Barack Obama recently kicked Israel in the teeth by demanding that they return to their 1967 borders. His many liberal water carriers are trying to explain why he did not say what he actually said, and that we should not take Mr. Obama’s words literally.
Benjamin Netanyahu gave Mr. Obama a cold dose of reality before congress and AIPAC. Republicans applauded him out of solidarity while the liberals sought cover.
The question that gets asked is whether liberal Jews will abandon Obama and the Democrats.
As a Jewish Republican, I can emphatically say that the answer is…no way.
Ask liberal Jews a simple question and watch them offer tortured non-answers.
Between abortion, global warming, gay marriage, and Israel, rank them in terms of importance.
(Hint: I typed them in order of liberal Jewish importance. Notice I refer to them as liberal Jews and not Jewish liberals. Again, order matters.)
Liberal Jews insist that they care about Israel. Yet that is not the question. The question is how much. Try forcing liberal Jews to rank issues and they will make excuses not to do so when Israel is thrown in the mix.
Understanding liberal Jews is very simple. They stick to Mr. Obama because they believe that he “shares their values.” Yet what are those “Jewish values?”
When liberal Jewish women say that Barack Obama is pro-Israel, what they really mean is that he is pro-choice on abortion. The men see him as pro-Israel because he supports cap and trade. Both of the genders see him as Pro-Israel because he supports gay marriage. Obama refuses to admit this, but his supporters “know” he does. They voted for him, so he must blindly support them the way they do him.
The rationale is simple. “Progressives” agree with him, therefore he has to agree with them. He has to be pro-Israel. Rather than confront themselves or him, they simply explain that he really is on their side. This is no different from battered housewives making excuses for their abusive husbands.
Mr. Obama may not be anti-Israel, but one cannot be pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel. Tell liberal Jews that one cannot be pro-choice and pro-life. They clearly grasp this. Yet with Israel everything becomes moral relativism for these people. On abortion they demand 100% purity. The slightest restriction is disqualification. The same applies to environmentalism and gay rights. It is all or nothing. Yet Israel is “nuanced,” which is code for nothingness.
Despite rabid anti-Semitism in America from many on the left, liberals simply discount this for the “greater good.” No matter how pro-Israel Republicans are, that is dismissed as radical Christian zealots wanting to convert the Jews and create a Christian theocracy and bring about the Rapture. This is ludicrous, but it beats having to admit that being a pro-Israel Republican is less important than the social issues the left truly cares about.
So liberals know that social issues trump Israel. They just refuse to publicly admit it. By saying that they care about “lots of things,” it allows them to hide.
There are liberals who truly are pro-Israel. There are plenty of intelligent liberals. Yet what does one say about those who make excuses for everything Barack Obama says and does because questioning him would mean questioning themselves? What does one say about people who refuse to accept a shock to the system?
The Holocaust was a shock to the system. People saw true evil while the world did nothing.
9/11 was a shock to the system. Many formerly liberal Jews moved to the right because they saw that the world had changed. Many others simply doubled down and made excuses.
Jewish liberals cannot handle any further shocks to their systems. They are too weak and fragile as it is. If they imitate ostriches, the problems will go away and everything will be fine. Barack Obama will stand up for them because there is no way he would betray loyalty and shove useless allies under the bus.
Of course he would. Yet liberal Jews have been bullied their whole lives. If they align with the left, they get to be the bullies rather than get bullied any more. So what if the left has anti-Semitism? Bashing Republicans makes them feel socially accepted. One would think they would rather prefer to unite with their own people, but this desperate desire to be liked by those with no use for them is pathological. The Christian evangelical love for Jews is real and genuine, but that has to be discounted because of social issues.
So what do we call those on the left who know the truth but engage in willful blindness rather than confront reality?
The new TYGRRRR EXPRESS acronym to forever enter the American lexicon describes these people.
They are now and forever known as DLFs, which stands for “dumb liberal (redacted).”
The Jewish ones making excuses are one viral strain of these people known as DJLFs, “dumb Jewish liberal (redacted).”
What else would one call people who think that religion has anything to do with global warming? How else would one describe people who think that Jesus and Moses spent their time worrying about Carbon Dioxide emissions?
For Jewish people, Israel has to matter.
If Israel is “just another issue,” then Israel is a non-issue.
The DJLFs need to understand that while the DLFs do share their rabid passion about abortion, gay marriage, and environmentalism, that is where the similarities end. That is why they are DLFs and not DJLFs. The DLFs know what they are. The DJLFs live in denial. Denial is not a river in Egypt, but all of Israel would be part of Egypt if the DLFs had their way.
The DJLFs consider Republican Jews to be puppets of the Christian evangelicals, but it is the DJLFs being treated like marionettes. The DLFs see the DJLFs as useful idiots. We know what happens when they stop being useful. “Piggy” in “Lord of the Flies” is how it ends.
The DLFs support Samantha Power and every other anti-Israel miscreant around Barack Obama. They know what Reverend Jeremiah is about. They just don’t care. They don’t need to make excuses. The DJLFs make excuses because they will be like pre-Israel Jews if they break away from the DLFs. They will be people without a country.
So what do we do with DJLFs?
We force them to stop making excuses and answer the question I originally asked.
Rank abortion, global warming, gay marriage, and Israel.
Then look in the mirror and admit you are DJLFs, tools to be used.
The religious right is not using Republican Jews. The secularists on the left are using you. The Republican Jews are your friends. The secularists are not. The Republican Jews would be there for you through thick and thin. The secularists? Not a chance.
So how do DJLFs get cured?
They get cranial-glutial extraction surgery. It cures all liberals.
At the very least, they need to look in the mirror, admit who they are, and what they truly believe.
Then they need to admit that their “friends” diverge from them on Israel.
Lastly they need to ask themselves if this even matters.
If it does, there is hope. If not, they forever remain DJLFs.